Crazy Leveling System

Chapter 795

Chapter 795

Ancient Netherworld Divine Tower hasn’t changed much, and the rules in 2nd Layer City were a little bit strange. The 2nd Layer City had the highest population out of the entire city inside the Tower, and the average cultivation level in this city was Core Transformation Stage. The first thing that cultivators needed to do here on 2nd Layer City was joining a faction. The faction would keep watch on other factions, and once they gauged the power of their enemies, they would order a challenge!

This was also why Yi Tianyun didn’t want to stick around the 2nd Layer City, as it was too much of a ha.s.sle for him. In the 3rd Layer City, everyone was free to challenge anyone without any restriction! The cultivators on 3rd Layer City couldn’t even refuse a challenge as the rules stated that everyone had to accept the challenge in any condition!

That was why the 2nd Layer City was the most populated city inside the Tower, as it was safer for the cultivator to be here than on the 3rd or higher level. They could even trade Flame Imprint here on 2nd Layer City as there was no punishment for deliberately losing a duel. The worst thing that could happen to a cultivator was losing their Flame Imprint and being forced to go back to 1st Layer City! There was no other punishment other than that!

But this rule applied to the 3rd Layer City and higher too. The moment they had less Flame Imprint than the city’s requirement, they would be forced to go back to the previous city! This rule wasn’t really that important for Yi Tianyun as he only wanted to destroy the Evil Spirit Race, and he had no intention to stay at 2nd Layer City anyway. It was better to challenge the Evil Spirit Race on the 3rd Layer City as they couldn’t reject the challenge notion.

The only condition where the challenge would be invalid was when the cultivator was injured or already partic.i.p.ated in a challenge recently. This was to make sure that the cultivator had the time to recuperate from their previous duel before starting the next one, making it a fair challenge. This was why the 3rd Layer City and above was the best place to gain Flame Imprint, as rejecting a challenge was pretty hard to come by.

Soon, Yi Tianyun reached the 3rd Layer City and immediately sensed that the place was definitely better than the 2nd Layer City as the Spiritual Energy was richer and thicker than the 2nd Layer City. Yi Tianyun realised that as he go up a level, the condition would be so much better for cultivation.

“Hey, newbie!” a cultivator near the stairs called Yi Tianyun over. The cultivator seemed to a.s.sess Yi Tianyun’s appearance and frowned as soon as he realised that Yi Tianyun didn’t have any faction badge on him. “Which Faction did you come from?” the cultivator asked curiously. Obviously, this cultivator was there to pick up his own faction’s cultivator that has successfully collected the Flame Imprint.

This kind of behaviour was normal as it would be safer to cultivate in groups than cultivating alone in this compet.i.tive environment. That was just how it worked here on Ancient Netherworld Divine Tower! It was a great place to cultivate, and the Flame Imprint could be exchanged for some Martial Arts or some medicine that could help the cultivation grow faster. However, Yi Tianyun didn’t have any interest in joining any faction at all as it would just increase his workload later.

“I don’t have any faction, and my goal is to challenge the City Lord here!” Yi Tianyun said indifferently. Starting from 3rd Layer City, the city was managed by a City Lord, and those who could defeat the City Lord in battle would become the new City Lord, thus speeding up Flame Imprint they got and mastering greater martial arts!

“You want to challenge the City Lord?” the cultivators that heard Yi Tianyun’s word were confused. Their first thought is that the newbie was too arrogant for his own good as there was no way a newbie would win against the City Lord as soon as he arrived at the city! But Yi Tianyun didn’t care about their opinion as the only thing that mattered for Yi Tianyun was to gain Flame Imprint to go to higher layer and killed the Evil Spirit Race, purging them from the Tower!

Yi Tianyun walked away from cultivators on the stairs and immediately walked towards the city palace. He believed that the city palace would be full of Evil Spirit Race people! There was no way the Evil Spirit Race would let other groups control the city in their territory, so the Evil Spirit Race should be highly concentrated in the palace!

Soon, he arrived in front of the palace,e and he was immediately stopped by some cultivator.

“Who are you, newcomer?” the cultivator asked as they had never seen Yi Tianyun before. They didn’t know that Yi Tianyun had just arrived at 3rd Layer City just a moment ago. Yi Tianyun knew that he couldn’t kill or even less fight the Evil Spirit Race he met outside of the platform that had been designated for that purpose. This was the sole rule that couldn’t be violated inside Ancient Netherworld Divine Tower. If this rule was violated, the offender would be punished severely.

Yi Tianyun ignored these cultivators and walked towards the throne room directly. He saw blood flowing down the stairs from the throne room and many piles of bones on the side. If any other cultivator saw this scene, they would definitely s.h.i.+ver on their way as it was so gruesome. But obviously, Yi Tianyun was different from any others cultivator!

Although the City Lord that was obviously part of the Evil Spirit Race couldn’t kill his victim, he could just keep them alive. Of course, the victim would be badly injured, and the victim would be silenced throughout the entire process to make sure that he wouldn’t be interrupted.

Yi Tianyun wasn’t surprised. He already expected every City Lord in each city would be an Evil Spirit Race cultivator, so this gruesome scene wasn’t such an unexpected sight he would see on his way towards the City Palace! There was no doubt on his mind that he would kill all this City Lord as soon as he went up a level inside the Tower!


“Hey, Trash City Lord! You are garbage and disgusting creature! Come down here and accept my challenge!” Yi Tianyun shouted coldly.