Chronicle Legion – The Road of Conquest

Chapter 5 - Legatus Legionis (1)[edit]

Chapter 5 - Legatus Legionis (1)[edit]
Part 1[edit]
"The die is cast." "I came, I saw, I conquered." "Et tu, Brute?"

These were all famous quotes of Julius Caesar.

Although the name of Caesar later became the etymological source of "kaiser," meaning emperor, Julius Caesar himself had not ascended to the throne during his lifetime. His final position was "dictator in perpetuity."

Caesar was born in 100 BCE.

He hailed from a patrician family but one limited in wealth and influence.

Not an empire yet at the time, ancient Rome was nearing the end of its republican era. It was a large and prosperous nation with expanding borders and vast territories. Seeking even greater power, those in power kept engaging in political struggles and internal strife.

This was the kind of political scene that Caesar had entered.

Over the course of decades, he rose from being just a young politician with nothing of note except for his family background to become a consul of the Roman Republic and governor of the province of Gaul.

He succeeded as a military commander to put down rebellions in Gaul, defeated political rivals on the battlefield, and wielded unrivaled authority within Rome"s borders.

Finally, Julius Caesar obtained the position of dictator.

Unfortunately, he was at the age of fifty-six after laying the foundations of the future Roman Empire.

His heir, Octavian, became the first emperor, styling himself as Augustus—

One could call Caesar a rare politician and soldier, but he was clearly not so "simple" a character.

A great orator, excellent prose author, master strategian, popular with the people, charming, brazen...

One time when he was kidnapped by pirates, he even complained that they were asking for too low a ransom.

He acc.u.mulated ma.s.sive debts equivalent to a country"s defense budget and it never weighed on his conscience. Only after more than a decade when he attained ascendancy did he finally repay all his debts.

Rumor had it that he had slept with the wives of fully a third of the Roman senators.

Hair loss accompanying advanced age was reportedly one of the things that troubled him.

The soldiers in Caesar"s army also nicknamed their commander "the balding womanizer." Caesar accepted it with a laugh, cultivating a camaraderie of sorts between himself and his army.

In any case, Caesar was neither a saint nor a n.o.ble-minded man.

Fast forward to the year 1998 at the end of the twentieth century. After careful contemplation, Julius Caesar solemnly declared, "Perhaps it is time that I made up my mind to go through with surgery. What do you say?"

"Your Excellency"s appearance has become our national symbol and that includes your receding hairline. Please do not stoop down to cheating with methods such as hair transplantation."

Caesar"s staff officer cautioned the generalissimo who was checking his hairline with a mirror in his hand.

This was Lantau Island in Hong Kong, part of the Eastern Roman Empire"s territory.

Their location included the Roman army"s tutelary fort and the East Asian Administration Region Command Center.

The two of them were talking in the commander"s office belonging to Generalissimo Caesar. Ever year, he spent one third of his time in Hong Kong, another third in j.a.pan, and the remainder spread over other places.

Speaking to Caesar was Alexis Yang, a member of the military staff.

This man"s Chinese name was Yang Zhongda. Thirty-four years old. His slender appearance could be considered handsome and graceful, but the unkempt facial hair around his mouth and chin contributed to an impression of wildness.

"Putting that aside, please listen to a report about the rebellion in j.a.pan first."

Yang projected a visual image. He was a noetic master. A map of Imperial j.a.pan appeared before them along with a report on the Restoration Alliance.

"The Restoration Alliance formed by self-proclaimed loyalists worrying about their country... Bluntly stated, the Kinai Fiefdom is nothing more than a puppet while the British Empire plays triple roles as mastermind, supporter, and provider of combat troops."

"Britain"s target is Lord Tenryuu the sacred beast of j.a.pan, isn"t it?"

"According to rumors, the sacred beasts back at England will not live much longer. Your guess could very well be correct."

Natural resources such as oil and precious metals were often the seeds of international conflict.

And the G.o.dlike sacred beasts were the sources of mystic powers. The possession of potent mystic powers allowed countries to secure wealth, prosperity, and military strength. This was how the modern world worked.

Adhering to this golden rule, the Eastern Roman Empire succeeded. Failing to do so, America fell into decline.

An imperialist state"s top priority was to ensure the continued blessings of sacred beasts.

"The Restoration Alliance"s proposal of "reforming Imperial j.a.pan starting from the west and rescuing the Empress" seems to be garnering favorable reactions from the western fiefdoms of j.a.pan. Perhaps they wish to reenact the Meiji Restoration where Satsuma and Chōshū took over the imperial court."

Yang extended his index finger and drew a circle on the west side of j.a.pan on the map.

Over there were the regions of Kyūshū, Chūgoku, and Shikoku. Yang was an expert on the Far East region and well-versed in j.a.panese affairs and history.

"Then again, the Alliance is rallying behind a slogan of "The Empress must be rid of Caesar"s corrupting influence and the Eastern Roman army has to be expelled from the islands of j.a.pan.""

"That sounds very familiar."

"They are raising a banner of great justice, just as a certain guy called Caesar did in the past."

Ten years ago, there had been American military bases distributed across the islands of j.a.pan.

Condemning the American military for "unjust interference in the internal affairs of Rome"s ally, j.a.pan, and infringing upon the rights of the j.a.panese Empress," Caesar had led an army of a thousand Legions to march on j.a.pan. Styling himself as the protector of j.a.pan and the Empress, he defeated the American forces garrisoned in j.a.pan.

Riding in as the triumphant conqueror, Caesar became j.a.pan"s true ruler in all but name.

This was identical to how he had become Queen Cleopatra"s lover and the conqueror of Egypt way back before the Common Era.

"By the way..." Caesar raised a point of doubt, "Ten years ago, I won over the inc.u.mbent Empress" trusted advisers and the Kantō Fiefdom, who then invited me to lead an expeditionary force to j.a.pan. Now the British Empire wishes to employ the same method... What I fail to understand is why the Kinai Fiefdom would be willing to a.s.sist them."

"My sentiments exactly," Staff Officer Yang nodded in agreement. "I wouldn"t be surprised had it been Kyūshū or Shikoku helping the British since those fiefdoms have kept their distance from both Rome and the current imperial family. However, the Kinai Fiefdom"s Governor General... I recall that he is supposed to bear dislike for Rome and hatred for Britain."

