Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 330

C329 – Palm of His Hand

Posted on January 15, 2019 by AzureOrchid92

In the place where the fighting beasts were kept, a barn-like room had a huge beast lying there quietly.

It was a bull with a large sharp horn, and if it was in a better place outside, one could see its brown fur.

This was the fighting beast that Red Star City has played every year for nearly five years, with five victories. Because some of the patterns on its back were like fire, the people of Red Star City called iy the Flame Bull.

This flame bull has been enslaved by the king of Red Star City. It was not the first time it partic.i.p.ated in the Battle at the Colosseum, even entering many times as a finale.

The sounds of the Colosseum were annoying but it did not make it crazy. There were some drugs that would keep it quiet for the time being.

There were not much light rays coming in from the holes on the walls. However, the dim environment did not have much effect on it.

Suddenly, it heard the movements on the ground. It looked around and saw a bug crawling out from underground.

The flame bull did not heed it. After taking a look, it continued to rest, preparing for its coming battle. Why would it look at the bugs?

But just because it did not bother with the bug meant that the bug was safe. It might bite or scratch and become more and more rampant, so the bull swung its tail to expell it. However, the bug’s speed was too fast.

It became annoyed.

In order to fight, it would be hungry for a day or two, just like most fighting beasts. Although there would still be food supplies in the next two days, they were much less than its previous careful rearing. Plus, after coming to the Colosseum, there was no more of its favorite gra.s.s. In the past, when it was in Red Star City, slaves would transport it every few days. After coming here, it could only eat hay and some other plants with bad taste.

It was now a bit angry.

From the two big nostrils of the flame bull, hot air was expelled. This made its mood stabilize with faint waves.

On the other side, within the Colosseum.

Shao Xuan looked at the horned lizard beast that went into the battlefield.

It has a flat shape and an oval torso. Far as it seems, it was like a th.o.r.n.y c.o.c.kroach with a long tail behind it. This horned lizard has dark sand on the back of its body, covered with spiny scales, like sharp spears. It’s like it was wearing armor. In addition to those cone-shaped spines, there were some coa.r.s.e scaly spines.

The horned lizard beast looked very ferocious, especially those sharp short spines. Even if it was only for defense rather than for attacking, it was enough to give people a headache.

The horned lizard moved its limbs to move to the center of the battlefield. The shouting from the surrounding stands was making it very uncomfortable, turning its stubby neck and sweeping round. Then, its sight was placed on Shao Xuan and the others. Its slightly reddish-brown head and red-dried traces around its two eyes was making its eyes look more bizarre, especially when pointed at Shao Xuan’s group.

When those eyes turned to them, Shao Xuan heard the few people behind him gulp. He could even hear their accelerated heartbeat.

Even Lei and Tuo, who had hunted for years, could not maintain the mentality of their previous hunting. There were no obstructions around, hence this was a complete face off!

The giant beast then in the middle of the battlefield opened its mouth and roared at Shao Xuan’s party.

The sound was not as high-pitched as some of the previous giants, nor was it as shocking as a heavy thunder of drums. However, it was like the sound of a storm sweeping the dunes, making the people feel their hairs stand.

As the roar swift the air, the sands on the battlefield were blown up. The incoming sand flew to everyone’s eyes but they couldn’t dare move away for fear of missing the chance to escape.

“Ah-Xuan, what should I do?” Tuo asked.

“Just wait.” Shao Xuan was observing the horned lizard beast, recalling the information Su Gu gave him to determine the feasibility of his strategy. He didn’t really want be here with such a fierce beast, if it really fought for its life. The wounded Lei and Tuo could not be spared. And from the previous three battles in the field, the destructive power of the beasts were too much. Lei, in particular, was probably just trying to endure his pain and his action would be severely limited.

In the battlefield, after the horned lizard beast roared, it then moved its limbs, speeding up its pace as it ran towards Shao Xuan’s line. Its every step has a lot of sand flying up.

Shao Xuan still did not move. However, the four slaves in the rear began to shout and run away.

The horned lizard beast was originally coming toward Shao Xuan’s direction, but seeing those people run, it instead focused on the people running. With its bulky body, each step of it across the the field was huge. After few steps, it had caught the first slave it had been chasing. The beast did not extend its relatively short limbs nor swung its long tail, but directly slipped and slid past, crashing into the side of the walls.


Gravel splashed. The stones on the edge of the wall fell off, with a lot of the stone crumbs. .h.i.tting the hard corners of the beast’s body.

The slave in front was caught between the horned lizard beast and the battlefield wall. One could then imagine his fate.

The rest of the people felt a catch in their breaths, still holding their knives with shaking hands. Just as they gathered their courage up, it scattered again in the face of this collision.



“Aw! Whoa—”

On the surrounding stands, the young slave owners were so excited that their faces looked hideous as they screamed wildly.

When the slave owners heard that, except for the four obviously sun-drenched slaves in the field, apparently the others were from the tribes, they were even more excited.

It was a tribal man…

“Kill, kill, kill!”

“Kill them!”

They shouted loudly.

