Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 11

"What have you guys found?" Ni Ya and Mei Duo felt puzzled.

"Getting rid of seven high-ranking enemy commanding officers of rank colonel and above. There was actually even a lieutenant general and a major general included amongst them. The person who had done this deed was none other than the person whom you girls are with."

Another older colonel laughed as he said, "A few months ago, intelligence was sent back regarding the annihilation of an entire command team on the division level. It detailed about how they had been attacked by an energy machine cannon from the southwestern position, killing and injuring about 30 enemies who had been sleeping in the barracks, with 7 high ranking officers amongst them."

The colonel took out a doc.u.ment from the bottom of a pile before pa.s.sing it to Mei Duo and said, "Yes, this is the one." Mei Duo and Ni Ya gathered closely to read the doc.u.ment. After that, the colonel continued, "That time, when this intelligence was pa.s.sed on to us, everyone had become really excited. The President"s Office had even sent someone over to verify in preparation of commending the person who had done that. But at that time, regardless of how we investigated, we had no way to verify who it was exactly that has done that. The unit stationed at New Rome had n.o.body appearing in that region during that particular night and neither had the air force planned for such attacks. The Federation had long requested for the forward commanding department to find out who exactly did that. They said it was for improving the morale of the army, so this hero of the Federation must be found. But no matter how much we tried, n.o.body would come out and claim this meritorious service. It can"t be that we have to find someone random to impersonate this hero? Should such a matter be revealed, it will definitely affect the entire Federation negatively."

The other young combat staff officer nodded. "When I first saw that region"s coordinates, I felt that it looked too familiar. In my heart, I was thinking that it couldn"t have been that... But hey, who would have thought that it was true? The timing, location, and weapons had all matched. Furthermore, there was also the evidence from the Battle Record Device. At this moment, everyone from the media department is truly happy. Who would have thought that this chap exterminated a whole commanding team from the Imperial Empire just like that? I bet those people who died from such injustice are truly unlucky."

Ni Ya and Mei Duo looked at each other in dismay as they thought, "That fatty is only doing this for the sake of escaping. How can such a person be named as the hero of the Federation?" The moment they thought of how this perverted fatty had become the entire human race"s most wretched hero, they felt a chill of terror going down their spine.

After the completion of the online war simulation by the research labs, the forward command center had decided to send someone to find the fatty and chat with him. Who would have thought that this wretched person, who was so afraid to die, would think that he was being pulled to get executed...

Hearing how he himself had become a hero, Fatty suddenly became happy. In reality, being a hero or not did not matter much to him. What was more important would be that his life was secured - and that would certainly be worth celebrating. Furthermore, he still had no idea how he become a hero.

But at this moment, the people who felt a chill of terror in their hearts were none other than the entire forward commanding department. After hearing the military police captain make his report, everyone was stunned. Everyone looked at each other before realizing that they should have found someone to impersonate this person. If they decided to announce such a hero, it might be better to take the risks of having someone impersonate him.

The top ranking officer of the forward commanding department, a general, had already prepared his office and worn his uniform to receive the hero. Yet at this moment, General Bernadotte of the Leray Federation, land army, chief commanding officer of the entire army stationed on Miracolo Planet, truly felt resentful. How could such a fatty perform this extremely meritorious service? The heavens truly did not open their eyes clearly! And this idiot truly failed to live up to expectations. Before even understanding the situation, he had actually wailed out loud in front of so many people and had even hugged the legs of a woman while acting shamelessly.

This was truly such a big headache!

Trying his utmost to calm himself, Bernadotte reconsidered his decision. "Even if that"s the case, we finally understand the definite case of what exactly had happened. The forward commanding department of the enemy has been completely thrown into chaos, causing their attacking force on New Rome to become disoriented and, thankfully, prevented us from losing New Rome. Announcing such a huge victory is unavoidable; however, the main focus of this announcement must only include the land army as well as the forward command — we"ll only mention the fatty briefly. We must never ever allow the reporters to interview the fatty, otherwise the entire land army"s reputation will be completely destroyed!"