"Furthermore, he is a stubborn guy who never listens to advice." Caesar smiled with amus.e.m.e.nt. He had met all twelve Governor Generals who served as j.a.pan"s regional lords and was familiar with their personalities. "Well, were he the selfish boss of an old-fashioned corporation, he might actually have a chance to shine in the business world."

"In that case, why would he let the British be in control?"

"Perhaps someone used a kind of magic to melt the Kinai Governor General"s stubborn heart, instilling warm feelings of friendship for Britain."

"Magic huh? That sounds especially convincing coming from a guy who died two thousand years ago," Staff Officer Yang responded seriously to his commander"s joke.

After all, in this modern age where Legions, retainer beasts, spirits, and other mysterious beings played an active role, positing "this kind of possibility" was frequently necessary.

"The spellcaster might not necessarily be a noetic master. It is not the kind of miracle that can be performed by ordinary human-level masters. Spirits and retainer beasts are impossible too, because those things don"t understand the intricacies of the human heart. The high-level skills of "mind control" are beyond them."

The noetic master and staff officer of the Roman army a.n.a.lyzed on his own initiative.

As a side note, he was only a middling noetic master. The most he could accomplish was "using noesis to deceive targets with illusions" like a j.a.panese ninja.

"Wouldn"t such an ability be a specialty of Your Excellency"s peers, the Resurrectees?"

"Of course, we are capable of many supernatural feats, but this sort of thing is beyond us too," replied Caesar with a shrug.

"You are well aware, yes? Our Feats of Arms... are purely abilities to take the ill.u.s.trious accomplishments from our past lives and reenact them in the present. They are useless outside of the battlefield."

"Then magic is out of the question?"

"It would be premature to jump to conclusions." Winking to Staff Officer Yang, Caesar said, "They have always been the ones to bring brand-new mystic powers to the world. When those women prayed to the exalted sacred beasts for "weapons to protect their nations," the sacred beasts granted them Legions. When they prayed for "victorious heroes," we were revived."

The man whose name became synonymous with emperor smiled confidently.

"In this world—The sacred beasts are willing to listen to certain people"s selfish and personal requests."

Part 2[edit]
Today was the third day since the British forces showed up at Suruga.

On the first day, Tachibana Masatsugu rescued Princess Shiori"s life and took control of a Kamuy to strike back. On the second day, Masatsugu led sixty-four Kamuys to defeat an army of Crusades.

On the morning of the third day, it happened to be Sunday.

At about 7am, Masatsugu went to Rinzai High"s sports field. Shiori was there on the side.

Refreshing sunlight was illuminating the world. The morning air was crisp and fresh.

"Masatsugu-sama, direct the unruly noesis in your heart and shape it into soldiers, ordering them to materialize... This is how Legions are summoned. The word "legion" has the meaning of army."

The well-educated Shiori was giving explanations.

"From the New Testament of the Bible... The Gospel of Mark, have you heard of it? When Jesus asked a group of evil spirits to name themselves, they answered "My name is Legion, for we are many." Our Legions are the same. They are simultaneous armies and singular life forms. And what gives rise to Legions is precisely the noesis of Chevaliers."

Masatsugu understood. Next, he had to put it into practice.

He concentrated his mind on the vast sky above. Formless, colorless power naturally surged out from the depths of his soul, spreading out above him.

This was noesis or Masatsugu"s willpower and thoughts in other words.

All Chevaliers summoned Legions in the same manner, but for ill.u.s.tration purposes, take the noesis released by Akigase Rikka during summoning for example—

It was less than one fifth of Masatsugu"s.

Resurrectees were warriors who had lived in the ancient world, acc.u.mulating countless ill.u.s.trious victories through h.e.l.lish battlefields.

Modern Chevaliers could not hope to hold a candle to them at all.

"Then using the Appellation you hold, give definite form to the noesis."

These so-called Appellations were born when sacred beasts breathed life into names symbolizing martial feats immortalized in legend.

For example, both Zuihou and Onikiri Yasutsuna were created by Lord Tenryuu, j.a.pan"s sacred beast.

Consequently, by using them, one would manifest the Legions bestowed by Lord Tenryuu, namely, the Kamuys...

"For Resurrectees like you, Masatsugu-sama, their own names can be used directly as Appellations," Shiori told Masatsugu. "Rather than manifesting in the form of an Appellation, the name symbolizing feats of arms is reborn as a living human—That is the kind of being you Resurrectees are."

"But Princess, I don"t know my real name."

Masatsugu was summoned to the human world by the sacred beast Lord Tenryuu. If he were to use his lost name to summon Legions, surely a great army of Kamuys should appear.

"Please use Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada that I gave you yesterday. Since that Appellation is also a name that my grandfather had breathed life into, it might be able to summon Kamuys."

"I see." Masatsugu picked up the j.a.panese sword at his feet and said, "My Appellation of Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada, I summon an army in your name."

Nothing happened. The large amount of noesis released by Masatsugu remained hanging in the sky.

"Still not working..."

In fact, they had experimented until late into the night yesterday.

Masatsugu and Shiori had come to the sports field of Rinzai High, but he failed to summon even a single Legion. That was why they decided to try again in the morning.

"So this method does not work either... We must find a different solution." With a troubled look, Shiori said, "In any case, let us return to the dormitory for breakfast."

Tachibana Masatsugu was a Chevalier—and a legatus legionis who had returned from the underworld to boot.

His fellow Resurrectee, Julius Caesar, commanded over a thousand Legions, yet Masatsugu could not even summon one.

They did not know why this was the case when he clearly had been able to control Rikka"s Kamuys.

Now that the sixty-four Kamuys had already returned to Rikka, Masatsugu did not have a single soldier to use.

The location shifted to the conversation lounge at the Black Lily Dorm a.s.signed exclusively for the princess" use.

It was 8am on Sunday. Due to martial law in effect in Suruga City, no one was in any mood to enjoy the holiday.

The atmosphere in the city was tense, although not to an urgent degree.

j.a.pan, Britain, and Eastern Rome were all signatories of the Charter of Chivalry. These rules of international engagement, akin to sports regulations, strictly prohibited armed forces from attacking settlements beyond a certain population threshold. Rather than fleeing recklessly, it would be safer to stay in one"s own home in the city—

This was one reason why the situation was relatively stable.

"Many people... are remembering scenes from when Lord Caesar swept through j.a.pan with his army of a thousand Legions, I suppose," remarked the princess quietly, having rea.s.sured the boarding students the day before.

Masatsugu and Hatsune were present too. Gathered in the conversation lounge, the trio were having breakfast. The menu included green salad, consomme soup, grilled tomatoes, smoked chicken, and hard-boiled eggs.

