Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 1: Confusion

Chapter 1: Confusion

Her chest hurt.

Her heart pounding wildly, as she grew tense with impatience, it felt as if her chest were about to split open.


"What should I do?"

She murmured.

In a weak voice,

"What would be the best thing to do?"

Ferris Eris murmured.

Right now, she was at the entrance of Ryner"s room.

By a large bed, which was completely covered in a mountain of doc.u.ments.

However, Ryner"s figure wasn"t on top of the bed.

After all, he"d been abducted.

After all, he"d been abducted in front of her.

Furthermore, the one who"d abducted Ryner was a monster.

A monstrously strong enemy—not that kind of monster.

Ryner had been taken away by a literal, grotesque monster.

The monster that had suddenly appeared before Ferris was truly odd.

It was to the extent that, in the instant it appeared, she couldn"t understand what it was, with a figure so different from a human"s, and furthermore, it had an intimidating air to it.

And as it looked her way, it laughed.

It laughed as if there was something foolish.

Like that, Ferris had sliced apart one of the arms it"d extended.

Though she"d cut off that arm right away and tried to save Ryner, the area where the arm"d been sliced winded about and continued to attack Ferris.

And during the time that she was delayed with that arm, the monster spoke.

It spoke to Ryner in the room.

In a relaxed tone as if it were purely a friend of Ryner"s,

"Ah, can I come in first?"

It said such a thing.

And Ryner easily accepted that.

Even thought they were clearly the words of a monster, Ryner easily accepted that.

Perhaps, some sort of magic had been used.

Ryner, accepting that monster, began a light-hearted conversation with it.

"This is far too messy."

"Because there"s too much help.

Haha, well, it"s not that different from my office~. Though you would know, Ryner."

"Geez, didn"t I tell you!? Hurry up and explain yourself!"

Moreover, Ferris shouted.

Towards the room where Ryner, with the monster, was in, she shouted.

"Hey, Ryner! Who in the world are you talking to!?"

But there was no response.

Ferris was already so close when she"d shouted, and so there was no way that guy couldn"t have heard, and yet that idiot didn"t reply.

Nevertheless, Ferris continued to frantically call out to him.

What are you doing?

Who in the world are you talking to? She frantically called out.

But it seemed as if Ryner wasn"t hearing her voice.

Instead, he continued to talk with the monster.

Unconcerned, Ryner continued to talk with the monster.

"Even if you say to explain, I don"t know where to start."

"From the beginning."

"From the beginning, huh? Hmm~, anyhow, Ryner, how do I appear to you?"

"Huh? You haven"t changed at all from before, y"know?"

"From before?"

"Just like before, you look like an incredibly annoying, upstanding young man."

Ryner said.

Regarding what was clearly a monster, Ryner said, "annoying, upstanding young man."

And because of that, Ferris grew further impatient.

After all, there was only one person she a.s.sociated with the description of an "annoying, upstanding young man."


Sion Astal.

That work-loving, bully tyrant king who ruled over the Roland Empire.

And if, by any chance, Sion was here—

If, by any chance, Sion"s come here, then I definitely have to open the door too, right? She thought.

Even if Ryner doesn"t, someone has to open the door, she thought.

After all, Sion—he was someone very close, and very important to them.

And Ryner easily opened the door.

Somewhere, Ryner"s voice trembled. He probably can"t handle it and is crying now, isn"t he? She thought, if his voice was shaking that much.

And at that.

At Ryner"s voice—


The monster laughed again.

It cackled.

It seemed like that laughter couldn"t be heard by Ryner.

It seemed like that laughter of a monster who appeared to be deceiving Ryner couldn"t be heard by him.

That was why Ferris desperately swung her sword. She sliced, and sliced, and sliced at the monster"s arms, but as she was simply slicing with no end, she ignored the arms and ran through the corridor.

Towards Ryner"s room.

Towards the room of the fool who"d been so easily deceived.

But while staring at her with numerous, wide eyes, the monster spoke in a cheerful voice.

Easily, as if confident in its victory, it said this.

