Cultivation Chat Group

Chapter 2169 - 2169 You are my best pal

Chapter 2169 - 2169 You are my best pal

2169 You are my best pal

It was perhaps due to the white horse’s experiment coming to an end, but Song Shuhang found that his memory was recovering. He first recalled the things that had taken place most recently.

He recalled that he, Sister Scarf, the pet.i.te fairy maiden, and the sword that called itself saber were involved in a time-type magical technique. Then, the memory of Demon Emperor Hezhi transferring him strength remotely was also restored.

It turned out that having your memories recover in this manner was quite interesting.

He was recalling his life experiences from the most recent one to the least recent one.


It was like discovering that you had a close relations.h.i.+p with a stranger, gradually getting to know how you met them.

The corners of Song Shuhang’s mouth curled upward as he said, “My speech this time is going to deviate from the usual pattern. I will be taking advantage of the Profound Sage Speech and present you with an interactive lecture. You can ask me questions, and I will answer.”

Pract.i.tioners across the universe were stunned when they heard his words.

[An interactive speech?]

[How are we supposed to interact with him during the Profound Sage Speech?]

[I heard that during the Profound Sage Speech, a Profound Sage can feel the thoughts of the pract.i.tioners watching their speech and even filter the content. Could it be that Senior Tyrannical Demon wants to take advantage of this function?]

Unlike fake Profound Sages like Song Shuhang, genuine Profound Sages could hear the voices of the pract.i.tioners around the universe when they were delivering a speech. It was similar to what one would see when looking at a chat with billions of people typing at the same time.

[However, there should be billions of pract.i.tioners watching the speech. How can Senior Tyrannical Demon interact with everyone? Is he going to pick some lucky pract.i.tioners who will have their questions answered?]

Although doubtful, pract.i.tioners all over the universe were excited.

Senior Tyrannical Demon’s way of delivery was different from the past and very innovative.

If their questions could be answered, then they might be able to improve their realm in one go.

Although the chance of being picked out from billions upon billions of pract.i.tioners was very small, it was similar, in a way, to winning the lottery. The smaller the chance of winning, the more interesting it was.

In the Nine Provinces Number One Group.

Fairy Lychee swallowed an orange-flavored medicinal pill, and wrote in the group, puzzled. “Wait a minute, is Shuhang planning to answer the questions of all the pract.i.tioners in the universe? Did I mishear?”

“Could it be that this isn’t actually little friend Shuhang? [Shocked expression]” Northern River’s Loose Cultivator was holding a wax-coated medicinal pill in his hand, ready to take it at any moment.

Young Master Phoenix Slayer said bluntly, “With all due respect, with the amount of knowledge that Shuhang has, how can he possibly answer the questions of pract.i.tioners all over the universe? He probably won’t even be able to help Second Stage cultivators. No way this is going to work! [Soft Feather Hand Gun Emote]”

Medicine Master asked, “What do you think, Senior Yellow Mountain?”

Yellow Mountain is very tired and wants to retire: “I’m currently lying on my side and watching.”

Medicine Master: “…”

Eternal Fire is very tired and wants to retire: “What a coincidence, I’m also lying on my side. If I become pregnant in this position, the pain and pressure that my stomach experiences will be reduced a bit. Additionally, I prepared an orange-flavored medicinal pill, just in case.”

Tyrant Flood Dragon wants to father a football team: “So I’m not the only one who changed flavor. I got one that tastes like dog meat.”

Cave Lord Snow Wolf: “What a coincidence, mine also has that taste.”

Palace Master Seven Lives Talisman: “Cave Master, you and dogs have a common ancestor. Why are you so cruel to your own kind? @I am Mr. Yellow Mountain’s loyal dog.”

I am Mr. Yellow Mountain’s loyal dog: “[Soft Feather Throwing Money Emote]”

Stressed by Spirit b.u.t.terfly Island (Soft Feather) said, “Senior Song’s knowledge is indeed insufficient, but he might have found a way. For example, he might make use of the QR code chat to ask big shots for help, or he may have gotten some special magical treasure. After all, people can even sell ma.n.u.scripts for the Profound Sage Speech.”

Island Master Tian Tiankong: “That makes sense. Even if he does not have the necessary knowledge, he can cheat.”

The seniors in the group began to wonder what new tricks Song Shuhang would show everyone this time.

Song Shuhang continued with a smile on his face, “A gentle reminder to all the fellow daoists across the universe. Each person has only one opportunity to ask a question. Additionally, the question must be cultivation-related. So, if you want to ask a question, please consider carefully before doing so. After answering one question, I will not answer a second one. Fellow Daoists, please cherish this opportunity. I will give you some time to prepare.”

As soon as Song Shuhang finished speaking, people all over the universe burst into discussion once more.

[Everyone will have an opportunity to ask a question?]

[So, is it not going to be decided by lucky draw?]

[How will this work? How is Senior Tyrannical Demon going to answer everyone’s questions? He will have to answer countless questions if this is true. When will he finish? Even if Senior Tyrannical Demon’s processing power is off the charts, it might take decades or hundreds of years for him to answer all the questions]

Although they were suspicious, pract.i.tioners across the universe began to think of what they were going to ask.

Most pract.i.tioners cherished this opportunity to ask a question, but the universe was vast and there was no lack of people who liked to seek death, did not care, or thought themselves too clever.

In the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, Song Shuhang felt that it was about time.

While pract.i.tioners across the universe were preparing questions, he could greet Demon Emperor Hezhi and thank him for the gift.

“It’s almost time. Senior Hezhi… Yes, I’m talking to you, Demon Emperor Hezhi. You must be watching this speech as well, right? You must be very confused at this moment, and you’re probably wondering why I have appeared here.” Song Shuhang’s eyes narrowed as a result of the wide smile on his face.

When smiling this way, he looked like a villain.

Most of the pract.i.tioners across the universe wore puzzled looks.

Some of them fell into thought, and those who knew the truth covered their foreheads, their expressions complicated.

In the Infernal Realm.

Demon Emperor Hezhi’s eyes were cold. If the chill in his eyes were to be moved to the North Pole, polar bears would no longer have to worry about losing their home.

Is he finally going to expose himself?

Come on, let me see who dared to pretend to be me in the ancient era!

Song Shuhang said, “First of all, I want to thank you, Senior Hezhi.”

He stretched out his hand and slowly lifted the mask off his face.

Under the majestic emperor’s face was a pudgy chin. His chin had probably become pudgy during the time he only had his head left, which resulted in all of the nutrition he received being absorbed by his head.

“Thank you for sending me that batch of Tribulation Transcender energy a few days ago. It was that energy that allowed me to be here. Senior Hezhi, from today onwards, you are my best pal!” Song Shuhang abruptly lifted off the mask on his face, revealing the kind-looking face below.

[T-Tyrannical Song!]

[T-Tyrannical Scholar!]

[T-Tyrannical Dragon!]

[T-Tyrannical Demon!]

At times, stuttering was a disease, and it was extremely contagious.