Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 816

Chapter 816

The Chief’s Bone Lock

The leading slave master did not consent to Shao Xuan’s request right away. Instead, the slave master took a good look at the short, thin and frail-looking old slave. The slave did not appear as anything special to him.

As the biggest slave-trading organisation, all slave masters of the Bi organisation had well-trained eyes. They could tell which slave could fetch high prices and what type of slaves were useful. Those holding higher positions in the organisation were certainly much skilled in this perception. However, as a leading slave master who had sold off more slaves than the population of a tribe, he just couldn’t find anything special about this particular slave. They were ushering a huge line of slaves this time, more than half of it was healthy slaves suited for labour. Just why on earth was this Flaming Horn tribesman intrigued by this una.s.suming old slave?

“Do you know him?” The slave master questioned.

“He’s an old friend.” Shao Xuan did not deny it.

The leading slave master stared at Shao Xuan sceptically. Then, he turned to look at the slave again. Indeed, it was nothing strange for buyers to purchase their friends. However, something was amiss when this scenario was applied to the Flaming Horn man. Even if they knew each other, they were not on good terms. Were they enemies?

No matter how hard he pondered, the slave master just couldn’t comprehend the oddness of the situation. Despite that, the slave master gave in. They were professional slave traders, their main task was to generate a profit off selling slaves. Since the Flaming Horn tribesman was a customer, he’d sell the slave. The slave master asked for a higher price.

Mu Fa came forward and haggled with the slave master. He had frequented Chao Qiu City lots and was well-versed with slave trades. Mu Fa was clear about the appropriate prices for different types of slaves.

In the end, Shao Xuan bought the slave over with a rather dull water moonstone.

Now that they had reached an agreement, the leading slavemaster took off the beast fang shaped metal ware around his neck. The metalware was about the size of a palm.

It was a Xi*, a tool used to untie knots.

Before the emergence of metal locks, rope knots were the simplest and cheapest way to secure something. Even after wooden and rock locks had become an option, rope knots still prevailed as the mainstream. Sometimes, exceptionally complicated dead knots would be used to secure financial a.s.sets. Some knots could even produce a nine-link effect. Without the Xi, it would take at least half a day to untie the knots. When the Xi was used, one would be able to undo everything in two breaths.

If knots were the earliest locks, then the Xi was the earliest key.

[**TL Note: The Xi is an ancient awl used to loosen knots and open bottles/jars. It is also almost equivalent to an ancient can opener. Typically, people would wear these like a pendant. It can also be considered an accessory.]


Slave masters of the olden days would bring their Xi-s around. It was also to show the others that- Hey! We own slaves!

Some people would even wear multiple Xi-s at the same time, just like the slave masters that were ushering the slaves. Their Xi-s were of a wide variety- Some were short and thick, some were long and thin. There were some that were straighter than the others, while those with a curve tend to be larger. Their designs varied too, some were simple and some were relatively complex. Some even had intricate patterns that were hollowed out.

Shao Xuan was rather familiar with knots. Hence, it wasn’t difficult for him to notice the hundreds of different knots used on the slaves. Almost half of it were knots Shao Xuan had never encountered. Though some of it looked simple, he was aware that these were difficult to untie.

It really was a sight to marvel at.

Different Xi-s were designed to untie different knots. The amount of Xi-s one brandished had naturally created the impression of ‘I have many slaves and many knots, that’s why I need more Xi-s’.

Slaves too were a type of a.s.set. Slave masters were practising this behaviour to show off their wealth.

As craftsmen unleashed their creativity over the years, brilliant ideas began to pop up like mushrooms. With that came the birth of more complicated and st.u.r.dier locks. The only downside to it was its increasingly complex production difficulty and higher initial cost which resulted in higher market prices. n.o.bles that could afford to use metal locks would naturally experience its benefits and would gradually wean off the usage of rope knots. Other than its functional properties, the luxurious metal locks could be treated as a decoration piece that displayed the aristocracy of the n.o.ble slave masters. This was why the metal locks were very popular among the n.o.bles.