There was also black tea, toast, and yogurt.

Laden on the table was a western breakfast with balanced nutrition.

"Lord Caesar especially loves his grand entrances after all," Shiori poked fun at j.a.pan"s true ruler. "After the defeat of the Americans was sealed, he actually had no need to visit every part of j.a.pan. He ended up personally leading an expedition from Hokkaidō to Okinawa... Deliberately sending out Centuriae to hunt down the American military, he showed off his power to the j.a.panese citizens."

The Centuria was the mainstay Legion of the Eastern Roman Empire.

"It was said that he studied the Charter of Chivalry enthusiastically at the time to prevent the fighting from affecting the j.a.panese populace. Even newspapers and television made special reports about it..."

Incidentally, back in ancient Rome before Caesar reached his position of authority...

His debts were astronomical. And the money he borrowed had been spent on dressing fashionably, giving gifts to women, holding personal parades or gladiator matches for the general public to attend, thereby gaining popularity, etc, all expenses that would cause any decent person to frown upon hearing about them.

"I remember too. I saw those news reports when I was young."

Hatsune, the lady-in-waiting, was also having breakfast at the table.

Behaving naturally when seated at the same table as the princess, even chomping on toast covered with b.u.t.ter and jam, it was evident that Hatsune was no ordinary character.

However, the girl from the Tachibana clan suddenly stared at Masatsugu and asked suspiciously, "Onii-sama, this has been bugging me for a while now. You"re clearly a young man, but why is your appet.i.te so small?"

"That"s true, you"re very right."

Masatsugu normally went through his morning routine in the boys dorm, but ever since Shiori"s move-in, he always came to the Black Lily Dorm early in the morning to do random and fulfill his duty as bodyguard. Also, during breakfast with the girls today, he only had a salad (without dressing), a hard-boiled egg (with only a pinch of salt), a slice of toast (plain), and a cup of water.

No one knew what the future was like, but at least for the time being, Suruga City did not have any problem with food shortages.

Masatsugu was not forced by circ.u.mstance to diet. This was his usual appet.i.te.

"I"m not used to eating too much delicious food, so this is enough."

He felt that something inside him would get sluggish if he became accustomed to eating full meals.

Inexplicably, that was what Masatsugu felt. At this moment, an idea struck him. Perhaps this was because he was not a modern person.

However, he still could not recall his past memories or his true name.

It was very possible that he had lived in a time of famine or had originated from an impoverished land.

Masatsugu pondered various possibilities while Hatsune stared intently at him.

"I never thought you had become a Chevalier before losing your memory, Onii-sama. I was so surprised. Also, you even inherited an Appellation related to the Shinsengumi."

"Sorry for telling you so late. I only found out yesterday myself."

After the battle yesterday, that was how Masatsugu had explained the story to Hatsune.

Masatsugu had not revealed the true reason why he was able to control Legions. Perhaps one day, he would have to tell Hatsune "we"re actually not blood related and I"m not from the modern age." However, that could definitely wait until the situation had settled.

"Say, Onii-sama, so your Appellation isn"t that one huh..."

"That one?" Masatsugu asked in response to Hatsune"s murmuring.

"The one secretly pa.s.sed down our Tachibana family. I think it"s still under the elders" safekeeping. It"s a treasure that every j.a.panese citizen knows."

At that moment, they heard the doorbell from the entrance. A visitor had evidently arrived.

"Your Highness, pray forgive me for paying an uninvited visit."

The visitor was taken to the Black Lily Dorm"s reception room.

It was Chevalier Akigase Rikka. She was dressed in a black military officer"s uniform with a j.a.panese sword hanging at her waist.

Naturally, Shiori was the host. Masatsugu was present as "the princess" knight" while Hatsune helped out as the lady-in-waiting by serving green tea to their guest.


Masatsugu was observing Rikka"s j.a.panese sword rather than her person.

The sword was in its scabbard, but still exuded powerful noesis as befitted a blade of great renown. Masatsugu could tell that the sword was equal to his own Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada—No.

Purely judging them as swords, Rikka"s was probably several grades higher.

However, their respective feats and accomplishments were comparable... Simply stated, since Akigase Rikka had inherited such a sword, she was evidently a talented general.

Incidentally, after the battle yesterday, Masatsugu had accompanied Shiori to meet Rikka.

"This is Tachibana Masatsugu-sama. Due to certain reasons, he has yet to receive Chevalier Conferment... But he is definitely a genuine Chevalier and my personal staff officer of sorts."

"Please forget the name of Hijikata. It was merely a ploy of convenience used during a emergency."

That was how Shiori had introduced Masatsugu, who had led Legions to fight on the battlefield.

After that, Rikka had invoked her authority as an official Chevalier to carry out a simplified acknowledgement of Tachibana Masatsugu"s Chevalier Conferment. With this, Masatsugu could now carry Izumi-no-Kami openly. Otherwise, ordinary civilians were forbidden from wearing swords and blades.

"B-By the way, Your Highness."

After exchanging pleasantries with Shiori, the lady Chevalier sneaked a glance at Masatsugu and said in a bit of a stammer.

"May I... Would it be possible for me to have a brief word with him? As a fellow Chevalier, I am curious about a few things."

"Most certainly. Please go ahead, Masatsugu-sama."


At Shiori"s urging, Masatsugu came before Rikka.

The courageous lady Chevalier was unbelievably looking down in embarra.s.sment, too shy to make eye contact with Masatsugu when clearly, she was the one who came to visit during this time of emergency.

In the end, the two of them sat down face to face on the sofa in the reception room.

Rikka coughed dryly and said slowly, "Hijikata-dono, thank you so much for yesterday."

"My name is Tachibana."

Seeing her address him with the name of convenience, Masatsugu instantly corrected her.

"E-Excuse me, Hijikata-dono."

"My name is Tachibana."

"...I see, do you insist on denying it? W-Well then, Tachibana-dono, there is a question I would like to ask. Do people often say you are as handsome as a celebrity?"

Rikka had asked a very odd question. Didn"t she say she wanted a conversation between fellow Chevaliers?

Besides, her expression was very nervous. This young maiden with the honored t.i.tle of the "Chevalier princess of House Akigase" was acting like a shy little girl in front of Masatsugu.

Masatsugu did not know what was going on, but anyway, he answered, "Someone did say that recently."

"I knew it... Then how do you feel about haiku poetry?"

