Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 332

C331 – Wind and Rain Came

Posted on January 23, 2019 by AzureOrchid92

The first three times the Snowfield King was interrupted by a bull’s cry was indeed the Red Star City’s famous Flame Bull fighting beast. However, the latest was not the case.

With this, the Snowfield King really could not refute it. If he didn’t acknowledge it, he knew their own fighting beast would be torn down.

The overcast face of the Snowfield King was full of anger. With a wave of his hand, the two slaves around him quickly withdrew, going to deal with the fighting beast and see what was going on there.

Seeing the Red Star City and Snowfield City two kings losing face, the Baishi King was already looking satisfied. The other cities’ slave owners were also gloating in their hearts. Ha! That’ll teach you!

However, their satisfaction did not linger for long. Soon, a succession of beast roars sounded, not only from the Red Star City cow or the just now Snowfield City beast, but there were other calls.

The beasts roared more and more intensively, with a high cry.

All of them here were experienced people who knew a lot about fighting beasts. Even if they didn’t know their daily habits, listening to sounds could make them feel the emotions these beasts express.

At the moment, the succession of cries were full of anger and irritation, as if they were being turned around. Along with the sound of the cries, there were sounds like the fighting beasts. .h.i.tting the stone walls.

That’s not a good thing.

“What’s going on?!” They couldn’t sit still and stopped paying attention to the battle ring.

“Is it the beasts in the pens were fighting?”

“All the good ones in our city are over there!”

“Hurry and send someone over to see! But remember, do not let the others hurt our own city’s fighting beast. The Beast Battle is not over yet!”

The small slave owners as well as the major ones let the slaves around them take a look at the situation in the pen.

The Snowfield King looked at the stands, which had already turned to chaos, and took a deep breath.

“Quiet, everybody!!”

This roar succeeded in attracting the attention of the slave owners around. The tumultuous field suddenly calmed down.

Seeing this, the Snowfield King was slightly satisfied deep inside. Looking at the situation in the sand field, he lifted his hands and reluctantly said, “The fourth battle of the beasts has ended. Start the fifth game preparations!”

As for the hooded man who can make the fire of slavery, they would send someone to check him. At this urgent moment, it was better to stabilize the field first.

Inside the sand pit, two heavy doors opened.

These people originally thought that when they entered the field, it wouldn’t be long for them to die. Seeing the heavy stone door slowly opening now, they had a kind of newfound excitement for life. The three slaves rushed out first, followed by the Yu tribe and Tian Shan tribe’s four people. The three people from the Flaming Horns tribe also walked out briskly.

Shao Xuan watched as the horned lizard beast was pulled out with thick rattan ropes by nearly twenty tall, stout, strong slaves that came out. Since it could get out of here, the beast was also happy, so it did not resist and cooperated.

Since the beginning of the fights, even if you could get out of the battle, it wouldn’t be unscathed. It was rare for such a fighting beast to almost maintain its appearance as it went out. The only difference was that it has another’s blood.

When the beast left, Shao Xuan and the two turned to the other door.

While walking out the door, Shao Xuan whispered quicky to Lei and Tuo, “Later, I’ll let you leave first. It will soon be a mess here. For that time, no one would care about us.”

Lei and Tuo looked at Shao Xuan surprised, but they did not quite understand what Shao Xuan meant. However, since Shao Xuan said so, they would do it. The scene that had just happened in the sand pit was a surprise not only to the slave owners, but also to the two of them. They heard the speculation that Shao Xuan was a slave owner, but they did not believe it. Shao Xuan was a man with the Shaman’s favor. He was also the elder of the Flaming Horns recognized by the ancestors! Whether he’s a slave owner or not, Shao Xuan was still a Flaming Horns tribe member!

The roar of the beasts and the sound of the crash still showed no signs of stopping. It even intensified.

At this time, inside the big warehouse with the Flame Bull.

The flame bull was stomping the ground with its hooves.

d.a.m.n it, what was it about this bug bothering the bull?! How did it drill the ground and disappear?

Just as it kept stomping, the beetle, which was making the flame bull crazy, had drilled silently out from the corner. Then, it quickly flew to the bull’s back, clinging to it, biting and stabbing it hard with its hook-like limbs.

The flame bull screamed again.

“Moo—” It was numb with anger now!


The bull swung its head with two thick horns and hit the stone wall next to it again.

Those stone walls could only block for a moment, but could not withstand the fighting beast’s crazy collision. Here was not the Colosseum after all.

The people who were sent over there to find out about the situation were listening to the fierce roar and banging, and did not dare to open the stone door so easily. Just as they were thinking of how to let these fighting beasts calm down, a bang resounded in the place. The wall that consumed a huge amount of human and material resources, that ruined hundreds or even thousands of slave lives for the tall building, was finally knocked down.

