Corpse Maiden

Chapter 2

Before Schera could get her first steps in, her body froze and t.i.ttered sideways crashing hard with the ground. Austin stood motionless in complete shock. His wide eyes questioned Cereza who only shrugged casually.

He rushed to Schera"s aid. "What happened? Are you okay? Schera can you hear me?" Her eyes were in a dazed almost lifeless trance. Her body was like ice. "She"s freezing."

Cereza thought for a second before taking a grim tone. "She needs blood."

Austin paused. "Blood?" He swallowed hard cuffing his suddenly aching neck.

Cereza noticed the gesture and forcibly smiled. He had a thought of how cute she was. "You are poisonous to other vampyres due to our imprint."

He sighed relieved. But it was as she stated, vampyres exist. She was living proof as was Schera. He incidentally came across this discovery a week ago. He was seeking to join one of the simulated military clubs during pledge week. Part of his hazing required he stay the night at the abandoned preschool building...

** "I must be in the right place..." I said to myself to drown out the eerie silence. The building was deep in the neglected section of the academy and had long since been covered by trees and thick gra.s.s.

The building itself had abandoned written all over it. The door was frail and looked as if it would blow over from the slightest gust. The windows, while not in shambles, was coated in a thick layer of dust. It was almost impossible to see inside.

The interior wasn"t in any better shape. The walls were nearly chipped bare of paint and small cracks and holes littered the ceilings of all but one of the rooms. It was something cut straight from a horror movie. And I was the idiot who was duped into walking in consensually.

I froze as still as ice upon hearing whispers echo through the walls. Rational thinking was almost out the door. The unexplainable was still my greatest weakness.

"Are you sure about this?"

"If I don"t gain one soon, I"ll forfeit my right to the crown."

"The initiation of the Contract should only be done by fully-fledged vampyres who have reached maturity. You are still but a fledgling. You are too young your code is incomplete it will never bond with a human in its infantile stage."

"Am I to sit idly aside while the others allow her to take the throne. If she succeeds you know the darkness she plans to unleash."

"Are you prepared for the consequences of failure?"

"Prepared or not, it must be done."

I could make out the voices as my rationality returned to its place. I chanced a further peak. I could not fathom what I would see. **

"Are you listening?" Cereza brought Austin from his memories.

"Huh?" he asked blankly.

"I goofed." She huffed. "I forgot to stock up on the artificial blood supplements our society supplies. We"re completely out." She bite down on her bottom lip.

"This is bad. What are the options?" Austin"s mind, his brilliant and formulaic mind, began spinning as if a hamster were running on its wheel at full sprint.

Cereza recompiled herself as shock faded and clearance came. It"s fine. I"ll just feed her mine I still have quite a bit from that night." She winked.

Brushing past her obvious insert. "You can do that?"

"Well the blood coursing through me currently is no longer yours, it mutated from human. It has way fewer benefits for my kind But it"s safe. Normally one would need to be a matured vampyre with an imprinted human or two in order to replenish said vampyre"s lost blood supply. But, I just so happen to have gotten one early." She gloated smugly.

"That"s a relief."

"Of course you realize..." Her voice went low and seductive as her eyes followed suit. "...I"ll need to fill back up on yours afterwards."


"Perhaps I should partake now in this golden opportunity, Schera won"t be able to interrupt us like before." Cereza"s eyes shifted from her standard emerald to scarlet. Her fangs protruded outwards. She eased ever closer to Austin until he could feel the heat from her breath creep at his neck.

She was so close to him. He took in deep breaths of her scent. The sweet nectar of peaches filled his lungs. He tensed antic.i.p.ating her fangs burrowing into his flesh. He found his voice, as weak and vulnerable as it was. "Cereza..."

"Kidding!" She laughed sticking out her tongue to a now wide eyed and stunned Austin. "It would take hours for my body to safely convert your freshly consumed blood into my own."


"You were so cute!" She laughed louder as the went inside with the limp body of Schera.

Austin and Cereza left Schera inside to recover after feeding her a big helping of Cereza. She seemed to have gone into autopilot not even realizing she was feeding from Cereza herself.

Austin helped the still woozy Cereza to the bench just outside the front doors. "Will she be okay?"

"She"ll be fine. A good night"s rest and it"ll be as if nothing happened."

"What about you? She drank a lot."

"Once I"ve fed myself, I will be much better. I still have enough to maintain consciousness so I"m in no immediate danger."

Austin glanced idly at the setting sun. "Say, I don"t understand exactly, are you really the only one who can drink my blood?"

She looked at him then to the sky contently. "I guess poisonous isn"t the appropriate term. In reality, all human blood starts off incompatible to our kind because technically we"re dead. In order to feed on a human, a contract must be formed. A blood imprint."

"That"s what you did to me the night we met, right?"

She nodded. "While this imprint doesn"t change your composition, I did write my own code within yours. Now my body will no longer recognize your fluids as foreign and attempt to expel it from my system. Without doing this it would not only expel your blood but all fluids in my body. I would literally evaporate and wither away."


"It"s all very technical Schera could explain it better in more details."

"Basically you need to imprint with the human before you can eat them, can"t just dine on anyone?"

"In a nutsh.e.l.l, humanity would be near extinct if you could go around eating anyone."

"I don"t remember this being in any of the mythos."

"I"m more surprised by the things that actually did make it into the mythos. Garlic!? I still don"t get that one."

"Not that I wanted her to but why doesn"t Schera contract me as well? That would have been more efficient that feeding her from yourself."

"Virtually impossible. Even if you could produce blood that would correspond with two different vampyre DNA, there would be no way to tell when you would produce blood with my code and blood with her code. If we were to drink blood with the wrong code it would be a fate worse than eating an unimprinted human"

"I see."

"Enough of that. I"m starved." Cereza once again donned her deep red eyes and fangs pulling him close. "Thank you for the food!"

"Hold on a sec, Cereza!"

Her fangs punctured him sending an intense pain through his body just as her first bite had done the time before. Then, just as before, a powerful wave of euphoria and s.e.xual desire washed over him. He was rendered powerless as any resistance he may have thought of having earlier was snuffed out. He could feel his blood spilling out as she slowly and deliberately swallowed it down.

Something in him stirred, became untamed, unhinged. His body heated up like a thousand suns as l.u.s.t built up within him. Soon he was drowning in it unable to contain himself any longer. She made him lose himself for the second time.

He flipped her over and ripped open her school blouse. She really hadn"t been wearing a bra. Her already erect breast bounced freely. He immediately devoured them, rolling his tongue over her right nipple. His hand glided across her skin to give the other some TLC. He licked, sucked, and spoiled her with his tongue. Then he switched sides giving the other breast the same personal treatment.

He pampered Cereza. His hand was electric sending shockwaves along the path they trailed. During their first time, she hadn"t gotten to the point where he actually touched her like this. At that time she couldn"t have known what she was missing out on. Now, she wanted to feel more, longed to feel me, ached for it.

His hand turned south touching the entrance to her core. Her breath caught in her throat. She opened her mouth but nothing would come out. If her heart hadn"t already stopped beating, in that moment –that second –it would have anyways.

She stroked his base with both hands. He twitched letting a powerful grunt. He was bigger than what her mind had told her before. She wondered if something this big had really fit inside her mouth. She licked at the liquid streaming down his neck. He seized the opportunity to steal her lips. His tongue wrestled with hers fighting for dominance. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to be swept away needing more.

As fate would have it this was about as far as they would go as Austin began to wobble unsteadily. Cereza"s sense slowly returned.

"Perhaps we should stop here for now. I wouldn"t want you to die.