"I guess I like them. It"s just that I don"t have talent for writing them."

"I knew it!"

Masatsugu became more and more confused. Why would this girl know that the haikus he wrote in j.a.panese cla.s.s were terrible? Totally inexplicable.

In contrast, Rikka seemed quite excited by this exchange. She hastily asked, "Well then, Tachibana-dono. Your sword is Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada, is that correct?"


"I knew it..."

Despite Masatsugu"s expressionless answers, Rikka was very moved.

Observing from the side, Hatsune said, "As handsome as a celebrity, an interest in haiku but bad at writing them, Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada is his sword, that"s totally Hijikata Toshizō, you know? Going with this flow, Onii-sama is definitely quite similar to the "Merciless Vice-Commander"."


"That"s right. I"ve read Roar, My Sword and Heroic Impressions of the Shinsengumi at least. I"ve also studied the trio of Hijikata-san, Commander Kondō, and Okita Sōji in great detail."

"Hatsune, you think I"m good-looking too?"

"It"s true, but one can"t help but wish your personality was more normal."

"You should keep that last part to yourself."

"That"s the way things are. What"s inside a man counts more than his face♪"

After listening to Hatsune"s comments, Masatsugu finally understood.

Rikka was apparently taken in by their ploy of convenience, mistakenly believing "Tachibana Masatsugu is Hijikata Toshizō."

That was not all. Masatsugu gazed at Rikka, who was looking downwards with a blush, clearly bashful. A hunch... surfaced in Masatsugu"s mind.

Perhaps she had some kind of personal feelings for Hijikata Toshizō.

Must be something like a fervent fan or a worshiper. Seeing the situation make a turn for the bizarre, Masatsugu glanced at Shiori. She was the most suitable person to handle this.

After some contemplation, Shiori said, "Rikka-sama, since it would be best to avoid leaving the tutelary fort undefended for extended durations, please return for now. Later on... I will surely bring Masatsugu-sama to pay you a visit."

When delivering this statement, Shiori spoke Masatsugu"s name suggestively.

"When the time comes, I hope you will permit us to use the water shrine."

"Indeed, that is a request that would not be granted lightly, but given the emergency circ.u.mstances and the fact that this Hi—Tachibana-dono has Your Highness" recommendation, I shall permit it."

As soon as the words "water shrine" were mentioned, Rikka"s expression immediately changed.

The hero-worshiping maiden turned back into an awe-inspiring female warrior.

Finally, Rikka prepared to leave. On her way to the entrance, she no longer exhibited any maidenly fl.u.s.ter.

Masatsugu secretly concluded to himself that this was Akigase Rikka"s original demeanor.

He accompanied Shiori and Hatsune to see Rikka off at the entrance. After bidding the princess goodbye, Rikka stared straight at Hatsune and said, "It has been bothering me since earlier... May I ask if we have met before?"

"Eh? Me and you, Rikka-sama?"

"Not recently, but long ago... As children. I remember the Tōkaidō Fiefdom organizing a martial arts tournament at Nagoya Castle and we were both competing in the youth division. What is your full name?"

"Uh, Tachibana Hatsune."

"I knew it. The Tachibana of Suruga—The clan that had Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune bestowed upon them."

Minamoto no Yos.h.i.tsune was known as Ushiwakamaru and Shanaou during childhood. His exploits included fighting Musashibō Benkei at Gojō Bridge, leading a cavalry charge down a cliff to launch a surprise attack in the Battle of Ichi-no-Tani, and complete victory over the Taira clan at Dan-no-ura. Kurou Hougan was one of his other nicknames.

Rikka looked at the Tachibana maiden and asked, "Has no one inherited that Appellation yet?"

"Oh, not yet. It is quite high-level and seems pretty difficult."

"I suppose. However, it would be quite a shame for such a powerful Appellation to lie dormant. Please let me know if there is any way I could help and I will provide full a.s.sistance. It would be more rea.s.suring to have as many powerful Chevaliers as possible, especially given the current circ.u.mstances under the threat of war."

After saying that, Akigase Rikka departed from Black Lily Dorm.

It looked like the Tachibana clan"s treasured Appellation had quite the distinguished pedigree.

Part 3[edit]
"You four are volunteering to attack Suruga...? Well, that is certainly not a problem."

Sir Black Knight was taken aback for a moment, surprised by the sudden suggestion.

However, he immediately gave a cordial smile and accepted graciously. The four standing before him were Chevaliers serving the Kinai Fiefdom.

"We British have failed to invade Suruga on two occasions already. Undeniably, it is time for you gentlemen of the Kinai Fiefdom to take a shot."

Their location was Fuji City at the base of the sacred mountain of Fuji. The Fuji tutelary fort was located in the wetlands in the countryside.

Currently, this military facility had been conquered by the British forces of the Restoration Alliance.

It was the third day since the operation began. The time was 10:26. Sir Black Knight was taking a break, having coffee in the dining hall reserved for high-ranking officers.

Four j.a.panese men had come to pay him a visit.

They were the Chevaliers the Kinai Fiefdom had sent as reinforcements.

"Lord Black Knight, we have a proposal. It weighs heavily on our conscience that your British knights have been burdened with taking the lead thus far. The four of us are willing to conquer the Suruga tutelary fort on your behalf—"

They refused to let Britain take complete credit no matter what.

Despite courteous wording on the j.a.panese men"s part, their ambition was clear as day.

Sir Black Knight listened courteously to their explanation. These four j.a.panese were planning to sortie either tomorrow or the day after.

Sir Black Knight told them very candidly, "As the saying goes, strike while the iron is hot. Why not set off tonight? We of the British Empire will provide full support."

In the end, the Kinai provincial army"s Chevaliers accepted Sir Black Knight"s suggestion and took their leave.

"Sigh, what a ha.s.sle."

After the j.a.panese left, two remained in the dining hall.

They were Sir Black Knight, shrugging with a smile, and the genie Morrigan sitting on the side.

"...You seem, rather pleased."

"The more knights under one"s command, the more a ha.s.sle it is, naturally. I was simply reminiscing."

Currently, the Fuji tutelary fort was occupied by one contingent of the Restoration Alliance.

This occupying force consisted of soldiers from the Far East fleet of the British Imperial Forces, most prominently the destroyer Tintagel. Most of its numbers came from thousands of marines transported by landing crafts.

The captain of the Tintagel, Sir Grayson, served as the commanding officer.

