Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 135: As you sow (2)

Chapter 135: As you sow (2)

Round 63. It was the Daesung & Kusan Alliance"s turn.

Since the rotation system started, they were faced with the first dangerous situation.

So what?

While the Myongjin & Mirae Alliance were p.u.s.s.yfooting around, hesitant to help the Daesung & Kusan Alliance, I went right ahead to support them as a member of Daeyu.

Originally the three teams agreed to support each other if any of them found it hard to block the monsters.

So, I freely launched the attack against the charging monsters to earn as much contribution as possible.

Of course, the Myongjin & Mirae Alliance"s reluctance to help the Daesung & Kusan"s alliance was not a revenge against Daesung Chairman Kim who contributed decisively to make Bora Yon decide to sacrifice herself as an offering. If Kim committed any ‘sin," he was the first to point out that it was the Myongjin & Mirae Alliance who should make the offering first.

Honestly, Kim didn"t commit any ‘sin."

The reason I moved so actively this time was because I wanted to make the biggest contribution out of my personal greed.

Anyway, whenever the Daesung & Kusan Alliance got their turn, I partic.i.p.ated so I could hunt as many monsters as possible.

Of course, there were some who expressed complaints about my active partic.i.p.ation.

“Thank you for helping us, but if you attack like that…”

“If you alone hunt most of the monsters…”

As a matter of fact, I was stronger than anyone else here.

Although the 30% increase in my combat power was confined to this event, it was like giving wings to a tiger for me.

So, I used Ice Spear and Multiple Ice Arrow to hunt the monsters that appeared to be dying soon after being hit by my AOE skills first. Since most of the players were veterans who were level 1000 or higher, they clearly knew my intentions, but I selfishly kept hunting the monsters, not caring about their jealous gazes.

Moreover, since the other members of Team No. 3 and the Daesung & Kusan Alliance knew it was impossible to attack the monsters by themselves alone, they didn"t stop me from dominating the battlefield even though they complained behind my back.

Anyway, while the rounds were continuing, something shocking happened. It made everyone tense because the altar from Round 32 reappeared.




As expected, everybody suddenly fell silent, wondering who would be the next offering.

Of course, there were some whose faces turned darker than anybody else.

They were the users of the Daesung & Kusan Alliance who happened to be in charge of Round 68.

As they were the ones who suggested that the team in charge of the round should make the offering, it was inevitable for the Daesung & Kusan Alliance to avoid it this time.

At that moment, another unexpected message rang.

[In Round 68, the offering chosen in Round 32 will reappear as a monster.

-However, the actual user will not reappear, but a monster that borrowed the appearance, status window, and skills of the person selected as the actual sacrifice.

-Monster Kali has appeared. ]

Bora Yon"s ID was Kali.

Soon, Bora, who gave herself up to be a sacrifice on the altar, reappeared.

At that moment I could not help but feel a bit puzzled because it was impossible for her to deal with the 59 users on her own even though she was very competent.

In fact, I alone could deal with her without any problem.

‘Is the monster trying to provoke sympathy?"

The monster mimicked the appearance of Bora Yon, their colleague until Round 32.

So, it was rather burdensome for Daeyu to attack her openly, not to mention the Myongjin & Mirae Alliance.

But the monster only took the appearance of Bora Yon according to the system, so it didn"t provoke enough sympathy to dissuade me from attacking it.

Moreover, there were frequent cases of fights among the users in games.

At that moment, there appeared another message.

Arena in Region 52 (j.a.pan).

The same thing happened there in Round 68.

The altar reappeared. At that moment, except for Chairman Ryu Sechi, the members kept silent wondering who would be the next sacrifice, but they let out a sigh when Sato, who had been chosen as a sacrifice in Round 32, reappeared.

Sato was a healer anyway, and most knew that he possessed no particular extraordinary abilities.

However, the message that rang at that time embarra.s.sed everyone, starting with Chairman Ryu Sechi.

[The ability of the emerging monster that resembles Sato"s appearance increases in proportion to his feelings of resent and vengeance when he became a sacrifice.

-The intensity of his resentment and vengeance will be displayed as a value from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 100.

-Sato"s feelings of resentment and vengeance right before he became a sacrifice was 97.6.

-Sato has become 97.6 times stronger than before]




A monster with the appearance of Sato who was 97.6 times stronger than the original Sato.

Everyone could not help but be embarra.s.sed, but they came back to their senses when one of them shouted from the center.

“Hey, folks, wake up! Anyway, it"s only a monster, and Sato was a healer. In other words, if the monster"s strength is based on Sato"s status window and skills, it cannot be that strong.”

Chairman Ryu Sechi was shouting at them. After hearing that, they were all embarra.s.sed by their initial reaction because a healer was a healer, no matter how strong he was.

But at that moment Sato, who appeared as a monster, shouted loudly.

“May G.o.d heal you guys!”

Sato used his AOE skill to speed up health recovery, but everybody ignored it because it was not an offensive skill.

But they were shocked to see the next message which was so ridiculous.

[Your health is decreasing rapidly.]

The 59 people, led by Chairman Ryu Sechi, confirmed that their health was dropping quickly.

“What the heck is this! What"s happening now?”

“Oh my G.o.d! Why is my health going down?”

“That skill is supposed to recover health, right?”

While all of them were at a loss, trying to figure out the unexpected situation, Sato raised his hand and opened his mouth again towards the tank in front of him.

“Heal! Mega Heal!”

Clearly, it was a recovery-type skill.

But what happened was the opposite.


The tank who got hit directly by Mega Heal screamed in pain, then collapsed on the spot.

And everyone clearly realized that Sato used his heal skill for offensive purposes, just like how a healing skill could be used for offensive purposes against the undead.

“Hey, everybody, attack him! Sato"s health is not high because he is a healer type.”

Chairman Ryu Sechi immediately ordered an attack on the monster that looked like Sato.

However, the monster who was 97.6 times as strong as Sato could not be underestimated.

Sato shouted again, “Heal! Great Heal!”

Sato used the so-called “Self-Heal” on himself, and attacked the j.a.panese users led by Ryu Sechi endlessly.

“Permeate into everybody, Breath of Healing!”

A recovery-type AOE skill that didn"t show any great effect when it was used by the original Sato. But everybody could not help but scream now.

“d.a.m.n it! My health…my health…”

“This is too much!”

Typically, an increase in skill by two or three times made a huge difference, but the monster was 97.6 times as strong as Sato was which was definitely something that the j.a.panese users could not withstand.

At last, Chairman Ryu Sechi, who was located in the rear, uttered, “Oh my…”

He had no choice but to sigh after confirming the embarra.s.sing situation.

It was really frustrating to see Sato not deterred at all by their relentless attack, and it made the chairman think the situation was hopeless while watching Sato continually replenish his health.

At that moment Chairman Ryu opened his mouth quietly.

“Am I now paying for the price for what I"ve done to him?”

The j.a.panese users, which aimed for the top ten rankings, were annihilated by the attack of the healer Sato, who became 97.6 times stronger in Round 68.

And that happened not only to j.a.pan, but many other regions around the world.

Of course, there weren"t many places that saw a MAX number close to 100 like Sato"s 97.6.