"Haha, I see. That"s how you see me... Then, that"s a relief. I shouldn"t be approaching a monster from a different dimension like you. But with this, it"s checkmate. I"ve gotten a hold of the demon—a perfect victory for me,"

It said that.

Then finally, Ferris managed to reach the entrance of the room.

Shredding apart the monster"s arms, she managed to reach the entrance of Ryner"s room.

But by then, it was already too late.

In the room, neither the monster nor Ryner was there anymore.

All that remained was a dirty room that hadn"t been cleaned whatsoever.


Ferris rushed into the room.

She entered the room with no one in it.

Even as she looked around, Ryner was unsurprisingly absent.

And she looked at the window that was provided in the room.

However, the window wasn"t open.

Even the curtains weren"t open.

Even though the only way to enter this room, barring the entrance where Ferris was currently standing, should"ve been the window, it wasn"t open.

Despite that, Ryner wasn"t there.

The monster wasn"t there either.

And where they could"ve gone, she had no idea.

At that,


Ferris called his name.

But of course, there was no response.


Though she called his name again, there was only the sound of her own voice futilely echoing in the room, unsurprisingly.


This isn"t good, she thought.

On top of her unease, she felt her chest hurt.

After all, it was clear that that monster wasn"t anything pleasant.

After all, as something that shouldn"t come into contact with humans, it wasn"t anything pleasant.

Furthermore, it"d impersonated Sion. Evidently bearing ill will, it"d impersonated Sion.

This isn"t good, she thought.

Ryner"s been taken—this isn"t good, she thought.


Alone in the room, she looked around restlessly.

But no matter where she looked, Ryner wasn"t there.

Moreover, even though she knew it was pointless, she opened the window curtains.

Opening the window, she looked outside.

However, no one was there either.

As Ryner and co. had already disappeared completely, she didn"t even know where to begin pursuing them.

At that,

"d.a.m.n it,"

Muttering that with a groan, she turned around.

She exited into the corridor.

But, as if using some sort of trick, the arms had vanished as well.

There weren"t any leads.

Information on the enemy, Ryner"s whereabouts—she knew nothing at all.

Instead, as if to prove that what had happened wasn"t a dream or illusion, dango had fallen onto the corridor floor.

It was dango that she had specifically brought for Ryner, who was working unusually hard to understand the situation of the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet.

She"d meant to enjoy that dango together with Ryner.

Quickly discovering the deliciousness of the dango, Ryner would be surprised, and then become excited.

But back when that monster had suddenly attacked, Ferris had dropped the package of dango.

Due to the impact upon falling, the package"s wrapping paper had opened, causing the dango to scatter across the floor. Countless dango, having been stepped on her by her, left traces behind.

They could no longer be eaten.

Even though she"d gone through so much effort to determine which store in this neighbourhood had the greatest dango, Ryner had been abducted by that strange monster had and was no longer there.

At that.


Staring at the dango that wasn"t edible anymore,


She muttered in a trembling voice.

"What should I do...?"

She muttered in a voice as if she were about to cry.

But as expected, there was no reply.

That idiot, Ryner, didn"t respond.

She felt a strong fear take over her entire body.

She felt an intense sense of unease overwhelm her body.

After all, she didn"t understand the situation.

Though someone, for some purpose, took Ryner away somewhere, she didn"t understand any of it.

Like that, she couldn"t go after them.

She couldn"t go and save Ryner.

That was why she felt so anxious that it was as if her chest were about to split open.

To the throbbing area within her chest where unease swelled,

"... d.a.m.n it, stop that!"

She said, striking her chest.

But the swelling unease didn"t stop. Unable to control her emotions, she felt like crying.

Ryner wasn"t there—

Why that fact alone made her feel such a way, even she didn"t know.

But she frantically pushed down on her chest.

Like this, with unease swelling inside of her, Ryner wouldn"t be saved.

She wouldn"t be able to chase after that fool.

Even if she didn"t have any leads at all.

Even though she didn"t know who had taken him or where he"d been taken to.

"... I"ll find you, no matter what,"

She said, lifting her face.

Sliding her unsheathed sword back into the scabbard at her waist, she turned towards the end of the corridor.

However, unsurprisingly, Ryner wasn"t there either.

