Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 26

Prologue - First Love and Death G.o.d

I had my first crush at nineteen—when I get until here, everyone would always laugh.

That’s late.

You’re lying.

You must"ve been playing around.

But, before the crush that I had when I was nineteen years old, I really didn’t have a single sc.r.a.p of interest for any girls.

Because of that, I was often lectured by my parents.

To the girls of upright birth that my parents presented, I rejected them without looking at them, I handed disinterested expressions to the girls who my friends introduced.

One day, my father told me angrily,

“Lieral, this, it’s almost time. Even if you prefer the same s.e.x, you are the heir to the Lieutolu barony. You should at least have a child.”

Then, I laughed.

Although I was not gay, but I never had the plans to date women, and I didn’t know that the people around me were worried about such a matter.

Even so, I didn’t have any interest in females.

No, if the case were having a girl confess to me and then dating her, there were a few of them.

But, this was also a deception so that my parents would not be worried and chastise me over it.

And at that moment, compared to women or anything, it was something else that was able to strongly attract me.


This varied ‘magical system’ that the researchers of the Roland Empire, had stolen my heart.

It was my father who first taught me magic.

It was a very simple magic.

It was only a magic that would produce fireworks.

It was part of the most simple part of the basic foundations of magic.

But to me who was a child, that feeling was a very special and wonderful thing.

As if a miracle had appeared in front of my eyes, my heart was moved.

Although this was only the basics, but to me who had touched magic for the first time, this feeling was very hard to contain, normally it would need more than a couple of months to be able to produce the most simple fireworks.

So Father had said something like this,

“Although it is difficult in the beginning, but if you can’t use magic, then you cannot become the talented heir of the Lieutolu family, work hard.”

But he didn’t know how, the day that he learnt it he succeeded in mastering that magic.

That was coincidence? Or was it luck?

Anyway his parents were very surprised and happy.

The interesting thing about parents was that, they always thought that their children were geniuses. My parents were no exception, they were very happy that I was different from other children. I must be a genius, something, they over-complimented me.

And I thought, that probably is not true.

I became arrogant because of that, truly reaching deeper, deeper, deeper to the degree where I touched what should not be known, thrusting my head into the world of magic.

In this state where I was deeply engrossed, so I had no interest in girls even though I was nineteen years old.

Anyway, I was happy because of the praise, so I read magic books pa.s.sionately.

And after I read a book, I would show new magic to everyone, everyone was pleased.

Anyone would praise me.

I was happy because of this, and continued to move forward.

Learning more new things for this purpose.

Gradually, when I was four or five years old, I had already flipped through all of the magic books published in Roland Empire numerous times.

My father who was interested by this, had managed to obtain some new magic books that wold absolutely not appear anywhere else through various channels at the Imperial Magic Inst.i.tute, allowing me to continue on my path to explore magic.

And he had gone one step further to invite a teacher.

At that time Father had asked a powerful mage knight and scholar as my teachers, allowing my knowledge to expand.

Of course, at this rate I had nothing to talk about with n.o.bles who were the same age as me.

In the beginning I only had an interest in the topic of magic, but because my magical knowledge quickly expanded at a rate that my peers could not compare to, that meant that it was hard for me to form friendships with people my age.

Slowly, I began to feel that the magical system in Roland was lacking, and I started my independent research on this.

When my friends were interested in girls, I was only interested in the matters of the delay in the casting of IZUCH, the amount of water from MISUMI and so on.

When I was fourteen, I published an essay about how to control the amount of water from MISUMI.

When I was fifteen, I thought of the ways to improve the casting speed of IZUCHI, causing many people to comment.

And, when I was sixteen—

I became the youngest magic scholar, stepping up to take a position that was never heard of in the Imperial Magic Inst.i.tute of the Roland Empire.

With that as the beginning, I started to be slightly popular in Roland.

The Imperial Magic Inst.i.tute of the Roland—commonly called “the Imperial Inst.i.tute”, was a place where only extremely talented magic scholars were qualified to enter, it was the most powerful research organization to control all the magical systems in this country.

Of course, the me of that time, did not have the necessary knowledge and power to enter there.

But, because my father’s influence as a duke was huge, I was able to enter this top research facility on magic through this path, and I was engrossed with it.

Naturally, at the beginning I tried my best.

I worked hard without resting, but I failed every day, showing that I did not have enough knowledge and was treated as a fool, an idiot that was looked down on because he had entered due to his parents’ relations.

