Civic League Cook Book

Chapter 9

Williston, N. D.]


GENERAL DIRECTIONS FOR MAKING CAKE.--Cream the b.u.t.ter and sugar, usually beat the whites and yolks of eggs separately, mix the yolks with the b.u.t.ter and sugar, add the milk, sift the baking powder with the flour and stir in a little at a time then the whites of the eggs, then the flavoring. For cakes containing no b.u.t.ter beat the egg yolks until very light and thick. Add the sugar gradually beating until very light and spongy. Add flavoring and liquid. Have the whites beaten to a stiff froth adding them alternately with the sifted flour (mixed with the baking powder or cream of tartar) and cut both in very lightly.

GOLD CAKE.--Yolks of eight eggs, one and one fourth cups granulated sugar, three fourths cup b.u.t.ter, three fourths cup water, two and one half cups flour, two heaping teaspoons baking powder, one half teaspoon of lemon extract. Sift flour and measure, add baking powder and sift three times. Cream b.u.t.ter and sugar until light and creamy, add yolks beaten light and beat well together, then add water and flavoring and the flour. Beat hard. Bake in greased tin or in layers. Loaf cakes are nicer baked in a funnel cake pan.--Mrs. Fred Southard.

DELICATE CAKE.--One half cup of b.u.t.ter creamed with one cup of sugar until very light, add one half cupful of milk and one and one half cups of flour sifted with one teaspoon of baking powder. Lastly add the flavoring and stiffly beaten whites of four eggs. Bake in one sheet or in two layers and ice with brown carmel or white frosting. Nice for small family. For large layer cake double the recipe.--Mrs. Whitehead.

LULA"S WHITE CAKE.--One and one half cups of sugar creamed with one half cup b.u.t.ter until very light, add one cup of milk alternately with three cups of sifted flour. (Sift flour four times). Whites of six eggs beaten very stiff. When partly beaten add two even teaspoons of cream of tartar to the eggs. Dissolve one even teaspoon of soda in one tablespoon of the milk and add it with the milk. Cut in the beaten whites of eggs last, as you do for sponge cake. Flavor with lemon, vanilla or almond extract as preferred. Bake in a greased funnel tin.

Bake twenty minutes in a moderately warm oven, then increase the heat and bake to fifty minutes or until done. Ice with boiled frosting.--Mrs. Whitehead.

GOLD CAKE.--One cup of b.u.t.ter, one and one half cups of sugar, eight yolks of eggs, three cupfuls of pastry flour, one teaspoon of baking powder, one teaspoon of lemon flavor. Cream b.u.t.ter and sugar, add the well whipped yolks, then the flour with baking powder and lastly the flavor. Two cupfuls of common flour with one cup of corn starch may be used instead of pastry flour.--Mrs. George Bruegger.

NO EGG CAKE.--One and one half cups of sugar, one quarter cup of b.u.t.ter, one cup of sour cream, two cups of chopped raisins, one teaspoon cinnamon, one half teaspoon cloves, one half teaspoon nutmeg, one tablespoon grated chocolate, one teaspoon of soda dissolved in hot water, four cups of flour. Mix spices and chocolate into flour, and add to the above, and add raisins dredged in flour. Bake one hour.--Mrs.

George Bruegger.

MAHOGANY CAKE.--One half cupful chocolate cooked in one half cup of sweet milk, one and one half cups of sugar, one half cup of b.u.t.ter, two and one half cups of flour, one half cup sweet milk, three eggs, level teaspoon of soda, dissolved in milk. Bake in layers.--Mrs. Wolpert.

SWEET CREAM CAKE.--One large egg, beaten very light, one cup sugar beaten with egg till light as cream, one cup thick, sweet cream, one half spoon salt, one and one half cups flour, one teaspoonful baking powder. Flavor with lemon. Beat continuously while mixing. Bake either in layers or as a loaf cake.--M. E. Cooper.

SILVER OR GOLD CAKE.--Three fourths cup b.u.t.ter, one and one half cups sugar, one half cup cold water, with one half teaspoon of soda dissolved in it, two and one half large cups of flour sifted with one level teaspoon of cream of tartar (or use two level teaspoons of baking powder and omit the soda and cream of tartar) and lastly the flavoring and stiffly beaten whites of eight eggs. Cream b.u.t.ter and sugar until light and smooth, add water but do not stir, then beat in the flour and beat five minutes. Cut in the whites and bake in a greased funnel loaf cake tin in a moderate oven forty minutes or until done when tested with a broom straw. For gold cake add the beaten yolks of eight eggs to the creamed b.u.t.ter and sugar and omit the whites and use scant measure of flour. Ice the gold cake with white boiled frosting.--Mrs.


