Chronicles Of The Shura Clan

Chapter 12

Looking at the frosty look on his big brother"s face as well his cold eyes that were filled hatred, Ling Chen felt a little bit uncomfortable.

Though he was labeled as a little devil, he didn"t like fighting nor killing people. He just wanted to have a regular life, yet fate played a big joke on him.

Not only it took away the only person that really loved him unconditionally, his mother, he also gave him a demonic power where he could only grow stronger by killing people.

He who valued and cherished life to the highest esteem and hated the act of killing, could only survive by killing.

He who wanted nothing but a loving family was the most hated person in the whole world, even by his own brothers.

He"s even shunned by the heaven as he couldn"t absorb the True Qi of the heaven and earth just like the others.

Furthermore, he had discovered an irrefutable fact and a scary truth about his power which set him apart from the rest. His power was able to affect his heart and his whole body like an ecstasy.The more he kills, the better he felt about himself.

Every time he killed someone and absorbed his life force, not only his body felt rejuvenated, it was also accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of great happiness.

Feeling every cells in his body br.i.m.m.i.n.g with joy as well the mental tranquility brought by the killings, Scared Ling Chen. He feared that he really might become someone else. He feared that he really might become a little devil.

He didn"t want to be addicted to killing, however, he feared that this might be impossible due to this cruel world he was living in. What an irony!, killing was his nemesis and yet it was also his closest friend.

Even though he hated killing, he loved his life even more. His mother had died to give birth to him, as such, he won"t let anyone take away his life. He considered his life as the only legacy left behind by his mother in this world.

Though he didn"t like to provoke others, that didn"t stop others from constantly provoking him and even trying to take his life.

"Didn"t you hear me! Fang Lan stays behind." Ling Jian"s voice thundered again like a G.o.d throughout the whole Asura peak.

This time, Ling Jian increased his sovereign Aura as well as his spiritual pressure.

Feeling the increased of the spiritual pressure, Ling Chen was still calm as usual like an ancient well without waves as he was looking at his big brother with a complicated look on his face.

He didn"t expect his older brother would still make things difficult for him and would even act against him, even after he had apologized to him.

While Ling Chen stood there calmly as though the huge pressure didn"t affect him, Lin Mu and Fang Lan countenance turned incredibly unsightly.

Though the boundless spiritual pressure as well the violent and sharp sovereign aura were concentrated on Ling Chen"s body, the two of them were still affected by it.

Under this boundless pressure, their heartbeats were already erratic. It was as though they were being pressed down by a huge majestic mountain.

Even the ground of the fighting arena showed sign of sinking as though it was being pulled by gravity.

"Plop, plop."

Under such immense pressure, both of their legs gave out as they slammed onto the ground.

In the meantime, the whole crowd was in frenzy as they were looking at the event unfolding in front of them.

Wether it was the elders or the disciples, they all eagerly held their breaths, waiting to see how the little devil was going to act.

The truth was that everyone was looking forward for them to fight, especially the little devil. They"ve all heard legend about his prowess but they"ve never saw him fight.

As for Ling Jian, they all knew that he was the strongest disciple throughout the whole sect. As the chief disciple, he has single handedly defeated every single elite disciple whom were considered as the strongest throughout the whole sect.

Furthermore, Ling Jian was even ranked in the Heaven ranking List. He wasn"t considered as a younger generation anymore as his power had transcended that level.

Ling Jian was so strong that he had even challenged countless core sect elders and won. Ling Chen was the only person shrouded with mystery in the stage. Despite hearing tales about his power, none of them have seen him in action.

"It seems like a battle is about the break out." Whispered Ling Xiao in the corner as he was looking at his two brothers on the stage with slight smile on his face.
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Seeing how the two of them were about to fight, he couldn"t hide the excitement in his heart. He was already planning to use Ling Chen in the Mortal World as his fangs and pitted him against his older brother, yet without even making his move, they were already on each other"s throat.

The Heaven was really on his side!

He was well aware about the temperament of the two brothers of his very well. Ling Jian was very aggressive and domineering.

He considered himself as the number one genius of not only the Heavenly Demon Sect, but also the whole Heaven Desolate Region. He was like the child of destiny that always been sitting high above everyone else.

As the first son of his father, the Sect Master, and also the young prince of the Great Yan Empire, he was born with great privilege. He felt as though all beings in the world needed to bow down their heads in front him.

This type of cognizance of being born with imperial or n.o.ble blood as well as with high privileges had been rooted deep into him.

Although Ling Chen was his little brother from the same father, Ling Jian always thought of him as a mixed breed and that he was n.o.bler than him.

In Ling Jian"s mind, his position as the future sect master was already a done deal. He himself was the absolute ruler, no one could questions his orders, and no one was allowed to resist his commands.

However, the appearance of Ling Chen have changed everything. Knowing how Ling Chen was born with the strength of Peak Martial Lord dealt a great blow to his self esteem and pride.

He hated the fact that Ling Chen was more powerful and talented than him despite being younger than him. He hated how the disciples and the elders revered and even idolized Ling Chen due to his strength. He hated the fact that Ling Chen was out of his reach and couldn"t control him.

As for Ling Chen , though he hadn"t spent a lot of time with him, Ling Xiao knew that this little brother of his hated the idea of being threatened and bossed around.

" What if I don"t want to leave him behind?" Answered Ling Chen with a resolute look on his face as he was looking at Ling Jian with his calm eyes.

His black hair was fluttering in the wind, and underneath the immense spiritual pressure of Ling Jian, a Martial Sovereign, he was standing still like a mountain. In his eyes, this pressure was nothing but a warm spring breeze.

Ling Chen"s eyes were glowing, this was his temper. He hated when people threatened him or used force to make him do things. According to his original intention, he only wanted to take that little fella away without confronting his elder brother or undermined his authority. He even apologized to him, yet he refused to let it go.

Fang Lan had already lost the fight as he was poisoned. He even lost all his cultivation base, so he didn"t pose any threat to any of them. Yet, his big brother still wanted to make things difficult for him when he wanted to take that useless fellow away for his experiments.

However, since his brother wanted to use force to make him submit to his demands, then he will also use force to get what he wants like always.

In front of him, even if you were a dragon you would still need to crouch, even if you were a tiger you would still need to lay down.

He had long realized that in this world, the law of the jungle prevailed, and people only showed respect to the powerful.

It didn"t matter if you were the chief disciple or the sect master, one should never put your ego and pride above him. This was something that has been rooted deep within him.

No one was superior to him and no one has the right to threaten him. Even though he disliked killings, that doesn"t mean he won"t kill to the point where corpses cover the whole world.

" IMPUDENT!" Ling Jian shouted, as a fearsome aura gushed forth from him. He couldn"t believe that this little b.a.s.t.a.r.d dared to disobey him and even challenged his authority as the chief disciple.

Since it came to this, he wouldn"t bother to take into consideration familial ties any longer. Even if it meant that he had to make a move against Ling Chen in public, he would make sure that Fang Lan stayed behind.