Replaced by st.u.r.dier locks, the usual rope knots no longer needed to be dead knots. As a result, the Xi tool went gradually out of use but not completely out of sight. Till this day, Xi continues to survive through time but its function has been diminished. It was now more of an accessory than a tool.

The n.o.bles continued to show off their privilege as a slave master through Xi accessories. Since the Xi-s were no longer used to untie knots, there wasn’t a need for it to be fully functional. Xi-s made of lovely gemstones made amazing and flashy accessories. Some female slave owners would even wear the Xi as a headpiece to stabilize their hairstyle. Hence, current Xi productions had an inclination to aesthetic rather than functionality.

Even if many slave masters still hung their Xi-s around their necks, it wasn’t necessarily utilized for its original function.

But there was a special community among the slave masters.

The people of the ‘Bi’ organisation had a soft spot for the Xi. The Xi-s were still put used to untie knots. When escorting the slaves, rope knots were still the primary restrain tool and the ropes were relatively tough as it had been specially treated.

Everyone from the Bi could tie impressive knots. Without tools, it would be a ha.s.sle to untie them. But of course, tough and sharp objects could naturally break the ropes but who would dare to shoulder the risk of offending the ‘Bi’ people? Who would dare to s.n.a.t.c.h their slaves?

On the other hand, slaves who managed to break free from their restraints were mostly hunted down by the ‘Bi’ people in various ways. Once captured, they would be punished cruelly- They’d be worked to the bone and then sold to the cannibal tribes as food.

Slaves that had fallen into the hands of the Bi rarely made it out safely.

With a scimitar-like Xi, the slave master untied one of the knots in the line of slaves and brought one end of a rope to Shao Xuan. On the other end of the rope was the restrained old slave.

“This slave belongs to you now.”

At the sight of a successful deal, the other escorting slave masters were overjoyed. They felt like this deal was absolutely worth it. They made banks and the water moon stone was a rarity around this region. It was able to illuminate and was much more valuable than regular gemstones. To earn such a gemstone from an old slave with no labour potential was not bad.

However, the slave master’s face had no expression. He felt suspicious. Though he did not regret the business deal (he was the one who accomplished it so he knew if it was a loss or a profit), his heart was unsettled. When the Bi people walked away, he had even turned around to look at the hunched-back old slave. He still couldn’t detect anything special about him.

Waiting until the slave organisation was far away and out of sight, it was then that Shao Xuan placed his gaze on the old slave. The slave was staring at the ground, rooted to his spot.

“How long are you planning to keep this act up? Do you think I don’t know who you are?”

Shao Xuan’s words fuelled the other’s curiosity. Their gazes swept through the old slave intently. No matter how they looked at him, this slave was clearly a stranger.

“I… I don’t know what you’re saying…” The old slave’s voice was hoa.r.s.e. Trembling, he spoke in an authentically native dialect. Even the Longboat tribesmen who had learned the local language after arriving in this area weren’t as good as him.

Gui He and the others grew even more perplexed. Who the heck was this? Was this a contact Shao Xuan made back during his last visit here? In that case, they definitely wouldn’t know who this person was as they had remained mainly on the other end.

As they continued to rack their minds, Gui He heard Shao Xuan say, “Quit acting, Robber Seven.”

Robber Seven?!?!!??!?!

Hundreds and thousands of glares were thrown in his direction.

To the Flaming Horns, the sight of the ‘robbers’ was generally as disgusting as faeces could be. Ever since the tribesmen had found out that the ‘robbers’ had escaped to this region, the Flaming Horns were overjoyed by the robbers’ plight. But now they had run into the robbers again! And indeed, this was a very old ‘friend’ of theirs!

When Robber Seven came to steal cabbages from the Flaming Horn’s farmland some time ago, Shao Xuan had beaten him up with just a swat. Following that, this person found himself some accomplices to steal the green-faced fanged beast. Shao Xuan had chased them out of the tribe with beatings and the robbers were forced to shoulder the risk of demotion and call for help. Who knew fate would bring them together again.

Knowing that he could no longer pretend, Robber Seven’s expression fell with his current dilemma.