But even so I still continued to work hard, and I didn’t feel much pain. To me, that place was filled with the knowledge of magic that I did not know about, it should be said that I was very happy.

Anyway, I liked magic.

To magic that was able to change the world’s foundations, I liked it a lot.

And I worked hard in my research with this feeling of genuine like, after perhaps a year, there wasn’t anyone who could call me an idiot.

Although I was still called a brat who entered because of my parents’ relations behind my back, but at least I wasn’t called a piece of useless rubbish anymore.

After another year.

When I was eighteen, my knowledge was deep enough that I was able to develop a new offense magic.

I succeeded in designing a magic that would allow the Roland soldiers to use an individual style of the offense magic IZUCHI that would increase the impact.

At that moment, no one in the “Imperial Inst.i.tute” dared to say anything bad about me.

And in contrast, this time it was my parents who were displeased.

“You’re always caring about researching magic, don’t you have an interest in girls?”

“If you want I can introduce ladies who will like you to you.”

My parents started to say this.

Even so, I was still not interested in things outside of magic.

In the beginning I didn’t think that there would be anything more complicated, more interesting than magic in this world.

Because, magic had the power to change the world.

Magic had the power to change everything.

And having an interest in such a boring organism like girls, it was really foolish, that was what I thought in the beginning.

Until I met her.

Meeting with her, it was when I was forced by my friends to go out as I was always researching in the research facility every day.

We went outside of the quarters where the n.o.bles lived.

Of course, the usual me wouldn’t have done that.

Roland at that time had been having small-scale skirmishes with the Estabul Kingdom for a long time, in additions the abnormal weather that had persisted for years had caused a food shortage, there was much violence among the people.

Otherwise, there was also the replacement of the king.

To Roland where the internal affairs were worsening, anyone would be antic.i.p.ating the decree of the new king, and the new king was always far more cruel than the previous one.

Rumours were hard to stop, although there was such a saying, but Father had never taught me this one.

And, I didn’t want to know.

This Roland Empire wasn’t a good empire, although I knew of this, but as the son of a duke, I had no understanding towards that.

I only wanted to gain what I wanted.

Food, clothes, books, education, they were the best things that I could put my hands on.

So I never thought that this country was strange, messed up.

Not only that, even going out to see the world, this would be my first time.

Of course, I had seen the capital of Roland and the lands my father controlled.

As my position was in the Imperial Inst.i.tute in the capital, I spent most of the year in the capital, I only returned to my father’s lands occasionally.

Even so, I had pa.s.sed by the areas where the peasants lived in.

But that was always under the protection of body guards, and it was hard to look outside.

Father had even forbid me from looking out.

Probably after looking at the lives of commoners, the n.o.bles would be unable to maintain the expected, reckless way of governing.

And the me at that point of time thought, it’s probably like that.

But as they grew older, children slowly started not to listen to their parents orders.

There were several men among my friends who liked to find pleasure who snuck down out of the city to play, and I heard they played happily.

According to them the commoner girls were not like the n.o.ble women who were arrogant, if they said that they were n.o.bles they would tremble, and be willing to do anything.

According to them no matter what att.i.tude they had, they would not go against them.

According to them even when they were killed they had no regrets.

The numerous violence cases were probably the ramblings of parents—everyone often thought that.

Once their children went out of the city to play they would not be hard working in their work and studies, that was probably the reason why parents kept this a secret.

The evidence was, the parents themselves also went down out of the city to play occasionally, such rumours started to travel amongst my companions, and it also became difficult to go to the commoner’s area.

Even so, I was still uninterested in the matters outside the city. No, matters about other worlds, let it do as it liked.

His heart was only focused on magic research, he was unable to see the value of other things.

But when he told this to this companions, they were very surprised, they laughed and said you can’t do this.

Anyway you don’t understand women right? Then let us teach you, and then they had pulled me out forcefully.

The first time I saw the outside world, I received a shock.

The quarters other than the n.o.bles, were much worse than I had imagined.

The expressions of everyone on the streets were dark, the entire street—no, the entire country seemed shrouded in darkness.

And seeing the carriage that transported n.o.bles where we were seated in, the people’s faces contorted with terror. There were even people escaping, their whole body trembling.

My companions laughed out loud, haha they laughed.

Was something wrong with me? I completely couldn’t understand the reason why my companions were laughing, but they laughed happily.

And they said this, the commoners are interesting right? Although running people over with the carriage is interesting, but today we must teach you about women, so if we accidentally kill them it’d be bad.

