Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 29

Three energy cannons began spurting out frenzied tongues of fire the moment [Fury Fire] appeared. With its alt.i.tude advantage, [Fury Fire]"s firepower was suppressing the enemies exceptionally well. Several tens of meters of distance were considered as extremely close towards the Battle Mechas. Following the movements of [Fury Fire], the energy cannons were akin to three streamers dancing in the air as it completely enveloped the Myth Beast-style Battle Mechas that were caught off guard.

The [Antenna]"s electronic interference attack had long been activated before the [Fury Fire] had even started to act. All communication systems within this region was being disrupted, and the targets of interference were none other than the Battle Mecha"s computer systems, weapon targeting systems, radar, and various other electronic systems on the Myth Beast-style Battle Mechas. Within this half hour period of interference, the [Antenna] was the king of this region!

Nine warrior-cla.s.s [pioneers] had split into two groups as they fired from the right side and the left side. Once [Fury Fire]"s frantic pouring of energy shots forced the Imperial Battle Mechas to take cover, the [Pioneers]" firepower began sealing shut the two directions around the Beast-style Battle Mechas.

Such a sudden a.s.sault was enough to cause three Imperial Battle Mecha to be destroyed within moments. Even though the Battle Mecha operators from the Myth Legion had been embroiled in war for long periods of time and had plenty of combat experience, Battle Mechas were still Battle Mechas. They could look down on the energy rifles in the hands of Federation soldiers, but they could not look down on the armor-piercing energy cannons. For the Myth Legion to escape this sudden a.s.sault, only having three mechas destroyed could already be considered as the best outcome. Had they not been battling for long periods of time and learned to dodge subconsciously, then the number of destroyed Battle Mechas would certainly be twice the current amount.

The direction these Beast-style Battle Mechas decided to dodge towards was not of the location where the [Pioneers] shot suppressive fire; instead, they dodged forward. The remaining six Beast Battle Mechas that had lost their communication system immediately made their decision, charging forward toward [Fury Fire]. This Federation heavy-firepower Battle Mecha was the greatest threat to them. They had to destroy it or force it out of the battle within the shortest period of time possible.

As for the other [Pioneers], they were not much of a concern. These Battle Mecha operators from the Myth Legion had killed many before. Compared to the Myth Legion"s dedicated Beast-style Battle Mecha, the [Devil Tiger], the [Pioneers] used by the Federation were at a disadvantage. As long as the [Devil Tiger] got into close range, the weapons of the [Pioneers] would lose its effectiveness. The [Devil Tiger]"s front claw could easily tear open the cabins located in the chest area of the [Pioneers], destroying both its movement system and turning its operator into a pile of flesh.

The soldiers from Group Three started retreating. On a battlefield where Battle Mechas were fighting, infantry soldiers would forever be cannon fodder. There was no need for them to remain here any longer. They had completed their mission. Right now, their only objective was to survive.

Caleb bent his back as he used both his hands and legs to ensure that he was as closely hidden behind the slope as possible. The energy shots flying over his head was one of the reasons why he had to keep his head low. Being the last man to retreat, he had another objective that needed to be completed — when the Beast-style Battle Mechas start retaliating and have reached the midway point, he had to activate the chains of grenades buried beneath the soil. He swept through the forest on the other side of the hill, becoming stunned as he saw something extremely strange.

That unfathomable, broken-looking Beast Mk.III Battle Mecha was currently doing something that did not match its appearance — transformation. After releasing a layer of light, the mecha had transformed. Had he not seen this with his own eyes, he would not believe this Beast Battle Mecha was the same broken mecha which the fat first lieutenant, Tian Xing Jian, owned.

"That is truly too despicable." Caleb felt himself sweating from this scene. He never understood why the vice company commander would drive a Battle Mecha that could not compare to an ordinary soldier"s, but now, he was enlightened. This chap was an experienced master of all sorts of devilish schemes; he was a despicable professional. However vile his personality was would be how he acted towards others.

From beside his ear came the transmitted shout of scout section commander, Thoriko, "Ignite! Quick!"

Shaken out of his stupor, Caleb hurriedly activated the remote controller in his hand. A huge explosion resounded, causing the soil to rush up to the skies. The midway mark of the hill exploded into a gorge, and an Empire"s Beast-style Battle Mecha"s mechanical legs were destroyed, falling sideways and being unable to move. The other Beast-style Battle Mechas did not suffer from any damage, only their fierce charge had been disrupted.

Caleb himself was thrown into a somersault by the shockwave. As he rolled down to the bottom of the slope, his gaze remained on that transformer Battle Mecha. In the midst of the dust and smoke, disguising as a [Devil Tiger], it started lying low before moving around the slope gracefully into the cloud of smoke and dust. Even though he was not able to see the situation, Caleb could envision the result of what would happen when a disguised Battle Mecha, which had exact same appearance as the other Imperial Battle Mechas, entered the chaotic scene.

