Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Chapter 1698

1712 Ice Crevices! Forbidden Ground? (4)

At this moment, the benefits of spiritual power could be seen. It could be used on a large scale.

Without spiritual power, who knew how long it would take to collect these crystals? It would be a waste of time.

In an instant, all the ice crystals were picked up by w.a.n.g Teng. Not a single one was left behind.

Elizabeth: …

“Wait for me. I’ll be back soon.” w.a.n.g Teng disappeared on the spot. He kept the energy ice crystals in his Devour s.p.a.ce and used Nether Frost to freeze them to prevent them from melting.


Then, he appeared in the outside world again. Everything happened within a few breaths. Elizabeth was in a daze. She didn’t know what he was doing.

After some time, they landed on an iceberg.

w.a.n.g Teng stepped on the ice and sighed, “This is the first time I’ve set foot on solid ground after drifting through the chaos for so long.”

“Master, we are too big. It’s not convenient for us to move around here,” Elizabeth said.

“Go back to the Devour s.p.a.ce first,” w.a.n.g Teng said.

Anyway, summoning them out was just a matter of an instant, and if they encountered danger, he could catch his enemy off their guards.

“Okay!” Little White and Elizabeth nodded.

With a sweeping gesture, w.a.n.g Teng drew them all into his Devour s.p.a.ce, leaving only himself standing on the icy ground. He looked around, found a direction, and dashed towards it at lightning speed.

He had activated his Real Eye so w.a.n.g Teng could keep an eye on his surroundings to prevent himself from encountering danger.

Through his Real Eye, w.a.n.g Teng could see some energy reactions. Hence, he wasn’t traveling aimlessly.

After some time, w.a.n.g Teng pa.s.sed a few icebergs. He was surrounded by an endless expanse of ice, a vast white plain where nothing was visible.

However, w.a.n.g Teng saw something out of the ordinary.

“This is…” A sharp glint appeared in his eyes as he hurriedly raced forward. Before long, he came across a ma.s.sive ice spanning across the ice plain, the darkness beneath it as black as a colossal scar.

From a distance, the ice appeared invisible.

However, in w.a.n.g Teng’s Real Eye, there was a violent energy fluctuation nearby. It was extremely conspicuous.

That was why he was able to find this location almost instantly.

I wonder what’s below. w.a.n.g Teng was puzzled.

The more intense the fluctuations, the greater the likelihood that there might be some treasures or valuable items beneath it.

w.a.n.g Teng immediately thought of the Chaotic Forbidden Ground the guide mentioned before.

It looks somewhat similar, but not quite the same!

After all, from the outside, it didn’t seem dangerous.

Unfortunately, there was energy interference beneath the ice so even with his Real Eye, he couldn’t see what was down there.

As for the danger, it wasn’t something you could easily discern just by looking at it.

Some dangers only revealed their true face when triggered. Being able to sense some clues beforehand was already quite impressive.

That was why w.a.n.g Teng was in a dilemma. He didn’t know if he should go down.

At this moment, he frowned.

“There’s someone here?”

w.a.n.g Teng looked into the distance and immediately disappeared on the spot. He was hiding.

A few rays of light approached from afar and landed around the ice

Five men and women stood at a corner of the ice, not too close but not too far from one another. They looked down into the, their eyes filled with astonishment.

“Bi Yao, is this the forbidden ground you found?” A pretty lady with long yellow hair asked a handsome young man not far away.

“That’s right. I was chased by a few Chaotic Beasts and accidentally entered this place. That’s how I found this ice I went down personally to investigate but it’s very dangerous. It should be a forbidden ground.” The handsome young man called Bi Yao nodded calmly.

“Should? It looks like you’re not sure either. This isn’t what you said before you came.” Another muscular young man with a long spear behind his back crossed his arms in front of his chest and frowned.

“Since we’re all here, there’s no need for me to hide anything. I’m not sure if it’s a forbidden ground but there are definitely treasures below,” Bi Yao said solemnly. “Also, there’s no harm in treating it as a forbidden ground. We should approach this place with the same caution we would show to any forbidden land.”

“Bi Yao is right. It doesn’t matter if it’s a forbidden ground. Whether it’s a forbidden place or not, we should all be cautious. Since we’re here, we should explore what’s beneath,” said another young man carrying a battleaxe on his back.

This was a martial warrior from the Ape Race. His arms were thick and long, even longer than any Ape Race that w.a.n.g Teng had seen before. His entire body was covered in pure white fur, without any mixed colors. He looked a little… handsome!

This was a handsome ape!

“I’ll listen to Little Quan Quan.” said a pet.i.te lady wearing pink battle armor with a lollipop in her mouth. She had a cheerful smile on her face.

“Tong En, don’t call me Little Quan Quan,” the last young man, who was tall and handsome, said angrily. He was clearly unhappy.

“No, I want to call you Little Quan Quan Quan.” Tong En chuckled.

“Alright, stop quarreling.” The yellow-haired lady glanced at the pet.i.te lady speechlessly. “Bi Yao, lead the way.”

Bi Yao glanced at the others.

“Since Wei Na said so, I have no objections.” The young man from the Ape Race shrugged.

“I have no objections either,” the muscular young man carrying a long spear behind him said.

The other young man and the pet.i.te lady, Tong En, kept quiet.

“Follow me.” Bi Yao didn’t waste any time and leaped into the pitch-black ice

The others followed him. The yellow-haired lady was the last. She glanced around her to make sure there was no one before jumping into the ice

The entire ice plain returned to tranquility. After a while, spatial fluctuations appeared, and a figure slowly emerged.

“Is it a forbidden ground?!” A voice echoed in the air and the figure disappeared again without a trace.