Right now, as it was still morning, there were no signs of other people.

Where should she go?

She didn"t even know of anyone she could ask if she wanted help.

However, she pushed down the unease in her chest. Replacing her pained expression, she maintained a blank face.

And she began to walk down the corridor.

First, she had to find allies in searching for Ryner.

At any rate, she needed information.

She didn"t understand at all what was going on here.

That was why she needed personnel for the sake of gathering information.

And here, in the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet that Vois had created, it seemed that she had no choice but to call that woman her ally.

That red-haired woman by the name of Kiefer Knolles.

That was why,


Ferris headed towards her room.


Kiefer hadn"t gone a wink of sleep last night.


Slightly rough, but in a girlish outfit to be seen as cute even if she ran into Ryner, with her bangs fixed in place with a hairpin—that sort of figure.

With that sort of figure, she was sitting at a desk with somewhat tired eyes, reading through doc.u.ments about the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet.

The structure of the country that Vois had created was rather well-organized; however, just from reading these, it seemed that it was constructed so that Vois had by far the advantage.

"... That kid really is sharp, huh?"

She muttered in admiration.

She"d left Roland several years ago in order to understand the mystery behind Ryner"s eyes. Though she"d gone through many countries, she"d never seen a country so greedy for commerce the way the country that Vois had created was.

According to the doc.u.ments on this country"s objectives, then with this commerce, trade among territories would be vigorous, and whatnot.

"... Outwitting this kid and giving Ryner the advantage is going to be difficult, isn"t it?"

While saying that, she let out a Mu~, stretching lightly.

"Well, in any case, we have to understand the situation first, and then deal with it afterwards."

Saying that, she again continued reading through the doc.u.ments. Marking the parts that Ryner would want to read with a red pen, anything unnecessary was crossed out.

Aside from the parts that could be done by them alone, Toale and the remainder of Imperial Nelpha, regarding the matters that they could lend their power for, were being mobilized to places where Toale had displayed his uses.

Then again, new doc.u.ments were brought forth.

By doc.u.ments about how this People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet handled magic—this country had adopted various other countries" magic, at the same time that there was no confidentiality system for the research of magic, etc., and though that sort of thing was written down,

"... With Ryner and his Alpha Stigma that can read the structure of magic, then regarding the exploitation of this magic, Vois-kun intends to use that as a bargaining chip, huh? I"ll have to discuss this with Ryner sometime,"

Kiefer muttered.

She circled that doc.u.ment with the pen.

And regarding that doc.u.ment, as she thought about discussing this with Ryner,


She instinctively felt like letting a satisfied smile spill through.

At any rate, she"d already been apart from him for such a long time.

In truth, she"d been by his side.

Even though she"d always been by his side, she"d been apart from him for over three years.

And during that period that she"d been apart, her feelings towards him had always, always remained inside of her.

Not even a day.

Or rather, there wasn"t even a minute where she wasn"t thinking of him.

And now that they"d finally reunited, she could act on his behalf.

Was there anything else besides this kind of happiness?

At that,


Alone, she instinctively smiled.

She was so happy that she smiled frivolously.

And slapping her cheeks with both hands for her lack of discipline,

"Now"s not the time for that, self,"

She said to the air, laughing by herself.

Nevertheless, she couldn"t help but be truly happy.

Or rather, living for herself like this—this was possibly the first time in her life that she"d felt this way.

When she"d infiltrated Roland as a spy from Estabul with her sisters, her older sister had then been killed, and her younger sister taken hostage.

And from then on, she"d always been living a lie.

Deceiving her friends, deceiving Sion, deceiving Ryner, she put up a cheerful smile every day. Hiding her expression that felt like crying, she forced a cheerfully smiling face.

When she left Roland, it"d been like that as well.

To find the power needed to save Ryner, she"d desperately gathered information.

If it was for that purpose, she lied however much she had to.

Lying about her status as she went from country to country, even to the king of the northern land of Gastark, she"d deceived them all.

But now, she was here.

She was by Ryner"s side.

And this time, for his sake—for the sake of Ryner whom she loved, then she throw about her power.

If he made a face as if he were about to cry, then she could stay by his side and soothe him.

