Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 160: Total Beginner (1)

Chapter 160: Total Beginner (1)

“Move to Kotum Castle.”

[You have moved to Kotum Castle.]

As soon as I arrived at Kotum Castle, I went straight to the forge.

Meanwhile, I really felt good about my previous decision because there is a big difference between not deciding to go back to Region 0 and failing to go back to Region 0.

Anyway, when I entered the forge, I put the +2 Ice Emperor"s guardian sword in the enhancement window that appeared.

Then I quietly opened my mouth.

‘Activate G.o.d of Enhancement."

[G.o.d of Enhancement has been activated.

-100% chance to successfully enhance.

-Enhancement target: +2 Ice Emperor"s guardian sword.

-Additional requirements: 2,950,000 golden rings, 31 million EXP.

-Cooldown upon successful enhancement: 20 days]

The EXP and golden rings required did not matter since I earned many golden rings in Region 0 along with many other items.

I obtained more than 5000 golden rings for hunting the orcs that appeared on Stage 1, and more than 30,000 or 40,000 golden rings for hunting the monsters that appeared in Stage 10 and above.

So, the 10 billion golden rings I had originally in my inventory increased to 20 billion gold rings within 30 days. Besides, no matter how much EXP was required, it didn"t matter to me because of my t.i.tle ‘The Man Who Does Not Fall."

So, I enhanced the guardian sword immediately, and soon a message rang along with the visual effect of a giant hammer hammering the +2 Ice Emperor"s guardian sword.


-You have succeeded in upgrading the Ice Emperor"s Guardian Sword to +3 enhancement.

-You have succeeded in upgrading the myth grade item with a safety enhancement of 0 to +3 enhancement.

: The hidden options of the Ice Emperor"s guardian sword have now been revealed.]


Of course, I went through +1 and +2 enhancement prior to +3 enhancement.

But there was definitely no such message back then.

Just like with any other item, I only saw more options when I previously enhanced the Ice Emperor"s guardian sword.

‘Check item."

So, I immediately checked the item.

[+3 Ice Emperor"s Guardian Sword (Myth)

-It is a sword with the last determination of Asirante, the master and emperor of ice, who fought against the Sun G.o.d Morutu who burned and evaporated everything in the world.

: Only those who are level 700 or higher can use it.

: Only those with at least 7000 pure intellect can use it.

: Only those with at least 10 ice-type skills can use it.


: Increases the power of all ice-type skills by (10%) -> 12%.

: Decreases the cooldown of all ice-type skills by (10%) -> 12%.

: Applies a 1% chance of increasing the damage of an ice-type skill that strikes an opponent by tenfold.

: Level 3 Ice Weapon is always applied to the guardian sword. (This can stack with the user"s Ice Weapon. For example, if the user has a level 1 Ice Weapon and uses it, the power of a total level 4 Ice Weapon is applied.)

: 25% chance of inflicting frostbite on the opponent hit by the guardian sword.

: With the determination of the Ice Emperor that even the Sun G.o.d could not melt, it applies a 25% damage reduction to all fire-type skills.

: Increases Strength by (1000) -> 1200.

: Increases Agility by (500)->600.

: Increases Intellect by (0)->500.

-Safety enhancement: 0

-Increases physical attack by (11050) -> 12500.

-Increases magic attack by (1455) -> 2950.

-Durability: 18900000/18900000]

When I succeeded in enhancing it from 0 to 1 in the past, I saw only an increase in physical and magic attack power.

When the enhancement was increased to +2 from +1, I didn"t see any substantial increase in the options provided except that the frostbite probability was changed from 20% to 25%, and damage reduction form fire-type skills was changed from 20% to 25%.

However, a lot of things increased when the enhancement was changed to +3.

The power and cooldown buff of all ice-type skills, which had been stagnant so far, increased from 10% to 12%, and my strength and agility increased.

And a new option that had not existed before was created, namely, the buff of my Intellect by a whopping 500.

In addition, the physical attack option also increased, albeit not by much, but the magic attack option almost doubled.

‘Man, this is a complete transformation!"

