Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 51

Laughing, Compton said to Tian Xing Jian, "First Lieutenant, since there is an input and an output from the a.n.a.lysis you did on the data of the plans, then just explain it to the rest of them to placate their feelings. I shall not dabble in this matter anymore."

Glaring at that major, Compton immediately turned around and walked away.

Starting to feel restless after the director walked out, the people from the 2nd Research Unit in the office shouted out, "That"s right! Clearly explain how you got your results!"

"If you don"t explain it carefully, then you should just get ready to kowtow and admit your mistake!"

Thinking that their director had silently approved of their actions, looks of sneers and ridicule formed on their faces as they waited for the first lieutenant to make a fool out of himself.

Tian Xing Jian projected the map of New Rome within his computer before asking these people, "Will all of you kowtow and admit your mistakes if my words are correct?"

That major and Ke Lun looked at each other before resolutely replying after hearing the encouragement from the other staff officers. "Certainly!"

"Very well!" Tian Xing Jian did not want to tangle himself with this group of brats. Pointing to the simulated map displayed on the computer screen, he explained, "Do you see this particular enemy base located at about 200 kilometers perpendicular to the defense line from Point E to point H?"

The staff officers from the 2nd Research Unit looked over, and their expressions immediately changed. The location pointed at was a temporary Imperial armored division base. According to intelligence, this division was currently reorganizing themselves; however, this particular location was only 200 kilometers away from the lateral direction of the defense lines of New Rome with the area in between being flat ground. With just two hours, this group of soldiers could definitely enter the battlefield. It was completely impossible for a fully mechanized reinforced infantry regiment to obstruct this armored division for an hour!

Hugging his upper arm, Fatty looked towards those staff officers, whose expressions had changed, as he laughed mischievously. "If this plan isn"t trash, then what is trash? Even a plan thought up by this father"s little brother [1] is much better than all of yours!"

Ke Lun looked downwards in shame. That major did not want to give in yet and retorted, "I don"t think someone who only knows how to criticize others is that amazing. If we don"t move the soldiers away and instead face the enemy with a force three times larger, how else could we defend against it?"

Fatty laughed coldly. "When I said you have a pig brain, you truly have one. This father only cares about deduction. Anything other than that is an issue that you have to solve by yourself. When your bra is torn, does taking off your pants to cover your chest mean you aren"t revealing yourself anymore [2]? Furthermore, you have even stripped yourself so cleanly that not even a single piece of underwear is left behind, stupid c***!"

After saying that, he picked up a pen and drew a line on the combat map before throwing it over to that major. "Do you really think that it"s possible to overwhelm these two armored divisions, who hold the high ground, from a distance of 10 kilometers by just simultaneously attacking with three divisions [3]? Do you think that Battle Mechas are as big as a rat? If the defenses for the infantry at the right flank aren"t built on this piece of high ground one kilometer away, there will be no way they could be called the heroes of the flat ground since they would just get slaughtered. Even if the enemy"s a.s.sault broke through the line, the team defending at Point T could still reach the defense line within three minutes and provide support by going over to Point R. Thus, all you have to do is change the direction of the artillery. What kind of greenie staff officer are you to not even see this!?"

Seeing them keeping silent, Fatty waved his hand before saying, "I do not want all of you to kowtow to me. Today, this father will just treat all of you as mere farts. The next time you dare to treat tactical planning as a game, then I"ll just use those doc.u.ments to wipe my snot before throwing them back to you. If you don"t have the confidence of getting through this father"s examination, then think it over again. Right now, all of you should just scram for me!"

The 2nd Research Unit felt ashamed and indignant, but the moment they heard that they need not to kowtow anymore, they felt a burden being relieved. Pulling that major and Ke Lun, who had his ears turned red, they turned around and left the place.

The staff officers from the other research units, who had come over to enjoy the scene, left awkwardly as well. This time, they discovered that their plans would ultimately have to pa.s.s through the deductions done by the 6th Research Unit, the very people they had always looked down on and bossed around. If their plans were picked out to be used for wiping snot, then their reputations would immediately be destroyed.

The staff officers from the 6th Research Unit, however, only felt that they had blown off some steam. All the injustices they had suffered over the past few days had been returned to the others in a single go. The originally dead atmosphere immediately became buzzing with activity as they uncontrollably went over to give Tian Xing Jian a hug. The more mature ones merely smiled, while the less reserved officers just laughed out loud in celebration for their joy.

Pater had similarly laughed and decided to ignore these brats who seemingly had their dreams come true—throwing a sentence of having a dinner at 6 in the evening, he left with a snort. This old man was truly a nasty person underneath the amicable personality.

Those from the 6th Research Unit asked Fatty, "Fatty, how did you spot the mistake with Ke Lun"s plan?"

Simple-mindedly, Fatty waved his hand before saying, "d.a.m.n, this father had initially thought that this plan was good, but after excitedly walking over to get some opinions from the forward command, I ended up being scolded. Since I had the chance, why shouldn"t this father scold them back? However the forward command scolded me will be how I would scold him!"

The people from the 6th Research Unit perspired profusely from that statement, feeling glad for themselves inwardly.