If he was going through a rough time, then she could stay by his side and support him.

Though her older sister and younger sister had died.

Though all of her friends had died.

But nevertheless,


Nevertheless, she had never thought that the day would come when she would be glad to be alive.

That was why, at the moment, regarding her circ.u.mstances.

At the moment, regarding the circ.u.mstances of her, who was blessed,


She felt so fortunate that it was frightening.

Of course, it wasn"t as if everything was going well, though.

For example, when it came to that unbelievably beautiful blonde-haired woman by Ryner"s side and how Ryner thought about her, there was plenty to be uneasy about there.

But even in spite of that, she was happy right now.


"If I don"t work hard, I"ll receive divine retribution~"

While saying such a thing, she began to work hard again.

She began to read through the doc.u.ments.

However, all of a sudden,


Knock, knock!

There was a wild knocking at the door.

At that, Kiefer gave a start, jumping from her desk. As her entire body tensed, she a.s.sumed a combat pose.

It was her habit as a spy who"d been constantly travelling from country to country by herself.

Whenever an unexpected situation cropped up, it was if a vigilance switch had been turned on inside of her.

That said, she wasn"t anywhere near Ryner"s level, and so even if she a.s.sumed a combat pose, if the enemy were strong enough, she didn"t know what she could do.

However, despite that, she tensed.

At any rate, this was right in the middle of enemy territory.

Though in the meantime, Vois had said that he was putting Ryner up as leader, she didn"t know just how far that extended to.

That was why the situation should always be the same.

She had no allies.

Surrounded by enemies, she had no—



Kiefer muttered.

And, here, there are two people that I can call my allies, right? She thought.

Ryner and Ferris.

Those two were her only allies.

She wasn"t alone anymore.

Here, she had allies, and that Ryner"s name was amidst them, she smiled faintly.

While glaring her eyes at the the door that was being knocked on heavily, she smiled, and then stuck out her tongue. Tense, she licked her dry, peach-coloured lips, and then held out both hands.

And getting ready to invoke an offensive spell from her motherland of Estabul,

"Who is it?"

She said, replying in a bright voice.

Having already a.s.sumed a combat stance, in order to ensure that the other party didn"t realize that, she replied in a cheerful voice.

From the other side of the voice, there was a voice.

"It"s me."

It was a woman"s voice.

Furthermore, it was an emotionless, monotonous voice that she knew well.

It was Ferris Eris"s voice.

Kiefer"s eyes widened at that.

As the tension left her body,


"Correct. Open the door."

"Ah, sure. I don"t mind, but what do you need at this hour?"

"Just hurry up and open the door."


She said, raising her lowered stance as she stood up. Then she began moving towards the door.

However, suddenly,

"You"re too slow. Hurry up,"

Ferris said.

But she shouldn"t be able to open the door. It was locked. Of course, this was Vois and co."s base, in the military residence of the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, so though Vois and co. had the key,

"Ferris-san, the key..."

Kiefer began, but suddenly, her words stopped there.

Out of the blue, before her eyes, there were multiple layers of light being unleashed.

And in the next moment, the door had been cut to shreds.


Kiefer said, shocked.

But paying that no heed, as she held her sword in one hand, Ferris entered the room.

As always, she was a beauty.

Glossy, long blonde hair, ceramic-like white skin.

With her delicate body, she had an abnormally well-featured appearance.

Though Kiefer felt that this kind of beauty was her rival in love, she was overwhelmingly beautiful to the extent that Kiefer already felt like immediately withdrawing.

She looked at Kiefer"s face.

Staring at her face that, as expected, had no trace of emotions,

"U-Um, Ferris-san?"

Kiefer said.

"Er... even if you hadn"t sliced open the door, I would"ve opened it,"

She began, but unsurprisingly, Ferris ignored that and looked her way.

Then, with an unusual sort of restlessness, she looked around Kiefer"s room as if confirming something.

She looked around at the desk, at the window, at the bed.

And again looking at Kiefer,

"Is Ryner here?"

She said.

Kiefer"s eyes widened at that.

Ferris, in a strangely impatient manner, had come to ask something like, Is Ryner here?

