Closed Beta That Only I Played

Chapter 179: The Zaltz Clan (2)

Chapter 179: The Zaltz Clan (2)

Veroni bowed to them and opened her mouth.

“This is Asirante. He said he is willing to help our Zaltz clan out of our current dangerous situation . Asirante, this is the chieftain of our Zaltz clan.”

“Oh! I"ve heard a lot about you, Asirante. Thank you so much for coming all the way here to help our Zaltz clan out of this crisis. We will never forget your help.”

“You"re welcome. If you are friends with the Salte clan, you are my friend too. I can"t turn a deaf ear to you when I know you are in a dangerous situation.”

My dad, brother, sister, and Director Sok all advised me that I should not ignore NPCs, but treat them as respectfully as possible.

Of course, even if they had not said that, I would not have treated an NPC poorly because just like ‘Revival Legend" was not an ordinary game, there was a high possibility that these NPCs were not ordinary.

Anyway, the atmosphere was very amicable because of the way I treated them.

After conversing with them briefly, I moved to another place, escorted by Veroni.

“The next place I"m going to guide you is the place where the representatives of the Zaltz clan we are sending to battle are staying. You are the last member of this group.”

“I see,” I replied absentmindedly as I was focused on something else at the moment.

I didn"t know it before, but after talking with the chieftain of the Zaltz clan, I realized that this quest was not given to me alone.

In other words, the chieftain told me that the Zaltz clan went to several people who were rumored to be strong, and proposed the quest to them. Moreover, those they went to see were not confined to Region 53 Korea where I belonged.

But they were rejected by all except for me.

No matter how precious the quest was, they allegedly didn"t even consider it, arguing the quest was impossible to clear just like breaking a rock with an egg.

Some said they could not help because the chance of the Zaltz clan being the first target of the nine other clans was 99%.

Of course, I didn"t feel disappointed upon hearing this because quests were not supposed to be monopolized , but I still felt a bit displeased.

Even if I interrupted Veroni initially to discuss with my family at our safe house in Rodon Castle , she should have told me about this in advance. The fact that the Zaltz clan offered the quest to multiple users meant that not only only the Zaltz clan, but also the Lotz clan or the Hantz clan could give quests to multiple other users as well.

In fact, when I asked about this, the chieftain of the Zaltz clan said he heard they actually did so. In other words, this fight was not just a fight among the NPCs, but also a fight among users, and the fight was not limited to Region 53 where I belonged, but all over the world.

In other words, I belatedly came to know that the quest, which I made light of, was actually a very large quest.

Of course, even if I had known about all this from the beginning, I would still have accepted it in the end because I was confident of winning even in a disadvantageous situation.

However, I could not help but feel offended because I accepted her request without knowing this kind of situation in advance.

So, I briefly thought about giving her a hard time by acting uncooperative.

But I already accepted the quest and the chief"s apology for not letting me know in advance. Besides, I did not know what kind of relations.h.i.+p I would have with them in the future.

Of course, I thought that Veroni might have misunderstood me since I interrupted her briefly to go discuss with my family.

‘Well, I would have accepted the quest anyway even if I had known the situation. What"s more, this quest gives me as many as 1000 remaining stat points and a legendary grade blessing.”

I shook off any lingering resentment against Veroni.

Anyway, I arrived at a building while being lost in thought like that.

When I stepped inside with Veroni, a message rang.

[Would you like to register as a member of the Zaltz Clan"s ten fighters who bear the fate of the clan?]


[You have been registered as a combat member belonging to the Zaltz clan.

-You will automatically be added to the party with the remaining 9 members who have already been registered.

The party is automatically dismissed at the end of the quest, regardless of whether it succeeds or fails.

-You can select your ID and level to be private or public]

“Let me keep my ID and level private.”

I was a little worried about this because although my well-known ID Asirante would clearly intimidate my opponents and cause them great stress, it might force them to unite against me instead

When one party is far superior to others, the others generally join together to eliminate them first.

Even so, I had full confidence in beating them all, but I chose to keep my ID private because I wanted to reduce the variables.

Soon, I encountered the nine members of the Zalz clan.

“Nice to meet you, Asirante.”

“It"s an honor to meet you like this.”

Now, the party was complete with all ten members.

It was now possible to check each other"s level.

‘Level 1274, level 1201, level 1163…"

Basically, they were all over level 1000.

At that moment, a message rang.

[You have become the captain of the Zaltz clan"s battle party.]

At first, I was a party member, but my status was suddenly changed to party leader.

At that moment, Veroni opened her mouth.

“The chieftain said that he would leave everything to you, Asirante.”

“Thank you.”

I didn"t feel bad about this because I had greater aspirations than just preventing the Zaltz Clan from being included in the eliminated three clans. I also wanted to defeat the largest Lotz Clan with 100 members and emintate them as well f.

To achieve that goal, I thought it was essential for me to command the nine fighters in my group.

The next day, I accessed ‘Revival Legend" at the appointed time.

Of course, the nine members of the Zalz clan were already ready for battle.

A message rang at that moment.

[After 30 minutes, the battle decided by the ‘Glue Council" will take place.

-Number of partic.i.p.ants of the Lotz clan: 100 people.

-Number of partic.i.p.ants of the Hantz clan: 90 people.

-The number of partic.i.p.ants of the Matsu clan: 20 people.

-The number of partic.i.p.ants of the Zaltz clan: 10 people.]

[The battle continues until all members of three clans are defeated in battle.]

In the end, if only one person of any clan survives, the survival of the clan is guaranteed.

After the message finished and the 30-minute timer was created, I opened my mouth, looking at the nine NPCs Zaltz clan.

“If possible, I would like to include the Lotz clan on the list of the three clans to be eliminated.”




At that moment, the nine showed consternation and embarra.s.sment.

I tried to express my point in the most restrained way possible.

I should have used ‘by all means", not ‘if possible."

But I continued without caring about it.

“So I hope you follow my instructions well.”


“Since you have become our captain, we will follow any of your orders.”

I thought it was fortunate that they were all NPCs.

If they were users, they would not follow my orders.

I waited after confirming their rea.s.surances.

When the 30-minute timer reached zero, I felt like I was being dragged somewhere.

Soon a huge arenlike place came into view.

Of course, other things came into view as well.

I noticed more than 500 people looking everywhere to identify their enemies and allies.

The battle began in the form of a war of nerve