Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 14: Three Rewards (3)

Chapter 14: Three Rewards (3)

Of course, I regretted the number of other users that I killed in the field of honor or in the field, but I was confident that my S grade in the first closed beta, S in the second one and SS in the third one would be in the highest or top ranking group.

Actually, it"s probably safe to say that I am No. 1 gamer rather than vaguely putting myself in the highest ranking group. I was the only max level achiever in the third closed beta according to the message which gave me a huge bonus.

I laughed at that moment because I could see the possibility that I could s.h.i.+ne very brightly in the world like my ID ‘lumen."

“Whew! Good. Confirm the t.i.tle for the last time.”

“Ugh? What the heck is this?”

As soon as I confirmed the t.i.tle, I shouted unconsciously because there was something ridiculous there.

When I achieved Level 300 right before the closing of the third closed beta, my maximum health was less than 150,000. It was because I invested most stat points including items in intellectual power, so I depended on the extreme ice-type wizards that mainly depended on attack power.

But this time, I gained 300,000 health as soon as I began.

Besides, I gained 300,000 mana and a total of 2,500 stat points as a result of adding 500 to each stat.

I was taken aback by the huge bonus benefits.

I pinched my cheeks with my fingers unconsciously and felt a slight pain.

Of course it was a virtual pain caused by my brainwave recognition.

“By the way, why are they so generous?”

I was so happy when I obtained Iceman and Mutual Growth as bonuses.

But when I obtained the ‘G.o.d of Enhancement" trait and the t.i.tle of ‘The only closed beta max level achiever, I could not help but think that the bonuses were excessive.

It was as if the game company was trying to do away with the balance of games.

Of course, I was not the only one who received the bonuses.

There were lots of max level achievers in the first and second closed betas aside from the third one where I was the only max level achiever.


At that moment, the intro video I watched right after I accessed the game came into my mind.

The video mentioned those who woke up to power.

“Are they the users who achieved the maximum level in the first, second, and third closed betas?”

I thought they might be.

But I wondered whether those who didn"t partic.i.p.ate in the first, second, and third closed betas or those who partic.i.p.ated but didn"t achieve the max level were now partic.i.p.ating in the new game without receiving any bonus traits.

After all, inequality at birth among people existed in the real world.

But in the new world of games, everyone invested because of the conviction that everybody had the same starting line.

Of course, there were people like me who played games because they were given a bonus for their hard efforts.

Anyway, the bonus I received was absurd given the principles of fairness and equality in the game world.

But I didn"t question it for long because it was not something I had to go through the trouble of agonizing over.

And I possessed one too many bonuses.

I was not good enough to bring up the issue of the excessive bonus unfairness.

While I was sorting out my complicated thoughts, another message rang.

The trait had the power to increase the performance of all ice-type skills by 30%. So, it would be really foolish of me to give up this power.

In other words, the stats that would be the parent stat of Mutual Growth was Intellectual Power.

Obviously, the fighting style was only for ice-type wizards.

Nonetheless, the reason why I was agonizing so hard was because I hadn"t yet chosen the first stat and second stats that would grow with this Intellectual Power.

In particular, my possession of ‘The only closed beta max level achiever." t.i.tle, 350,000 health and 350,000 mana at Level 0 made me even more troubled because that was twice the maximum health and mana I had in the third closed beta.

So, I imagined choosing Power for the first stat that would grow by 100% with Intellectual Power as the parent stat, and Agility for the second stat.

In that case, the attack from ice-type wizards will inflict huge damage thanks to high Intellectual Power and Iceman. In addition to that, the physical attack with the same power as Intellectual Power would also show an enormous impact, just like a master archer or

Then my framework will be complete as the emergence of the so-called Wizard Swordsman which was once very popular in the first, second, and third closed beta.