Main combatants were two Chevaliers, Sir Steven and Sir Lampard, both Knights of Her Majesty.

However, the Kinai Fiefdom had dispatched j.a.panese Chevaliers and several thousand soldiers yesterday. These reinforcements converged with the British forces at the Fuji tutelary fort after reaching the port of Tagonoura.

"Everyone wants to get out there and fight, right? a.s.signing manpower is part of the commander"s job."

"Are you referring, to ambition for glory?"

"This is one of the reasons, though expenses in modern warfare are funded by the state and the military. In the past, knights had to fully fund themselves, which meant that heading out to battle entailed exorbitant expenditure."

A va.s.sal received territory from the king but had to pay taxes and contribute military service in exchange.

One had to shoulder all necessary expenses on their own. Bluntly stated, this was the life of the medieval European knight. j.a.panese daimyo also adhered to a similar system to serve the shogunate government.

In fact, the relationship between the modern j.a.panese imperial family and the Twelve Houses was not much different from that.

"Armor is astoundingly expensive while keeping a military horse carries heavy costs. Likewise, followers and infantry all require money. There was absolutely no point in going to battle unless there was a chance to win spoils of victory."

"...What a tough life, the world of medieval knights."

"There is more. Plundering and robbery were ways to take a hefty profit while enemy knights could be captured as hostages in exchange for handsome ransoms. Hence, knights of high standing generally lived long."

Modern people had too many fantasies about "what it was to be a knight."

Sir Black Knight smiled wryly. In his past life, he was a dreamer who had pursued "the ideals of chivalry" but had also experienced many challenging battles.

"Taking "rules of warfare" of this sort from our past and repackaging them in modern style to be more palatable to the common people who are tamed by the sweet life of civilization... That was probably what went through His Majesty Karl"s mind when he thought up the Charter of Chivalry."

"Are you, projecting your own, small-mindedness onto others?"

"No, reborn from the abyss of the underworld yet still seeking to sate our hunger for the thrill of war—We Resurrectees are all people of this sort. It is only normal to think in such a way."

"I, see."

"Besides, wars are very convenient in this era, which is truly wonderful. Legions are generated from our noesis and we do not need authority or vast fortunes to raise armies. As long as water shrines could be requisitioned, the maintenance of Legions requires little labor or money."

As a "prince" in the past, Sir Black Knight never had to worry about living expenses.

However, he had plenty of experience with financial troubles in raising war funds. In contrast, starting a battle in the modern era was as easy as having a game of chess. What a lovely time to live in.

"By the way, how is the Chevalier Strength of the Kinai Chevaliers who were here just now?"

"According to records, every one of them at 50 or so."

"Then the four of them together totals two hundred. Suruga"s lady knight has roughly a hundred and fifty combined with home advantage. We do not have overwhelming odds in our favor... Morrigan, could you please check the location of our princess?"

The genie instantly sat up straight after hearing this instruction.

"Princess Eleanor?"

"Yes, please ask the princess to execute that preparatory task. I heard that the lady knight is the Tōkaidō Governor General"s daughter, definitely worth recruiting to our camp."

"The Chevalier using the katana-wielding Legions... Is it alright to leave him alone?"

Yesterday, Morrigan and Sir Black Knight had watched the Suruga siege from overhead.

Unexpectedly, an army had shown up midway and used katanas with astounding swordsmanship. The Legions were identical to Kamuys in appearance except red-purple in color. Furthermore, their commander"s noesis was extremely strong and unyielding...

Morrigan brought up the very memorable character, prompting Sir Black Knight to smile and reply, "Forget about him. After all, the princess can"t handle him either. Besides, aren"t you curious? How will this character, who seems to harbor some kind of secret, handle new enemies this time?"

"S-Sometimes, Resurrectees would hide their true names."

While speaking, Princess Shiori cringed in embarra.s.sment.

"In every case... they are Chevaliers whose Chevalier Strength exceeds 500, allowing them to bring out potent power on the battlefield. H-However, they attract too much attention."

"Attract too much attention?" Masatsugu asked while pressing his small camera"s shutter b.u.t.ton.

Shiori bowed her head momentarily to avoid the lens but she still answered very carefully.

"Take for example how the Kamuys under your control were red-purple, Masatsugu-sama. M-Many Resurrectees will summon special Legions... Or use Feats of Arms originating from ill.u.s.trious accomplishments in their past lives."

"That"s true. Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada"s Feat of Arms is "Hijikata Toshizō"s swordsmanship"."

"Since they are such striking existences, their ident.i.ties are easily deduced at a glance by discerning eyes. Consequently, they all use aliases and never partic.i.p.ate in large-scale warfare until they are deployed in a crucial battle... So as to conceal their existence. This way, the mere partic.i.p.ation of a Resurrectee is already a s-surprise attack of great magnitude."

"I see, no wonder Akigase-dono mistook me for Hijikata Toshizō."

Nodding in acknowledgement, Masatsugu kept snapping photos with his camera.

Every time he pressed the shutter, Shiori cringed in embarra.s.sment.

"She thinks I"m hiding my ident.i.ty while the name of Hijikata used last time is my real name, right?"

"I believe so. M-Masatsugu-sama, why must I wear a swimsuit!?"

In a rare moment, the platinum blonde princess protested in a raised voice.

Currently, Shiori was wearing just a white bikini in Masatsugu"s presence.

Their location was an empty cla.s.sroom in Rinzai High. Under double effects from the imposition of martial law and it being Sunday, there was virtually no one in school. Chances of being seen were vanishingly small.

"This is an application requirement for the beauty contest planned for the school festival."

"Beauty contest!?"

"Princess, didn"t I mention yesterday that I will need you to do me a small favor as a woman?"

Masatsugu"s instant reveal of the answer made Shiori recall her earlier promise in a sudden realization.

"I am the school festival executive committee member in charge of the beauty contest. I"ve waited desperately for beautiful female students to enter and liven up this contest."

"Y-You are asking me to enter a beauty contest!? And dressed in such a revealing swimsuit!"



The ever intelligent Shiori was at a loss for words and greatly fl.u.s.tered.

Showing so much skin in front of others seemed to be making her very embarra.s.sed.

"Princess, if you are unwilling, I will cancel it..."

"N-No, I am willing to work for your sake in exchange for your a.s.sistance—Those were the terms of our contract and promise. Th-This is nothing."

Shiori finally straightened her posture and faced the camera lens.