He had initially thought that he could sneak into Chao Qiu City by mixing in with the slaves. Robber Seven applauded himself for being a genius. Once they were in Chao Qiu City, he would find a chance to slip away and p.i.s.s off the Bi people. Hahahaha—

As the victory song of the ‘robber’ organisation rang repeatedly throughout his skull, Robber Seven was in cloud nine. Unfortunately for him, before Robber Seven could even enter the city, he was met with his nemesis—-Shao Xuan. He had already gone through lengths to disguise himself and yet Shao Xuan was able to recognize him!

Every encounter with the Flaming Horns never ended well for him!

Robber Seven felt that his misfortune might have resulted from him forgoing his prayers to his ancestors prior to the mission.

Under everyone’s gaze, the old slave’s initially melancholic, sullen and sickly appearance began to change. No more rickets, his spine straightened up and his shrivelled body began swelling up like an inflatable balloon. His bones cracked as they relocated themselves.

Gui He and the others watched the slave- first with shock, then questioning and later, anger. They shared the same thought: d.a.m.n it! It really is him!

“Robber Seven!”

The Flaming Horns rolled their shoulders and circled Robber Seven. Their smiles were eerily cold, eyes as if telling the robber that he was in for a good beating.

Robber Seven looked frightened. He stayed frozen at his spot, eyes dulled. Despite that, Shao Xuan knew this b.a.s.t.a.r.d was certainly attempting to conjure up an escape plan.

Studying the surrounding terrain and confirming that Robber Seven could not accomplish a successful escape, Shao Xuan asked again, “Speak, what have you stolen this time?”

Members of the “robber” organisation would never hide their loot after a successful robbery. Other people would fear others from learning about their crimes but the robbers, on the other hand, seemed to be afraid that people would remain clueless of their sins. They’d even parade it around. The more expensive the item was, the more they’d show it off. It was as if they wanted the whole world to know about it.

But for the sake of protecting his own loot, Robber Seven may not tell the truth.

And as expected, Robber Seven refused to answer Shao Xuan’s question.

Shao Xuan did not urge him. The man went on, “We’re heading to King City this time. We’re also going to bring them a message.”

Robber Seven continued to stare at the ground. Shao Xuan knew he was listening, so he resumed, “We’ll tell everyone in King City that the famous Robber Seven has been trying to steal undergarments from the Lord Chao Wen of Chao Qiu City.”

Robber Seven snapped his head up at Shao Xuan. “That’s a blatant insult to my robbery skills!” Forget about Chao Wen’s underwear, he could even steal all the undergarments of everyone else in the King City palace with ease! This was a petty crime that only beginners commit. Why would Robber Seven, a professional, do something like that?! He was a candidate to be the chief of all robbers for G.o.d’s sake!

King City was perpetually frequented by caravans and travelling groups. If such an amusing piece of news was spread, it would reach faraway places. Perhaps victims that had suffered robber attacks would pa.s.sionately provide more publicity to Robber Seven’s ‘loot’, they might even add oil to the fire and spin the news into exaggerated amus.e.m.e.nt.

Obviously, Robber Seven was overthinking it.

“Heh. You really think they’ll believe you?” Robber Seven tried to look unbothered.

“We can try.” Shao Xuan said calmly.

Robber Seven was at a loss for words. If the Flaming Horns had threatened him with violence, the robber would make up various lies to deceive the tribesmen. However, Shao Xuan was threatening him with his pride. This was undoubtedly an extreme slander to his reputation!

Plus, this threat wouldn’t have worked as well if someone else had said it instead. Robber Seven had to be careful around the Flaming Horns. He feared that the tribesmen would bring more harm to his name. Robber Seven was gearing up to raise his status, he couldn’t afford to be affected by something like this.

After some thought, Robber Seven relented, “It’s a Xi. The Bi people call it the ‘Chief’s Bone Lock’.”

Finishing his sentence, Robber Seven couldn’t suppress his joy. He had stolen this off the Bi organisation’s chief, he was even planning to raise his ranking among the robbers with this.