Critical: Ages Below Critical

Chapter 14: Skirt of the G.o.ddess (Part 1)

Chapter 14: Skirt of the G.o.ddess (Part 1)

The angered roars between the heavens and earth do not weaken,
instead they rage on even more.
Soul beasts constantly struggle from the oceans
to rise into the air.
Guishan Lianquan’s eyes are bloodshot,
yet she does not look like she will stop anytime soon.
Blood drips from her irises and out her eyes,
looking like two trails of blood tears hanging on her face. 

The angered roars between the heavens and earth do not weaken, instead they rage on even more. Soul beasts constantly struggle from the oceans to rise into the air. Guishan Lianquan’s eyes are bloodshot, yet she does not look like she will stop anytime soon. Blood drips from her irises and out her eyes, looking like two trails of blood tears hanging on her face. She lifts her head to look Guishan Fenghun who is perched against the wind. Large swirls of air wrap around his tall body. His silver armour is damaged under the constant strong attack of Nether. The golden patterns on his exposed skin resembles a live being, surging and creeping as if about to pierce out from beneath his skin.

Lianquan is suddenly terrified. It seems like he is attempting to attract all of the soul beasts from the seabed out, yet their soul powers have depleted halfway after the concentrated attacks of Shen Yin and Nether, and now, in order to hypnotise such a large amount of soul beasts, she is near the brink of collapse, if any more soul beasts are added, they cannot be controlled by just Fenghun and herself……Thinking of the catastrophe that millions of uncontrollable soul beasts can cause, Lianquan’s heart tightens.

“Gege……” Lianquan falls onto An Chi’s fluffy back in exhaustion. Her pallid face seems even more bloodless when the wind blows at her, “I’m not going to last, my soul powers cannot maintain this for much longer, don’t hypnotise any more soul beasts, what will happen if our soul powers fail us and so many soul beasts revolt……”

Guishan Fenghun turns and tugs the fallen Lianquan up before pulling her tenderly into his warm embrace. His strong arms hold Lianquan up. She can hear his heartbeat clearly. He leans close to her ears and says, “Meimei*, listen to my words. I can still hold on for a bit, later on when I direct all the soul beasts to the n.o.ble lords below, they will do all they can to avoid or attack, at this moment, you must take the chance and force yourself into the earth in search of the Immortal Lord. Tell him everything I told you. If you can awaken him, perhaps we may be able to leave this place alive……if not……at first I thought that with our gifts, coupled with the advantage of being on the ocean, we’d have a chance in defeating Nether and Shen Yin. However, I just saw Qi La, that’s useless then……if he joins this battle……we’d have no chance of survival……”

Guishan Fenghun says no more. His persistent face is only inches from Lianquan’s own. Lianquan stares at the man who has been her protector since the very beginning and tears well up in her eyes. Her tears mix with blood and scatter in the wind. It feels as if there are a thousand tons pressing down on her heart. The apocalyptic atmosphere feels like death cradling the two of them in his palms. She understands perfectly; Fenghun is not lying. As the powerful previous generation’s Top Lord, Qi La has unfathomable soul powers and a gift of controlling time and s.p.a.ce only suited for a G.o.d. He is not someone that the siblings can even call themselves a rival of.

Suddenly, a strong wave of pain hits Lianquan’s heart. At this moment, Fenghun’s wide and strong hands on her waist are transmitting pure soul powers into her own body, it feels like spring water infused with heavy masculinity flowing into her broken limbs, surging and fathering in her lord’s seal. Guishan Lianquan looks up to meet Fenghun’s clear and determined eyes. The heavy adoration in his gaze feels like a dagger slicing across Lianquan’s chest.

She realizes in defeat at that moment that Guishan Fenghun is currently giving up on the silver of hope that he will survive, leaving all the possibilities of survival to her, and for him, in his heart he is clear that……

Lianquan’s throat tightens. At the same time the soul powers are rushing into her body, her tears gush out and scatter among the skies.

“Foolish child, what is there to cry for.” Guishan Lianquan lifts his blood-covered hands to caress Lianquan’s tightly closed eyes. On his face is the expression of happiness and content.

A white ray of light falls towards Qi Ling like lightning. Upon impact on the ground, the ray breaks apart and there is a frown on Yin Chen’s handsome angel-like features as he stands in the center of the flow.