However, she still could not dispel her feelings of embarra.s.sment, crossing her arms to hide her body. This ended up squeezing and lifting her bosom, further highlighting the princess" magnificent figure.

Without any change in expression, Masatsugu kept taking photos nonstop.

Shyness on her beautiful face, paired with a s.e.xy figure, Shiori was undoubtedly an attractive magazine model this moment.

ChronicleLegion 01 BW10.jpg
"P-Please stop photographing me so much. This swimsuit was acquired on my behalf by a lady-in-waiting at Rome"s imperial capital last year... It is skimpy to begin with and my wearing it is a bit... Furthermore, it has gotten tighter after a year."


In other words, the princess" figure had been maturing rather willfully.

The fruits of her bosom were reminiscent of small cantaloupes, her waist exhibited curves whose beauty words failed to do full justice, and her b.u.t.tocks were round and voluptuous. This excellent figure, normally hidden beneath conservative attire or a uniform, was now quietly displayed before Masatsugu.

After Akigase Rikka"s departure...

Shiori originally wanted to invite Masatsugu for a trip to the tutelary fort.

Masatsugu told her he needed a favor before going to the tutelary fort and carefully reminded Shiori to bring her swimsuit. Incidentally, the small camera used by Masatsugu was part of the school festival executive committee"s inventory.

"B-By the way, Masatsugu-sama, how many people will be taking part in the application approval process?" asked Shiori timidly. "I do not wish to be seen in a swimsuit by too many individuals..."

"Rest a.s.sured, the approval committee consists of three or four people, but I make the final decision as the one in charge. There"s no problem even if I check it alone—"

"Eh? Then doesn"t that imply it was never necessary for me to wear a swimsuit in the first place?"

When Shiori pointed out a suspicious point, Masatsugu pondered for a moment before answering, "Indeed that is true."

"Masatsugu-sama! Then it is your fault that I wore a swimsuit for nothing!"

The princess yelled at him but Masatsugu shook his head.

"Not at all. This session was not a waste in the slightest."

"Why is that!?"

"I feel very lucky to have witnessed such a beautiful body. This already makes it worth my while to serve a princess for the past two days."


Masatsugu"s honest opinion caused Shiori to freeze inexplicably.

She looked as though his words had startled her unexpectedly and she did not know how to react.

"Masatsugu-sama... One would have you pegged as a straitlaced person at first glance."

Shiori walked angrily to Masatsugu"s side.

After the photo session, she had put on her uniform on top of the swimsuit and they were now walking back. It took them twenty minutes to arrive before the dorm from Rinzai High"s school building.

"Could it be that you are very accustomed to interacting with girls? Yesterday, you teased me at every opportunity and today, you showered me with abundant flattery..."

"I guess that"s the kind of person I was before losing my memory."


Shiori was taken aback by this explanation. Masatsugu continued, "Recently, while reviewing the beauty contestant applications, I"ve discovered that I seem to be a man with broad tastes when it comes to ladies."

"W-What are you implying?"

"I mean I"m a guy who appreciates all kinds of ladies."

"You appreciate all kinds of ladies!?"

"For example, Year 3 Cla.s.s 3"s Sawan.o.bori-san has a mature air that I find quite alluring. In contrast, Year 2 Cla.s.s 2"s Itou-san has this grade schooler look that seems like a rare advantage. Horiike-san from track and field has the kind of natural beauty you find in athletic clubs. Hasegawa-san, who"s always sick in the infirmary, has a frail endearing quality that"s quite nice. The English teacher Toda-sensei, who just signed her divorce papers a month ago, is already a thirty-seven-year-old woman, but she"s got this charm you can"t find in high schoolers."

"Y-You are simply l.u.s.ting after everything female!"

"I don"t deny that. Ah, Oriha-san, who manages the girls dorms, also has this warmth and open-mindedness that I really like."

"A-As far as I recall, isn"t she in her late fifties...?"

"Yes. Perhaps her looks have faded over the years, but she has this inner beauty that"s been distilled through the pa.s.sage of time."


"I"ve lost my past memories, but my body and soul still remember how to fight. As a result, I was able to enter the battlefield extremely naturally to kill enemies and control Legions... In fact, I think it"s the same for how I deal with women."

Masatsugu was talkative in a rare moment, perhaps because the subject of women came up.

"My body and soul haven"t forgotten how to build deep relationships with women. I"d like to try it out as soon as I get a chance—"


"Just kidding. I know these are no joking matters."

"Hearing you say that, I am finally relieved..."

Only after Masatsugu expressionless admitted he was joking did Shiori look rea.s.sured.

He was struck by a thought. This highly intelligent princess was full of cunning but handled this type of conversation poorly. That made her extremely cute.

While chatting, the two of them returned to the conversation lounge at Black Lily Dorm.

The residents of Shiori and Hatsune, the domestic helper ladies from the Tachibana clan, and Masatsugu were the only ones authorized to enter this building.

The lady-in-waiting who would normally come out to greet Shiori with a cheerful "welcome home~" was nowhere to be seen. It seemed like she had gone out.

"Where did Hatsune go? I was thinking of asking her to drive."

"Princess, are you talking about visiting Akigase-sama at the tutelary fort?"

"I believe that ectoplasmic fluid is essential if you are to fully awaken, Masatsugu-sama. Active Legions consume ectoplasmic fluid but you have not replenished your reserves for many years."

"Is that why I can"t summon my own Legions?"

"Yes. Thanks to the misunderstanding regarding Hijikata Toshizō"s name last time, Rikka-sama is willing to support us actively. We should take this opportunity to resupply at the water shrine and establish a pact."

Masatsugu accepted Shiori"s suggestion but he had another idea.

Would this really be enough to solve the problem? For some reason, Masatsugu did not agree with the princess. However, unable to offer an alternative, he could only look around the room silently.


Masatsugu noticed a note left on the table in the conversation lounge.

"Princess, Hatsune has gone to the tutelary fort."

"On her own? What is she doing there?"

"This... is what she wrote."

The note signed by Hatsune read "Princess and Onii-sama: I am going out for a bit because my heroic ambitions have suddenly awakened. Anyway, I will be visiting a relative"s house in the city before heading to the tutelary fort. Don"t worry about me even if I"m out late."

Part 4[edit]
"Grandpa! I came to get what the princess wanted!"

Using this excuse, Tachibana Hatsune obtained what she wanted for herself.

