Come Rain Or Shine

Chapter Thirty-two.

Gabe nodded and took Ava down the path that led back toward her house. Elijah and Trick sat next to what appeared to be a large hockey trophy. Trick shouted to say he"d take care of the fires before he left. From the corner of her eye she saw Elijah unscrew the top of the trophy and pull out a couple of bottles. Emmie grinned at the sight of the two of them. She swore prohibition just made some people want to drink that much more. It turned drinking into a game. Shoes, teacups, hay, hockey trophies, she never ceased to be amazed at the innovative way people hid their liquor. Silas led Emmie back to the blankets, pulling her along by only her pointer finger. The tiny touch felt oddly intimate.

He bent down and worked at a knot in his shoelaces. Eventually she moved to help him. He released his grip on the laces and let her work it out. While he was changing back into his boots, Emmie looked at him and sighed. "I"m not sorry that I smacked her, because she deserved it. But I am sorry if I embarra.s.sed you."

Silas laughed. "I don"t care that you smacked some silly little nitwit."

"You don"t?" she asked.

"No, I"m proud of you for being brave enough to stand up for your friend. You"re brave, Emmie. It"s one of the most beautiful things about you. I suppose I can thank your mother for that. It sounds like she was pretty brave herself," Silas said, putting his hand on Emmie"s cheek.

It warmed her heart that he"d brought up her mother in a positive light, and he seemed to truly mean it. They stood by the fire for a moment before he spoke again.

"Emmie, I have to know something," Silas said, his voice quiet and barely audible over the crackling flames. "Did you mean what you said earlier? About how you could feel at home anywhere with me?"

Something about the way he worded the question made her heart pound faster.

"Yeah. It"s something I"ve figured out these past few months. Home isn"t a place; it"s a feeling. I feel that when I"m with you," she answered honestly.

Silas nodded, "I feel that way too. I always hated the country until you. Because of my family and my job, I"ll need to be up here sometimes. I would never want to take you away from your home, if you didn"t want to go."

Emmie looked at him. "I would never take you away from your family, Silas."

"I know. It won"t be easy but I"m wondering if we could keep my apartment in the city and your place in the country. We could go back and forth as we needed to, if you are open to that kind of life."

Emmie felt her hands start to tremble. He had made it so clear only a few days ago that they would not be planning a future together anytime soon, yet here he was talking about houses and apartments. She opened her mouth but didn"t have the chance to speak.

"Mo Chuisle, I know this is confusing but just hear me out before you start asking me questions." He smiled. "I said that I wouldn"t put a ring on your finger and take away your dreams, and I meant it. I could never do that to you. But I also can"t stand the thought of you being with someone else or of you thinking that I don"t want you. So, I"ve gotten you something." Silas pulled a small box out of his pocket.

As he popped open the lid Emmie"s mouth dropped open in surprise. She had never before seen a more beautiful piece of jewelry. It was a platinum ring. A circle of white pearls framed a small black onyx. He slid it onto her right ring finger. In his hand it looked small but on her finger it was enormous.

Silas ran his thumb over the cl.u.s.ter of pearls and then looked back up at her. "It doesn"t look like an engagement ring and you can wear it on your right hand, so people won"t make rules about what you"re allowed to do with your life."

She looked down at the ring on her trembling hand. "Silas, I don"t understand."

He rubbed his jaw and worked hard to find the right words. "The girl I saw sitting in that store, working for that pathetic excuse of a man, was working hard for her dreams. She wanted to go to school. She wanted a better life for herself than marrying some man for money. I will never let you sell yourself short. You deserve your dreams, Emmie. I can"t ask you for a promise of marriage right now but I can make promises to you. I promise to be here for you every step of the way. I promise to love you. I promise to hold you here." He put her hand on his heart. "You are Mo Chuisle, my pulse. Someday, when you"re ready, you need to know I"m going to ask you for promises. I will ask you to be mine in front of G.o.d and anyone else who cares to show up. But this," Silas said, running a thumb over her ring, "this is about my promises to you."