They laughed as they said this.

--Then which one should we choose?

--It doesn’t matter which one right?

--Why not choose this?


My companions laughed as they spoke.

What they were talking about, I couldn’t understand a single bit of it as expected.

But I could understand this point, this country was already mad.

Why didn’t I notice it before today?

Why did Father forbid me from looking at the outside world?

This was the first time that I understood the reason.

Although I understood, but I couldn’t do anything. This country would continue as it did today.

What kind of att.i.tudes the n.o.bles used to treat the commoners, just by looking at the companions in front of me I could understand.

I had listened to my parents orders and lived till now, they had watched their parents’ postures and behaviors, similarly living until now.

And that meant that this country—


This country, was that kind of country.

My companions said,

--Then choose.

I rejected that.

Even so they pestered to let me choose, so I prepared a sincere smile, answering that I hated sleeping with commoners.

They immediately accepted this reason.

--Lieral really is a cleanliness freak.

--Well, he’s a baron, he’s different from us second-cla.s.s n.o.bles.

He wanted to puke.

Just by thinking that he was spending every day with these people, he wanted to vomit.

And he started to have a slight resentment towards his father. Why didn’t you tell me the truth about this country? Why didn’t you tell me the reality about this country even though I had reached this age? No, perhaps he had done that because it was his own child?


Actually, because of me only living with an interest in magic, so I could be inexperienced, I thought of that.

But, this was still strange.

Father had taught me when I was young about the appearance that citizens should have, the appearance that the country should have, it was a large difference from this country.

I narrowed my eyes, considering this world.

a.n.a.lysing this world sunken in darkness,

“…Father, what is…”

I was slightly dizzy.

Then I saw the companions who were still laughing happily. They seemed to have found prey, calling that woman, stopping the carriage.

As they got off the carriage, they announced that they were n.o.bles, the women started to tremble.

There wasn’t a hint of rebellion.

My companions turned back to look at me, telling me that it would end soon, stay there for a moment.

I nodded my head smiling, then told the driver to continue.

The driver was surprised in the beginning, but because I was the son of Duke Lieutolu, and they were second-grade n.o.bles, so he obeyed my orders.

My companions who were left in the commoners’ quarters shouted for the carriage to stop, shouting why did the carriage start moving, yelling stop joking Lieral.

What happened to them afterwards, I did not know of it.

If terror and darkness had really sunk into the hearts of the people, they should return happily after their fun.

But if that was an act.

If the peoples’ att.i.tudes were an act, they would probably die.

But never mind, it was fine either way.

To me anything was fine.

What I wanted to know was—

“…Take me to the Lieutolu lands.”

The driver was surprised again.

Because the distance from Roland’s capital to the lands my father governed, the distance was not short.

But I ordered him to set out.

What was Father doing?

That gentle father, what was he hiding from me?

I wanted to know.

In a nutsh.e.l.l, Father had no darker side that he was ashamed of.

Compared to the other districts, the people of the Lieutolu lands that my father presided over were living more peacefully.

Naturally, because of war, the shortage of rations, life may not be as pleasant, but compared to the world’s scenes that I had seen on the way here, the lands that Father looked after had a distinct difference.

The opinions of Father after he changed specially to meet the people, in the end the opinions were not bad.

Towards me who was able to live on the lands that Father governed was a blessing, I could say proudly without stopping that Father was connected to the spirit of the people.

I’d heard that this was a very rare matter.

I’d heard that the country had fallen into madness from a long time ago, maintaining this kind of h.e.l.lish situation.

No, the king of this country, not knowing why everyone who sat on the throne became mad, and the madness was not only limited to the royalties, even the n.o.bles were affected.

It was said that the n.o.bles who were affected by this madness, their l.u.s.ts expanded endlessly, doing all the violent acts that they could.

Perhaps this country, was caught up in some strange curse, so it would be this dark, something like this, I had heard it from the commoners too.

Of course this was only a normal peasant saying, the degree of truth was unknown. But about the point that this country was mad, I understood it too.

To the me of that time, just as long as father was not caught up in that madness, that was enough.

And the reason why Father did not tell me this point, I roughly understood it.

I lived in the same place as the other n.o.bles. So that I would be able to deal well with those n.o.ble friends who were infected with the madness, it was better to tell me nothing.

I understood this, even so,

“…But, the curse that made the royalty and n.o.bles go mad, what is it?”

