Come Rain Or Shine

Chapter 28

Twitter: @AuthorAJewell.

The Shine On Series.

Emmie Talbot is a quintessential good girl.

Smart, Southern, Kind.

Church Goer.

Small Town Seamstress.

Aspiring Teacher.

And A Misguided Moonshiner.

Emmie"s sole purpose in life was taking care of her moonshine loving stepfather. When he is killed in a fiery crash on their farm, she is left alone and frustrated with a mountain of debt. Working as a seamstress for a crazy-old-coot shopkeeper is not the kind of life she had imagined for herself.

The curious events that surround her stepfather"s death send Emmie on a quest for answers. Answers that lead to a dangerous secret tucked away on her property. Stumbling on a moonshine still was an unfortunate event for most folks in the hills of Kentucky. She was lucky not to have been shot on the spot. Emmie saw hope in the steam escaping the curved copper pipe of "Ole Maizy". However, a series of mishaps put her front and center in a local moonshine war.

In the midst of chaos, Emmie is befriended by an attorney recently transported from Chicago. Silas McDowell is a man seeking some answers of his own. In an attempt to find a little roaring twenties glamour in the small town, he introduces Emmie to the underground world of Speakeasies and Blind Pigs. Loyalty, lies, and murder conspire to push Silas and Emmie together or rip them apart. Cloaked in secrets and unsure whom to trust, Emmie must decide to drown in darkness or find a way to Shine On.

Buy Shine On at Amazon.

Rise & Shine is the second book in the Shine On Series.

Emmie Talbot is a quintessential good girl.

Sweet, southern, kind.

Church Goer.



In love for the first time.

Emmie"s life is a little less complicated. There will be no more working for crazy "ole Mr. Thomas and she now has the clues she needs find her real father. Emmie may have the best apple pie moonshine recipe in Kentucky but her bootlegging days are behind her. Or so she thinks. When Max"s condition worsens and he needs the help of doctors and hospitals in a far away town, Emmie is faced with another dilemma. To "shine or not to "shine. How can Emmie not rise to the occasion to help Walter"s family?

Silas McDowell"s life is not so uncomplicated. A fame seeking revenuer is hot on his trail. Busting up his stills, raiding his speakeasies, and smiling for newspaper pictures. It is a dangerous time for Emmie to be toying in the business again. Risky or not, she will always Rise and Shine.

Buy Rise & Shine at Amazon.

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