After discussing with several high-rank commanding officers from the forward command department, the person who suggested the accepted idea, a lieutenant general, let his guards bring Tian Xing Jian to his office.

After a while, one could see Fatty, who was wearing the Battle Mecha Engineer corporal uniform, entering with a resolute gait. This chap"s current behaviour was not as bad as that depicted by the military police. He gave a powerful army salute and gave off the feeling of a model serviceman who had been through blood. Even though they understood that the military policemen would never lie, several officers still blinked their eyes in disbelief. If that was the case and the person who had hugged the woman"s leg while making a scene shamelessly was the same as the person in front of them — a military personnel who followed the rules strictly, then there was only one truth: this wretched d.a.m.ned fatty was truly talented!

Bernadotte did not say anything for a period of time. He had some hesitation regarding this decision, "It"s merely announcing his deeds. Who knows, this chap might just do it."

Seeing as how there had been no movement for such a long period of time, Fatty felt anxious. The firm and unwavering determination he tried to maintain was starting to become lax, slowly revealing the character underneath. Fatty started to give a confused look and fake silly smile that aimed to pander.

Bernadotte gave himself two slaps in his heart, "Pei! I"m truly an idiot. If such a person becomes the hero of the Federation, it will become the greatest joke in the entire universe."

"Corporal Tian Xing Jian of the Federation Aviation Squadron, 5th Armored Division, 3rd Armored Battalion, Logistics Company, 1st Platoon. Due to your courageous act during the battle coupled with how quick-witted and flexible you were, you created a miracle. On this day, New Age Year 2060, 20th of February, 5 am at dawn, you heroically attacked the enemy"s forward base of operations in New Rome City, killing and injuring over 30 of their soldiers, which included 7 high-ranking officers. Amongst them included the lieutenant general, commander of the 3rd Battle Mecha Division, major general, the commanding officer of the entire commanding team, and several other officers above the rank of colonel. After you have satisfactorily attacked the enemy and protected your own life, you slowed down the attacks of the enemy on New Rome. This led to the retreat of the invading force under the retaliation by our Federation"s air force. For your outstanding achievements, we have deemed you worthy for a special promotion. From now on, you will lead the Aviation Squadron ground force, 16th Armored Division, Scouts Battalion as the first company vice company commander. We have conferred to you the rank of first lieutenant. For your first cla.s.s meritorious service, we will issue you with a Gold Heart Medal."

Bernadotte pa.s.sed to Tian Xing Jian the award of commendation with a smile, "First Lieutenant, congratulations. You are the hero of Leray Federation. We are all proud of you!"

After Tian Xing Jian received his award, he carefully asked, "Where is the 16th Armored Division right now?"

Bernadotte"s smile suddenly became very sweet as he pointed to the electronic map on the wall behind him. "Right there, just south of Cato City and in the middle of the mountain ranges and forest. They are currently defending northwards."

"Forward line!?" Fatty felt anxious. "But I"m a Battle Mecha Engineer!"

Bernadotte"s smile turned stiff. He continued, "Haha, we have checked through your information. You are the only rookie coming from the special forces training team that completed two training camps. Furthermore, your results within the scouts training team have been outstanding. We can see this from your over 20 escapes. Such experiences are extremely precious, thus you have the duty to pa.s.s on your experiences to even more soldiers. We are completely supportive of you and wish for you to commit another miraculous event in this new location, continue with the development of your fearless mindset towards death, perform excellent results, and once again, succeed in your plans."

This was what the higher-ups discussed before. They would never allow the reporters to interact with this supposed hero, thus he must never remain in a location where reporters could easily find him. The 16th Armored Division in charge of defending the mountain ranges and forest away from the city would thus be the most appropriate place for him. Furthermore, with the excuse that this second-in-command commander of the scouts company was out on duty, that would be the best solution of entirely hiding the fatty.

Seeing that this idiot wanted to say something else, Bernadotte immediately said, "Alright, we are going to investigate the current battle situation. That"s all. Once again, congratulations." With a wave of his hand, the guards around him had to practically pull and send this fatty out the door.


The door closed.

Fatty fell into a daze as he murmured, "I"ve only lived for a few peaceful days!"