Custom Made Demon King

Chapter 339 Sky Dragon of Osiris!

Chapter 339 Sky Dragon of Osiris!

Seeing the rebirth of their compatriots who died in battle, all the angels present shouted excitedly, and their morale raised.

The Resurrection spell was not a high-level spell among the holy light spells, and ordinary two-winged angels could actually use it. But this spell had a characteristic—the stronger the resurrection target, the more magic power it would consume. So the two-winged and four-winged angels were unable to resurrect their comrades on such a large scale.

If these four six-winged angels had not appeared, then the angels present would have definitely died one by one, but it was different now. The four six-winged angels had become the strongest backing of the angels. In the eyes of the angels, they could attack Demon Osiris without any reservations. It did not matter even if they were killed. As long as he did not devour their souls on the spot, they could continue to resurrect.

This was definitely a tactic that could give countless powerful demons headaches. It was crude but simple and effective.

And the angels did exactly that. Many resurrected angels cheered, sang the praises of Heaven, and charged at Roy fearlessly.

They flapped their angel wings and drew orbits in the sky, constantly crossing and diving. The swords in their hands stabbed at Roy, determined to kill Demon Osiris in Heaven…

Roy continued to deal with the attacks of the angels and felt that it was even more strenuous than the initial siege. Although there were more than two thousand angels, not many could attack him at the same time. When they besieged him earlier, the angels did not have a unified command, so even the siege was chaotic and gave him a lot of opportunities. But now, under the direction of the four six-winged angels, these angels’ attacks had become layered: a group of close-range attacks, a group of long-range attacks, and a group of non-stop support. All kinds of holy light magic fell on the angels, providing them with various beneficial enhancements and strengthening the angel army.

The two male six-winged angels, Claudio and Ista, were commanding the angels to fight. At the same time, they also partic.i.p.ated in the siege against Roy. The two female six-winged angels, Orfina and Cecily, did not partic.i.p.ate in the attack. Their main job was to save the souls of the angels that Roy killed. Under the lead of the four, the attacks of the angels were like a tide, coming one wave after another, never stopping. Even though Roy counterattacked and killed some angels, they would not give him the opportunity to devour the souls.

It could be said that as long as this continued, the angels would be invincible, and the possibility of Roy running out of magic power and dying here was increasing…

The dangerous place of the demon lord promotion ritual was here. Demons who dared to break into Heaven would encounter such a battle. Over millions of years, there had been countless high-rank demons who possessed the power of demon lords, but they had all perished during the promotion ritual. Only a few could truly become demon lords.

But before coming, Roy was already mentally prepared, so he did not panic when facing such an arduous battle. When the angels attacked, he would take them head-on if he could. If he could not, he would use his speed advantage to dodge, responding calmly and protecting himself first.

During this period, Roy, Claudio, and Ista, the two six-winged angels, clashed several times, and he gradually felt the power level of these six-winged angels.

Without a doubt, these four six-winged angels were all first-order thrones. Among the ranking of the angels, they were actually not considered true seraphim because there were two levels above them: cherub and seraph. So these four could only be regarded as six-winged angels. For those who did not understand the levels of angels, they would often think they were seraphim when they saw their six wings. But strictly speaking, they were not… In terms of their strength compared to demons, they could only be regarded as being at the weaker demon lord level. If they could reach the cherub level, they were higher than the demon lord level but lower than the demon king level. Only when they reached the seraph level would they be considered to be at the demon king level.

These levels were actually determined by the intensity of the holy light of the six-winged angels. The Raphael clone that Roy had encountered in the Darksiders world belonged to the demon king level. The Raphael clone at that time was even stronger than the demon king level because the Void had contaminated him…

The bodies of these four six-winged thrones had partially elementalized into holy light, so their bodies, like demon lords, possessed the ‘immortal’ attribute. Even if they suffered fatal damage, they would recover given some time. But Roy felt that their individual strength was weaker than that of Kha-Beleth.

However, these four six-winged angels seemed to have been battle partners for a long time, and their coordination with each other was very skillful and tacit. Their constant attacks gave Roy a lot of trouble. In particular, with their speed, they could barely catch up to Roy, allowing them to cause damage to his Cold Winter Armor continuously. Of course, this could not go on. After finding a chance to catch his breath, Roy immediately began to prepare a counterattack.

