Cross Road: In Their Cases

Chapter 2

The Beginning - Miho - June [Part 2]

"What? You turned him down?"

We"re on our usual way back home. While I pushed my bicycle down the sunset-dyed hill road, Chihiro, who had climbed onto the rear rack of her own accord, exclaimed.

"But why?"

For that small stature, the power of her ear-splitting sharp voice seems comparable to that of a hundred people.

"Why, you ask... I just can"t do anything about it. Get down already. You"re heavy."

"But of course you can!"

As I tipped my bicycle over, Chihiro swayed her ponytail and jumped down,

"Miho, didn"t you say that you wanted to see that movie? That you wanted to try out those pancakes?"

Then thrusted her index finger at me.

"...I knew it. So it was you who gave my info away, Chihiro?"

And I was wondering how Momotani-kun knew my tastes so well, considering the fact that we haven"t talked that much.

"That"s right. Ha~h, after all that trouble a.s.sisting you--"

Chihiro puffed up her chest, showing no sign of remorse.

"And what kind of a.s.sistance was that? Stop leaking people"s private info around, jeez."

"Um, sorry, Miho-chan. Momotani-kun begged us for it, you see."

Although I"d intended to nail Chihiro down, the voice of apology came from behind me instead.

"Wait, you"re in this too, Mayu-chan?"

Turning around, I could see the pigtailed girl"s normally sleepy eyes drop down even more, her hands pressed together in an apologetic manner.

"Y-yeah. You"re both in the Hygiene Committee, so I thought it"d go well together. Do you not like Momotani-kun, by any chance? Really sorry about that."

"Well, it"s not that I dislike him, but..."

With Mayu-chan making that face, I just can"t bring myself to say anything. Chihiro is one full of energy and initiative, but lacking in refinement, while Mayu-chan is an individual who cares deeply for her friends and hates conflict above all else. The miraculously preserved balance of the relationship of us three started from the day we entered High School.

"Ha~h, really, what a total waste~ You wanted to watch the movie. Wanted to eat pancakes. The guy is pretty d.a.m.n handsome. You didn"t even have a reason to refuse."

While counting the points with her fingers, Chihiro gave me a look of reproach.

"...Of course I had a reason to refuse."

"What? What reason?"

Although it was intended to be a monologue, Chihiro"s sharp ears made sure to not miss it.

"Ah- well, that"s..."

"What"s this, Miho-chan? So you don"t like Momotani-kun, after all?"

Mayu-chan gave me a worried look.

"No, that"s not it. But you see..."

Sandwiched between the stare of those two, I hesitated a bit, then,

"You have to be dating first to go to the movies together... Right?"

I said, quietly.

"And it"s out--!"

The two of them facepalmed in succession.

"What"s out!?"

"Your seriousness, of course. Seriously... Once a Serious Specs, always a Serious Specs."

Chihiro slapped my back.

"Ow- Enough with that nickname already!"

"Gyah~ No touching, Serious Specs! Seriousness is contagious!"

And as I raised my hand up to return the favor, Chihiro let out an exaggerated scream and repeated-- Serious Specs.

"Now, don"t say that, Chihiro-chan. Being serious is actually one of Miho-chan"s good points."

...You"re saying that like it"s supposed to be a bad point or something, Mayu-chan.

"C"mon, it"s Miho"s lack of flexibility is what"s preventing her from deciding what to do for her future."

Hiding herself behind her bag, Chihiro showed a sign of frustration on her lips.

"Huh? What"s up with that? They"re completely unrelated things... aren"t they?"

I couldn"t deny those words outright, because, even if just a little, I am aware of the facts.

As an abrupt moment of silence ensued, the faint sound of a steam whistle reached our ears. Looking downhill, we could see a ferry drawing lines of white-crested waves as it sailed on the Seto Inland Sea, the water surface glittering amid the setting sun.

The school we attend, Ohsakimishima High, is a public school famous for its rich natural charm.

Or rather, negatively speaking, it"s a school in the sticks. If one were to look down from the school building on the low hill, they would be immediately met with a sight of the Seto Inland Sea. Then, the mountain. Then the plantations, paddy fields, rivers and reservoirs, with houses and stores here and there among them. Well, let"s just say that sixty percent of the scenery is composed of water, trees, and soil.

But precisely because it"s a town in the countryside, the local government is very active in their public activities. Take my school, which thoroughly provides guidance for students to either pursue higher education or seek employment, so that none of the graduates would be stuck fooling around purposelessly... However.