Even though such a corrupted world in front of my eyes, my heart was caught by the matter that was related to magic again.

The n.o.bles living in the districts, the palace that the king lived in were surrounded by many magic barriers.

And the gaps of these barriers, were hidden from the magicians from the Imperial Inst.i.tute, releasing a curse that made people mad, was this possible?

I thought.

But that was quite a large-scale magic.

A curse that infected hundreds, thousands of n.o.bles.

A curse that lasted from decades, centuries.

Was there truly a possibility that a curse like that existed?


I thought along those lines, then smiled faintly.

“Perhaps it may be a curse that would turn the people who managed to grasp onto power mad in an instant…”

I muttered.

No matter what I was powerless.

No, I didn’t even have an inkling of what to do.

In the distance there were people dying.

But, that was very far away.

The people living in my father’s lands were living peacefully.

If the curse called “madness” that was threatening this country could be avoided, as a magician, naturally I would have to search for a way to deal with the curse.


“…Revolution is not my job.”

I said.

“…What I can do is only this much.”

I said.

Then I returned.

I returned to the place where I should be.


It was there, that I encountered a beautiful woman.

That woman had beautiful long black hair.

That was a hair colour that n.o.bles of Roland did not have.

Her long hair swayed, she ran with a happy expression.

Then she coincidentally tripped in front of me, shouting that it was painful.

When I looked down with a surprised expression, she raised her head too, looking towards me shyly.

“I say, a girl trips in front of you but you don’t care, what does that count for?”

She said, then I frantically reached out my hand,

“Ah ha, that, you’re right, I apologise.”

So she grabbed my hand, clutching it tightly.

Because her hand was covered with soil when she tripped, so it wasn’t soft.

At least it was completely different from the slim, pale hands of the n.o.ble women.

Perhaps it was even more solid than my hand.

Then, she grabbed my soft hand, “Heh!” and she was standing up.

She smiled brightly at me, then, she looked at her white clothes which had been dirtied by the dirt.

“Oh no, that’s not good, it’s dirty.”

“Because you’re always clumsy so you can’t wear white~ Okaa-sama clearly told me that, but I didn’t think that I would dirty it in three days. This will definitely make her angry.”

Although she said that, but she still laughed happily.

I didn’t know why she was so happy, anyway she was laughing.

I was influenced by her, I laughed too.

Then she looked at me mischievously,

“Ah~ You can still laugh after seeing someone fall, your personality must be bad right~?”

“Ah? Ah, yes, I’m sorry.”

I apologized again.

She shrugged happily,

“It’s alright~ Thank you for pulling me up, then good bye.”

Saying that, she turned around simply.

Then she started to run.

Her urgency made it seem like she was going to do something, slowly leaving me.

I watched her back dazedly.

I watched her disappearing figure, dazedly watching.

--That was my first meeting with er.

It was only a simple meeting.

An encounter where nothing special happened.

We didn’t ask for each other’s names, there wasn’t anything that would make anyone feel that it was a destined meeting.

But I,


I sank entirely into the river of love.

I clearly had no interest in girls before, but I fell in love so simply.

I didn’t understand what event caused this.

But I remembered the feeling of touching her hand just now.

Looking at my hand that had just grasped that hand.

I felt my heart beat increase foolishly.

There was no magic specially used that could specially increase metabolism, but I felt as if my heart was yelling.

In a moment, as if I had a wrong feeling that I had fallen under some magic, I felt the pa.s.sionate response of my heart.

Then I decided to go to the village that she lived in.

Even if this country were under a curse, even if this country were covered in despair.

Even though magic research had given me much fun, now it didn’t matter.

I had fallen completely in love with her.

I asked around a little, her name seemed to be Iruna Lashwale, she was fifteen years old this year.

She was a girl in the village who was very adept at farming, many men in the village wanted to date her, but they all failed in the end.

Then I, indeed I failed terribly too.

Not only failing, from the beginning she didn’t even want to meet me.

That was to be expected.

I was a man who only met her once and she didn’t know anything about me, suddenly running over to her house and begging for her to date me, naturally it wouldn’t go well.

Why did I suddenly do something like that, now thinking about it, it seemed unbelievable, but probably because I had never seriously dated a woman before.

Anyway I was abnormally useless about her matters, I couldn’t present myself properly.

Furthermore, she would hate a weak man like me.

Although I had received the necessary martial arts training, I was called the strongest magician in this country, I was able to use harder magic than the Mage Knights.