Emmie couldn"t find any words. Tears filled her eyes. He hadn"t really proposed to her in so many words, he"d done something so much more powerful. He"d given himself to her, asking for nothing in return. He"d promised to love her and wait for her until she was ready. The troubling part was she wasn"t sure she wanted to wait. How could this man-in a few short months-have made her question the dreams she had worked for her whole life? It felt right to be with him, not wrong.

She wiped her eyes and leaned into him, kissing his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I love you, Silas," Emmie said into his chest.

He leaned down to look at her straight on. "I love you, Mo Chuisle."

Chapter Thirty-two.

The next day Emmie looked haggard. She had large puffy circles under her eyes. Her nose was running from spending the evening in the cold winter air, but she didn"t care. Today was going to be a great day. As she ironed Ava"s dress she caught herself humming. She couldn"t remember the last time she"d hummed while working. She smiled, remembering the way her mother had hummed while she sewed. It"s impossible to be anything but happy when you"re humming. That"s what her mother had always said. Emmie realized there was truth in those words as she changed to a hymn she"d heard her mama sing when she was still a child: Sweet By and By.

Ava had brought her a cup of coffee a few hours ago. Judging by the long, loud yawn she"d let out as she left her room, Ava might not have slept at all last night. She also hadn"t noticed Emmie"s ring, which was very unlike her friend. Ava usually had eyes like a racc.o.o.n when it came to spotting pretty gems. Emmie was dying to show it to her, but she couldn"t bring herself to do it. Today was Ava"s day. She knew she didn"t need to do anything to bring attention to herself.

Emmie caught herself looking at the ring again and again. With each glance, she thought of Silas and the promises he"d made to her. She had never heard of a man making promises like that to a woman. Would Bo Johnson have done that? She doubted it. Once or twice she may have even put the ring on her left hand just to see if it had a good look about it as an engagement ring. It did. Sure, it didn"t look like a traditional engagement ring, but what about she and Silas"s relationship was traditional?

Emmie sat in the back of the car holding Ava"s hand as they arrived at the church. She was surprised that it was a tiny church, much smaller than Saint Joseph at home. It was even farther out from the city and in the middle of nowhere. It took them a half hour to get there from their house. What it lacked in size it more than made up for in charm-like something right out of a fairy tale. Built with mismatched stone and brick, it had a large steeple with an ornate cross on top. Which was appropriate because Ava looked like an absolute princess waiting for her prince. Her winter-white gown was striking against her deep red hair. Emmie had never seen her look lovelier.

The church was filled with people by the time the bride arrived. She and Emmie had arrived in a car just in time for the ceremony. Molly wanted to be sure no one saw her daughter before the wedding. Emmie walked down the aisle and stood as witness for the wedding. Ava"s brother, Vincent, stood up with Gabe. Emmie stole a few glances at the crowd, trying to find Silas but hadn"t been able to spot him.

Ava and Gabe"s wedding went on record as the longest wedding ever. Not that Emmie minded, she had only ever been to weddings that last about twenty minutes. Usually weddings involved vows, a kiss, and a cheer. This was not the description of a Catholic wedding. Kneel, stand, sit, kneel, stand, sit. She couldn"t say how many times they went through that pattern, but it went on longer than even a regular church service. The bride and her groom smiled through the whole ceremony; Emmie couldn"t help but let their happiness wash over her as well. Ava deserved this happiness and so did Gabe. In a month or two Ava would be really showing and she could enjoy her pregnancy as all mothers should. At that thought her heart ached. She stole a glance at the Del Grandes in the front row. They had stolen that joy from her mother. Emmie couldn"t help but wonder how her mother would feel about the odd entanglement of their lives. Surely she knew at some point the truth would all come out given they were all still so close to Ava"s family. Of course, she had no idea she would pa.s.s on before the fog of the past was lifted, revealing the truth. Emmie shook her head and looked back at Ava and Gabe who were now kneeling in front of a short balding priest. She would not think of unpleasant things now. Her mother would want her to be happy at this wedding. She would have wanted all of them to be happy.