After this incident, the staff officers from the 6th Research Unit had transformed into a group of fragrant steamed buns [4], especially when several irregular plans had been thrown out after they were examined by them. As a result, there were many who would come to treat these staff officers out for a meal or would plead for leniency. After all, the reputations of these military staff officers were quite important, and if they offended the 6th Research Unit, their plans would certainly be placed under a magnifying gla.s.s where every single detail would be scrutinized—even when there were no issues with the plan, an issue would still be squeezed out.

It was only a small portion of people who knew of this conflict, and those who had interacted with Fatty would never dare to go against his authority. Even though it wasn"t agreed unanimously, in the hearts of some people, they thought that the one with the highest standard in the combat planning department would be that first lieutenant who would always stare into s.p.a.ce in his empty room.

There were even several quick-witted guesses that this first lieutenant had been the company commander who was responsible for the cla.s.sical example. However, they were firmly denied by Compton, and despite asking several friends in the forward command, all of them received the same answer of denial. Consequently, all these denials had added to the mysteriousness of the first lieutenant who was always guarding his computer.

Furthermore, this fatty, who did not have an expert air around him, had a natural expression that would incite the desire from anyone to hit him. As long as n.o.body offended him, he would act wretchedly and would accept everything. There were many who did not accept him, and the leading figure behind this group was that major from the previous alteration; these people would directly slander him or would, behind his back, portray him as someone who was rude, unreasonable, vulgar, and as a charlatan who satisfied the idiom of a blind cat finding a dead rat [5], causing his reputation to be obliterated entirely.

Especially amongst the female confidential secretary or the female staff officers, having heard the gossip from others, more and more of them had come to hate this d.a.m.n seemingly lecherous fatty.

The official date of release of 《Omnipresent Fire of War》 had finally arrived. Fatty, who had especially applied for a day of paid leave, camped right in front of the simulation cabin. His eyes brightened up as he waited the last few minutes before all the Battle Mecha experts in the entire cosmos would plunge themselves into this simulated world to compete against the rest. The moment Fatty thought of how he would be able to battle against these experts, he became so excited that he could no longer control his bladder as he trembled all over in excitement.

The moment he entered the game, Fatty immediately became dumbfounded at the sight of the recruit training camp right in front of him! The military instructor who wielded a broadsword looked just like that black bear instructor who had taught him in the past.

Having to do this all over again, Fatty nearly wept as he helplessly partic.i.p.ated in the training camp before obtaining an individual combat strength a.s.sessment after going through several tests; his strength, agility, and endurance indexes were all quite stellar.

Receiving a ET Battle Mecha that looked like it had been developed 700 years ago after graduating from the training camp, a rapt Fatty erupted in excitement, as n.o.body truly knew who he was. Experts, here I am!

So what if they were experts? In this fatty"s eyes, the world was filled with ET Battle Mechas, and n.o.body would pay attention to him at all. How would he know who to exchange moves with? With this type of Battle Mecha, even if one had better controlling techniques, it would be useless.

Tian Xing Jian turned gloomy for half a day before calming himself down and starting to investigate the system set-up for the game. After receiving the ET Battle Mecha from the recruit training camp, one could continue leveling up, and the required parts for leveling up could only be obtained via quests or from bandits. After obtaining all the required parts, one would be able to modify the Battle Mecha and request for a level up, turning their Battle Mechas into one of the many famous human Battle Mechas that could be found in the successive generations, from the lowest level to the highest level.

But, Fatty felt that they were all unpleasant to his eyes, and thus it eventually led to his decision of choosing the Battle Mecha engineer profession. Aside from the fact that this was his actual profession, the system allowed those of this profession to build their own Battle Mecha as long as the required parts were collected and it conformed to the laws of science. Naturally, a good Battle Mecha would result from this; however, a mecha that was haphazardly built with mixed parts would create trash and thus waste all the parts.

The probability of creating such a Battle Mecha was extremely low, and even when one succeeded, such Battle Mechas would usually not have any huge advantages over the other professionally designed Battle Mechas.

Due to the game being grounded in reality, the central game intelligence was able to compare and determine if a Battle Mecha conformed with the logic of reality. Without being a master on this profession and without being well-trained at modification, wanting to manufacture a Battle Mecha would be as hard as climbing to the heavens.

In the eyes of many, they thought that being a Battle Mecha engineer would merely allow one to economize and reduce the total expenditure of owning a Battle Mecha. But, in Fatty"s eyes, this profession would lay down the road towards becoming rich. Furthermore, this game had been based on the online war simulation which he had helped to create; hence, Fatty was much clearer in regards to the various data in the game when compared to any other person. As long as he had the required parts, he would be able to create an even better Battle Mecha.

The only regret was that the biological double attribute metal had been cla.s.sified as an absolute secret, and thus its data was prohibited from being entered into the game. The only parts he could use were merely the materials and parts that had been publicized and made readily available.

Finis.h.i.+ng all the required quests, Fatty had successfully become a Battle Mecha engineer and had obtained his very own mechanical arm. Looking at this familiar chap in his hand, Fatty squinted his eyes as he fell into joy laughing.

[1] His p.e.n.i.s.

[2] I think the meaning portrayed over this literal translation is speaking about how that major is stupid even by asking questions and being ignorant.

[3] He is saying that it"s quite hard for the three enemy armored divisions to overwhelm two divisions that are holding a high ground.

[4] The meaning over here is saying that the group of staff officers is being paid attention to.

[5] Blind luck.