But I heard that she was looking for a person who was strong, used to farming as an ideal husband.

But I did not give up, continuing to chase after her.

And forcefully helped her father with his farming.

After her father who had a troubled expression in the beginning saw me working hard to plant the seeds in the field, he told his daughter even if it is only on the outside try dating him.

Anyway, he is affecting our work too much.

Although I was determined, but it seemed, I was indeed not good at farming.

But because of that I was able to talk with her.

It was different from her smiling face when I first met her, when she came out to meet me, she had a forced expression.

“These kind of actions compared to being asked by men to date them, it is relatively more… but, just now being able to let Otou-sama speak, that was my first time seeing it.”

She said as if it were an impressive matter.

Then I apologized to her again, but it didn’t seem as if she noticed that point.

“You aren’t like a man.”

She said.

“Then I’ll try to be more manly.”

“Is it because I said it?”


“See, you aren’t like a man.”

This conversation made me have a troubled expression. I didn’t know what to do, but as long as she was by my side I was happy—anyway this point made really made me slightly troubled.

Then, she smiled at me for the first time.

She happily raised her head to look at my troubled face,

“…Ah, but, you don’t have to have that kind of troubled expression.”

She said.

“…That, how should I say this… actually, that you are so serious in wanting to date me… I have received your gesture… that, it’s not that I’m unhappy.” She said this shyly.

She used that dazzling beautiful expression to tell me that.


Then, that was how we fell in love.

It was a normal love relationship.

No, compared to the normal, this was a slowly progressive romantic relationship.

Anyway, I had my first love was when I was nineteen years old.

A fellow like this can’t fall in love properly.

Slowly, slowly, our relationship became better.

In this period I told her about my status as a n.o.ble, she was angry that I had hidden this fact from her, although there was this small scene, but we were still together.

Our parents opposed this, anyone would say that a relationship between two people of completely different statuses could not progress successfully.

And the most troublesome was, Iruna herself was very frustrated, thinking that entering the ranks of the n.o.bles, would be unable to make her happy.

But we still married.

I said we would definitely be happy.

I said no matter what happens, I will protect you.

If you were by my side.


If you were by my side, my life would be filled with light… so, I will work hard to become something like that to you.

Then she nodded. This was definitely, a hard decision.

A commoner and a n.o.ble marrying, it wasn’t such a simple matter.

But, we married.

Then we lived with much happiness in our lives—

Although I want to say that, but it was not so easy.

Because Iruna’s hair was a black colour that n.o.bles definitely did not have, so it was hard to disguise her origins.

She should have suffered much when I was not looking.

But even so, she was able to overcome these, she was always smiling strongly, gently at me.

Anyway to me, I was happy that she was able to be with me.

But occasionally after seeing her hide her tears, I would think of working hard.

So that my treasured wife would not suffer from the contempt of others, I wanted power.

I wanted power that would not let others to look down on the Lieutolu family who had took her in.

So I worked hard in the Imperial Inst.i.tute.

Then I created many new military magics.

A large portion of these magic was used in the military.

Magic that was for war.

Magic that was for killing people.

The magic that I had created with my hands, was accepted widely by the country, king and military.

And while I worked hard, my position in the Imperial Inst.i.tute rose with each pa.s.sing day, in the end I rose to the highest position that governed the whole of the Imperial Inst.i.tute “the Purple Magician”.

Originally the House of Lieutolu was a duchy, wielding supreme authority, and my position in the Imperial Inst.i.tute rose quickly.

As the youngest leader of the Imperial Inst.i.tute, I was rumoured to be the monster that use the forbidden magic repeatedly.

Other than that, we have gained reputation that was on equal grounds with the House of Swords “the House of Eris”, the “House of Lieutolu” who was the Overseer of Magic—a slightly foolish landmark.

Then this power, protected us.

The madness of the new king increased with each day, the darkness covering this country expanded, but we were not affected by this attack of the darkness.

Because our existence, was necessary to this country.

Because as a powerful gear that was able to protect this country, I was able to make use of much needed functions.

So Iruna and I, were able to live happily every day.

At that time, there wasn’t anyone who dared to make fun of Iruna.

Of course, compared to my power, I thought that Iruna’s cheerfulness was even stronger, but she told me,

“Lieral is really, very strong.”

Then I gave her an equally strange answer,

“You’re the one who is really strong.”

So Iruna tilted her head,




“Because you’re always very adorable.”

“Ahaha, is that so?”