Jesus hung on a cross in the back of the church. Emmie closed her eyes and prayed for peace for her mother"s spirit. She unconsciously twisted the ring on her finger as she did so. She looked at the black stone encircled by creamy white pearls. Black and white and something Silas had once told her about life crossed her mind. She looked back up at the cross and pleaded, please let my mother know I understand. Life is not black and white and I"m sorry for doubting her actions. Please let her know I understand. She looked back at her finger. Please let her know I promise to live the kind of life she wanted me to. The kind of life that would have made her proud . . . and I don"t have to do it alone anymore. A single tear escaped her eye as she prayed, releasing emotions that had been so heavy on her heart for the past few months.

She was pulled out of her thoughts as Gabe and Ava embraced and the small crowd applauded. The wedding was over. Emmie made her way down the aisle, finally spotting Silas in a row near the front with his family. He was dressed in a black suit, looking as handsome as ever. She saw his eyes take her in from the tips of her shoes to the top of her head. The grin he gave her afterward nearly made her insides melt. She fought to keep her composure and return the smile as she moved past his family. When she reached the door Molly put her in a car with Vincent before she had the chance to object. She"d hoped to take the thirty-minute ride back to Ava"s house with Silas, but that didn"t seem to be in today"s plan.

Emmie made a quick trip to the kitchen to see if she could help with anything, but the staff shooed her out. Never in her life had she been allowed to do nothing for such a big event. Their way of life was so different up here. When she walked back to the entry hall she found cars were still arriving. She couldn"t help but look for him. Peering out a window she spied Silas. He was leaning against a shiny black car, smoking a cigarette, and talking to Trick. She grabbed a shawl, wrapped it around her shoulders, and headed outside.

The boys were smoking with their backs to the house and couldn"t see her coming. She worked hard to keep her steps quiet, attempting to surprise them. However, as she drew nearer she could hear they were in the middle of a serious conversation. Emmie paused near the back of the car taking in their words.

"So Pop finally believes this is all connected then. And you think you know who it is?" Trick asked.

Silas shook his head. "Pop wanted to wait to be sure because things have been so unsettled in Kentucky. When it was just in Bardston and Smith"s Grove we could wait. There are fires every day. We didn"t have any hard and fast proof they were connected. Plus we"ve just gotten the police off our about the missing revenuer. That took a lot of money and favors. I"m not eager to sh.e.l.l out any more cash for cover-ups. But now that they"ve burned the cabin with our supply, we can"t wait any longer. We don"t need any more proof than that to know this is personal. We are going to have to make an example of them."

"I"ve already told Pop that I"m leaving on the first train outta here. What if she"d been in there when they came?" Trick asked, smashing out his cigarette.

"You know the Johnsons take good care of her. As soon as they burned the butcher shop and our pig in Bardston, I sent warning to Johnson that things were unstable. Think twice before you get yourself too mixed up with that family," Silas said, taking another draw from his cigarette.

Johnson. Someone had burned the Johnson"s cabin?

"Yeah, well I think Pop was wrong not to go after them right after they messed with the butchers in Bardston. We owe those men some loyalty," Trick said with an arched brow.

"I agree but we owe Pop some loyalty too. He"s made some good decisions in the past that kept your a.s.s out of jail when you worked for the police force, if I remember correctly. I think he wanted to be sure the heat was cooled before we did anything else," Silas said.

"You think I can"t handle a little pinch?"

"You weren"t the only one in that cabin, were you?" Silas asked levelly.

"It"s Emmie then isn"t it? You"re afraid they"ll question her. No one would ever mention she was there. And even if they did, I don"t think she"d talk, Silas," Trick said.

"It"s a risk I"m not willing to take. We will do this the right way without drawing more attention from the b.u.t.tons," Silas said.

