Critical: Ages Below Critical

Chapter 16: The World Faraway (Part 1)

Chapter 16: The World Faraway (Part 1)

[Six Years Ago]

[West of Aslan Empire – Gelanerte – Heart]

On one side of the long corridor is a tall stone wall so tall you cannot see the top. It’s carved from strong white rock with abnormally intricate and beautiful patterns imprinted on it. The mobile lines are commonly used to adorn the buildings in the water source. On the other side are arched doorways situated one after another. The bright rays of the sun shine in, forming neat shapes on the ground.

This is the underground of Gelanerte. In theory, it should be dark as night, but the harsh light from outside allows one to see even the tiniest hair on a person’s body. There is no one questioning this unnatural phenomenon. In the heart beneath the palace of the imperial capital, there are many, many more happenings that cannot be explained by physics and common sense. For example, there are countless walls of water in this underground castle where the liquid perches vertically in the air as if there is no gravity. Another example is that large piece of crystal buried in the deepest part of the place.

Nether and Thalia is currently crossing this corridor. They move on to a spiraling staircase to head even deeper into the ground.

The two of the only became lords a short while ago and neither had many chances of coming to the Heart. To be summoned by the Silver Priests directly like today is even more rare. Both of them stay wordless the entire way. Nether’s expression is dense and cold as usual, as if he’s a ghoul that just rose from a grave. His firm torso is exposed in the air, emitting heat, brewing an evil sense of s.e.xiness. The charming smile remains on Thalia’s beautiful face as usual as her eyeb.a.l.l.s rotate agilely while she makes discrete detections all around. The murkiness of her pupils are like surging clouds.

What greets them on the lower level is another corridor. The rays of light from before are gone, leaving behind sealed stone walls at the two sides of the walkway. The light source of the corridor comes from intricately carved crystal lamps s.p.a.ced out on the walls. To be more specific, instead of lamps, they are mirror-like crystal after crystal inlaid on the walls where they radiate a dazzling and colourful glow. As if fire or rocks or some other element are rising and falling in each crystal. Under the illumination of such a light source, the entire walkway seems like a long and large breathing being.

And yet, this is not the most shocking thing of the place.

What shocks them the most is the ground of the corridor.

“This is..….water?” Thalia stops and directs her gaze forward. The end of the corridor is hidden in the dark, connecting them by the long and pitch-black water. “How do we go over?”

Thalia looks at the dim surface of the water beneath her feet. Logically, in an enclosed s.p.a.ce like this, the surface of the water should be as still as a mirror. However, the water before them have continuous ripples. From time to time, splashes can be heard, as if there are countless high-speed monsters lying low in the water. Thalia’s eyes are already filled with surging whiteness, as if wanting to see through the secret beneath the waters.

“You can just construct an ice bridge.” Nether laughs coldly, not bothered by the situation.

As if she cannot hear him, Thalia’s eyes are focused on the straight line of waters that extend all the way to the end of the corridor.

Nether sees that Thalia did not respond to him and understands it as her dismissing his words. He moves forward and crouches beside the pool of water. With a smirk, he says, “Although the waters are much too long and it will be difficult for soul powers to reach so far, even more difficult to maintain such a long icicle without knowing how deep the water is……but I am the new Second Lord, Thalia, you’re underestimating me……” After saying that, he reaches out towards the water and taps the surface with a pale and slender finger.

“Do not touch the water!” Thalia’s sharp voice echoes along the enclosed area, as if trying to pierce through a person’s eardrums.

At the same time, boom-----boom.

After a consecutive sounds of explosion, a few silver icicles leap out from the surface of the water. The black silk dress on Thalia’s body expands rapidly. Two strands of white silk rolls from underneath her black dress and wraps around Nether before dragging him back. With a few cracks, the sharp icicles graze past Nether’s chest. The blood spilled sprays through the air.

The rolling white silk spins back into Thalia’s body and envelopes her figure tightly. Her complexion is pale as her chest rising and sinks with her frantic breathing as if she has not recovered from the danger of before. Nether half-squats on the ground. He reaches out a a hand to wipe at the wounds on his chest. The wounds heal slowly as he places his finger into his mouth and sucks on the metallic sweetness of his own blood. The uninhibited dark smile remains on his lips but quickly, the smile freezes.

