Civic League Cook Book

Chapter 5

Bread for sandwiches should be at least one day old. Cut into thin slices of uniform size, remove all crust and then cut into the desired shape either with the sharp, pliable knife or a sharp cookie cutter.

The b.u.t.ter should be soft enough to spread smoothly and the most essential thing is to have good bread and fresh sweet b.u.t.ter. Meat for filling should either be sliced very thin or chopped fine and other ingredients minced or mashed to make as smooth a paste as possible and mix evenly with the salad dressing or other dressing used. Sandwiches are better eaten as soon as made. If necessary to let them stand an hour or so, wrap the plate of sandwiches in a dampened napkin and put in a cold place so the bread will not become hard and dry. Be careful not to let the dressing run over the outer edge of the slices of bread.

Sandwiches must be dainty to be appetizing and easily handled. Cut the slices as thin as you can and make into small triangles or squared sandwiches, or oblong ones two or three inches long.

SANDWICHES.--Mince the white meat of a roast chicken, and mix it with half a can of French mushrooms, chopped fine, and a half cupful of chopped English walnuts. Season to taste with melted b.u.t.ter. Put the mixture between slices of whole wheat bread.

WALNUT SANDWICHES.--Sh.e.l.l English walnuts. Blanch and chop, and to every tablespoonful of nuts allow a good half teaspoonful of cream cheese. Rub well together and spread on thin slices of crustless white or graham bread.

DEVILED EGG SANDWICHES.--Mash the yolks of hard boiled eggs to a powder and moisten with olive oil and a few drops of vinegar. Work to a paste, add salt, pepper and French mustard to taste, with a drop or two of tabasco sauce. Now chop the whites of the eggs as fine as possible or until they are like a coa.r.s.e powder and mix them with the yolk paste.

If more seasoning is necessary, add it before spreading the mixture upon sliced graham bread.

ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES.--Chop rare roast beef very fine, taking care to use only the lean portions of the meat. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and a saltspoonful of horseradish. Mix and make into sandwiches with thinly sliced graham bread.

PEANUT SANDWICHES.--Sh.e.l.l and skin freshly roasted peanuts and roll them to fine crumbs on a pastry board. Add salt to taste and mix the powdered nuts with enough fresh cream cheese to make a paste that can be easily spread on unb.u.t.tered bread. Keep in a cold, damp place until wanted.

STUFFED EGGS.--Boil eggs hard and throw them into cold water. When cool remove the, cut the eggs in half carefully and extract the yolks. Rub these to a powder with the back of a spoon and add to them pepper and salt to taste, a little melted b.u.t.ter to make the mixture into a smooth paste. If ham is not at hand any other cold meat will do, and either anchovies or anchovy paste may be used. Make the compound into b.a.l.l.s about the size and shape of the yolks and restore them to their place between the two cups of the whites.

HAM AND OLIVE SANDWICHES.--Chop lean ham fine and beat into each cupful of the minced meat a tablespoonful of salad oil, a teaspoonful of vinegar, a saltspoonful of French mustard, six olives chopped fine and a teaspoonful of minced parsley. Work all to a paste and spread on thin slices of white bread.

SALMON SANDWICHES.--Small can salmon, one small onion chopped, two hard boiled eggs chopped, and chopped celery to taste. Mix with a good mayonnaise dressing and spread between thin, b.u.t.tered slices of bread.--Mrs. L. L. Lampman.

HAM SANDWICH.--Run boiled ham through the food chopper or mince it very fine. This may be spread plain on b.u.t.tered bread or it may be mixed with the ground yolks and whites of hard boiled eggs and mixed with mayonnaise dressing to a paste and spread between thin slices of b.u.t.tered bread.

ROLLED SANDWICHES.--Cut the crust from a loaf of bread lengthwise of the loaf in thin slices. b.u.t.ter, spread with the ham mayonnaise paste and roll up like jelly roll, pressing firmly together. Cut in slices like jelly roll cake slices.

NUT BREAD SANDWICHES.--These are made of nut bread slices spread with b.u.t.ter. Raisin bread also makes nice sandwiches and so does date bread.

ENGLISH SANDWICHES.--Spread toasted m.u.f.fins (cold m.u.f.fins cut into slices and toasted) with b.u.t.ter, then with cottage cheese or grated cream cheese. Cover with a thin layer of plum (blue damson preferred) marmalade, and cover with top slice of toasted m.u.f.fin.

SARDINE OR ANCHOVY SANDWICHES.--Mix ground yolks of five hard boiled eggs with three boned sardines or anchovies, mashed, two small pickles or as many capers chopped, one teaspoon of b.u.t.ter. Spread between thin slices of b.u.t.tered graham bread.

