Common Sense of a Warrior

Chapter 80: The Newcomer and My Match

Running a bit late with this chapter, so the translation might be a bit clunky. Sorry!

CSWH Chapter 80: The Newcomer and My Match

…….2 days after that.

Nothing particularly special happened, and we safely returned to the Anderson Marquis House.

Well, being attacked by bandits was a rather rare event, so it should be said that this was just things as usual.

Although when I reported the details of the encounter to Father, for some reason he made a wry smile.

The day after I returned, I started to partic.i.p.ate in the training as Mel.

Since Anna and Enaline already knew of Mel"s existence, there was no need for concern about them finding out anymore.

Incidentally, those two as well as the Guard Corps members that knew that Mel and Mellice were the same person were completely forbidden to speak about it. 

"…….Anna, your step in is weak. Like that you"ll easily be counterattacked."

"Yes! My apologies!"

It could be said that in exchange, I was asked to help guide the two when they were training.

I wasn"t lying when I said that I really wanted to help support their dream, so I readily agreed.

Thus, right now we were in the midst of sparring.

"One more time, please."

Enaline stepped in front of Anna and prepared her sword.

Seeing her challenging gaze, I unconsciously felt that this was incredibly enjoyable.

The corners of my mouth naturally rose.

Enaline swung her sword.

…….yup, those are good movements.

Without a hint of hesitation, it was an unfaltering swordsmanship that sought to take her opponent"s life.

As they acc.u.mulated more experience in actual combat, their swordsmanship changed.

From a sword that did not seek to suppress their opponent, but sought to kill them precisely.

When facing an enemy, trying to capture them alive was far more difficult compared to just killing them.

As long as you didn"t have a significant difference in numbers and physical strength.

…….if you fight in a half-hearted manner, then not only will you expose your own life to danger, but the lives of your comrades and the people that you are supposed to protect will also be in danger.

That is probably why they chose. To resolve themselves.

To possess the resolve to kill their opponents. And the resolve to be killed themselves.

As I received the blows from her sword, I was also receiving the strength of her resolve and will.

"Great movements."

Though I complimented her, Enaline"s attack did not slacken at all.

"……however, your attacks are repet.i.tive. Like this, your enemies will quickly be able to discern your movements. Like this."

Matching Enaline"s movements, I snapped my sword.

The sword she was holding very easily went flying into the air.

In that instant, I pointed the tip of my sword right in front of her face.

"……I concede."

Together with those words, I pulled back my sword.

"We"ll leave it at this for today. After this, the two of you should think about the weaknesses in your own movements by yourselves."

Just when I said that, Kuroitsu-san approached while chuckling.

"Mel, you seem to be having fun."

"…….though I feel like Kuroitsu-san is the one who"s having fun?"

"Naaw. I was just infected by your joy."

Even if he said that with a tone of voice that made it sound like he was about to start humming at any time, it didn"t have any persuasive power at all.

That being said, it was true that guiding the two of them was fun, so I couldn"t give any further reb.u.t.tals.

"Is coaching the two of them that fun?"

"Yes……it"s been a while. Since there was someone who seriously challenged me."

"Oi oi, that makes it sound like we weren"t serious when facing you at all."

"No, I don"t think that. I know that Kuroitsu-san and everyone was being serious when facing me…… training."

"Are they seriously coming at you to kill you?"

Suddenly, a dangerous light burned in Kuroitsu-san"s eyes.

As if to say that he won"t forgive them if I said yes.

"I wouldn"t say that……..however, what would be a good way to describe it…….for them, they"ve recognized me as a sort of rival? I can keenly feel their intention of absolutely not wanting to lose. Although they understand that their strength still hasn"t reached my own, they are still struggling to trip me up, given the chance. As proof, whenever I guide them, they will definitely make what I taught them their own by the next session. I think that seeing that earnest greed for victory makes me want to be serious as well."

At those words, Kuroitsu-san revealed a wry smile as he sighed.

"To be able to enjoy that, you"re also quite out of the norm……..after sensing that, you"ll be even less likely to let down your guard, right?"