“Yin Chen!” Qi Ling yells against the wind, yet his voice is scattered by the wind immediately into nothingness, “Yin Chen! What happened?!” Qi Ling tries again.

Yin Chen moves over and puts himself into the area behind the silver shield. The sound of the wind minimizes tremendously. He looks at the nervous and pale Qi Ling and Youhua before signing. It’s no wonder that these children are in such a panic for the current situation displayed before them is something than even the once n.o.ble Disciple of Heaven has not encountered. The scene of the catastrophe from a few years ago suddenly flickers in his mind. The heavens and earths then seemed to be dyed in the red of blood. His heart tightens before he moves over and rests his hands on Qi Ling’s shoulders. With his attractive soft voice, he says, “The current situation is that the Killing Lord and Killing Disciple are currently chasing to kill the Fifth Lord and Fifth Disciple. I believe this has something to do with the mysterious pallid boy we met in the Abyss Corridor……At the same time, apart from the Top Lord, all disciples and n.o.ble lords have gathered. However, the other lords are still watching and taking a middle ground. No one knows how things will develop. Qi Ling, listen to me, no matter what happens, you and Tianshu Youhua must stay within the protection boundary of this shield. The current situation is not one that either of you can partake in……” Before Yin Chen can finish his sentence, he sees the terror in Tianshu Youhua and Qi Ling’s eyes, as if seeing a ghoul.

Yin Chen looks towards the direction of their gaze. Darkness sets before their eyes. After a few seconds, his vision focuses and he sees things clearly. Soul beasts cover the dense s.p.a.ce between the heavens and earth, approaching like a storm cloud. The violent and sharp callings are coupled with groundbreaking soul powers, destroying the surface of the island, at the same time breaking the dark waves of the ocean into foam and spray.

The entirety of the large island begins to quake. Big chunks of metamorphic rocks fall form the island into the black surface of the ocean. Surging and rising tidal waves approach the island that may collapse at any moment. Qi Ling’s chest tightens as the stench of blood rises from his throat into his mouth. He turns to look at Tianshu Youhua. Her face is pale and her vision is scattered from the countless screeching of soul beasts, unable to focus again. Blood drips from the corner of her mouth and onto her dress.

“Stay here and do not move no matter what!” Yin Chen gets up immediately. With a wave of his hand, the silver shield rises from the ground and morphs into a few tendrils of white light before being absorbed into his body. He waves his hands again and a white chess piece-like thing falls to the ground beside Qi Ling’s feet with a pop. In the next moment, countless pure white seaweed-like things pierce through the ground beneath Qi Ling’s feet. The air around them stagnates. Everything is silent. The chest-tearing soul powers and ear-shattering loud booms all disappeared, as if all beings under heaven are blocked out by the ever-growing white ribbons. Time seems to slow down within the boundaries of the white seaweed……Qi Ling is dumbfounded. He stars in wonder at this small s.p.a.ce as silent as the bottom of the ocean, so surprised that he is unable to form words. After a moment, he calls loudly to Yin Chen who has flown a distance, “Yin Chen, how much good stuff do you have hidden in you? Lend me a few to play! I have a darned broken sword, it’s not fair, I’ll lose face for you!”

Countless angered soul beasts fall rapidly towards the island like spots of black rain. Under the tremendous amount of soul powers that can tear apart the heavens and earth, is the most prominent group of people in the territories of Aslan. They are at the pinnacle of soul bending and the ocean in their hands can, at any time, become the weapon that will destroy the lands. They are the most distinct people who can control water on the Odin Mainland. Yet, it is the same group of people that are tearing into their enemies on this black ocean.

The ones nearest to the soul beasts are Nether and Shen Yin. Although he is the lord to the highest degree on this island and both are ranked the highest among the others, similar tense expressions of concentration cover their faces. The Shu Long on Shen Yin’s hand has separated into four dragon’s meridians. They are currently swimming around the two and the s.p.a.ce they envelope are emitting cold glares. Intimidating. Golden rays flicker in Nether’s eyes. On his bare skin revealed in the typhoon, the golden engravings are restless. His black mist-like robes surge with the wind mindlessly. His array rotates under his feet. No one knows what the array is for; only the cruel and evil smirk on his face warns all of his power.