“Ah, that is the general opinion.”

“What~ you’re speaking nonsense. Actually it’s Lieral who’s strong.

As the youngest “Purple Magician” in history, the genius magician that Roland has had in ages… Aha, you’re a genius! My husband is really impressive.”

She said that, saying that with her usual cheerfulness.

Then I shrugged,

“I don’t have any muscles, and I can’t farm.”

Saying that, she laughed again,

“That is a difficulty.”


“Ahaha, I like you the best, Lieral.”

She said that, caressing my golden hair,

“This blond hair too, those sleepy eyes too, that wise mouth too, that back that’s like a cat’s too, I like all of them!”

Then I replied,

“Me too, Iruna.”

I really loved her.

I loved all of her.

Just by being by her side, my chest was always warm, I felt really blissful.

As long as she was around, I would need nothing, I thought.

Then the things that were equally important to me increased again.

We had a child.

It was a black haired boy, he had the same hair colour like my wife’s.

It was a boy, who had the same sleepy eyes like me.

I gave him the name Felna.

It was a name that combined the ancient language for ‘courage’ and ‘love’.

Then my wife said, “It’s a good name.”

I said isn’t that so, then laughed proudly.

Although this name seemed like it didn’t take much thought, but in actual fact I spent three months thinking of it, because I was embarra.s.sed I kept this a secret from her.

“Because that name has strength, this child will definitely have love and courage, he will become a gentle child.”

“Like you?”

“Yes. Like you, too.”

I laughed.

She laughed too.

Felna cried.

He really was a healthy child who liked crying, just by hearing his cries, I would feel that I was blessed.

I thought, my son’s voice, must be a magic that can make people feel happy.

The me of that time, already had the all the puzzle pieces that could form happiness.

I thought this kind of happiness could last forever, something as foolish as that.

That faultless, perfect thing could not last forever—this was the basics of magical structures in the book, but I did not apply it to real life.

It was probably because of that that I failed.

It was probably because of that, that I was unable to protect our happiness.

Because I was too foolish, thinking of having the perfect things.

Having everything.

Then, everything was destroyed.

It started crumbling when Felna was five years old.

In Felna’s eyes, in his innocent, adorable, black eyes—

A red five-pointed star appeared.

The crimson five-pointed star that appeared in his eyes, was evidence of the monster “Alpha Stigma” that would spread disaster.

According to the laws of the Roland Empire, when a red five-pointed star appeared in your child’s eyes, that child would immediately—that monster must be handed over to the army. And the child that was sent over would be used as an experiment, or he would be sentenced to death.

The bearers of “Alpha Stigma” was a dangerous monster that would only go berserk once, and before it died it would continuously kill the people around it.

So, if they protected a child like this, its parents would be seen as conspirators, the parents who did not hand them over would be executed.

As expected, Iruna started crying and shouting.

She pulled out a dagger, saying that if her son was killed she would die too.

Was it my fault?

Was I the one who brought cursed blood to the Lieutolu house? She yelled.

Among the people who were related to the n.o.bles, there had not been a single case of a child having the “Alpha Stigma”.

And, if it were known that my son was a bearer of the Alpha Stigma, the Lieutolu House could possibly collapse.

My son would not only be killed cruelly, he could even become the specimen of a cruel experiment.

So she was saying that if her son was killed she would die too.

She cried.

She trembled because of despair.

That black hair that was as beautiful as the waves, the gentle black eyes.

Tears streamed out from those eyes.

Behind her, Felna who should have been sleeping was standing there.

His sleep-mussed hair, he rubbed his tired eyes, as he held his most treasured picture book “The story of the Heroes”.

He said this.

“…Daddy, Mummy, I’m awake… Read this book to me again~”

He used that childish, adorable voice to say.

Iruna’s expression contorted, became extremely contorted.

“…Mummy…What is…wrong? Why are you crying?”

Then Iruna said with that depressed expression.

“Kill, I have to kill him… then, with this child, kill me…”

“I can’t do it, to you.”

“…But, but…”

I said.

Then she glared at me,

“We’re cursed! We… have been cursed!! If this continues, it won’t be us! You will be killed too. Your House will collapse!”

She yelled,

“I, I have tainted your blood line… It can"t be, in my blood…”

“Don’t say it!”

“My blood has the blood of Alpha Stigma…”

“It’s not your fault!!”