The icicles that just attacked him are twisting slowly as they slide back underwater. However, the scene before them is much too strange – although turning water into sharp ice arrows or into other solid states like ice walls to attack is common, but what they are seeing now……the scene before them, if you really want to describe it, is that the icicles before them are “soft”. This is a peculiar description for in the real world, soft ice and hard water, cold fire and burning snow, they do not exist. These only exist in the most ridiculous realm of dreams, and yet those white icicles are indeed like large octopus’s tentacles that are sliding back into the dark waters softly and disgustingly. The friction between the icicles result in crackling sounds that prove that sharpness and rigidity……this is much too difficult to comprehend……

“The two of you even dare to be so careless in this place. You must think much too highly of yourselves.” An ambiguous voice emits from the depths of the dim corridor. The tone of the voice is clearly full of disdain.

Thalia looks over and sees a messenger crabbed in white hooded robes in the darkness. He is wearing a mask and only his bright eyes can be seen in the dim lighting. “Stand there are do not move.”

After saying that, the messenger moves forward and pulls out a silver long object from his sleeves. It seems like a small white snake but also a snow slug.

The white being slides into the water with agility and the dark surface of the water seem to be boiling. Large waves and bubbles start to form. In the next moment, piece after piece of white square brick steps rise from the other end of the corridor and extend to Thalia and Nether’s feet. The square tiles on the water form a while floating bridge.

“Walk over.” The hoa.r.s.e voice of the messenger is emotionless.

Thalia and Nether looks at each other, unsure of what sort of situation they are in. However, all they can do is move forward from the command.

The distance between each floating piece of ice is different. Every time Thalia lands on a brick of ice, she can almost hear a strange m.u.f.fled sound coming from the depths of the water. The sound is so strange, as if someone is weeping underwater……Thalia thinks as she shoots a glance at her feet. The blood drains from her face instantly when she sees what is beneath her feet.


To shock a ruthless a female lord who has seen and experienced so much is not an easy task and hence Nether leaps over a few floating steps to stand beside Thalia. He reaches out and holds her shoulder before asking with a low voice, “What’s wrong?”

Thalia says nothing but lower her head as she hints at Nether with her eyes.

Nether’s complexion pales as well when he looks down.

In the dark waters beneath every piece of floating ice is a pair of pallid and skeletal hands holding the bottom of the ice up. Those ghostly white arms are covered with bruised blood vessels and swollen skin, but they can see nothing else in the deeper waters. They can only see pairs of hands like this, holding up every piece of floating ice. Then, every time they step on a piece of ice, the m.u.f.fled sounds coming from deep within the water, aren’t they……

Thalia’s hands are cold as she lifts her head to look at the white-robed messenger at the end of the corridor. Trembling fear fills her gaze. She finds this place even more horrifying than that place……

After moving across the unsettling waters, Thalia and Nether stands before the white-robed messenger. The messenger points towards the heavy stone door on the right as he says, “Enter. The Silver Priests are waiting.”

Thalia and Nether moves in. Thalia pauses after a few steps and turns to look at the messenger. The messenger’s face is still submerged in hazy dimness, “The two of you enter first. I am expecting someone else.”

Thalia worries her lips as she reaches out to push the heavy stone door open.

The pattering of footsteps sound.

After a while, steady footsteps come from the corridor. The white-robed messenger had been folded into the darkness like a lifeless statue, but when he hears the sound, it is as if he becomes alive again. He lifts his pupils that are hidden in the darkness and watches the three coming over through the corridor.

The footsteps only originate from two people.

One person’s footsteps are elegant and controlled. When the soles of the boots inlaid with metal and precious stones. .h.i.t the st.u.r.dy ground, only a soft sound can be heard. From this point, is can be seen that this person’s personality is very rational and controlled, at the same time unfathomable.

The other person’s footsteps are clear and even somewhat unbridled. His steps are obviously faster and seems more sharp and forceful. The sound of the boots. .h.i.tting the ground are like a clear battle drum, filled with masculine power.

And the person moving in the middle seems to be walking on air. His platinum-casted boots seem to be stepping on clouds, making no sound at all.

The white-robed messenger slants his stiff body forward in a bow of respect, “You are here, Lord to the First Degree, Gilgamesh.” His voice is still low, but it is obvious that through his cold voice, there is a faint fear. “Allow me to relieve the seal on the water surface for you. The waters have been fixed with strong attacking soul powers by the Silver Priests……”

“No need!” The white-robed messenger’s words are cut off by the young man with the forceful stride. He lifts his hand and with a string of explosive sounds coming from the insides of the walls, pillars after pillars emerge from the ancient stone wall. They pierce into the opposite wall a metre above the water surface, resulting in a bridge constructed of countless pillars. The dark waters below are still. The surging ghostly glow remains underwater.