On top of that, she"d come here in such a rush that she"d sliced apart the door and barged in the room.

Honestly, it was if she were a wife trying to catch her husband having an affair.


Kiefer said, fl.u.s.tered.

While she was fl.u.s.tered, her thoughts began whirlin around regardless.

Because just from this conversation right now, there were a number of things she understood.

The fact that she would ask, Is Ryner here? suggested that he likely wasn"t in his room right now.

And Ferris was looking for Ryner. However, she couldn"t find him. Right now, it was nighttime, when most people within the country should be asleep. If Ryner weren"t there at such an hour, what did that mean?

It couldn"t be that he went to that red-haired woman"s place?

Thinking that, with envy overtaking her, Ferris barged into her room—if it were that sort of development,

"... Unfortunately, Ryner hasn"t come here. He"s not in his room?"

Kiefer said.

Ferris shook her head at that.

"No, he was in his room."

In response, Kiefer"s red eyes again widened.

"Ah... hmm. Ferris-san, at this hour... you were in Ryner"s room?"

However, to that question,

"I was,"

Ferris replied without any timidness. She said that easily as if she didn"t understand at all what those words could imply.

At that,


Competing with someone as childish as her is going to be difficult, isn"t it~? Thinking things like that, Kiefer smiled ruefully in a troubled manner.

However, in any case,

"So, Ryner was in his room?"

Kiefer nodded.


"Ah, he was there."


"Hmm. In spite of that, Ferris-san, you came slicing apart my door?"

She asked, to which,

"However, before I went to his room, there was a visitor,"

Ferris said such a thing.

"A visitor?"

"Mm-hmm. It was a monster that had several eyes on its head and seven arms."

"Eh? Um, Ferris-san, what in the world are you talking about..."

She began, but as expected, Ferris ignored what she was saying and continued.

"It seems like it took on Sion"s appearance so that it could talk to Ryner. Ryner himself opened the door for it."

"W-Wait a moment, wait a moment. That"s..."

However, Ferris said everything at once. Giving Kiefer no chance to respond, she continued.

"And it took Ryner away. That monster took Ryner and vanished into thin air. When I burst into his room, Ryner was no longer there. While I thought that maybe, there was still a chance that he was still in this building, and searched for him, he isn"t here. Though I thought that if it was all a dream and he"d gone to your room..."

Ferris said, staring at her, and then looked around the room once more. She looked at the desk, the bed, the window.

"As I thought, that actually happened?"

She said in a frustrated voice.

Regarding that,

"Um, um, hold on a moment. While I can"t understand anything when you suddenly start talking like that, let me get this straight: Ryner"s been taken away by someone?"

Kiefer asked, to which Ferris nodded.


"And, the one who took him away isn"t human?"

"At the very least, it didn"t appear human to me."

Ferris said; however, even if she said that, it was hard to believe immediately.

A monster with seven arms had appeared and abducted Ryner—that sort of impossible discussion...


However, Ferris"s manner right now wasn"t normal. Incredibly restless and troubled, she didn"t look as if she were capable of composed judgment.

Even if she weren"t like that, she"s barged into Kiefer"s room by slicing apart the door.

Already, she didn"t look as if she were merely pulling some kind of joke.

In other words.


In other words, that Ryner had been abducted—that was the truth.

As that hit Kiefer, she began to feel panicked. She felt her entire body start to tremble.

Even though she was finally by Ryner"s side, it seemed that something bad had happened to Ryner yet again.


However, she then killed her heart. She immediately disposed of the unease that was swelling up inside of her. After all, right now, if she were to lose her composure, it would all be over.

It was always like that.

Whenever something bad happened, she"d stop the movements of her heart again, as it was necessary to survey her entire body.

And she began to think.

What should she do?

How should she move?

If she made an error in her judgment, something unpleasant would occur.

Such as when her sisters were killed, when her friends were killed, Ryner being sent to prison, and becoming separated from one another.

Every moment of judgment, conduct, and choices all had to be decided on.

That was why.


That was why, even though her abilities were trivial, by staying composed nevertheless, by staying calm, by keeping an eye over her body, she"d persevered.

