Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 298

With just a single meeting with Su Gu, Shao Xuan was planning to cooperate with him. He felt that this man was a bit strange but he couldn’t figure out the reason. However, he believed that the third young master was much stronger than what he projected to others.

After returning to the tribal area, Shao Xuan had the idea to make a prediction with knots when he saw the camel chewing hay.

Previously, when traveling with the team, Shao Xuan had attempted to predict the weather changes such as sandstorms in the desert. Shao Xuan usually failed in these attempts to predict the future and other complicated things, and the knots would wrap up his fingers.

Others didn’t notice that Shao Xuan was trying to predict the future and the finally formed knots had been eaten by the camel. Therefore, only Tuo and Lei knew Shao Xuan had made attempts of prediction.

This time, Shao Xuan only tried to predict once. If he failed, it didn’t matter, he would simply choose the best choice for the moment.

What Shao Xuan wanted to predict this time was about the third young master and he had indeed obtained some information. The knot only showed that water would be dangerous to the third young master that day. When the third young master who couldn’t wait to cooperate with the Flaming Horn tribe came, Shao Xuan told him the prediction but it depended on the third young master himself and the extent of his belief in Shao Xuan. If Su Gu couldn’t deal with the danger, then there would be no need to cooperate with him.

The third young master Su Gu, who left the tribal area with cold face, was in a bad mood and went directly to the city center.

Regardless of their strength and status, all slave masters lived in the center of Fallen Leaves City. However, only the Lord and the young masters could live in the highest palace, while other slave masters could not set a foot in the palace without getting the permission of the Lord. Everyone had to obey the rules. People who protest against the Lord or break these rules would be killed without any hesitation.

Noticing that Su Gu was in a bad mood, the slaves all stepped aside, afraid that the young master would vent his anger on them.

“Su Gu!”

Someone called Su Gu when he was walking towards his chambers in the palace.

Upon hearing the voice, Su Gu frowned and looked impatiently towards the oncoming person, “What’s wrong?”

Wearing blue clothes, blue pattern on her face and a variety of jewelry on her hands, the female slave master Su Ya walked towards Su Gu slowly. Holding baskets of fruit and water, two slaves followed her.

This was one of the two surviving half-sisters of the Lord who found fault with Shao Xuan the day before. But she was not sitting in a sedan at the moment.

“I have done what I promised you. Where is my reward?” Su Ya opened her hand. Her nails were dyed with blue gra.s.s juice. She promised Su Gu to test the man from the Flaming Horn tribe, but Su Gu did not give her the gems he promised in return. She tried to talk with Su Gu in the morning but didn’t find him. Thus, she remained waiting for Su Gu there.

“I will send them to you later!” After saying this sentence, Su Gu left without looking at Su Ya.

Looking at the back of Su Gu, Su Ya squinted and sneered, “You dare to talk to me like this?!” If it weren’t for the beautiful gems, she wouldn’t have cared about Su Gu. A young master who did not even own one slave would sooner or later be driven out of the palace.

Moving her eyes away from the high steps, Su Ya left with the two slaves. She had just come to ask for her rewards and did not care about other things.

Su Gu walked up the stairs. Before entering the palace, he looked back.

Standing on the steps of the Palace, Su Gu could see most places in the city. This feeling of looking down on everything was exactly what every slave master expected and wished for.

Want to be the Lord? Of course, Su Gu had thought about it. If one of the other two brothers inherit the Lordship, it would not be hard to imagine what Su Gu’s life would be like. Lordship compet.i.tion didn’t used to be so cruel. However, after the success of the current Fallen Leaves Lord, some ambitious slave masters had learnt from it. When they manage to become the supreme ruler, they would wipe out all the enemies who threatened them, leaving no chance of a counterattack.

Thinking about his abilities, Su Gu clenched his fist. Previously, his father, the Fallen Leaves Lord Su Lun had provided the same resources for all the young masters, but since the beginning of that year, things had changed. The resources Su Gu received were much less than before. For Su Gu, this was not a good thing.

Going to his residence, Su Gu took a few mouthfuls of water from the painted pottery cup that the slave had handed over.

Putting down the water cup, Su Gu looked at the slaves around him, who were all the “resources” given by his father but none of them were his own. His two brothers had owned more and more slaves in recent years. In addition to the slaves given by their father, the two brothers also had some slaves of their own. But the number of slaves Su Gu had was actually getting less for various reasons. Moreover, because he was not capable enough, he never managed to enslave by himself.