“Gelanshi, you just learned how to use the ‘element of earth’, don’t fool around, what if this place collapses?” The young man walking on the left scolds the other softly. There’s steadiness and restraint in his voice.

“Dong He, can you stop scolding me all the time? Since I just mastered the element of earth, shouldn’t you be allowing me to practice more? Also, our lord is here, even if the ceiling collapses, it’ll be back to normal with a lift of his finger.” Gelanshi arches his eyebrow and smirks, revealing a glimmer of white teeth. He tugs at the arm of the imposing man between them, “Am I right, my lord?”

“Yes in other places,” Gilgamesh looks at the boy before him, the adoration showing in his expression, “But I can do nothing if you destroy this place.”

The three chat as they walk across the horizontal stone pillars over the water surface. The messenger at the end of the corridor looks at them with infinite shock in his heart. Although he has heard of Gilgamesh’s fighting prowess, many even rumour him to be the best and most powerful Top Lord in the history of Aslan, but seeing it with his own eyes, the impact cannot be described through words. The three are engulfed in a glow like deities who descended from the skies.

“Please enter the stone room on the left. The Silver Priest awaits.” The messenger points towards the left with his head down and says nothing more. He suppresses the terror in his heart. He finds it unbelievable that lord and disciples of the water source of the Aslan Empire can freely control the element of earth belonging to the most mysterious country – the earth source of the Garcia Empire. And from their conversation, he understands that the young disciple that constructed stone steps out of thin air has only “just mastered the element of earth”. The white-robed messenger lifts his head sneakily and looks at the row of identical pillars. Without precise control of soul powers, it is impossible to make all pillars identical and shape and size.

A thin layer of sweat covers his brows.

So this is the legendary unfathomable Top Lord and his disciples.

The room is grand. The light is dim.

There is no décor in the room at all. No patterns carved on the walls. The hexagram-shaped dome perches high and meets into a pointed top. In the middle of that is a large crystal currently emitting faint blue light and is the only source of light in the room.

Nether and Thalia stands in the center of the room. Both are silent. The surging white storm in Thalia’s eyes never settled, but even with her exceptional gift of detecting soul powers, she is unable to gauge the current situation. From the moment they started their descend into from the hall of the Heart, the surging of soul powers become more and more turbulent the deeper they went. When they reached their current location, the soul powers around them are so complex that it is difficult to decipher. It is as if she’s situated in the center of an underwater whirlpool.

A soft humming sound cuts through the air. The wall directly facing them suddenly becomes transparent and the faint blue light pierces at them. Nether narrows his eyes and sees the faint silhouettes in the crystal wall. The two of them kneel down with heads bowed.

“We summoned you because there is a new task for the two of you to complete.” The shadows in the crystal becomes clearer. n.o.ble and complex robes. Armors of battle and intricate diadems. Faces as intricate as that of G.o.ds and deities – the Silver Priests forever in slumber within the crystal.

Thalia raises her head with a look of awe and veneration on her face, “Always ready to serve you.”

“The two of you should know of your ident.i.ties, yes?” The Silver Priest’s voice calls from the depths of the crystal, sounding distant and distorted, but still sharp and sacred, like the murmurs of the heavens above ones head.

“We are corroders.” Thalia answers softly with her head down.

“Wrong,” The Silver Priest’s eyes are still shut tightly and there is no expression on the being’s face. “Instead, the two of you were corroders. This is because the new generation of corroders have been born. Your mission is to travel to the place of your ‘birth’ and welcome them, take them in as your disciple.”

“Why is it that……when we were ‘born’, we walked out that cave ourselves and there were no lords for us to become disciples to?” Thalia asks in confusion.

“They are not the same as you. The two of you walked out with clear memories from ‘that place’. The two of you remembers all things that happened, the beginning, the cause and effect, and the mission resting on your shoulders. However, for the corroders of this generation, their memories are wiped clean the moment they step out of the cave. When they see their first ray of light outside the cave, their minds will be as blank as the white field of snow before them, reverting to nothing. And so, we need the two of you to welcome them. Wait for the right moment before telling them their true ident.i.ties and mission, which is the same as the both of you – corroders.”

Thalia looks up with a start. She only sees the silhouette resting in the crystal clearly then – the female priest lies there alone. Her long lashes are like soft down resting on her face. Her chin is down and she is shrouded in a layer of n.o.ble tranquility. This differs from the previous states of “three in one” of the Silver Priests. Thalia faintly senses that something is off, yet she knows naught of what it is. Who set the rules that the three Silver Priests must appear and disappear all at once? However, Thalia’s breathing speeds up when she sees the Silver Priest that is encased in the crystal in deep slumber like amber. “Why will their memories be wiped? Won’t this make their ident.i.ties of corroders lose their meaning? Or is it that this generation of corroders no longer have the same mission as us, to ‘kill all’?”