Around the collapsed stone wall, the people standing saw the angry flame bull coming out of it, with a scorching smell spewing from its big nostrils. The slaves standing outside could clearly see the two streams of white air spewing out.

A small slave owner who had rushed to appease the flame bull with more than ten slaves, saw this scene, and at the same time, thought in his heart: it’s bad!!

What the h.e.l.l happened that made this cow so angry?

Flame bulls have a characteristic that their eyes change color with their emotions. When their eyes turned red, it meant that they were angry, and the darker the color, the greater their anger. By this time, the eyes of the flame bull had turned into a nearly blood-red color. It was like a piece of red-hot stone, whoever caught it would burn.

Such a state was really suitable for the sand pit, but here was not the battlefield nor the time to fight a beast.

The flame bull’s blood-red eyes looked out at the people, its hooves planing on the ground.

At the sight of this situation, the heart of the people of Red Star City thundered.

“It’s going to attack!”

“Go find the king! Fast!”

The flame bull was enslaved by the king, and only the king was able to calm it down. If others wanted to stop it, they could only join forces to take down and kill it. But before that, the king of the Red Star City said not to hurt the flame bull. The only solution then was to go find the king.

On the flame bull, with its horns facing forward and hooves stomping to jump up, the culprit of the angry flame bull has changed its place, then started the same thing, as there were many fighting beasts around the area.

The task that Shao Xuan gave it before was to stir up the bull’s anger.

Two days before the Colosseum opened, Shao Xuan asked around Beast City about the flame bull of Red Star City. With a five-year winning streak and an irritable temper, it became part of Shao Xuan’s plan.

In order to see the beetle’s obedience and ability to perform, Shao Xuan also specially checked it. That day when he had been locked inside the house and only occasionally went out to pick up something and went back to the house again, was to test the beetle. He gave the beetle a small, ordinary branch and let it take it to the ground near the corner of the house. The beetle did a good job. Three times in a row and it was all done very well, which made Shao Xuan rejoice in enslaving such a beetle.

He had told Sapphire that, when this was over, he would unlock its second lock. In fact, Shao Xuan, after determining its ability, actually wanted to remove the second lock, but the time to unlock it from the first lock was too short. According to Su Gu, if the time when the slaves unlocked the second lock was too short, it may not be beneficial. There were even examples of it resulting to death. Hence, Shao Xuan did not immediately solve it but promised to unlock it afterwards.

Moreover, in addition to the big blue beetle, there were a large number of beetles in the place where the fighting beasts were held. Although they pose no threat alone, with their number, it was different. This was why the other fighting beasts were beginning to fret and be annoyed.

The Colosseum would be open the three days before and after the full moon, with about ten or so fights daily. Most of the fighting beasts that would appear in the games were locked in the place next to the Colosseum. After all, there may be some small changes before the fight, so they may temporarily change the beast. Therefore, the fighting beasts would not only be present the first day but also until the closing day.

Now, these battle beasts, which have been hard to appease and locked up for preparation, were all insanely mad.

At first, it was only one or two, but soon, it was like a chain reaction, driving the mood of other fighting beasts. The fighting beasts, who were not very good-tempered, were in a worse mood. What’s more, this time, there’s a factor igniting their anger.


Another stone wall was knocked down.

It’s like an opening prelude. After that, another stone wall was knocked down and the stone door was knocked open.

In the rage of the fighting beasts, the remaining ten that were still sensible were the first to bear their anger. Aside from the slaves guarding the side of the Colosseum, the Colosseum has more protection. There were high walls blocking the way so the beasts could not attack it. They could only turn to several directions, rampaging and venting their acc.u.mulated anger and killing intent.

The guards of Beast City were made up of people from the three major cities. It was impossible to say that absolute harmony was not possible for them, but coupled with the less secure orders, loopholes were magnified at this moment and they were instantly messed up.

The game at the Colosseum could not be carried out either. Because of the fighting beasts outside, the slave owners who were previously emotional and excited, were afraid to leave at will. They stayed there first, waiting for the king and the slaves to deal with the fighting beasts outside.

It was not until the afternoon that the outside situation was barely stabilized. The small slave owners who were terrified in the Colosseum stands, were not in the mood to continue watching the fighting beast and returned to their respective stations under the escort of their slaves.

Shao Xuan’s group did not follow when the others returned to Luoye station. After sending people to give a message to Su Gu, they looked for a place to rest first.

“Ah-Xuan, shouldn’t we go to the Luoye station?” Tuo asked.

“Not for a while.” Shao Xuan replied.

“Why? Are you suspicious of the king?”

“More than that. I fear that something big is going to happen. If it did happen, it’s a good opportunity to leave.” Shao Xuan was looking at the full moon in the sky as he spoke.

I don’t get the t.i.tle!!! (。´-д-)。。

And it really is Sapphire to the rescue!