"Not at all, Kuroitsu-san. Though it"s just a "what if" situation…….I"d be like that even if I didn"t sense that."

My words caused Kuroitsu-san"s wry smile to deepen further.

"……how admirable, Mel-san."

From behind Kuroitsu-san, a single man appeared unexpectedly.

If I remember correctly, his name was…….


"Mel-san"s awareness towards the military arts is amazing. Could I also have you guide me?"

"Thank you for your generous words. However, it would be better to ask a professional for guidance…….although if you would like an opponent for training, it would be my pleasure."

It is important to draw a line.

Up until now, I have given some pointers during training, but they were ultimately just "pointers".

Those were just pieces of advice I gave as things I thought were important for my opponents during training.

…….to call it guidance would be presumptuous.

If I were to boldly proclaim that, it would feel as though I were smearing mud on the faces of the instructors, so as expected, I shied back from doing so.

"That is fine. Well then, please."

As he said that, Abel-san readied his sword.

At the same time, Kuroitsu-san, Anna, and Enaline who had been next to us, distanced themselves.

For a moment, I closed my eyes and let out a breath.

Inside of me, the noise that entered my ears sounded distant.

After concentrating that much, I opened my eyes.

And then, I readied my sword.

"……please treat me well."

The instant I said that, Abel-san swung the sword that appeared before my eyes.


I parried that, and then stepped back to take a distance.

"…….as expected of Mel-san."

In exchange, I attacked him as he said that.

For a second his reaction was delayed, but he soon dealt with my attack.

Deeper, sharper……in such a state, all of my consciousness was focussed on my opponent"s and my own movements, as well as the tip of the sword.

……at the same time, a sense of delight welled up from the bottom of my heart naturally.

How will he react next?

How will I handle his next move?

Every time we clashed our swords, even though at times I felt a sense of discomfort from his movements, it was so fun that I couldn"t help it.

However, that time came to an end in the blink of an eye.

My sword repelled his, and sent it flying in the air.

"……I concede."

In that moment, he raised both his hands and declared thus.

"Thank you very much."

I also sheathed my sword and bowed my head.

"As expected of you, Mel-san…….I wasn"t your opponent at all."

"You"re being far too modest. I felt uneasy the entire time."

"Could I have you be my opponent again in the future?"

"Yes, of course. Rather, it is I that wants to request that."

We smiled at each other.

…….when we were fighting, that sense of unease that I was feeling during unexpected times.

It was as if he was using an unfamiliar type of swordsmanship……and that inadvertently caused his reactions to be slow.

He probably hadn"t shown all the cards in his hand.

…….but, what of it?

At any rate, we"re birds of a feather.

In a normal mock battle, I wouldn"t use all my strength in the truest sense…….because I would end up breaking my opponent.

When you take that into account, it"s been a while since I"ve had such an enjoyable mock battle.

Even if he"s holding back, I believe that having matches with him will be beneficial.

"……well then, I won"t be polite. Could I have another bout?"

He asked as he picked up his fallen sword.

"Of course."

I also once again answered with a smile.

And then, we simply continued to swing our swords.

…….it was true that time seemed to pa.s.s in a blink of an eye when you"re having fun, as the order for training to finish up came after we had several matches.

"You really are amazing. There aren"t that many guys that can have such an exchange against Mel-chan."

The moment we were dismissed, members of the Army started to gather around Abel-san.

"No……if I had to say, it would be more correct to say that she is the one holding back for me. To begin with, it wasn"t a serious match, but a mock battle that I requested for the sake of receiving advice. If she was serious, I wouldn"t last one second."

In exchange, Abel-san made a bitter smile as he responded.

"Mel-chan"s pretty dangerous when she"s serious after all~"

As such an exchange entered my ears, I admired how skillfully he expressed himself.

"Many thanks, Mel-san."

Anna and Enaline appeared next to me as I had such thoughts.

"Good work, the two of you. I"ll be returning to the mansion, but if you two want to continue training, feel free to do so. I"ll tell Ojou-sama for you."

"……then, we will take advantage of your kindness."

Like that, I left the two of them behind and returned to the mansion on my own.