EVENING SANDWICHES.--Three hard boiled eggs, one half pint olives and one fourth pound walnuts, minced together fine and mixed with salad dressing. Spread on rye bread or graham bread, with lettuce leaves between. One cup chopped celery, six stoned olives and two tablespoons salted nuts, minced together with salad dressing. Salted almonds rolled fine and mixed to a paste with b.u.t.ter are nice on crackers, with a chafing dish lunch. Bone sardines and mash them to a paste with lemon juice or oil and spread on thinly sliced bread. Mince canned lobster, shrimp or crabs fine, mix with minced hard boiled eggs and salad dressing and spread between b.u.t.tered slices of bread.

ANCHOVY SARDINES.--Spread small triangles of bread or toast with anchovy paste. Serve either hot or cold. No top crust for these. Pa.s.s lemon slices.

CAVIAR SANDWICHES.--Spread thin slices of rye bread with caviar and sprinkle with finely minced young onions or onion juice. No top crust for these. Serve with lemon points.

CHEESE WAFERS.--Grate cheese and spread it on b.u.t.tered cracker wafers or b.u.t.tered wafers of toast and sprinkle lightly with salt and cayenne pepper. Melt cheese in the oven and serve hot.

BOILED EGG SANDWICHES.--Run hard boiled eggs through meat grinder and mix with dry mustard, salt, cayenne pepper and lemon juice or vinegar.

Spread between thin slices of b.u.t.tered bread. Minced celery or celery seed is nice mixed with this paste. The grated rind of a lemon added to ground hard boiled eggs (three), one half cup b.u.t.ter, two tablespoons of lemon juice, salt and half teaspoon of dry mustard makes a good devil paste for sandwiches.

OLIVE AND COTTAGE CHEESE SANDWICHES.--Stone olives, or use the stuffed olives, and chop them fine; mix with an equal quant.i.ty of cottage cheese. Make into a smooth paste with soft b.u.t.ter. Spread between graham or rye bread slices. Olives may be mixed likewise with grated cream cheese.

CUc.u.mBER SANDWICHES.--Use the fresh, sliced cuc.u.mbers or cuc.u.mber pickles chopped fine. Mix with mayonnaise salad dressing and spread on b.u.t.tered bread, cover with shredded lettuce and lay slice of b.u.t.tered bread on top.

WALNUT AND CHEESE SANDWICHES.--Chop walnuts fine and mix with grated cream cheese and a little lemon juice or with soft b.u.t.ter or salad dressing. Spread on lettuce leaves and place between b.u.t.tered slices of bread.

CELERY SANDWICHES.--Mince celery fine; mix it with chopped nuts and chopped olives and blend together with mayonnaise dressing. Spread between slices of b.u.t.tered bread.

CHEESE SANDWICHES.--Mix grated cheese with the grated yolks of hard boiled eggs and add a few drops of lemon juice. For a change a few canned, sweet red peppers, chopped fine are nice added to the mixture.

Spread between thin slices of b.u.t.tered white bread.

COTTAGE CHEESE SANDWICHES.--Spread cottage cheese between thin slices of b.u.t.tered graham, whole wheat or rye bread. Chopped dill pickles are nice mixed with this cheese and spread on rye bread.

NUT AND CHEESE SANDWICHES.--Grate cream cheese and mix it with ground salted peanuts. Make into a paste with b.u.t.ter or thick cream. Spread on graham bread.

DUTCH LUNCH SANDWICH.--Grate cream cheese or cut up Swiss cheese and spread it on thin slices of b.u.t.tered rye bread; spread with German prepared mustard and press b.u.t.tered slices of bread on top. Pa.s.s dill pickles.

PEANUT SANDWICHES.--Spread thin slices of Boston brown bread with peanut b.u.t.ter or with ground salted peanuts mixed with b.u.t.ter. White graham bread is also used this way.

CLUB HOUSE SANDWICHES.--Spread bread or toast with b.u.t.ter, lay on a thin slice of cold meat chicken, (white meat preferred), spread with mayonnaise salad dressing then put on a layer of shredded lettuce, covered again with mayonnaise dressing and cover top with another thin slice of b.u.t.tered bread or b.u.t.tered hot toast. The sliced meat and bread must be cut very thin to make dainty sandwiches of this delicious combination. Garnish with quartered dill pickles and olives or pimentos and parsley.

HOT EGG SANDWICH.--Toast bread in thin slices; lay on a thin slice of hot boiled bacon or ham and upon this place a hot fried egg or an egg scrambled fine. Lay another hot slice of toast on top and serve.

MINCED MEAT SANDWICHES.--Minced cooked chicken or veal, mixed with minced celery and then with mayonnaise dressing is the usual paste for meat sandwiches. The flavor may be varied by adding minced sweet pickles, sweet canned peppers, olives, pimentos, mushrooms or nuts to this paste as fancy dictates. Minced boiled ham and boiled chicken in equal portions make a nice combination. If mayonnaise isn"t liked bind together with soft b.u.t.ter, thick cream, lemon juice or prepared mustard.