Looking Ferris"s way, she asked,


"What is it?"

"Are you calm right now?"

At such words, Ferris looked at her with a curious face and said,

"I"m always ca..."

"Don"t lie. If Ryner"s just been captured, then it wouldn"t be surprising for you to not be calm."


"But you need to be. This situation might be a very unfortunate one for us. That"s why, between the two of us, we need to stay calm and deal with this,"

Kiefer said.

Though Ferris looked as if she wanted to protest something about that,

"That"s why I came to you,"

She easily said.

Kiefer nodded at that.

And she looked past the door that Ferris had shredded apart.

She looked towards the corridor.

It was still as silent as death within the central military building.

It seemed that the matter of Ryner having captured hadn"t been relayed to others yet.

However, whether it was because no one else had noticed Ryner"s abduction or whether it was done on Vois"s orders, they had to figure out, she thought.

At any rate, this was enemy territory.

In that case, right now, confirming where they stood was the most pressing matter.



Kiefer said.

"When you saw Ryner being abducted by a monster—how long ago was that?"

Ferris answered the question.

"Not too long ago."

"Hmm. Ferris-san, what do you think? Do you think it was one of Vois-kun"s subordinates that captured Ryner?"

At that, Ferris looked at her with a what are you talking about kind of face, and,

"That thing didn"t look like a human at a..."

However, interrupting that, Kiefer spoke.

"But it used magic on Ryner, didn"t it? In that case, it might"ve used magic on itself as well to hide itself from you, Ferris-san."


"Ferris-san, do you think you could"ve been subjected to its magic?"

In response,

"... It could have. I don"t know much about magic, after all."

Ferris said in a slightly apologetic voice; however, Kiefer shook her head.

"Don"t make that face. It"s not like you made a mistake, Ferris-san. After all, it even used magic against Ryner... if it"s magic that was even used against Ryner, who possesses the Alpha Stigma, then there was nothing an ordinary mage could"ve done against it. To say nothing of Ferris-san, who doesn"t use magic..."

Kiefer said, but then her words stopped there, as she examined the corridor again.

Thinking about how someone was examining their situation and plotting an attack against them, she turned her eyes towards the darkness of the corridor.

If someone had come and eavesdropped on them, then things were simple, though.

If, by any chance, someone were there, then that meant that the other party was human, she knew.

Furthermore, it was likely someone from Vois"s side.

To create magic that could be used against Ryner would have been a considerably difficult task. On top of that, he wasn"t simply an Alpha Stigma bearer.

During the war, his eyes had against transformed into something unique and strengthened his power further.

That was why, in order to use magic against Ryner, it would be necessary to lay out a comparable, large-scale magic trap.

For example, if everyone within the central military building had drawn out magic traps—

It was likely that even if they"d done that, Ryner"s eyes would"ve seen through it.

That was why it was likely,


She didn"t think that this was the work of Vois"s subordinates.

That what had happened here wasn"t the work of a.s.sa.s.sins or pursuers, she knew.

That Vois and co. could do anything against Ryner, let alone inflict any harm on him, or what Ferris had seen—it couldn"t possibly be Vois"s work.

No, otherwise, they couldn"t afford to have Ferris and Kiefer become threats, could they?

There was a decent chance of that.

After all, if a mage around Kiefer"s level tried attacking Ferris, there would be nothing they could do in general.

But, regarding that,

"... It"s too quiet,"

Kiefer muttered.

Then Ferris looked at her, and,

"Do you want to take a look at Ryner"s room?"

She said.

It was a dangerous gamble.

If this kidnapping were part of Vois"s plan, then he would be expecting them to return to Ryner"s room, where the chance existed that he would then capture Kiefer and Ferris as well. Naturally, though, going with that Kiefer had been thinking about earlier, it was also possible that he couldn"t do anything against Kiefer and Ferris.

However, if they really were waiting for them, then that would be fine, she thought.

Because it meant that they"d know who the enemy was.

If they had the person who captured Ryner, then they"d be able to ask what they wanted to do with him.

And it"d be fine if they thought of a countermeasure for that moment.

But the worst development would be—


Kiefer could imagine.

