Cloud City Cook-Book

Chapter 5

Dissolve one-half teaspoon of soda and stir all together. Do not mix too stiff. Bake in a moderate oven.--Mrs. F. M. Mahn.


White Part.--One cup sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, whites of three eggs, two cups flour, one-half cup sweet milk, one teaspoon baking powder.

Dark Part.--One cup brown sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, yolks of three eggs, one-half cup sweet milk, two cups flour, one cup seeded raisins, tablespoon cinnamon, little nutmeg, one teaspoon baking powder. Bake in jelly tins, two white and two dark.

Cooked icing to be put between the layers. One and a half cups sugar, whites of two eggs; dissolve the sugar in water and boil until it hairs on the end of the spoon; beat the eggs to a stiff froth, and stir it in the hot syrup, and beat until cold.--Mrs. P. B. Turnbull.


One quart flour, half pint milk, half pint, two teaspoons soda, two teaspoons ginger, b.u.t.ter size of an egg. Drop with spoon on tins.--Mrs. H. D. Leonard.


Light Part.--One cup sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, whites three eggs, one cup milk, one teaspoon baking powder, about two cups flour.

Dark Part--One cup sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, yolks three eggs, one cup milk, three-fourths cup grated chocolate, moistened with boiling water, one teaspoon baking powder, about two cups flour. Flavor with vanilla. Put alternate spoonfulls of the batter in a round deep pan with a stem, and bake until done.--Mrs. P. B. Turnbull.


One cup brown sugar, one cup New Orleans, one cup shortening, three eggs, one cup sour milk, teaspoon soda, pinch of salt, tablespoon ginger, little cinnamon. To be eaten as a dessert with cream.--Mrs. Guilbault.


Two heaping cups flour, yolks of four eggs, one cup sugar, one and a half cups b.u.t.ter, one and a half cups sweet milk, one and a half teaspoons soda, one teaspoon cream tartar. Flavor to taste.--Mrs. M.

L. Clark.


Whites of three eggs, one and a half cups cornstarch, one and a half cups milk, one cup pulverized sugar, one and a half cups b.u.t.ter, one and a half teaspoons cream tartar, one-fourth teaspoon soda. Flavor with lemon.--Mrs. M. L. Clark.


One cup sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, two cups flour, whites of seven eggs, and a scant teaspoon baking powder. Cream the b.u.t.ter and sugar, and add gradually the well-beaten whites, with a half teacup of sweet milk. Flour and extract to taste. Bake in a moderate oven, well covered, until light.--Mrs. Cooper.


One cup sugar, two cups flour, six eggs, six teaspoons of water, and one of baking powder. Beat the eggs and sugar very light, add the rest of the ingredients and beat rapidly until smooth. Bake quickly; turn on a clean cloth, spread with jelly or any kind of filling that is liked, and roll while warm. This mixture can be baked in jelly tins, if preferred.--Mrs. Cooper.


Four eggs, whites and yolks beaten separately, one half cup of pulverized sugar, one cup flour, one teaspoon baking powder. Flavor with lemon extract. Bake in a large flat tin.--Mrs. P. B. Turnbull.


One heaping coffee-cup flour, one even coffee-cup sugar, six eggs, essence lemon.--Mrs. H. D. Leonard.


Two cups granulated sugar, one cup b.u.t.ter, three eggs, one cup boiling water, one teaspoon baking powder, one teaspoon soda. Flour enough to roll good. Flavor with nutmeg to suit the taste.--Mrs. G.

B. Harker.


Four eggs (reserve the whites of two for frosting), one and one-half cups, the same of sugar, two cups chopped raisins, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, one cup strong cold coffee, one tea spoon salt, two teaspoons soda, one teaspoon each all kinds spices. Mix stiff with flour. This will make two large loaves.--Mrs. L. A. Grover.


One cup sweet milk, one even cup sugar, two eggs, one teaspoon salt, two teaspoons baking powder, two teaspoons melted b.u.t.ter, flour to roll.--Mrs. J. M. Raymond.


Whites of twelve eggs, three cups sugar, small cup b.u.t.ter, cup sweet milk, four small cups of flour, half cup cornstarch, two teaspoons baking powder. Flavor to taste.

A cup of thin sliced citron dusted with flour, added to the above, makes a very nice citron cake.--Mrs. A. J. Lampshire.