LAYER SANDWICHES.--These are made of different varieties of bread combined in the same sandwich or of two or more kinds of thinly sliced cold, cooked meat, placed in alternate layers between slices of b.u.t.tered bread or toast. Cold roast duck, either wild or tame, sliced thinly and placed between b.u.t.tered slices of raisin bread is nice. Duck may first be dipped in mayonnaise. Cold boiled tongue sliced thin and covered with lettuce mayonnaise and then with a thin slice of chicken or cold boiled ham, make a good layer sandwich. Flaked white fish, spread with minced shrimp mayonnaise and lettuce or minced celery is another. Brown bread and white bread cut as thin as wafers, b.u.t.tered and spread with cream or cottage cheese and minced olives or nuts and put together in alternate layers then cut through like layer cake into oblong strips or finger sandwiches make pretty luncheon sandwiches. Nut bread and raisin or date bread, sliced, b.u.t.tered and built in layer sandwiches are delicious. Rings of Boston brown bread alternated with rings of white bread and spread with peanut b.u.t.ter is another popular combination.

SWEET SANDWICHES.--Chop figs, raisins and stoned dates together and spread on b.u.t.tered slices of graham or white bread. Dates minced with nuts and spread on thin slices of b.u.t.tered bread or upon cracker wafers make dainty afternoon tea sandwiches. Grated sweet chocolate and ground nuts mixed smooth with b.u.t.ter or cream is another filling. Grated cocoanut and dates minced to a paste is another favorite filling.

GAME SANDWICHES.--Cut thin slices of prairie chicken, wild duck or goose or venison. Dip shredded celery into mayonnaise dressing; lay the sliced meat on b.u.t.tered bread, scatter shredded celery over it and press bread on top. With sliced venison spread currant jelly on the meat and omit the salad dressing. With sliced turkey use cranberry jelly. With boiled ham cider jelly, grape jelly or apple jelly is nice.

With sliced roast veal tomato jelly is best. With wild fowl use mild plum jelly or currant jelly.--Contributed.

HICKORY NUT AND BANANA SANDWICHES.--Slice two bananas and mix with one half cupful of chopped hickory nut meats or pecans. Spread between thin slices of b.u.t.tered brown bread.

APPLE AND CELERY SANDWICHES.--Mince celery fine and mix with chopped apples, sprinkle lightly with salt and spread between slices of b.u.t.tered brown bread.

NUT SANDWICHES.--Waldorf. Chop fine equal quant.i.ties of sour apples, celery and pecans or other nuts. Salt them, spread on b.u.t.tered bread, then spread lightly with mayonnaise dressing and make into sandwiches with brown bread.

SMOKED DUCK SANDWICHES.--Cut thin slices from smoked b.r.e.a.s.t.s of duck or goose. Cut hard boiled eggs into thin rings, lay over the duck and squeeze lemon juice on them; sprinkle with salt and pepper and place between b.u.t.tered slices of bread, rye bread preferred.

SMOKED SALMON SANDWICHES.--Cut thin slices of bread, b.u.t.ter it and lay a thin slice of smoked salmon between them, or mash the salmon smooth with minced hard boiled egg and mix with b.u.t.ter to a paste and spread on bread.

BEAN SANDWICHES.--Spread b.u.t.tered brown bread with cold baked beans, sprinkle with chopped pickles or with salted water cress or nasturtium leaves minced fine.

PICQUANT SANDWICHES.--Garden cress or pepper gra.s.s dipped lightly in salt and spread between thin slices of b.u.t.tered bread makes dainty picquant sandwiches. Minced nasturtium leaves are used likewise.

FRUIT SANDWICHES.--Mince seeded malaga grapes, sliced canned pineapple and mashed bananas together to a paste. Spread on slices of plain white or graham bread or on nut bread. Cover with a thin layer of salad dressing and press thin sliced b.u.t.tered bread on top.

DIXIE SANDWICHES.--Spread sliced nut bread with b.u.t.ter and grated cream cheese, or with melted cream cheese and press b.u.t.tered bread on top.

RAISIN SANDWICHES.--Spread raisin bread slices with grated cheese and cover with a slice of b.u.t.tered raisin bread.

NUT AND CHOCOLATE SANDWICHES.--Spread thin slices of b.u.t.tered nut bread with chocolate fudge or fondant. Raisin bread is nice used the same way.

MARSHMALLOW SANDWICHES.--Toast marshmallows and place between thin slices of b.u.t.tered nut bread. Mushrooms may be steamed with a little cream, spread on b.u.t.tered bread and covered with a thin coating of chocolate fudge or fondant. Set the fondant dish in hot water to melt it for spreading.