Obviously, the guardian sword was originally exceptional. That"s why I decided to make it my lifelong weapon.

However, the only thing that I regretted before was that since it was a sword, its physical attack power was much higher than its magic attack power, and it provided more stats to strength and agility. But I liked it because the other options made up for its shortcomings. .

‘By the way, can I expect +4 and +5 enhancement soon?"

Using the 100% enhancement ticket that I received from the level 100 only enhancement quest and the two ancient cooldown removal charms sitting in my inventory, I could make +3 Ice Emperor"s guardian sword +6 enhancement immediately if I wanted to.

I really wanted to use them right now, but I slowly walked out of the smithy because I was not stupid enough to not wait for 20 days and use them at such a low enhancement.

After that, I sent a message to my sister and Managing Director Sok.

I informed my sister that I had returned to Region 53, and I told Sok that I would be hunting in the Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat again.

As soon as I sent the message, Director Sok replied that he would prepare for my return to the hunting ground. After confirming his reply, I moved to the tower in the central square because I did not just earn stat points, coins, and golden rings in Region 0 this time around.

I also acquired 2 remaining skill points, andthe limited skill ‘Savant".

Of course, I don"t intend to h.o.a.rd these skill points forever.

And I already thought about which skills to obtain.

A message rang as I approached the giant tower in the central square. It was the same as always.

[You can obtain skills.]

Along with that message appeared a series of skills that I could obtain, but I ignored them and searched for one specific skill.

[Ice-type skill damage increases. (Pa.s.sive, 2 skill points required, 4,500,000 golden rings required.)

: Increases all ice-type skill damage by 3%.

: For every 3 ice-type skills you have, the damage of all ice-type skills increases by a further 1%.

-Current number of ice-type skills: 15.

-With the above number of skills, the damage of all ice-type skills increases by a total of 8%, with an additional 5% to the base 3%.]

Skill damage increase and cooldown reduction were regarded as essential pa.s.sive skills.

However, since my damage was basically so high, I did not choose them previously and instead went for quant.i.ty over quality.

‘Let me obtain it."

[You have obtained the Ice-type skill damage increase (pa.s.sive).]

After that, I went straight to the teleport zone outside Kotum Castle.

Of course, I headed there so I could start hunting immediately.

I hunted like crazy for 30 days before coming here, but I felt I didn"t hunt as freely as I could

At least, the Maginot line that I set before I could hunt comfortably was when I reached level 1200. Until then, I could not afford to take a break.

“Move to the Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat.”

[You have moved to Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat.]

Soon, the Myongjin-owned Sabre Steel Tooth Tiger Habitat appeared in front of me.

There were already about 30 men, including Director Sok at the entrance.

Of course, I know why these guys except for Sok were here right now. It was because I had encountered Pablo here even though this hunting ground was under the control of the Myongjin Guild.

The Myongjin Guild had their pride hurt because of this incident.

Anyway, I exchanged greetings with Sok. Of course, we pretended not to know each other.

“I was waiting for you, Asirante.”

“Thank you for helping me out again this time.”

After exchanging pleasantries a little more, I stepped into the habitat, leaving behind the entrance the 30 men were guarding.



As soon as I had taken just several steps inside the habitat, the tigers charged at me as if welcoming me.

“Ice Ball! Ice Bolt!”

Puck! Puck!


Obviously, I wanted to use Blink with zero cooldown like I used to.

But I used something completely different.

“Yeah, 30 days is definitely not short.”

I felt like I had become too accustomed to my way of fighting in the past30 days when I was restricted to only two skills against my will.

Nonetheless, there was something different this time around.

As far as I remembered, my skills were never this strong.

Even though my Ice Ball and Ice Bolt were strong, my opponent right now was not a low-level orc-like monster, but a sabre steel tooth tiger, namely, a level 800-900 monster.

Despite that, the sabre steel tooth tigers, although not instantly killed, were screaming in pain after being hit by my Ice Ball and Ice Bolt.

‘Well, compared to before, the damage of all my Ice-type skills has increased by 8%, and I also gained another 1300 Intellect."

At that moment something came to my mind. Namely, the additional EXP gem.