CORN STARCH CAKE.--Two cups sugar, one cup b.u.t.ter, one cup of sweet milk, two cups flour, one cup corn starch, whites of seven eggs, one and one half teaspoons of baking powder. Flavor.--Contributed.

JELLY ROLL.--One cup sugar, three eggs well beaten, one cup flour, one teaspoon baking powder, one half cup boiling water added last, one half teaspoon lemon or vanilla, pinch of salt. Spread in well b.u.t.tered dripping pans. When done turn out, spread with jelly and roll quickly.

Makes two rolls.--Contributed.

BREAD CAKE.--Three cups bread sponge, one cup lard or b.u.t.ter, one pound raisins, two cups sugar, two eggs, one teaspoon soda in a little water, nutmeg and spices. Mix, raise until light and bake in one loaf.

MOCHA CAKE.--Bake a sponge cake mixture in two round layer cake pans and spread smoothly between the layers and on the outside with Mocha cream. Wash one half cup of b.u.t.ter, then beat to a cream and add slowly enough thick syrup to sweeten. Make syrup as follows: Cook together one cup of sugar and one half cup of clear, strong coffee until a thick syrup is formed; cool before using. (New and delicious.)

MOCHA ICING.--One quarter pound chopped almonds, blanched, put in oven to dry, one half cup of b.u.t.ter, eight tablespoons of icing sugar, one tablespoon of brandy or whisky; mix b.u.t.ter and sugar to a paste, then add almonds and whisky.

PARIS STICKS.--Three cupfuls of chopped almonds, two and one half cupfuls of pulverized sugar, the whites of five eggs beaten to a stiff froth, the grated rind of two lemons. Mix the ingredients and roll out on pulverized sugar, cut into strips an inch wide and put into paraffined pans. Bake in a slow oven. Excellent.

SUNSHINE CAKE.--Whites of seven eggs, yolks of five eggs, one third teaspoon cream of tartar, one cup sugar, one cup of flour, a little salt and vanilla. Beat whites stiff, add salt and cream of tartar, add sugar, then beaten yolks, then flour which has been sifted several times. Flavor and bake in a funnel tin.--Contributed.

MOCK ANGEL FOOD.--One cup sweet milk, bring to boiling point, one cup flour, one cup sugar, three teaspoons of baking powder. Sift dry ingredients together four times, add warm milk and stir well then fold in beaten whites of two eggs. Flavor. Bake in angel cake tins.--Contributed.

ANGEL CAKE.--Whites of twelve eggs--or, measured, one and one quarter cups of whites of eggs. Add one third of a teaspoonful of salt, and beat until stiff. Sift into this 1-1/4 cups of granulated sugar, and beat. Have at hand one cup of flour that you have sifted five times; sift this in and mix one teaspoonful of extract of bitter almonds, or any preferred flavor. Bake in slow oven, and do not grease your pan.

With a gas stove one young friend puts the grate in the oven in its lowest sliding place and bakes her angel cake there, lighting both burners for one minute. Then she turns the front out and the other so low that it looks like a row of blue beads. She bakes it one hour.

Another, equally successful, puts her grate a little higher than the middle of the oven, and bakes the cake there for one half hour with a very moderate oven.

MOCHA CAKE.--One cupful of sugar, one cupful of flour and one teaspoon of cream of tartar and one half teaspoon of soda sifted all together twice, blend in one large teaspoon of melted b.u.t.ter and break in the eggs and stir well, then add one half cup of boiling milk. Bake in one loaf in a moderate oven.

MOCHA FILLING.--One cupful of powdered sugar, a small piece of b.u.t.ter, two tablespoons of coffee, two teaspoons of vanilla. Cream b.u.t.ter and sugar, add coffee and flavoring gradually and a little more sugar if necessary. Spread with a knife dipped in hot water.--Contributed.

MARSHMALLOW FILLING.--One cupful of brown sugar, one cupful of white sugar, one cupful water and one tablespoon of vinegar boiled together like candy. Beat two eggs very light and stir into the candy with one quarter pound of marshmallows, cut up. Spread on layers of cake.--Contributed.