“Thalia, as a n.o.ble lord, you should understand that your mission is to complete the tasks we set and not ask ‘why’. We will inform you if there is the need. However, this time, the two of you only need to carry out your tasks. Find the new corroders and make them your disciple. That is all.”

The light in the stone room extinguishes immediately. The dim blue ripples like the bottom of the ocean of before disappears, leaving only the light source above their heads like a lonesome star.

Thalia remains in her shock until Nether’s strong arms pull her up from the ground. She looks at him – for the first time, she sees the fear and silence in his eyes. Once upon a time, there was only unruliness and murder in his eyes to kill anyone they see, but now, his eyes are dark with a scattering of sparkles.

In the dim lighting, three people cladded in almost identical tabards stand in the center of the stone room. They all stand straight and remain silent, apart from Gelanshi who shifts his weight from his left feet to his right occasionally. Gilgamesh and Dong He has their hands down as their gazes focus on the stone wall before them. Even the playful Gelanshi dares not act out in the serious atmosphere.

With a buzz, blue rays of light light up the room. The stone wall before them morphs into a stretch of ocean with ripples of light piercing through. The deep-coloured rocks turn into a large transparent crystal almost instantly. The three kneel in respect. A silhouette appears in the blue glow. His face is like that of a G.o.d, his brows strong and his eyes deep. An intricate diadem of platinum locks on his forehead. His eyes are down, not allowing any to see his irises clearly.

“Gilgamesh and the disciples of the earth and sea, the reason for your summon is to inform you that the candidate for the disciple of heaven has been selected. Please head over quickly and bring him back to the Heart to bestow the seal.”

“Of course, honourable Silver Priest. Which place did the disciple appear this time?” Gilgamesh asks politely with his head down.

“The town of the eastern border, ‘Town of He He’. His name is Yin Chen, a seventeen-year-old youth.” The voice of the man in the crystal is vague and deep.

“In the borders of wilderness lies the town of He He, far from the center of the soul powers of Aslan, at the same time close to the empires of the wind source and the fire source. The elements of soul powers are complex. Is it possible for someone whose soul powers are strong enough to become the disciple of heaven to appear?” Gilgamesh adds as he raises his head.

“Have you forgotten your talent? Someone who is able to take on your soul’s return circuit will not be purely born with attributes of the water source. Only in a place of interweaving elements and soul powers can a person who will be able to exert your soul’s return circuit to the maximum be born.”

“Alright. I will set off tomorrow.”

“You will set off today.” Although the Silver Priest in the crystal has his eyes lowered, there is no leeway at all in his tone.

“Yes, I shall.” Gilgamesh bows his head low as he kneels on the ground.

The light in the stone room disappears instantly and everything returns to its original murkiness.

The dim blue light shines on Dong He’s face. He looks at Gilgamesh who is rising slowly to his feet and asks, “My lord, according to my knowledge, the town of He He is almost entirely taken over by people of the empire of the fire source. They often clash with the people of the wind source and us water source. You are the Top Lord and you are bringing us, two prominent disciples, won’t this cause sensitivity to the wind and water counties?”

“Hence we go there quickly and shall return quickly. Find the boy named Yin Chen and then leave. We will do our best to conceal our ident.i.ties on the way. We will dress plainly.” Gilgamesh’s face is as handsomely beautiful as carved crystal in the blue lighting.

“If all else fails, we can punch that Yin Chen in the face then shove him into a sack. Carry him back. My lord, you need not worry. There will be no problem even if I go alone. You don’t even need to go personally.” Gelanshi has a strand of his hair in his mouth as he laughs boisterously. The handsomeness of youth is apparent on his face.

“You don’t even know if you can win him in a fight.” Dong He shakes his head at Gelanshi.

“That’s impossible. With one punch, he will fall to the ground.” Gelanshi’s brows furrow as he pushes his sleeve up to showcase the firm muscles on his forearm.

“Oh yeah. You should bully him while you still can, because he will soon become the disciple of heaven. Don’t forget that among the three disciples, the disciple of heaven is ranked the highest. It’s also public knowledge that he is the most powerful. The Silver Priest must have his reasons for choosing this Yin Chen.”

“Yes, my lord.” Gelanshi lowers his head and cups his fist, but in his mind, he huffs, ‘hmph, that’s impossible’. However, he only dares to complain in his mind and fears uttering a single word.