"You"re the only one who still hasn"t decided on anything yet, Miho. What"re you going to do?"

"W, well..."

Even though it"s already June, I still haven"t decided whether to get a job or pursue higher education.

My Future Aspirations Questionnaire, left blank and in no state to be submitted, has been laying dormant in my bag for no less than two months now.

"Better choose soon. Hang around too long, and it"ll be too late for either."

Chihiro said, with an annoyed expression.

"I know, I know. But it"s not like I can make this kind of choice so easily..."

"Sure you can. You"re academics is great, so how about going to uni together with us?"

"You say go to uni, but what will I be even doing there? Choosing a University without any vision for the future is just..."

"Gah, you serious serious serious serious serious serious little-!"

"Ouch ouch ouch!"

Chihiro slapped my forehead equal to the number of times she said "serious".

"Now then, be seated, Serious Specs."

She had me kick the bike stand down and sit on the saddle. Then thrusted her index finger at me again.

"You listening, Miho? It"ll be fine just choosing any uni you can get into. It"s a place to go play around in anyway."

An absurd a.s.sertion, made with no shame whatsoever.

"Whoa- really? Uni isn"t free, you know. Don"t you feel any guilt towards your parents?"

"Gah, you Serious--"

"Ow-- Jeez, enough hitting already."

"C"mon, a girl won"t find happiness acting all serious like that."

"What"s up with that? It"s not like I want to--"

"Now, now, no fighting, you two."

Sensing that the atmosphere was becoming uneasy, Mayu-chan came between us.

"C"mon, Mayu, say something to Serious Specs."

"Why me? I haven"t said anything weird. Right, Mayu-chan?"

"Huh? Huh? Er, well..."

Now stuck in a dilemma from her attempt to divide us, Mayu-chan hesitatingly alternated her sight between me and Chihiro.

"Aren"t you thinking too much into things, Miho-chan?"

She then said that, with a wry smile.

"Yay~ Mayu is on my side~!"

"No way, Mayu-chan..."

To think that even Mayu-chan, who should be on the side of seriousness, is now siding with Chihiro.

"Now, don"t make that face, Miho-chan. I understand how you"re feeling, of course."

Wait, what kind of face was I even making? And as for Mayu-chan, her face has gone slightly pale as she rubbed my upper arms.

"But you see, isn"t it because you don"t have any vision for the future that you go to a University? It opens up possibilities, and the academic background will surely give you an advantage when job searching."

"Ooh, good stuff. You"re talking some good stuff there, Mayu."

Chihiro proudly pointed her finger at Mayu-chan.

"Possibility, huh..."

"If it"s your future plans, you can still think about them after entering University."

Having said all that, Mayu-chan then took a seat on my bicycle"s rear rack.


Possibility. Since becoming a third-year student, I"ve been hearing that word so much that my ears could rot away.

"But wouldn"t that just be postponing the decision making? It kind of feels like putting off thinking about it and choosing the easy road. Besides, if you"re going to University to get a job, shouldn"t you decide on the type of job first, then go to a uni that is good for that kind--"

"Gah-- Shut it! Don"t say things I don"t understand, Serious Specs!"

Although I don"t think I"ve said anything that she can"t comprehend, Chihiro suddenly started to shout and jumped on my bicycle"s pedal. The stand was sprung up by the force, and the bicycle began its descent down the slope.

"What the-- What"re you doing, Chihiro!"

All while Mayu-chan and I are still on the rear rack and saddle, respectively.

"This is dangerous! Stop the bike, Chihiro-chan!"

"Shaddup! Come, Mayu! We"re fixin" her seriousness! Blast off~~!"

Maybe because she found amus.e.m.e.nt in our screams, Chihiro pedaled on even harder. The bicycle, with the three of us crammed on, rushed down the hill road with a recklessly fast speed.

"Too fast, too fast! Stop, Chihiro!"

"How"s that, Serious Specs! Feel like leaving Miho"s body now!?"

"Stop messing around and drop the speed! The bike"s brake is weak! It won"t turn the curve--"

Beyond the hill road"s final curve, a reservoir awaits like a gaping mouth.

"What, you chicken? I"ll show ya my perfect cornering!"

"Stop it! Chihiro, you idiot--!"

As the bicycle accelerates, the pond popped into view. Although I"m looking straight at it, I really think I shouldn"t be. As I shut my eyes, my body flew up. At the exact moment when I opened my eyes up again, a large body of water splashed into my field of vision,


And before we could even raise any scream, we were already at the bottom of the muddy water.