The Tachibana clan"s most venerable elder, the hundred-and-two-year-old Tachibana Bunzaemon, initially refused, saying "Hmm~ Then let"s hold a meeting for the clan"s approval..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, Grandpa? Suruga is in a crisis right now, it"s an emergency!"

The word emergency overturned the elder"s objections.

As a result, Hatsune left Bunzaemon"s residence near Suruga Station.

Her next destination was the eastern part of Suruga City where Rinzai High was located. But rather than the dorm, she was heading to the plateau in the mountainous region east of the city—The Suruga tutelary fort.

Riding a scooter, Hatsune sped along the road.

She was dressed in her usual kimono, hakama, and low boots in Haikara-san style. In addition, she was wearing a helmet and carrying a certain object next to her bosom.

"Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune"s Appellation... Every challenge is worth a try."

Hatsune was an accomplished martial artist but was never inspired to become a Chevalier.

However, now that Suruga City and the princess were caught up in the Restoration Alliance"s coup d"etat, the situation was very dire. There was no downside to holding combat power—

For a mere school girl to have such sense, she truly belonged to the Tachibana clan that prided themselves on strength and valor.

Besides, it did not feel fair for Masatsugu-oniisama, the other young Tachibana, to be fighting alone. It bothered her. She did not want to lose to him.

"By the way, my father in Tokyo said he wanted to come talk about Onii-sama. What the heck is that about?"

With Suruga"s surrounding area blockaded by the Restoration Alliance, her father could not possibly visit in such circ.u.mstances.

In any case, Hatsune arrived near the tutelary fort on her scooter. Yesterday, a great number of Kamuys and Crusades were killed in combat and many Legions had crashed in this area.

Now, the dead bodies from either the j.a.panese or the British side were no longer visible.

Legions were giants created from the noesis of Chevaliers. Their bodies would vanish an hour after death.

Hence, Hatsune reached the side gate without running into any corpses.

Of course, this was not a place where civilians could freely frequent. Fortunately, Hatsune had accompanied the princess on her frequent visits recently, so the soldier guarding the gate remembered her face.

Moreover, she had a trump card.

"I have a matter to discuss with the castellan Rikka-sama... Oh, I forgot the appointed time but Rikka-sama said I was welcome to drop by any time♪ Please have a look at this."

She brought up the earlier verbal promise and took out Akigase Rikka"s calling card.

This was the card Shiori had handed to Hatsune recently, on which the words "please provide a.s.sistance to the princess" had been written. Hatsune was holding onto the card for Shiori as her lady-in-waiting and was now making use of it.

Half-convinced, the guard still confirmed with the tutelary fort for clearance.

In the end, Rikka gave the go ahead and the guard readily allowed Hatsune in.

Happy-go-lucky in other people"s eyes, Hatsune was actually quite meticulous and careful—at least she thought so herself—and rather slick in her comings and goings.

This time, she succeeded in infiltrating the tutelary fort through impulse and initiative.

Hatsune"s goal was to show "a certain object" to Rikka for appraisal, thus taking the opportunity to ask about her successful experience. Hatsune wanted to know how Chevalier Akigase Rikka had inherited the Appellation of the famous Onikiri.

"Onii-sama has forgotten his past of inheriting an Appellation... So asking someone else to share their experience is a good idea."

This was not a place one could arbitrarily visit on optimistic impulse and spirit alone.

Hatsune understood this much. Following the soldier guiding her, she walked into the tutelary fort"s premises.

She saw the barracks and hangars that had been wrecked two days earlier.

There were also the nervous and weary soldiers of the Tōkaidō provincial army.

Witnessing these images, Hatsune was taken to a small three-story building.

It was a bit similar to mixed tenant buildings in the city. The castellan"s office was located there. Shiori had visited this place yesterday.

...Arriving at the entrance, Hatsune asked the soldier guide in curiosity, "Excuse me, did you just see something weird run inside?"

"No, I didn"t," answered the soldier immediately, but Hatsune did not believe him.

Just now, a "human figure shrouded in black haze" had slipped into the building. The figure was roughly Hatsune"s height but unfortunately, she could not get a good look at the face obscured by the haze.

However, did the soldier guide not even see the black haze...?

At that moment, a certain object next to Hatsune"s bosom vibrated.

Hatsune hastily took it out, a blue scroll. Old j.a.panese paper had been rolled up then bound using scarlet string. This was the Tachibana clan"s treasured item for Kurou Hougan Yos.h.i.tsune"s manifestation—

The scroll symbolizing the seal of a Feat of Arms vibrated again.

It was trying to convey something. Certain beyond a doubt, Hatsune charged forward to chase the human figure!

"They should be contacting me any time now..."

Rikka muttered quietly.

She was in the castellan"s office, facing the desk on her own.

Blockaded by the Restoration Alliance, Suruga City was like a land-locked island with no way to communicate with the outside. But today was already the third day.

The pipe foxes sent out of the city should have returned by now.

Nagoya Castle—the headquarters of the Tōkaidō Fiefdom and House Akigase—should be relaying messages to her too.

If only there was a way to exchange information and establish communications, Rikka would be able to work in concert with friendly forces outside instead of being stuck inside the tutelary fort on defense duty.

"...I suppose the Restoration Alliance is well aware of this too."

The Alliance"s forces had taken over the Fuji tutelary fort.

Perhaps they were going to lay siege to Suruga in full force within the next two days.

Naturally, the enemy"s two Knights of Her Majesty had suffered major losses and could not fight again so soon.

In contrast, Rikka with her Chevalier Strength of 154 still had Kamuys to use.

Including previous casualties, all one hundred and fifty-four of Rikka"s Legions had fully recovered.

"I don"t really enjoy defending castles, but I am thankful for this one fact."

The greatest advantage of fighting on home turf was that Legions that had fallen in combat near the tutelary fort where the tutelary pact was established only needed one day to revive.

Furthermore, a Chevalier also gained toughness from a water shrine"s blessing.

There was once a Chevalier who fought for seven days straight, neither resting nor sleeping, and succeeded in defending a tutelary fort.

In the past, siege battles favored the defending side. The same principle applied to modern Legion combat too. Hence, Rikka was able to maintain composure without getting too neurotic.

In fact, the body would not hold up for long if one remained tense continuously during times of crisis.

"Indeed, which is why reading this is fine too."

Rikka coughed lightly and reached out for a book on the desk.

The paperback on the desk was Roar, My Sword, written by a national history novelist. Featuring Hijikata Toshizō the Shinsengumi vice-commander as the protagonist, it was a brilliant masterpiece depicting b.l.o.o.d.y battles and stories of youth.

