Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 123 Departure

Chapter 123 Departure

On the way to Spain, Roy made preparations to fight against the Church of Spain. He had just extinguished one of the fleets of the Spanish Invincible Armada, causing great panic, and he now was going to Spain. It was obvious what a huge impact this would have on the entire country.

Spain was now in its decline. England was gradually replacing it as the supreme maritime power, and its control over its colonies was continuously weakening.

It could be said that the current British were much smarter than the Spanish. At least, there was a huge difference in their att.i.tudes toward Roy, the demon. Driven by their religious beliefs, the Spanish had launched a fearless war against Roy, but the British pretended as though no demon had ever appeared. They knew that Roy had settled on an island in the Caribbean, but they did not care at all. Even the Royal Navy fleets never went near Roy’s waters, so even if Roy wanted to plunder the souls of the Royal Navy, he could not find the target.

After the British used the pirates against the Spanish, they planned to use the demon…

But this time, they did not get what they wanted. In fact, after the destruction of this fleet of the Invincible Armada, all of Spain was shocked. Even though the fanatical believers were clamoring to send a more powerful fleet to kill the demon, the aristocrats realized that if they continued to fight against Demon Osiris, before the British rose, the Spanish might lose their country!

They did not have that many s.h.i.+ps in the Invincible Armada that they could destroy the demon…

Therefore, this time, they not only forcefully suppressed the voices of the fanatics, but they also specially investigated the ident.i.ty of the lich Ca.s.sandra.

When they discovered that Lich Ca.s.sandra was only born because of a mistaken witch hunt, the aristocrats of Spain hated the church to death! The innocent woman who was burned to death as a witch had died, but her daughter escaped and even attracted a demon from h.e.l.l. If they had known that things would develop this way, it would have been better not to have hunted witches.

During the investigation of Ca.s.sandra’s ident.i.ty, they also found Ca.s.sandra’s father, the despicable drunkard who had falsely accused his wife. The aristocrats did not dare to criticize the church for its actions, but they tacitly worked with the church to vent their anger on this man. They caught Ca.s.sandra’s father and then hanged him like a pirate!

The body of this villain was placed in the port of Spain’s largest port city, hung in the most conspicuous position for an entire week. Not only that, but the news of the execution of this man was posted everywhere in the country.

The Spanish ruling cla.s.s was terrified. Of course, they understood that Demon Osiris was helping Lich Ca.s.sandra take revenge. They had already guessed that there might be a demon contract between the lich and the demon, so it was very likely that the demon and the lich would go to Spain. In order to prevent a battle with the demon from happening again, they had to use this method to convey their att.i.tude.

Yes, you see, we’ve hanged your b.a.s.t.a.r.d father, and you’ve already taken revenge, so please don’t bring your demon master here anymore, all right?

They had indeed conveyed their att.i.tude. The moment Roy brought Ca.s.sandra onto Spain, Ca.s.sandra saw this execution notice. She recognized her father from the portrait and stood in front of it for a long time without saying a word.

In fact, Ca.s.sandra had yet to find her hometown at this time because she did not remember where it was at all. It was just a small town close to the coast in Spain.

As for the town in the notice, all the houses had already closed their doors, and there was not even a dog in sight in this town with tens of thousands of people. People were hiding in their homes, trembling and praying non-stop, praying that the demon and lich would not enter the town.

After a long time, Ca.s.sandra said to Roy, “Forget it. Let’s go back, Master! Since he’s dead, then my hatred is gone!”

During this time, the power of hatred in Ca.s.sandra had been eliminated with her revenge, so Roy did not say anything after feeling her emotions.

With Ca.s.sandra’s words, the demon contract Roy and Ca.s.sandra signed suddenly appeared and slowly burned under the flames of h.e.l.l. This meant that the contract between Roy and Ca.s.sandra was fulfilled.

Without the demon contract, the repulsive force of the world on Roy suddenly increased substantially, and Roy had to burn his magic power to resist this repulsive force.

He estimated that he could probably stay in this world for two more weeks with the current repulsive force.

Therefore, Roy brought Ca.s.sandra back to frozen island and planned to find a way to strengthen her before he left.

Of course, he had never thought about consuming souls to make items. There was no need for that. He just looked for some mysterious legends about black magic in this world and then collected some items with magic power.

Finally, Roy found a ruby with a cursing power and a few finger bones that pirates said were from a vampire. He combined these things together, made a staff, and gave it to Ca.s.sandra.

During this time, although Roy did not deliberately plunder souls, there were still some souls that appeared in front of him every day. Roy knew that the demon gold he had left in this world was starting to take effect…

In fact, the Osiris Mark on the demon gold had taken effect faster than Roy had imagined. On the night the pirates brought by Tia Dalma had left, twenty souls had teleported to Roy!

This was because, as expected, the pirates began infighting not long after they left. Some of the pirates who had received less gold joined forces secretly, killed a small part of the people on the pirate s.h.i.+p, took the gold in their hands, and split it again.

Whether it was the power of the curse of misfortune on gold that caused these pirates to die, or whether it was purely because of the envy and greed of human nature, even Roy could not tell.

The pirates only knew that gold had the power to cause others to be unlucky, but they did not know the function of the Osiris Mark. They did not know that the gold would make their souls fall into the hands of the demon after their deaths. They were already blinded by the gold and fortune and could no longer think about other issues.

As the remaining pirates reached sh.o.r.e, the gold quickly started circulating. The pirates could not tell others that gold would bring misfortune because they were afraid that people would be scared of the curse and refuse to accept the gold when they bought things. Thus, the pirates concealed this secret in unison, only declaring to others that this was the reward given to them by the demon after they presented the murderers.

This declaration made the pirates who were timid and had not dared to go beat their chests and stamp their feet in regret. The pirates who had successfully brought back the gold became truly successful people. Even though many of them were constantly unlucky because they had the gold, they were still bragging incessantly about their experience in front of others. They told people about the huge frozen mountain where the demons settled and what they had seen, such as Lich Ca.s.sandra turning people into ghouls. Even though they had not seen the scene of Ca.s.sandra transforming the ghouls and were boasting, they were unexpectedly very close. This made people have no choice but to admire their imagination.

The gold with the snowflake mark quickly spread, and some people even used this gold to show off. Even though in the following days, some of the people who had come into contact with this gold had died because of bad luck, people did not think toward a curse at all.

Wealth would drive people crazy. Perhaps it would take a long time for the people of this world to discover the truth about the gold of misfortune…

At this time, Roy quietly left the Pirates of the Caribbean world, leaving behind only a legend about the demon’s treasure. Perhaps one day, someone would attempt to summon the demon named Osiris through a black magic ritual based on this legend…