She could imagine what the worst development would be.

That would be if Ryner truly had been abducted by an unknown monster.

The same as the G.o.ddesses that Vois spoke of earlier, or the giant spider monster that had appeared during the battle against Gastark—a monster that held power such that humans could do nothing against it.

And if Ryner had been taken away by such a being, then already, they wouldn"t be seeing him again—that kind of development.

They had to prevent that.

She rejected that line of thinking.

That she"d been separated from Ryner so easily.

Even though she was finally able to be with him again, Ryner suddenly wasn"t there anymore.

She absolutely refused to accept that development where they could never meet again.

But then, Kiefer looked at Ferris.

Staring at her, who was unusually disturbed,


Then, for the first time, she felt like crying. Unease soaring up in the heart that she"d tried to kill, she felt that it"d become harder to breathe.

But, nevertheless, she frantically tried to return her trembling voice back to normal.

"Let"s... go to his room. I know more about magic than you, Ferris-san, so I might discover some kind of lead..."

She said.

At that,

"I see,"

Ferris said.

She looked at Kiefer with slightly hopeful eyes.

Kiefer nodded at that, before leaving the room.

The two of them quickly headed over to Ryner"s room.

Going through the corridor, they went up one storey.

During that time, they didn"t run into anyone.

To begin with, it was clear that there weren"t many people on this floor, which seemed to be used as a reception for visitors.

They advanced through that corridor with no signs of human presence or breathing.

And then, they managed to reach Ryner"s room.

The door to his room was open.

Inside was terribly messy.

With books and doc.u.ments were scattered on top of his bed, it was clear that Ryner had been working hard.

It was clear that the typically lazy Ryner had been working hard.

If this were simply a sight seen while Ryner was temporarily absent from his room, she"d probably think something like, Cuuute.

She"d probably think something like, Geez, that Ryner—as soon as I"m not around, he"s a slob.

Because it was like that a long time ago.

From when we were in the Roland Empire Royal Military Academy, Ryner was terrible at keeping his room in order, so if I didn"t do it for him, it"d get increasingly messy.


However, now, Ryner wasn"t there.

And there wasn"t any lead whatsoever.

There weren"t even any traces of magic being used. At the very least, nothing that Kiefer could find.


"How is it?"

Ferris asked.

Her voice sounded uneasy. A voice with both hope and unease mixed in it.

Kiefer shook her head at that.

Then, quietly,

"I see,"

Ferris said.

And she turned on her heel. She moved to leave the room.

Regarding that, Kiefer asked,

"Where are you going?"

Ferris replied,

"I"m going to look for Ryner."

"So like I said, where?"

"Who knows? But I"m going."

Saying that, she left the room.

While staring at where Ferris used to be for a while,

"... That"s not what you should do,"

Kiefer muttered.

"When you don"t have any leads, that"s not what you should do,"

She muttered.

That was her wish.

What she wanted.

If she were to stop moving here, then she"d never be able to see Ryner again. That was why,

"... There—there has to be something that I can do,"

She said, as she began thinking hard.

Repressing the anxiety that would swell immediately if she allowed it to, while feeling like crying, she thought over things with all her might.

Even if she wasn"t the sharpest person around, she desperately willed herself to think of something.


She stared at the room.

Here, there"d been Ryner with, rather than a human, a monster.

A monster with several eyes and seven arms.

It was, without a doubt, an ally of the giant spider monster that had appeared during that battle and of the G.o.ddesses.

Ryner, because of his eyes—because he obtained those eyes with that teardrop pattern—was now being targetted by those kinds of monsters.

In that case, shouldn"t I talk with someone well-informed on that sort of monster?

She thought.

Perhaps Vois might already know about the monster that had attacked Ryner.

In that case, if she asked Vois—however, thinking that, she shook her head. In the first place, this was Vois"s territory. Thus, it was possible that the enemy was connected with Vois.

Not to mention that we"re here to put an end to Vois"s authority. I doubt that kid would allow that so easily.

In that case, there was a chance that Vois was an enemy.

Then, is there anyone else I can trust?

Is there anyone else in this world who"d know about atypical monsters like that?