Caleb felt cramps in his stomach. This wretched and cunning Fatty was truly too despicable. Just now when the disguised [Devil Tiger] moved in stealthily, he did not seem like a murderer; instead, he seemed like a figure covered in chicken feathers — a wolf that was on his way to steal the chicken from the coop. He acted so much like a thief that others would bawl from seeing it.

The Myth Legion"s five [Devil Tiger] seemingly acted as if they had not been influenced by the loss of half their combat power. After momentarily losing their spirit, this team immediately recovered their composure and continued to act with even more lithe and decisiveness than before. There was no way one could determine that their communication system had long been cut. All of the [Devil Tigers] did not hesitate to continue their charge towards the Federation Battle Mechas. Their current movement was truly unpredictable, and no one would be the wiser to where they were heading to. Their speed was fast as well, so fast that the Federation soldiers would occasionally see images left behind by these mechas.

The subconscious mind of the Federation Battle Mechas had, however, successfully aimed their weapons at the [Devil Tigers].

[Fury Fire] became the main target of these Beast-style Battle Mechas. Standing by the sides of the [Fury Fire] were nine [Pioneers]. They would certainly not give the enemy the chance to threaten the [Fury Fire]. They hurriedly used a piercing tactic, turning on their firepower to the maximum and unleashed it ahead of them.

A stream of dense bullet screen [1] flew out in front of the Federation Battle Mechas. Any Battle Mechas who dared to pierce through this screen of bullets would certainly suffer from destruction.

But, the five [Devil Tigers] did not stop at all. The first one fiercely leapt upwards. The other Federation [Pioneers] had subconsciously changed their target and aimed towards the Battle Mecha that had jumped upwards. They had committed a mistake. Even though the airborne [Devil Tiger] was damaged by his manoeuvre, the four other [Devil Tigers] had a chance to move forward with lightning speed, as the screen of bullets was gone for a short period of time. Their piercing movement was truly orderly — the result of long periods of battling together.

[Fury Fire] was forced to retreat, and the nine [Pioneers] had also moved upwards simultaneously to obstruct the incoming mechas. Two of the [Pioneers] that stood at the forefront tried their utmost best and fired their cannons; however, they could not obstruct the [Devil Tiger]"s sudden charge. The four [Devil Tigers] were like cheetahs that had gotten close to their prey; their energetic and strong figures burst forth with enormous strength as they leaped upward before using their sharp claws, which were built were built with an extraordinary composition, to tear apart the strengthened external armor of the two [Pioneers]. From this move alone, they had turned the cabins of the [Pioneers] into large holes mixed with blood and flesh.

"No!" The remaining Federation Battle Mecha operators broke from this scene. Two of their comrades had actually been forcibly killed despite them being in the advantageous position. All the other Federation Battle Mecha operators could not accept this reality as they let out an agonizing roar. All the energy from their mechas was now fully put into firepower as they shot furiously at the enemies.

Several [Devil Tigers] dodged the screen of bullets. The energy s.h.i.+eld covering the surface of their mechas showed signs of being hit by bullets. Under such fierce firepower, they were forced to split apart, retreating temporarily before using the terrain and the fallen [Pioneers] as their s.h.i.+elds. They were prepared for a second charge.

"Maintain your formation! Retreat!" Thoriko sent his orders. Right now, what the Federation Battle Mechas needed to do was to defend. Only after creating a distance between them could they guarantee their safety. These Beast-style Battle Mechas were truly murderers to its very core. Their close-combat techniques were cruel and well-trained; their control of Battle Mechas were concise and effective. As long as they came close to them, the [Pioneers] would not be able to dodge the attacks by these Battle Mechas.

[Fury Fire] had retreated to a safe distance. They re-adjusted their firepower before continuing to shoot fiercely once again. With the suppressive fire by the [Fury Fire], the Federation [Pioneers] could execute the orders given by Thoriko. In front of [Fury Fire], they formed a semicircle defending formation.

"Delay for more time. Cover the vice company commander!" The Federation Battle Mecha operators received Thoriko"s order. They had already seen the similar-looking Battle Mecha that stealthily got behind the four [Devil Tigers], hiding sinisterly in the dark. It was looking with indulgence at these four [Devil Tigers].

"They are doomed!" In the communication channel, all the Federation soldiers had said the same thing.

Thoriko looked towards the four unknowing [Devil Tigers] before revealing a sneer on the edge of his mouth. They truly did not know that the most shameless, the most wretched, and the most cunning Battle Mecha hunter had finally arrived.

[1] Imagine that as an area with concentrated firepower