Cloud City Cook-Book

Chapter 8


Bring to a scald one cup of, and stir in one tablespoon soda; pour it while foaming over one cup sugar, one egg and one tablespoon ginger beaten together; then add one tablespoon vinegar and flour enough to roll, stirred in as lightly as possible.--Mrs.

Wm. Morris.


Light Part.--Whites of three eggs, one cup sugar, b.u.t.ter size of an egg, half cup sweet milk, one teaspoon baking powder. Flavor with lemon. About two cups flour.

Dark Part.--One-half cup sugar, one-half cup, cup of chopped raisins, yolks of three eggs, one-half teaspoon soda, half a cup of coffee, about two cups flour, spices of all kinds. Bake in square tins. Beat the whites of two eggs with a little sugar, flavor with lemon; this is to be used between the layers, then add enough sugar to frost the top.--Mrs. Hugh Parry.


Rub together till white one teacup b.u.t.ter and two of sugar; beat two eggs and stir into the mixture with a little flour. Grate in a nutmeg. Dissolve one teaspoon soda in one cup milk. Add flour to roll easy.--Mrs. H. D. Leonard.


One-half pound grated almonds, one-half pound sugar, one lemon, whites of two eggs. Blanch and chop the almonds, add eggs and sugar, with the juice of lemon. Drop a small quant.i.ty on paper greased on the back, which will enable you to take off the pan.--Mrs. Werner.


One-half cup cold water, one teacup white sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter, one-half cup sweet cream, three eggs, two heaping teaspoons baking powder, one teaspoon lemon extract. Mix well and roll to about one-fourth an inch in thickness. Sprinkle with granulated sugar, cut, and bake in a quick oven.--Mrs. Wm. Morris.


One pint of flour, one large pint of water, one-half pound of melted b.u.t.ter; let the b.u.t.ter stand a few moments till the salt settles to the bottom; eight eggs, grated rind of half a lemon. Set the b.u.t.ter and water on the stove to boil; when it boils add the flour and stir quickly till it comes off from the dish; let it cool, then beat the eggs in one at a time. Drop from the spoon on b.u.t.tered pans, not too near together. Bake in a quick oven. Sprinkle the puffs with powdered sugar and fill with cream. This will make forty-five puffs.--Mrs.



One tablespoon melted chocolate. One and a half cups sugar boiled to a syrup in two tablespoons water. Add to this while hot the whites of two eggs, and then stir in chocolate.


Four eggs, half cup sugar, half a cup of flour, in which a teaspoon of baking powder has been well mixed, pinch of salt, half cup of milk or cream put in the last thing.--Mrs. Werner.


One and a fourth pounds flour, one pound sugar, four eggs, half pound b.u.t.ter, half pound grated almonds, one teaspoon cinnamon, grated rind of one lemon. Stir sugar and eggs for half an hour, then add the b.u.t.ter, almonds, cinnamon, lemon rind and flour. Roll out to the thickness of one-fourth an inch or less. Cut out with cake-cutter and stand over night, and bake the next morning in a moderate oven.--Mrs.




Cup chopped suet, cup, cup sweet milk, three cups flour after it is sifted, cup stoned raisins and a few whole ones, teaspoon soda dissolved in a little boiling water, teaspoon each of cloves and cinnamon, one-half teaspoon nutmeg. Steam until done, at least three hours.

SAUCE FOR SAME--b.u.t.ter size of an egg, cup of sugar, tablespoon flour. Put all together and pour on boiling water, cook one-half hour. Flavor with brandy, or anything preferred.--Mrs. S. J. Hanna.


One-half box Nelson"s gelatine, one pint boiling water, one and a half cups sugar, juice of two lemons. When mixture is cool add beaten whites of eight eggs, and beat until ready to congeal. Tint with fruit coloring, and serve with whipped cream.--Mrs. J. B. Henslee.


Take one-half cup of tapioca, soak over night, put on the stove in the morning; cook up clear, add one cup of sugar, large spoon of b.u.t.ter and raisins. Bake one hour, set away until cool. Serve with cream.--Mrs. Hugh Parry.


Six crackers pounded fine, six eggs, one quart boiling milk, one cup sugar, one-half cup b.u.t.ter. Raisins, currants, citron and spices to taste.--Mrs. W. H. Nash.


Three eggs, three cups flour, three cups milk, a little salt, b.u.t.ter the size of an egg, one heaping teaspoon baking powder. Beat the whites separate and add last. Bake in small m.u.f.fin tins in a quick oven.--Mrs. Hugh Parry.


Chop and rub to a cream one-fourth pound of suet, add scant half pound sugar; mix well. Add four well beaten eggs, one grated nutmeg, one-half teaspoon each cloves, mace, and salt, one-half cup brandy, three-fourths cup milk, flour to make a thin batter. Seed and chop one-half pound raisins, wash clean one-half pound currants, cut into thin slices one-half pound citron. Sprinkle fruits with flour to prevent their settling to the bottom of batter. Steam five or eight hours.

SAUCE FOR PUDDING--Cream two cups of b.u.t.ter, add slowly one cup powdered sugar, the unbeaten white of one egg, two tablespoons of wine and one of brandy, one-fourth cup boiling water. Heat until smooth and creamy. Heat the bowl for the creamed b.u.t.ter, and when adding wine do so slowly to prevent curdling. This pudding will keep for a year. As it can be prepared beforehand, it is excellent for Christmas, saving much labor on that busy day.--Mrs. H. C. Dimick.