DEVIL"S FOOD.--Two eggs, one cup sugar, one half cup b.u.t.ter, two thirds cup sweet milk, one teaspoon vanilla, one half cup melted chocolate, one half teaspoon soda, one teaspoon baking powder, two scant cups of flour.--Mrs. Creaser.

DEVIL"S FOOD CAKE.--One egg, one cup sugar, half cup sour milk, one tablespoon b.u.t.ter, one fourth cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon soda, one and one half squares chocolate and one cup flour. (Can use sour cream instead of milk and b.u.t.ter.) Cream eggs and sugar. Melt chocolate over hot water and add b.u.t.ter to melt it, then add eggs and sugar. Dissolve soda in water.--Mrs. G. A. McIntosh.

BOISE BROWN CAKE.--One and one half cups sugar, three fourths cup b.u.t.ter, four eggs, three fourths cup grated chocolate, one cup milk, one cup chopped nuts, two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon vanilla, one teaspoon cloves, one teaspoon cinnamon, one teaspoon allspice, one half teaspoon salt.--Mrs. D. E. Plier.

MASHED POTATO CAKE.--Two cups sugar, three quarters cup b.u.t.ter, one cup mashed potatoes, four eggs, one cup chocolate, one half cup sweet milk, one teaspoonful cloves, one teaspoonful vanilla, one cup chopped walnut, two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder.--Mrs. F.


CHOCOLATE LOAF CAKE.--One half cake of chocolate shaved in a bowl or three fourths cup of cocoa. Pour one cup of boiling water on this mixture and let it stand while you are mixing the cake. Cream three fourths cup of b.u.t.ter with two cups of sugar until light. It is best to cream the b.u.t.ter first and add sugar gradually especially if the b.u.t.ter is hard and cold. Beat in yolks of two eggs, one half cup of sour milk or b.u.t.ter milk, one teaspoon of soda dissolved in a little water, (about two tablespoonfuls,) two cups of flour sifted, and beaten whites of two eggs. Beat well, then add the chocolate. Bake in one sheet in a dripping pan lined with greased paper. Let the cake stand in the pan.

Ice with boiled frosting and when firm and cold, cover with one square of chocolate that has been melted in one teaspoon of b.u.t.ter in a cup placed in a pan of hot water for five minutes. Pour the chocolate over the white frosting and spread evenly with a silver knife. Cut the cake diagonally across the pan into two inch diamond shaped pieces. A cupful of floured chopped nuts may be added to the cake batter before baking, if nut loaf is liked, and sometimes I place a half English walnut in the center of the frosting on each diamond. This chocolate and white frosting is also nice with white layer cake and chopped nuts make it extra nice for a thick filling to a square two layer cake, shaking the nuts over the white frosting and then baking them with the chocolate.--Mrs. Whitehead.

SPONGE CAKE.--Beat four eggs and one cupful of granulated sugar until mixture is creamy white. Add four tablespoons of cold water and one cup of flour sifted several times with a teaspoonful of baking powder. Bake in a moderate oven. Flavor with lemon. May be baked in layers.--Mrs. H.


SPONGE CAKE.--Six eggs, (reserve whites of two for frosting), two cups sugar. Beat (not stir) eggs and sugar until almost cream colored, two and one half cups flour, one teaspoon flavoring, and one teaspoon baking powder last, one cup boiling water, the water must be added gradually. While adding flour and water stir instead of beating. Bake in loaf in a moderate oven thirty or forty minutes.--Mrs. C. C.


HOT WATER SPONGE CAKES.--Four eggs beaten 15 minutes, two scant cups sugar, 2 cups sifted flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder, two thirds cup boiling water, flavor with lemon or vanilla. Bake in a deep square tin.--Mrs. Southard.

BOILED SPONGE CAKE.--Five eggs, one cup white sugar, one cup flour, juice of one half lemon, one teaspoon vanilla. Boil the sugar with three tablespoons water until it threads. Pour over the stiffly beaten whites of eggs, beat this fifteen minutes, then add egg yolks, flavoring and the flour sifted three times. Bake in angel food tin.--Mrs. Aaron J. Bessie.

GOLD SPONGE CAKE.--Whites of eleven eggs beaten very stiff, yolks of four eggs beaten very light with one and one half cups of powdered sugar. Cut in the whites and add one cup of swans down flour sifted with one teaspoonful of baking powder. Flavor. Cut flour in lightly as you would for sponge cake. Bake in one loaf.--Mrs. C. H. McKay.