Slightly further up, Qi La stands stoically on a raised platform on the cliff. His face is cold and pa.s.sive. No expression can be seen on his features that are as delicate and beautiful as a woman’s. A flicker array spins slowly beneath his feet. To him, there are only opponents he cannot destroy, but there are no opponents that can destroy him. This is because, at any given point in time, as long as he transforms the ground beneath him into a chess piece, he can easily and handsomely leave any disadvantaged battle. His long robes seem to be moving in slow motion in the wind. He stands in a world where no second comes close.

Further away are Thalia and Ni Hong. Thalia’s eyes are a chaotic mess of whirling paleness; the blankness of her eyes is unsettling. Coupled with the strange smile on her face, she resembles a beautiful and alluring female ghost awaiting the new souls at the mouth of h.e.l.l. And before her with the entirety of his tanned body revealed, is Ni Hong. He stands there expressionlessly like a G.o.d of War before her. Countless golden mist surges from his hands. This pair of hands is a weapon that can rip anything to shreds in an instant.

Behind them is Yin Chen who has touched down from the sky. In his white robes as spotless as snow, he stands on the black rocks. Golden rays emit from his eyes. In the constantly revolving array of light beneath his feet, countless spears, shields, chains, and other indistinguishable weapons sit like flower petals, surrounding him layer by layer. The dozens of soul weapons attract and quake together, releasing sharp humming sounds.

All of their gazes are focused on the sky. The millions of soul beasts are like black meteorites falling from the sky. At any moment, they can destroy all things between the heavens and earth.

Guishan Fenghun and Guishan Lianquan sits atop the back on An Chi. Together with the millions of soul beasts, they descend at a rapid pace onto the island. As they near the ground, Fenghun turns and looks at Lianquan with deep emotions in his eyes. His voice is filled with the sorrow of parting, “Lianquan, no matter what, you must promise me to awaken Xiliuer and then leave this place alive.” At the same time he says these words, his palms frame Lianquan’s face as he injects wave-like soul powers into the lord’s seal beneath her ear. This is the last of his remaining soul powers. Lianquan’s tears fall onto the back of his hand like searing pearls.

As Fenghun’s soul powers deplete, more and more soul beasts awaken from their stupor. Losing control, they become agitated monsters as they dive down.

“Lianquan! Go!” Guishan Fenghun roars.

The innumerable soul beasts all call out in unison. The transparent ripples in the air from the soul powers blur everyone’s vision. Guishan Fenghun gives a heavy push at Lianquan’s back and she flies out from An Chi’s back.

Guishan Lianquan looks at the tragic back view of Fenghun that is getting further and further away. She opens her mouth and speaks soundlessly as tears flow from her eyes: “Guishan Fenghun, if you allow yourself to die, I will never forgive you in this lifetime.” After saying that, she soars towards a small and wet b.u.t.terfly fish. Leaping onto its back that is full of scares and tentacles, she presses on the back of its nape. Her eyes emit bright light and under her control, the b.u.t.terfly fish drifts away from the crowd like a kite with its strings cut. Quietly, it moves towards the cave where Lianquan had tested Xiliuer’s soul powers. Her tears fall in a long line, spilling in the direction where Guishan Fenghun’s shadow is now being shrouded by death.

Every single person holds their breath as they get ready to resist the first wave of attack from the soul beasts. The gazes of all lords and disciples are locked on Guishan Fenghun descending on the back of An Chi. No one noticed that Guishan Lianquan has quietly flown towards the cave. All apart from Thalia.

“Ai yah, they separated into two groups……” Thalia’s blank eyes narrow as if she has just seen such an interesting thing, “How can the younger sister drop her older brother. Kids these days, none of them listen anymore, then……allow me to discipline her, heh heh……” She turns away and chases after Guishan Lianquan quietly. Her shadow is quick and agile and within a few jumps, she is only a few metres away from the mouth of the cave. She has avoided countless soul beasts along the way. For a person with her gift, it is not difficult to predict the line of attack of soul beasts, whether it is one or ten thousand. To her, it’s a stroll in a garden with leaves fallen around her but never touching her. However, Guishan Lianquan manages to turn into the cave before being captured. Thalia pauses at the mouth and looks into the eerily dark cave before turning to glance at the storm clouds that will soon crash into the island. She clenches her teeth and stomps her feet before diving into the cave with her head lowered.

*Younger sister