"Like I told Pop, I"ve got a connection in Louisville. Put me back in with the cops. Didn"t you say you thought the people starting these fires might be connected to either more revenuers or the cops? When we first got up here you told Pop you thought that"s why we had a harder time than usual keeping the heat off us. Let me in, I"ll sniff that rat out. Plus I can promise to keep the heat off our little ball of trouble," he said with a smile.

"Trick, let me just have an hour or two to think this through, okay? I"m not sure we need you in b.u.t.tons. That would take even more cash to work the fake transfer. You burned a few bridges up here when you left."

"I"m a good copper, Si, and you know it. We have as much a need for a cop in the family as we do for an attorney." Trick sighed and turned to stretch his back. As he did so he caught sight of Emmie"s face peeking around the back of the car. He laughed under his breath and rolled his eyes as he turned to face Silas. "Speaking of your little troublemaker, she is eavesdropping."

Silas spun around to face her. He took one last draw from his cigarette and exhaled slowly before he began to close the s.p.a.ce between them. Emmie tried to find words to explain herself but couldn"t make a sound.

He rubbed his jaw and tilted his head to the side slowly before he said, "Why in the h.e.l.l are you hiding behind the car listening to our conversation?"

Chapter Thirty-three.

"I wasn"t eavesdropping," Emmie said, propping a hand on her hip and jutting out her chin.

Trick busted out laughing. She frowned at him.

"Okay, so you tell me what were you were doing ducked behind my car," Silas said, keeping his tone flat.

"I thought you promised no more secrets," she said, flashing her ring at him.

"I thought you trusted me," he said.

"I do until you give me a reason not to," she said, throwing her arms out to the side.

"What reason have I given you, Emmie? I"m out here having a conversation with my brother. Sometimes when you sneak around like a little mouse you might not like the things you overhear," he shouted.

"I wasn"t sneaking around. I came out here to say h.e.l.lo and caught an earful. Things you should have been telling me, Silas. Those are my people. If they are in danger, I need to know," she said, putting her hands back on her hips.

"Emmie I was going to tell you but I haven"t had the chance." Silas lit another cigarette.

"Oh really, because we were together all night last night. When were you going to tell me that somebody burned down Bo"s cabin? What if he"d been hurt? Or like Trick said, what if Millie had been hurt? We"ve got to stop this," she said, her voice high-pitched and angry.

Trick turned to join them. "See, she"s on my side. I like the way she thinks."

Emmie frowned at Trick. "I"m not sure I"m on your side. If you"re really carrying a torch for Millie, what in the world were you doing up here drinking beer with your friends last night while her world was burning? That doesn"t sound like a very good beau to me."

Trick"s brow knitted together and he gave her a piercing stare. He put his finger out at her. "You don"t know anything about anything, Emmie."

She was sorry for her words the minute they left her mouth. She"d hurt Trick. She could see he was pining to get back to Kentucky and she"d hit him where it hurt. She opened her mouth to apologize but didn"t get the chance. He stormed off toward the house, angrier than she"d ever seen him.

She looked up at Silas to find him staring down at her through an arched brow. She looked at the ground and sighed loudly.

"You"re just like an angry little bee right now, ready to sting anyone in your way, aren"t you?" Silas asked as he took another draw from his cigarette.

Emmie shook her head. "I"ll find him and apologize. I shouldn"t have said that. It"s you I"m angry with, not him."

"Before this morning there was nothing to tell you Emmie, trust me," Silas said.

"The fires in Smith"s Grove and Bardstown. That butcher shop you mentioned, was it the butcher shop of those men that helped you in the cabin?" She swallowed hard as she asked the question. She didn"t like to think about the job of the butchers at the cabin.

Silas stared at her a long time before he answered, "Yes."

"And two of your places have been burned? One in Bardston and one in Smith"s Grove?" she asked.

Silas let loose an annoyed grunt and walked away from her.

"I"m taking that sound as a yes," she said, closing the s.p.a.ce between them.

Silas merely nodded.

"It"s still them isn"t it? It"s the same group of men that came after me, isn"t it? They weren"t all dead." Emmie"s heart pounded in her ears as she asked each question.

