Cloud City Cook-Book

Chapter 10


Add to one-half pint cream of moderate thickness the white of one egg beaten to a stiff froth, one-half cup pulverized sugar and flavoring.

The grated rind and juice of half a lemon is nice.


Eighteen Savoy biscuit, three-fourths pint cream, one tablespoon powdered sugar, one-half ounce isingla.s.s. Flavor with vanilla or wine. Brush the biscuit with the white of egg. Line the bottom of a round mould, standing them upright all around the edge, then place the mould in the oven for five minutes to dry the egg. Whip the cream to a stiff froth with the sugar, flavoring and melted isingla.s.s. Fill the charlotte, cover the top with a piece of sponge cake the shape of the mould, place on the ice until ready for use.--Mrs. Werner.


Two pounds sugar, one pint pale sherry, one pint cold water, one package c.o.x"s gelatine, juice of two lemons, one quart boiling water, small stick cinnamon. Soak the gelatine in cold water one hour, add to this sugar, lemon, cinnamon, and pour over all the boiling water, stirring until gelatine is dissolved. Put in the wine last. Strain through flannel bag without squeezing. Wet mould with cold water and pour in the jelly; set on ice to cool.--Mrs. Werner.


One teacup milk, one cup sugar, two eggs beaten light, let come to a boil; cool and strain, adding one quart cream. Flavor with a tablespoon of vanilla. Then freeze.--Mrs. McKenzie.


One box gelatine dissolved in half a pint cold water two hours, then add one pint sugar, one pint strong hot coffee, one and a half pints boiling water. Strain and set away to cool. Serve with cream and sugar.--Miss R. H. Nash.


Six oranges, whites of six eggs beaten to a stiff froth, two quarts of water, two cups of sugar. Freeze same as ice cream.--Mrs. Paxton.


One-half paper gelatine dissolved in one-half pint cold water An hour; then add one pint of boiling water, juice of a lemon, three-fourths pint sugar. Strain and set away to cool.


One pint milk, one-fourth box Nelson"s gelatine, two cups sugar, yolks of two eggs. Mix these ingredients and set in a vessel of boiling water until gelatine is dissolved. Strain through a sieve.

Flavor with vanilla. When cool, beat in one pint of well-whipped cream. Line your dish with sponge cake and pour in the custard.

--Mrs. J. B. Henslee.


Two quarts cream, five eggs, one and one-fourth coffee-cups pulverized sugar, three pounds peaches peeled and chopped fine. Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately. Any fruit preferred may be used.--Mrs. Guilbault.


One pint of milk, one pint of cream, one cup pulverized sugar, two eggs. Flavor to suit the taste. This makes three pints of cream.

--Mrs. G. B. Harker.


Pour two quarts of boiling water over one can of sliced pineapple, steep one hour and strain. Add juice of six lemons and two cups of sugar. Put into freezer; when partly frozen, whip the whites of five eggs to a stiff froth, adding slowly after they are whipped four tablespoons pulverized sugar. Stir this slowly into freezer and freeze two hours.--Mrs. H. C. Dimick.



One quart of oysters, one and a half cups cream, one heaping tablespoon cornstarch. Salt and pepper to taste. Let the cream come to a boil, mix the cornstarch in a little milk and stir into the cream, add pepper and salt. Let the oysters come to a boil in their own liquor, and skim carefully. Drain off the liquor, and turn the oysters into the cream.--Mrs. H. D. Leonard.


Cut in inch pieces and cover with milk, to which, when boiling, add salt and a small piece of b.u.t.ter. Serve hot.


Pare, slice, cut in dice an inch square; boil until nearly done in as little water as possible. To one quart of turnips, add one tablespoon sugar, and salt to taste; when boiled quite dry, add two or three spoons of cream and a beaten egg.--Mrs. A. J. Lampshire.


One peck of green tomatoes, one pint green peppers, two quarts green cuc.u.mbers, four bunches celery and one ounce celery seed, one ounce mustard seed, five cents worth of turmeric in a bag, one large cup brown sugar, two heads of cabbage, one-fourth pound horse-radish.

Sprinkle salt over cabbage and tomatoes, and let drain over night; rinse with water in the morning. Put seeds and turmeric in vinegar and boil, pour over the ingredients while hot.