Rikka flipped the pages casually. She had fallen in love with this book back in Grade 6.

Taking this book to Suruga was purely coincidence. Originally, she had picked it off her bookshelves at home on a whim, wanting to savor this famous t.i.tle again after so long.

Never had Rikka expected to encounter Hijikata Toshizō in the land of Suruga through destiny"s mischievous twists—

"The power to take my Kamuys... That was certainly no ordinary Chevalier."

The young man calling himself Tachibana Masatsugu had a handsome face, carried Izumi-no-Kami Kanesada, and specialized in Tennen Rishin Style swordsmanship.

All elements corroborated Rikka"s guess. Furthermore, there were no extant photographs of Hijikata Toshizō.

One theory was that Hijikata Toshizō never appeared before the camera his whole life as a precaution against by the Meiji government. He did not want his image to spread.

However, he was as good-looking as a celebrity—

Many people had attested to that fact. And likewise, Tachibana Masatsugu was so handsome...

Just as Rikka was thinking about Masatsugu"s face, someone knocked at the office"s door. Recalling news that the princess" lady-in-waiting had arrived, she wondered if he might have come too.

Rikka could not help but feel a little nervous. She put the paperback away inside a drawer.

"P-Please enter."

Rikka put on a calm face intentionally.

However, she frowned as soon as she saw the visitor. It was a human figure shrouded in black haze, obscuring the face and figure, presumably a powerful noetic technique for masking one"s appearance.

That being said, noesis of this strength—Rikka was quite doubtful.

Human noetic masters were not capable of such output. This had already reached the level of high-ranking retainer beasts.

Ordinary people would not even register this black haze crossing before their eyes, right? Such was the strength of the noesis used for ident.i.ty concealment.

"Excuse me, but this technique is useless on me. At most, it just makes it harder to see clearly."

Rikka shrugged and raised her right hand.

She picked up her personal blade, Onikiri Yasutsuna. Noetic techniques had limited effect on Chevaliers like Rikka who possessed a high-level Appellation.

"I acknowledge your ability in sneaking into the tutelary fort through unknown means. If you are an, I shall meet you with this sword of mine."

Drawing Onikiri Yasutsuna, Rikka stood up and slowly approached the figure. Even though the outline was blurred, severing parts of the body would not be any problem.

However, the figure immediately dispelled the disguise.

"A bold declaration. Fufufu."

A young woman appeared, her laughter as beautiful as the sound of silver bells.

Furthermore, she was a blonde maiden whose gorgeous hair reached waist length. Her figure was so svelte that her limbs seemed delicate enough to break with a gentle squeeze. Most striking of all was her beautiful face.

Delicate, exquisite, as lovely as a fairy. Her skin was also perfectly pale and pristine like porcelain.

She was wearing a black fur coat that reached her waist. Her slender legs were clad in black tights. Her black attire was reminiscent of funeral wear, probably due to the femme fatale aura she exuded.

"I would like to make a request to the fierce and courageous knight—Please acknowledge me, Eleanor, as your master. Bow down before me and pledge your allegiance."

"What rubbish are you speaking..."

The blonde girl looked straight at Rikka, causing her to shudder.

Rikka could not exert any strength in her body. Her body even began to move on its own. Bending slightly forward at the waist, her knees were almost about to kneel. Her view was dominated by the blonde girl.

If she were to bow her head and swear an oath of loyalty—

Akigase Rikka would become the girl"s possession. This provoked Rikka"s anger.


Mustering all her strength, Rikka gripped Onikiri Yasutsuna"s blade tightly with her left hand.

The blade sliced open the surface of her palm. Pain arrived with the shedding of fresh blood, but thanks to this pain, the mysterious control lessened somewhat. Rikka glared viciously at the girl before her.

Though her limbs were still weak, slashing the enemy would not be a problem.

"Oh dear, to think that there exist Chevaliers in the j.a.pan who can resist binding curses. How surprising."

The blonde girl smiled at Rikka who had regained presence of mind.

Holding a .38 revolver in her right hand, she aimed at Rikka"s head.

"Even among the Knights of Her Majesty, few are able to resist my power. Someone as dangerous as you should be killed as a precaution..."

The enchantress smiled with mockery.

Rikka lamented inside. An ordinary swordsman facing firearms would be a very unfavorable situation, but she was a Chevalier with the ability to sense and control noesis.

She was capable of reading the witch"s bloodl.u.s.t to evade the moment before the trigger was pulled.

Then swiftly closing in, she would slay the enemy with an instantaneous slash of the sword.

Unfortunately, Rikka was in poor condition at the moment and unable to rush into attack range. Most troublesome of all, the witch Eleanor was staring intently into Rikka"s eyes, hypnotizing her with enchanted words.

"Let me ask you again... Please will you become my knight?"

Golden light flashed from the witch"s eyes.

Rikka gritted her teeth. The witch"s eyes were draining her body of strength. The situation was getting worse with each pa.s.sing moment. She needed some kind of opportunity to enable her to counterattack!

"This ends here, villain!"

A girl"s courageous and energetic voice was heard at the scene.

The princess" lady-in-waiting, Tachibana Hatsune, charged into the office. Able to see the witch that ordinary people could not see, she threw the blue scroll in her hand at the witch.

Living up to the name of Tachibana blood, she had responded without the slightest hesitation.


The witch reflexively dodged the scroll flying at her face.

Eleanor"s movements were nimble. Despite looking weak and frail, she had reflexes like a beast. However, her course of action was undeniably a mistake—


Spurring her exhausted body, Rikka stepped forward.

Giving it her all, she sent a thrust of the sword at the witch"s throat. However, her weakened body could not move as normal. In the end, her sword only managed to pierce the witch"s left shoulder.


The witch Eleanor groaned in pain as red blood splattered—No.

What flowed out of the slender girl"s shoulder was blue blood, unbelievably. It was almost like the marine blue of ectoplasmic fluid.

"Looks like this really is the end."

Eleanor spoke in chagrin and turned to flee as soon as she finished.

She dashed at the window in the room instead of toward Rikka or Hatsune. The office was located on the third floor but she went for the window without hesitation.

When Eleanor collided with the gla.s.s, Rikka saw the witch"s slender body transform into a black dog.

It was a fierce hunting hound. In the form of a hound, the witch Eleanor broke through the gla.s.s and flew into the air.

"W-What"s with that girl...?" Utterly drained, Rikka cou