Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 339

C338 – Killing Dao Yu

Posted on March 1, 2019 by AzureOrchid92

Dao Yu was shivering, his whole body giving a slight twitch, as if he was in pain. After all, his body injury has not healed completely yet. But the main thing was because of the anger still simmering from his body. Compared to his anger due to the loss of seed, the pain was naturally not much of a thing.

There was no one else here, only Shao Xuan and Dao Yu.

The more he saw Dao Yu acting this way, the more Shao Xuan became more determined to keep that precious thing he just got, and not give it to anyone especially Dao Yu.

Shao Xuan could hear Dao Yu’s harsh gasping sound, like a raging flame bull. Just as Shao Xuan was about to go out and clear the place, he felt a change.

There seemed to be some invisible energy around rioting, and the trigger of this was Dao Yu standing there.

The power of this energy made Shao Xuan feel bad. From the gaps between the stones, Shao Xuan saw the way Dao Yu was at this time.

The top of Dao Yu’s head has cracks and he could see numerous fine lines from his head to torso, extending to his arms, just like veins. The fine lines that appeared still extended, covering Dao Yu’s body. But not only that. These fine lines also beat like veins, thickening and thinning.

Dao Yu felt that such a change was a good thing. That he was able to feel the power flowing through his veins, that his body was reinforcing and changing in a good direction. Only at this moment Dao Yu did not have much thought to savor such a change. He was still in a rage because of the loss of the seed. His anger made his thinking unclear. For a moment, he did not think about the results and significance of such a change.

To Shao Xuan’s surprise, on Dao Yu’s neck, there appeared a tatto of a chain. That was the Baishi City slave pattern. After unlocking to a senior slave, the lines on the slave’s body would also change. There were not as much of those as the lower slaves.

At the moment, Shao Xuan felt that the chain on Dao Yu’s neck seemed to tighten. The bulging muscles made Dao Yu’s whole person look bloated.

The change in Dao Yu continued, while the airflow around him was surging wildly. With a roar, the chains tightened and tightened more.

As for his sternum, spine, limbs, knees, and other body parts, almost all the bones on Dao Yu’s body was squeeking, like the sound of a rattlesnake shaking its tail. Meanwhile, Dao Yu’s arm that was seriously injured was being mended quickly, until a complete imitation has reborn.

His heart became stronger. In the veins on his neck, the blood flows rapidly. The expansion of his muscles appeared to be rhythmically going outward as his heart beat.

Suddenly, Shao Xuan heared a bang sound of movement. It looked like the chain was breaking. At the same time, the chain on Dao Yu’s neck really disconnected, and as it melted, it gradually dispersed until disappearing altogether.

The corner of Shao Xuan’s eye suddenly twitched, then stopped to show a color of amazement. He once asked Su Gu: For a slave who had been enslaved, can he break free of the shackles?

Su Gu said they can, but the odds were extremely low. To be able to do that level for someone, he would be a genius. Not only talent should be extremely high, a certain amount of luck was also needed. That’s not what just anyone could do, so none of them would try it.

And now, there was such a man in front of Shao Xuan doing so.

In Shao Xuan’s mind, there was a fire, a fire that did not belong to slaves and not the totem flame of the Flaming Horns tribe. Nor is it the kind of double-colored flame of a slave owner. In any case, it was a flame of independence, out of the range of slaves. This was his observation of the source of power of Dao Yu at this time.

At this moment, Dao Yu was like a wrath of anger, powering up like a demon. The power fluctuations that burst out made Shao Xuan’s face become unusually dignified.


Dao Yu was punching on the side of the stone pillar again, his eyes fiilled with madness of destruction, as if he had lost his mind.

The palace shook even more, and the stones fell along with the dust.

It can’t go on like this!

Shao Xuan instantly willed his totem power to the peak. The totem flame in his mind violently rolled, his blood seemed to be flowing with the appearance of his totem, rushing and boiling. The momentum in his body was like a river, resolutely rushing forward. It seemed that even if he faced a thick wall, he could also toughly break it open. Compared to Dao Yu, which has just broken through his shackles, his was not weak.

What was it about Dao Yu just breaking through his shackles? He could still kill him!

Almost at the moment when Shao Xuan rushed out, Dao Yu’s madness shifted its target to the stone pillar on Shao Xuan’s side. Then, his sight locked onto Shao Xuan’s body. At this moment, in the vision of Dao Yu, the surrounding stones, corpses, and even the whole palace, were blurred. His sight only has Shao Xuan left—the one who stole the seed and would break his dreams!!

Seeing Shao Xuan rush out, Dao Yu did not avoid the clash. His body flashed directly to where Shao Xuan rushed out. As he jumped, the slab under his feet could not bear this sudden impact, hence, it snapped into pieces of different sizes. Stone crumbs rose up like fog.

The dense rocks interlaced with the shadows. The air seemed as if it was beaten by hammer strikes, scattering layer after layer of the debris and dust that fell from the top.

One could no longer count how many times the two encountered each other face-to-face.

As debris fell from the top, Shao Xuan didn’t hesitate now as he pounced straight towards Dao Yu.