Claudio and Ista jointly launched a cross slash at Roy. His right hand held Frostmourne in front of him to block, but his left hand did not punch out like before. Instead, he opened his five fingers and aimed his palm at Claudio and Ista!

“Come out, Fat Tiger!”

With Roy’s roar, Fat Tiger’s enormous figure suddenly appeared in the void behind Claudio and Ista!

Fat Tiger was the battle partner that Roy had created, and he could summon him at any time, so he naturally had to use him at critical times. After appearing, Fat Tiger immediately opened the two big mouths on the left and right to bite at Claudio and Ista.

Claudio and Ista reacted quickly, immediately giving up attacking Roy and flying away to avoid Fat Tiger’s attack.

The two of them dodging was within Fat Tiger’s prediction, so the snake-like tail behind him swung fiercely. In the air, Ista dodged the bite but failed to avoid the tail whip. The tail slammed into his waist and sent him flying with a bang.

“d.a.m.n it! What kind of monster is this?!” Claudio could not help but shout when he saw Fat Tiger sending Ista flying. He recognized Fat Tiger’s h.e.l.lhound appearance, but he had never seen such an enormous one. He threw a magic sword of holy light at Fat Tiger, and the gigantic sword of light fell from the sky and stabbed at Fat Tiger’s back.

However, when the sword of light hit his back, it shattered into countless fragments of light from the impact. This magic did not have much effect, and Fat Tiger’s hard, magic-resistant skin resisted most of this holy light magic. Of course, it was still a little painful. After all, it was an attack from a throne angel… But the pain made Fat Tiger very angry. After spreading his wings in the air and steadying his body, he immediately raised his three heads at Claudio.

The next moment, flames, frost, and venom, three different jets of breath formed a huge torrent that sprayed at Claudio.

In the rear, Cecily saw that the situation was not good and quickly cast a golden s.h.i.+eld of light on Claudio to help him resist Fat Tiger’s breath.

Fat Tiger’s attack was not effective, but the power of the jet pushed Claudio tens of meters away. Taking advantage of this moment, Roy shouted to Fat Tiger, “Fat Tiger, taunt!”

Upon hearing this, Fat Tiger immediately stopped his breath attack. In midair, he raised his necks and heads, and his three heads suddenly roared loudly! “Aw! (Your)!”

“Woo! (Mom)!” “Woof (Wh.o.r.e)!” Within a radius of two kilometers, almost all the angels heard Fat Tiger’s three roars. The next second, their eyes changed when they looked at Fat Tiger. In the eyes of all the angels, the enormous monster h.e.l.lhound had become an existence that owed them tens of millions of dollars…

No, no, this description might not be accurate. It should be said that the feeling they had when they were looking at Fat Tiger now was like when they saw him tear apart their cute husky after they got home from work…

I want to beat it!!!

Thus, the angels became hot-headed and completely ignored Roy’s existence as they aimed all their attacks at Fat Tiger.

Even Cecily and Orfina, who were supporting in the rear, forgot their duty to save the souls of their compatriots and attacked Fat Tiger…

Countless holy light attacks rained down Fat Tiger like a flood…

It looked dangerous, but Roy knew that Fat Tiger would be fine because he had especially added a new ability to Fat Tiger for this promotion ritual.

Taunt: Force all enemies who hear your voice to attack you and reduce the damage you suffer in a short time by 99%. Roy had spent nearly 300,000 souls on this attribute, but the effect was astounding. Fat Tiger now had a powerful defense like a dragon’s, and combined with this Taunt skill, he truly became a qualified meat s.h.i.+eld. On such occasions, he was the best choice to attract attacks for Roy.

While the angels were attacking Fat Tiger with all their might, Roy took the opportunity to take out Rafaro’s soul.

“Rafaro, have you thought it through?” Roy asked.

“I’ve thought it through. Come!” A wave of excitement came from Rafaro’s soul. “As long as I can obtain a new body, it doesn’t matter if I submit to you and fight for you! A powerful demon like you is worthy of my loyalty!”

“Very good. Then, the contract is established!” Roy revealed a fierce grin as he threw Rafaro’s dragon soul into the sky. At the same time, Roy opened the system s.p.a.ce and released the new masterpiece he had drawn during this time! “Come out! Sky Dragon of Osiris!!!” With Roy’s roar, an immense shadow suddenly appeared in the sky above. Strong lightning enveloped this shadow as it gradually condensed.

Then a strange-looking dragon appeared in everyone’s sight…