SNOW SPONGE CAKE WITH COCOANUT FILLING.--Beat the whites of ten eggs very light, add one and one half cupfuls of powdered sugar and beat until the bowl can be inverted and retain the eggs. Add one teaspoon cream tartar to one cupful of flour and sift several times. Cut this into the egg mixture, flavor with almond extract and turn into square ungreased cake tins, baking in two sheets. Fill with cocoanut frosting made by boiling two cupfuls of sugar with water until it hairs from the spoon, turn it hot on to the beaten whites of two eggs and whip to a frosting. Add one small cocoanut which has been freed from the sh.e.l.l and all brown skin and grated fine. Flavor with lemon or vanilla. If fresh cocoanut cannot be obtained try soaking the shredded cocoanut in warm milk and steaming it an hour or two before using and then squeeze it dry. This will make it more moist. If you have only one angel cake tin, split the cake through the center after it is cold and put the icing between the layers. Swans down flour is best for this cake and the fresh cocoanut make a delicious filling.--Mrs. B. G. Whitehead.

SUNSHINE CAKE.--Whites of ten eggs, yolks of six, one level teaspoonful of cream of tartar, one and one half cupfuls of sugar, sifted, one cupful of flour, sifted twice, the grated peel of one orange or one teaspoonful of lemon or vanilla or one half teaspoon of almond extract.

Beat whites very stiff, then beat in one half of the sugar, beat yolks light about ten minutes, add the flavoring and balance of the sugar and beat five minutes. Mix yolks and whites lightly together and cut in the flour that has been sifted with the cream of tartar. Bake in an ungreased, funnel angel cake tin about an hour in a slow oven or 45 minutes in a moderate oven. Avoid baking too long as it makes the cake dry and coa.r.s.e. When the cake shrinks from the tin at sides of the pan it is sufficiently baked. Invert the tin and let it stand until cold.

If it sticks then run a knife around the edge of cake, pat the tin slightly on the bottom and sides until it drops from the pan. If a frosted cake is preferred ice it with white boiled icing.--Mrs.


MOCHA CAKE.--One cup sugar, one half cup b.u.t.ter, three quarters cup milk, two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, one spoon vanilla, three eggs beaten separately. Bake in small dripping pan. When cold cut into small squares. Put into oven to brown. Three cups sh.e.l.led peanuts, pour over three teaspoons melted b.u.t.ter. When slightly browned put through meat grinder. Whip one half pound b.u.t.ter with two cups powdered sugar to a cream. b.u.t.ter each piece of cake with this cream paste and roll into ground nuts.--Mrs. A. McKay.

NUT LOAF CAKE.--One cup sugar, one half cup b.u.t.ter, one half cup sweet milk, one and one half cups sifted flour, one cup chopped walnuts or hickory nuts, two eggs, two teaspoons baking powder.--Mrs. Schollander.

BLITZ KUCHEN.--One cup sugar, three fourths cup b.u.t.ter, four eggs, one cup of flour, one half teaspoon baking powder, grated rind and juice of one lemon. Cream b.u.t.ter and sugar and then add eggs, one at a time and stirring each five minutes, then add the flour and spread dough in square tin about half an inch thick. Chop one fourth pound almonds, mix with sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle on top of cake before putting in the oven. Bake about thirty minutes.--Mrs. J. Bruegger. German Cookery.

SOUR CREAM NUT CAKE.--Break two eggs into a large cup and fill with sour cream. Put in a mixing bowl and add a level teaspoonful of soda and one cupful of sugar, beat all well add flour to make quite stiff and flavor with vanilla. Take a pound of English walnuts, chop all but what you wish to put on top of cake and stir into the batter. Bake in moderate oven. Ice the tops and lay on the half meats.--Mrs. G. A.


DARK CAKE.--One cup sugar, one cup b.u.t.ter and lard mixed, three eggs, one half cup black, one cup cold coffee, one level teaspoon soda, two pounds raisins, flour to thicken. Bake in moderate oven.--Mrs. W. C. Lynch.

DARK COFFEE CAKE.--One cup sugar, pinch of salt, one cup shortening (b.u.t.ter and lard) one cup cold coffee, one cup sour cream or milk (add that ingredient), three fourths cup, two level teaspoonfuls soda dissolved in warm water, cloves, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg to suit the taste, one pound raisins, and flour enough to make a nice batter. Nuts may also be used if desired.--Mrs. W. S. Davidson.