Silas took in her panicked expression. He wrapped his arms around her for a second then grabbed her chin gently and pulled it up to face him. The leather of his gloves felt smooth and cold against her cheek.

"You have no reason to be afraid. You don"t have to worry about those men anymore. They will not hurt you again," he said softly.

"Then who"s doing this Silas, their ghosts? There are more, right? There must be. G.o.d, that revenuer was looking out the window expecting people. I thought he was expecting some cops to come take out the moonshine, but he was waiting for his friends, wasn"t he? He knew he couldn"t take you alone. He needed those men to get there before you did. That"s why he was so anxious watching out the window. G.o.d, I"m such a fool. I"ve spent all of my time afraid of the memories of that cabin. Afraid that Mr. Thomas had died at my hands. That was never the threat was it? That was never the reason you didn"t want me to think about it. You didn"t want me to put this together. You didn"t want me to be afraid of the ones that were left," Emmie said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Wait, stop, you are putting words in my mouth. I didn"t want you to talk about the cabin because I didn"t want you to live chained to a belief that you had done something wrong. Even if your actions had left Paul Thomas dead, that was not for your conscious to bear. He was going to take you. He would have hurt you. You were protecting yourself." When she looked down he pulled her face up to his. "It was my bullet that went through his body, my kill, my soul, my conscience, not yours."

Emmie frowned and looked up at him. He was trying to cover her actions in the cabin with his own to protect her. She laid a hand on his chest. "I"m a strong girl, Silas. You don"t have to protect me from what happened. Because the truth is: it did happen. No matter how ugly it was, it happened and as much as you would like to take that away from me, you can"t. It"s a memory we share and we need to put it in the past together." Silas rubbed his jaw and looked away from her, his eyes full of pain. "It"s like you said last night. I don"t need you to keep me from being afraid, Silas. I just need you to hold my hand through it, rain or shine. That is my family down there. And they are in danger. I need to be there too. Were you planning to take me with you?"

When Silas spoke his voice was deep and throaty, full of emotion. "I can"t do that Emmie."

"Why, because you"re afraid I"ll get hurt? We"ll make a plan. I"ll be careful," she pleaded.

"You know I can"t do that. You"re safer up here," he said.

"No, Silas. This isn"t your choice to make. This is personal. They"ve done more than mess with your business. They"ve messed with my friend"s property. They burnt the cabin. How much moonshine was stored down in that cellar, Silas? They"ve lost a lot of money too. I know Bo Johnson. I bet he"s out looking for them right now and we"re up here like an ostrich burying our head in the sand."

How could she accuse him of avoiding a confrontation? Silas"s teeth clenched together. She knew how to say just the right thing to set him off. Just like his brother, she was always quick to jump into action without thinking things through. Well, this was one thing she knew nothing about. If she had been one of his men he"d have laid her out for that comment. He exhaled the last of his smoke, taking a minute to cool himself down before he spoke to her.

"d.a.m.n it, Emmie. We are not hiding. Come on. In case you have forgotten, your best friend and your brother are in there, celebrating their marriage. They"ve had a h.e.l.l of a time lately too. Bo Johnson is not the only friend you have that needs you," Silas said, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the house.

She attempted to keep her feet rooted on the ground but failed. He pulled her past the car and to the sidewalk. When they reached the door she tried to pull her hand away from his but he gripped it so tightly she couldn"t. When she frowned at him, he gave her a crooked grin. She turned her face away from him. He led her through the house and toward the busy dining room. He smiled as he talked to his family and introduced her to each person. A few of the people she thought she may have met before but most of them were strangers They spoke to his parents, nodded h.e.l.lo to the Del Grande family, and kissed Ava and Gabe, telling them how beautiful the ceremony was.

All the while Silas never once let go of her hand, no matter how hard she tried to pull it away from him. What was he afraid she was going to do, take off walking to Bowling Green without him? She sighed. But the sound made no difference to him. He kept his hand wrapped firmly around hers with a vice-like grip.

Chapter Thirty-four.