“Then, then whose fault is it! You are a n.o.ble. You have your history. Until today your family has never had an Alpha Stigma bearer… It must, it must be my fault. Because I am not a n.o.ble, but I fell in love with a n.o.ble, this must be my punishment…”

“Don’t say such things! I don’t regret it. I said so when I married you right.

“As long as you are by my side… No, now as long as you and Felna are by my side, I don’t care about anything else. Be it family, position, it doesn’t matter if I lose everything.”

I really thought so.

If I had to give Felna to this country, I would be willing to abandon this country.

To me what was important, was only Iruna and Felna.

But Iruna continued to glare at me, as she pulled out a dagger with her trembling hands,

“I cannot let you do that. For a girl like me who is of common birth…”

And I reached out my hand,

“I have said it many times, I can’t do that to you. Come, give me that dagger quickly.”

But she didn’t hand over the dagger.

She was able to do that, but in her confusion, she did not hand over the dagger. I sighed at this, walking towards her.

“…Surely, you"re willing to die for me. Personally, if it were for your sake, I"d die as well. So I understand your feelings. But, for certain, you can"t be willing to kill Felna.”

Iruna’s expression contorted once again.

“But, but… either way, we will be killed? If he is known to be the bearer of the Alpha Stigma he will definitely be… and we can’t tell when he might lose control… then, then I might as well…”

But I shook my head, saying,

“You can’t do it. For you… that"s impossible. That much is clear. That was the woman I fell in love with. That was why I didn’t care about the opposition and married you. Come, give me the dagger.”

Saying that, I approached her.

I hugged her shoulders that were trembling with despair tightly, taking away the dagger in her hands, throwing it to one side.

She was trembling, trembling in my arms. She couldn’t do anything, she could only tremble.

I tightly, tightly held her shoulders.

Then I said silently in my heart.

I said sorry silently.

I said silently that I clearly swore to make you happy, but I made you cry, I’m sorry.

Then I reached out my other arm that was not hugging her tightly, looking at Felna who was looking at us with an unsettled expression.

As if wanting to erase his unease, I gently, I smiled at him, as gently as I could.

So that he would not see the terror and unease in my heart, I smiled as gently as I could.”

“Felna too.”

Then he nodded, plunging towards me.

His body was still so soft, small, frail.

My wife’s body was also seemingly frail as if it could be broken into two.

So that I could erase their terror, I hugged the two of them.

I hugged them tightly, with all my strength.

Then Iruna said softly,

“But… but surely… it"ll be the same in the end… if this continues we will all…”

But, I interrupted her, saying,

“…Even if that happens, don’t worry. I will protect the both of you. I have a plan. Felna will not be killed, you will not be killed.

“No matter what I have to do, I will protect you. It will be fine. Definitely… definitely…”

As I said that, I narrowed my eyes.

Then I plunged into the research of magic that could change the body.

So that I could a.n.a.lyse the secret of the Alpha Stigma, I researched desperately.

This concerned my son’s life.

This concerned my wife’s life.

I truly, desperately a.n.a.lysed the secret of Alpha Stigma.

I repeatedly looked through the ancient texts, used forbidden curses, used sealed killing curses, other than that I also used all of the magic that was forbidden.

But fate would not be so easily changed.

Impossible matters were impossible indeed.

In the normal world, that would be true.


But I was not normal.

Although I had been called a genius when I was young, but until that moment I didn’t have that awareness.

But, I am a genius.

Regrettably, I am a genius.

So, even if it were a fate that could not be changed, I could touch it.

The other opportunity was Alpha Stigma.

The research on Alpha Stigma had touched the entrance to the truth that humans could not contact.

I touched fate, and with this as the thread that pulled the gears of fate—knew about the G.o.ddess and the Hero—and even the existence of the Priest that had been born from this.

I knew about the existence of the monsters that were moving behind the back of the world.

I immediately understood, this probably was not the territory that humans could come into contact with.

That kind of matter was not allowed.

This world was unable to change, the rotations of the gears of fate relied on the forceful weaving, everything depended on destiny.

If it were destroyed, everything would disappear.

If it were stopped, everything would be destroyed.

So, this was definitely something that should not be touched.

Even the Priests, the G.o.ddesses, the Hero didn"t dare to touch it.

But I touched it.

If it were to protect my wife, I had nothing to be afraid of.

If it were to protect my son, I had nothing to be afraid of.

Everything would be destroyed?

So what?

What I wanted to protect wasn"t the world.

What I wanted to protect wasn"t fate.

It was only my family.

So I advanced forward like a madman.