The airflow around them seemed to be driven by Shao Xuan’s movements as he rushed towards Dao Yu. His fist has not reached yet, but the oppressive air made it seem like an army had crossed and was rolling in. The power contained in it was evident.

In the face of Shao Xuan’s attack, Dao Yu had absolute self-confidence and did not avoid rushing too. His ankle suddenly turned again, hitting the ground and crushing another slab of rocks.

In Dao Yu’s mind, as long as he had broken through the shackles, he was beyond the reach of others. Moreover, this tribal boy, even if this person has been promoted, he would not be as strong as their own, breaking through the shackles. He had already killed several tribesmen after becoming a senior slave. In his view, although the tribesmen had such strange abilities, they were also abysmal, especially after he had learned the secrets of the tribal fire. He looked down upon it.

Kill! He’s going to kill this man who stole the seed!

A series of roaring sounds could be heard in the air like thunder rolling or drums banging. Every blow contained the determination to kill. If ordinary people were in the face of such an offensive, they would surely be blown into shock.

There was only the roaring left in the underground palace beneath the desert. The other voices looked extremely faint under such a roar.

The broken slate splitted into more smaller pieces. The rock crumbs and dust that scattered covered the area for a time.

Shao Xuan felt as if he was back to the mountain forest, full of mystery and crisis. Then, he had come in a situation against a fierce beast. In the face of the beast, an oversight, a slightly weaker momentum, could create an irretrievable situation.

At this moment, it was what he was feeling. What’s more, it was while facing Dao Yu, the traitor of the tribe.

He couldn’t retreat, couldn’t be weak! The other side’s attack is strong, but he is stronger! The other side is sharp, but he is even fiercer! The other side has to, so he will fight more!

The totem lines on Shao Xuan’s body began to brighten. The flame casting, like how he did with the blue flame at the Colosseum before, as if it wanted to burn the people.


Dao Yu was punched in the head.

After the first hit, Shao Xuan did not stop. It was followed by a hit the naked eye couldn’t see and bombarded Dao Yu’s chest.

The two punches in succession made Dao Yu’s body fly and flip in the air, then slam down on the ground. His body continued to skid back for a while before stopping.

Shao Xuan still wanted to continue to punch a few times, but found that Dao Yu’s body started to have those cracks on his skin along the veins of his tattoo, with blood oozing from the inside. It poured on the ground as Dao Yu tilted his head to Shao Xuan’s direction. His mouth constantly sprayed out blood, his whole body twitching. This time, it was not due to anger, but an uncontrollable reaction.

The two punches just now were like a signal, like a pair of hands pushing the start of a domino, clattering it a bit until the domino chain fell. Dao Yu was only able to let out sharps breaths, as his terrible decay and decline continued.

His body was splashed with blood, his expression was distorted by the pain, making him look more hideous. His eyes were also full of disbelief.

Did he lose when he broke through the shackles? If, given another two days, no, a day was enough, he had stabilized the strength rioting in his body. Then, after preparing before the fight, he would certainly be able to beat this boy. Would be able to…

He couldn’t let this kid steal the seed. It’s his own, it’s his, Dao Yu’s! He also wanted to build his own desert city, become a slave owner, become a king! How can, how can he die like this?!

His heart was not reconciled! He was not willing to die!

Losing to anyone, especially losing to this kid?! No!

Dao Yu’s eyes opened wide, staring at Shao Xuan who was coming towards him. The stone crumbs and dust have landed, and should cleared his vision, instead, it had become blurred. He felt that the strength in his body was cutting sharply, that the power and surging sense of breaking through the shackles seemed to be an illusion. The tide had risen and then the tide receded.

Finally, in his blurred vision, the figure coming closer and closer seemed to turn into fire. There seemed to be a pattern in the flames, a double-horned pattern that he had long since left behind.

Shao Xuan looked at Dao Yu who had slowly lost his breath. In his heart, he had some doubt. His two punches, although he had used great strength, if Dao Yu had more power as he broke through the shackles, he should not be so easy to kill. The end to these performances was more like an abrupt stop.

Shao Xuan pressed his finger on Dao Yu’s pulse. Indeed it has stopped beating. Different from his strong appearance, Dao Yu’s body looked like a mess, seriously damaged.

Just for the seed?

No, it’s not necessarily because of the seed.

As Shao Xuan was thinking, suddenly, the whole palace shook. A large number of stones from the top dropped, together with dust coming from the gaps on the roof and walls.


There’s another shock.

It’s like someone above was deliberately slamming below.

The dust that fell below expanded like a waterfall. Large chunks of boulders begun to fall. The illuminated crystal was much dimmer after the seed has been wrapped up, and now, they were covered in dust, which made them even darker.

That, who the h.e.l.l was up there!

Now was not the time to think of other things. Shao Xuan hurried towards the exit. Inside the palace, the torches had long been extinguished, so the place was dark.

The good thing was that Shao Xuan could still see the way in his special field of vision.

After Shao Xuan ran away, the place where he had fought with Dao Yu had another shock and begun to collapse.

The underground palace, which had consumed hundreds of slave lives and has now buried dozens of lives, was about to become a thing of the past.

I thought of not putting the t.i.tle on top, but nah~ It was never much of a surprise anyway. But his death was a little disappointing. (´-ω-`)))。。