After hitting the corner of the wall, the lizard twisted its short, pattern spotted neck and looked at the others.

The nearest slave to the horned lizard beast dared not go any further. Seeing the horned lizard beast concentrating his attention on him, the slave did not have the courage to lift his knife. Turning and running, this time, he did not run away from, but back towards the area where Shao Xuan and the rest were.

However, this time, the horned lizard beast did not immediately accelerate to chase. It took a step, shaking the stones off its body. Not sparing a glance at the squeezed into a meat loaf slave, it walked step by step towards Shao Xuan and other people’s direction. Its eyes were slightly closed, and looked somewhat inattentive.

After just that scene, no one dared to relax their vigilance. They were nervous and tense, staring at the giant beast coming at them.

Looking at the behemoth getting closer and closer, a slave swept his eyes at the still standing people beside him, then bit his lip and ran away. After only a few steps, he stopped stiffly because he had found that the horned lizard had already focused his attention on him.

Stiff there as a sculpture, the slave maintained his running posture. He was afraid to look at that side and only observed with his peripheral vision as his forehead dripped with sweat.

Seeing that the slave was no longer running, the horned lizard beast seemed to be a little disappointed. It then turned its stare to the area with more people. It only looked for a moment, then jerked forward two steps towards the front.

The four people of the Yu tribe and the Tian Shan tribe were also thinking of staying with the three people of the Flaming Horns. With this, they could also share a lot of pressure and could look at the beast as it moved closer. However, their hearts were playing like drums as they hesitated if they should avoid farther. Seeing the horned lizard beast stepping forward, it was just in their nature to move on reflex to a distant place to retreat.

But the battlefield was round. They were already near the edge, so even if they retreated, they could only run along the edge of the arc.

When they thought that the horned lizard beast would come again in a flash, it unexpectedly crossed two steps, stopped, then roared.

The grains of sand on the ground shook, rushing straight to where Shao Xuan and the rest were located.

The four slaves had long ago retreated but without sprinting. Step by step, they were thinking of not trying to arouse the attention of the horned lizard beast. The Yu tribe and Tian Shan tribe people have also retreated several steps, in the face of the impact of the shaken sand and did not go back again.

In this way, the closest to the beast were the three people of the Flaming Horns tribe.

With this scene, there were a remaining of ten people in the field, the other seven were clearly in a safer distance. In any case, the first to face the giant beast’s attack would be those three.

Lei and Tuo were headed by Shao Xuan, hence they did not move.

His outer cloth was blown back by the wind, so Shao Xuan pulled his hat to cover his head. Then, he lifted his foot to go towards the giant beast.

With Shao Xuan’s move, Lei and Tuo also moved. Probably thinking that Shao Xuan issued a signal to attack, Lei copied him, holding his knife as he walked forward. If it was a hunt, he would not be so impulsive, but here, the pressure in the atmosphere pulled his nerves. After seeing the beast, he didn’t even want to leave.

He’d be willing to die, at least to try to give Shao Xuan and Tuo a way to create some opportunities. If he could hurt the beast with a few knives, that would be better.

However, before his plan to try to fight the beast has even started, Lei was tugged back by Shao Xuan with Tuo at the other side.

Shao Xuan lowered his voice and said quickly, “You two stay here first. If I can’t stop it, later, you can go fight.”

Tuo also wanted to say something but Shao Xuan waved it away. Then, he continue towards the giant beast again.

“What is he going to do?” a man from the Yu tribe asked.

“Is he out of his mind?”

One of the people from the Tianshan tribe recalled that in their tribe, when the shaman heard the news of the Flaming Horns tribe coming, his evaluation was: They were mad men.

Now, it seemed that the people of the Flaming Horns were really crazy. It was enough if they just retreat, but they would still go forward!

Not only the other people on the battlefield, even the slave owners on the stands were thinking the same. Was the man in the eccentric hooded cloth looking for death?

Still, no matter what others thought, Shao Xuan continued to go forward, his long sleeves covering his hand so that people could not see if he had a weapon in the end.

Shao Xuan not retreating made the giant beast vigilant. It ignored the other people as its two micro-close eyes opened a little bit, closely staring at the person approaching. The other people couldn’t feel it, but the beast can clearly detect the strength of this person every step of the way.

Twenty meters…

Ten meters…

Five meters…

Shao Xuan could even smell the muddy scent that the beast exuded.

The giant beast looked at the person coming near, then roared loudly. It raised a front paw, planning to move towards Shao Xuan to shot him down.

But Shao Xuan was faster as he lifted an arm.

The acc.u.mulation of all the momentum in this one instant burst out. In his mind, the totem flame violently coiled, wrapping in the outer sh.e.l.l as it became shiny. Five blue flames came from inside out, like a sea dragon swimming along his meridians, unstoppable as it rushed over his arm. From his lifted arm, his five fingers opened out.


The blue flames wrapped around his palms.

The sand that was raised by the roaring of the beast centered on Shao Xuan. At the moment the flames appeared, a layer of visible ripples covered the surrounding area.