Su Gu was extremely depressed when he saw these slaves. He waved his hand and all the slaves left. After sitting down, Su Gu recalled what happened that day. When he thought of what Shao Xuan said, Su Gu stopped drinking and looked at the water in the cup. He was thirsty, but Shao Xuan’s words echoed in his mind every time he saw water, which made him really angry.


Throwing the cup on the floor, Su Gu glanced at the water stains on the ground, and thought: Shao Xuan must be tricking me. He must think I’m a jerk and doesn’t want to form an alliance with me, so he just told such a joke? !

Su Gu tried to ignored Shao Xuan’s words, but he failed every time he saw water. He was also afraid of death. The more he thought about the words said by Shao Xuan, the more he felt frightened.

These tribesmen…

“Wu Shi!” exclaimed Su Gu suddenly.

A figure, like a ghost, appeared silently in front of Su Gu. With his head down, he was respectful but was not as humble as other slaves.

Among the resources provided by the Fallen Leaves Lord, in addition to the “Pu” slaves and “Tai” slaves, there were two higher-level “Liao” slaves. However, one of them was killed by monsters in the desert to protect Su Gu. Now Su Gu only had one “Liao” slave called Wu Shi.

“Third young master.” said Wu Shi.

“Wu Shi, you know something about tribesmen. Tell me, could tribesmen really predict?” asked Su Gu.

Wu Shi thought about it and replied, “I heard that the Shamans from the tribes may indeed have that ability.”

So there was indeed someone who was able to predict. Hearing these words, Su Gu’s angry expression slightly changed.

Wu Shi continued, “But generally the tribes won’t let their Shamans leave their tribes too far away. Even if Shamans leave their tribes, they will be protected by many warriors. In many tribes, the Shaman’s status is second only to their Chief.”

Su Gu’s expression changed again. Only three young men of the Flaming Horn tribe came. There is no doubt their Shaman didn’t come. The three men must be ordinary warriors instead of the Shaman, which means…

“They lied to me!”

Spitting these words out, Su Gu broke all the pottery on the table. The slaves around only kept silent and still. Although they were sent by the Lord, they had to obey the third young master’s orders at the moment, otherwise Su Gu could kill them at will. Moreover, their status was not as high as Wu Shi. At this moment, they could only keep silent.

After breaking all the things in the house, Su Gu felt better. He planned to go out to have a walk. When going out of the door, Su Gu thought of Shao Xuan’s words again. Standing at the door, walking a few steps, he turned back and said, “Wu Shi! Follow me!”

Wu Shi was stunned. The third young master never asked slaves to follow him as long as he didn’t go out of the city. The third young master probably felt that it was embarra.s.sing to take slaves sent by the Lord out. But now, the third young master asked Wu Shi to follow him.

Regardless of these thoughts, Wu Shi followed Su Gu.

Probably also feeling that this was not his style, Su Gu’s expression changed, turned around and left hurriedly.

The palace on the high platform were not made up of stones, but wood, the wood of the famous tree in the Fallen Leaves City, the Sunset Tree.

In the Fallen Leaves City, only slave masters could build houses with the Sunset Tree.

The main material for the palace was well-chosen Sunset Tree, so there was an odor of Sunset Tree in the palace.

Su Gu looked at the small pond in front, in which his father raised a turtle.

Pond? Water? Su Gu avoided panicky.

Several slaves came out of the wine cellar, holding a few sharp-bottomed wine jars.

Wine? Water? Su Gu avoided again.

A group of slaves carried a large wooden box from outside the palace. The wooden box was made from the Sunset Tree, which belonged to the slave master of the Fallen Leaves City.

Seeing this wooden box, Su Gu knew that this was their water.

In addition to the city, Fallen Leaves Lord also possessed a small oasis where the water they drank was from.

Although there were several deep wells in the city, the water inside was very turbid. Furthermore, if people drank the turbid water from the wells for a long time, their skin was to cracking, which was one of the reasons why the skin of most slaves in the city had dry cracks.

Most slave masters had higher requirements in life. Therefore, the Fallen Leaves Lord asked slaves to bring water from an oasis in the distance so that the slave masters could enjoy clean drinking water.

Therefore, when seeing the big wooden box, Su Gu did not pay much attention at first. But thinking that it was also related to “water”, he stopped his footsteps and turned around.

Wu Shi, who followed Su Gu, was confused and thought: What’s wrong with the third young master? Why does he act so weird today?

However, considering that the third young master always act weird, Wu Shi did not think much and only followed the young master.