Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2056: Like Grandpa Calabash

Chapter 2056: Like Grandpa Calabash

When the divine dragon saw this scene, its tail stiffened.

It found itself in a dilemma.

Cultivating the ❮Ape Dragon Miraculous Nascent Technique❯ required a single dragon pearl. Although it kept on saying that a Nascent Soul that was not born through pregnancy was not good enough, a Nascent Soul was not the same as a child. At the very least, there was no such thing as twin Nascent Souls.

A person could only have a single Nascent Soul.


So, what would happen if there were two dragon pearls? Well, you could only choose one of the two.

But which one would it choose if it were in little friend Tyrannical Song’s shoes?

It seemed that no matter which dragon pearl was chosen, it would seem rude.

The divine dragon felt a little guilty, about 0.1 mg of it.

It was much more interested in seeing what would happen next.

Song Shuhang asked curiously, “How come Sixteen also has a dragon pearl?”

Although her true dragon bloodline had been awakened, Sixteen’s body structure was still that of a human.

“It’s because of what happened last-last time,” Sixteen said. “When I woke up one morning, my throat felt a little itchy, then I coughed out a dragon pearl.”

Song Shuhang: “…”

The last-last time? So after she fought her clone?

“I thought I was sick, but my instinct later told me that it was just my dragon pearl,” explained Sixteen.

Sister White Dragon came closer and leaned over Sixteen. She then smiled and said, “Sixteen’s transformation into a dragon is speeding up. This is good news.”

The faster Sixteen’s transformation was, the higher the completion level of her “trial”.

Song Shuhang gently stretched out his hand and caught the two dragon pearls. Afterward, he asked, “One day, will Sixteen completely transform into a dragon?”

“How can it be so easy? Do you think that true dragons are like cabbages and anyone can just transform into one so easily?” Sister White Dragon said gently. “However, as her transformation becomes increasingly complete, Sixteen will become more and more attractive. ”

Sixteen subconsciously glanced at her chest.

Sister White Dragon’s little claw patted her head. That was not what she was referring to when she was talking about being attractive.

Song Shuhang looked at the dragon pearls in his hands and said curiously, “Sister White Dragon, are these dragon pearls worth a lot?”

Sister White Dragon replied softly, “I’m going to kill you.”

Song Shuhang said, “No, no, that’s not what I meant. I was not planning on selling Sixteen’s dragon pearl or yours. It’s just that if dragon pearls are really valuable, then is there a chance for me to transform into a dragon and maybe sell mine?”

When Senior White heard the word “money,” he raised his head and said, “Do you want money? I can lend you some.”

Song Shuhang said, “Senior White, please don’t make things worse for me. I seriously want to repay my debt.”

Senior White reached out and quickly wrote in his notebook. “You better find a way to repay the interest first.”

“You don’t have the bloodline of a dragon, so stop dreaming,” Sister White Dragon replied.

Song Shuhang raised his head. “Heavens~”

Senior White deftly spun the pen in his hand and said, “Anyway, you have two dragon pearls now. Which one are you going to use?”

Without even thinking about it, Song Shuhang said, “Of course, I’m going to use both.”

The divine dragon said, “Unfortunately, you can only use one dragon pearl.”

Sister White Dragon translated the divine dragon’s words.

“Why?” Song Shuhang wondered. “Isn’t it better the more dragon pearls there are?”

“A single person can only produce a single Nascent Soul. Don’t eat more than you can chew.” The divine dragon’s front claws made a waving motion.

Song Shuhang said thoughtfully, “Senior Dragon, are you saying that since a cultivator can only have a single Nascent Soul, then they can only use a single dragon pearl?”

“Exactly. It’s just like how a child cannot be born of two women. A child can only have one mother,” explained the divine dragon.

Song Shuhang retorted, “What about surrogate mothers? Theoretically speaking, the fertilized egg can be provided by the biological mother but brought into the world by a surrogate mother. Should that happen, then the child would be born of two women.”

He understood what the divine dragon meant, but as he suddenly thought of surrogate mothers, he could not help but argue against it.

Sister White Dragon translated out of habit. When she finished translating, she realized that Shuhang was looking for a beating.

Lightning crackled on the horns on the divine dragon’s head.

It seemed like it was about to lose its temper.

Sister White Dragon stretched out her claws and gave Shuhang a hard smack on the head. “Stop being naughty.”

The divine dragon said, “Then, I’ll change my wording. A child cannot be born to two women at the same time. A woman can’t give birth to a child’s upper body while another gives birth to that same child’s lower body. In the same way, a Nascent Soul can’t be born from two dragon pearls.”

After listening to the explanation, Song Shuhang laughed and said, “Actually, this puts me at ease. I will use both dragon pearls. In fact, if there are even more dragon pearls, I won’t refuse them!”

The divine dragon: “???”

Are you even listening to what I’m saying?!

Believe it or not, I’ll take your head off and play with it as if it were a ball!

In the next moment, Song Shuhang’s head fell off. He had been laughing with such delight that he moved it too much.

His head had been blown off by Senior White earlier, and he also took it off again when he saved Sixteen, so it was not properly glued to his neck at this moment. Later, Sister White Dragon also smacked him on the head.

Seeing this scene, the divine dragon felt refreshed.

Sixteen skillfully picked up Song Shuhang’s head, stood on the tip of her toes, and put it back on his neck.

“Senior Dragon, you don’t have to worry,” said Song Shuhang as he patted his chest. “Ouch, that hurt a bit.”

When he patted his chest, he ended up patting his nipple-eyes by mistake.

The divine dragon thought to himself, I was not worried about you at all. Actually, I was quite happy watching the scene.

However, it still had to maintain its dignified appearance, so it said nothing.

“Actually, let alone two dragon pearls, I could use five more!” added Song Shuhang.

Air shot out of the divine dragon’s nostrils. “You mean, you want to absorb seven dragon pearls?”

“Yes,” Song Shuhang nodded and said, “I am a man who wants to give birth to at least seven Nascent Souls like Grandpa Calabash1!”

Senior White nodded and said, “If we count your original dantian, perhaps you can even have eight Nascent Souls.”

What? Even Sage White is agreeing with little friend Tyrannical Song? After keeping silent for a moment, the divine dragon stared at Song Shuhang and said, “Is there something special about little friend Tyrannical Song’s body?”

Sage White is very reliable.

If he thinks that Profound Sage Tyrannical Song can give birth to more than one Nascent Soul, does this mean that Tyrannical Song has a special const.i.tution?

The eyes of the divine dragon stared at Song Shuhang, trying to peer into his secrets.

Its eyes pierced through Shuhang’s wooden body, but they could not see through the Sage’s blood.

Song Shuhang’s secrets were now contained in the Sage’s blood, and the divine dragon could only vaguely see a cl.u.s.ter of colorful rays of light.

Since the divine dragon could not see through Shuhang, it withdrew its gaze.

However, it was not satisfied, and it was now even more curious.

“Little friend Tyrannical Song,” the divine dragon coughed and said solemnly, “if you can prove that what you said is true, then you can also use my dragon pearl.”