I continued to absorb new knowledge as if I were dying of thirst.

Continuing to move forward.

Probed deeper in magic.

Got nearer to the truth.

I could feel that I was slowly walking away from humans.

But, I didn’t care about that.

Slowly, the other researchers, subordinates, started to feel that there was something odd about me.

There were rumours that Lieral Lieutolu had gone mad because of magic.

For that, the standing of the Lieutolu House started to become unstable.

Everything that had been built up so far, everything that had been built up desperately, started to crumble.


But everything, anything was fine.

What I was interested in was a method to save my son.

What I was interested in was a method to protect my wife.

So I touched that.

I touched that which should not have been touched.

The monsters didn"t notice.

They were engrossed in their power, thinking that they were able to control the lower-cla.s.s animals known as humans, and they did not notice this.

They didn’t notice my madness.

The humans that they had created, could approach a madness that was beyond all expectations for the sake of love.

Because they didn’t notice, so I had an advantage.

I betrayed the Priest.

I tricked the G.o.ddess.

I destroyed the Demon.

I used the Hero.

And when each party was still oblivious, I arranged all of the “pieces of the puzzle”.

I arranged it messily, dirtily, so that it could not be kept.

So the world shattered.

But, so what about that?

The world didn"t matter.

Such worthless truths didn"t matter to me.

What I wanted to protect was…

I wanted to protect…

Felna’s fate was changed.

It was changed by me.

The sacrifice for this was far too great.

I destroyed and used the piece the Lonely Demon/ Ryner Eris Reed, letting him inherit the name Lonely/Ryner, and losing the name Felna.

And to complete this magic, my wife sacrificed her body.

But, even so she was still smiling.

She told me happily as she smiled, you are a genius.

Thank you for saving our son’s life.

Thank you for using my life so that Ryner can be saved, she smiled as she said that.

Then I cried.

“I want you to stay by my side.”

Things had progressed to this stage but I still said that stubbornly.

Then she smiled, she smiled with an expression as if she were about to cry.

“If I can be reincarnated, I still want to be with you in my next life!”

She said,

“I love you, Lieral.”

Then I apologized.

I cried as I apologized.

I clearly said that I would let you be happy.

I clearly said that I would definitely protect you.

“I am sorry.”

I apologized to her.

So her expression turned slightly angry,

“Don’t apologize. Because I have always been happy. Having such a talented husband, and a cute son. What more could I wish for?”


“Come, don’t cry, raise your chest, my husband whom I have always been proud of.”

Then she spoke to me.

Carrying an innocent expression that she always had and sad expression she smiled.

“Then, for our beloved son, you have to work hard~”

She said that.

Until the end, she was so cheerful.

Before our son became strong and awakened, she would become a spell that would protect our son from the distance.

She would protect our son from the curse that the G.o.ddess had scattered to defeat the Hero—Alpha Stigma.

This would be accompanied with a large suffering.

She would always, be the meal of α (Alpha).

But even though I told her that, she only smiled happily.

She smiled happily and said that she was blessed that she would be able to work hard to protect her son’s life.

Then she simply disappeared.

Smiling as she disappeared.

Becoming the magic that would protect our son, she disappeared.

My son left my hands too.

So that the monsters that had noticed my power would not discover my son, I erased my son’s memory, and I did not approach him.

The reason of fate hated me.

Because I had destroyed fate, exceeding logic.

So my existence slowly, slowly became thin.

But before my son’s power awakened, I had to maintain consciousness, no matter what .

When my son retrieved his memories, when he remembered about us, I had to tell him not to blame himself.

Father and Mother did this because they loved you.

If you want to repay us.

If you want to apologise to us, then, don’t betray our hard work.

Live on happily.

That these were sacrifices so that you could be happy—I had to tell him that.

Then, until my son’s power awakened, fifteen years was needed.

I immediately knew about his awakening.

Because that magic disappeared.

That magic that had my wife’s appearance disappeared.

So I narrowed my eyes.

Iruna had disappeared.

She had disappeared from this world.

She had succeeded in protecting Ryner.

She had protected him, until she died.

She was a marvelous woman.

She was a woman who was wasted when she married me.

She disappeared.

She no longer existed on this world.

So I narrowed my eyes.

I narrowed my eyes as if I were crying.

And my tears could no longer flow out from a long time ago.

Only slightly, really it was only a soft,

“…Ah, yes, Iruna, if there is a next life…”

A soft murmur from me.