Thinking that, just one person she could count on came to mind.


The Hero King of the Gastark Empire, Riphal Edea.

Someone whom she"d just betrayed.

But, if there was the chance that she could save Ryner.

If there"s the chance that I can save Ryner, who"s been captured by a peculiar monster, she thought.

Thus, she also left the room.

And she began following after Ferris who"d already left the room. Then, she was able to catch up with her immediately.

Like Kiefer, she was also making a face that suggested that she was deep in thought.

Kiefer spoke to Ferris.

That there was still hope.

That they could still find a way to find and save Ryner,

"Ferris-san! Someone who maybe, just maybe, can save Ryner—I know of someone!"

She exclaimed.

Ferris turned around.

"Oh. How unexpected. I also thought of someone whose help I was thinking about asking for."

She said such a thing.

And Kiefer was surprised at that.

After all, she hadn"t considered that there was someone other than Riphal who could figure out what had happened just now.

However, Riphal and Ferris shouldn"t be acquainted. In that case, who in the world was she thinking of consulting with?

Whom she did intend on asking for help?

Kiefer asked that.

That said, she could essentially guess what her reply would be.

She was likely thinking of consulting with Vois. If it was Vois, then certainly, more or less, he might have some information on what went on.

But Vois was no good.

Whether he was an ally or enemy, they still didn"t know.

That was why consulting with Riphal was—

She thought, but aside from the thoughts that were self-centeredly developing in her mind, Ferris spoke.

Staring at Kiefer,

"I"m going to go to Roland to meet with Sion. If it"s him, then without a doubt, he should be willing to save Ryner."

She said such a thing.

WIthout thinking,

"... Eh?"

Kiefer let her voice slip.

After all, that was a name that she wasn"t expecting to hear at all.

Sion—at hearing that name and the mention of Roland, Kiefer unintentionally stopped moving.

To her, those two were very heavy matters.

The name of the country that had killed her sisters.

And the name of the friend whom she"d betrayed.

Furthermore, at the moment, that Sion was no longer on speaking terms with Ryner and Ferris, and on top of that, he"d been invading and going to war with other countries.

On the contrary, Sion had launched Rhule Fragmei on the civilians and military forces of Nelpha, whom Ryner now led.

With that, tens of thousands of people had died.

It wasn"t just soldiers.

Women, children, everyone.

That wasn"t the Sion that Kiefer knew.

No, even for Ryner who"d always been with Sion, that wasn"t the Sion he should"ve known.

What was happening in Roland right now, she had no idea.

No, Riphal had said this. When he"d let Kiefer leave Gastark, he"d told her this.

"Before Ryner"s betrayed. Before the gate, drenched in despair and darkness, is opened... I want you to take him away from Roland."

He said that.

At that time, she couldn"t understand most of what he was saying.

On top of that, he"d said that Ryner would be devoured by Sion as a sacrifice. He"d said that that was the key for the sake of opening the gate in Roland.

And he"d said that Ryner would become that key and suffer for all of eternity, unable to die.

Each and every word was about how Sion was deceiving Ryner, and whatnot.

And the reality was, it wasn"t like that.

Chased out by Sion, Ryner had left Roland.

Despite that, he"d said that.

Ryner had said that.

He said that, nevertheless, he wanted to save Sion.

If, somehow, Sion"s fallen apart, then I"ll put him back together, he said.

But one wouldn"t think that things would proceed so smoothly.

Ryner"s voice didn"t reach Sion.

It didn"t reach him at all.

That was why, right now, even if Ferris and Kiefer asked him for help, one wouldn"t think Sion would respond.

No, if it were the Sion that Kiefer knew, he"d definitely help.

If it were the Sion whom Kiefer had spent time together with in the Roland Empire Royal Military Academy.

If it were the Sion who"d spent time togther with Ryner, he"d definitely help.

The Sion that Kiefer knew would never abandon his friends.

But right now.


Right now, the situation had changed.

Surely, Sion had fallen into some sort of unknown darkness.

He"d fallen in with monsters like the one that had captured Ryner, that humans could do nothing about.

And everything about him had become strange.

Already at the point where he couldn"t go back, everything had become strange.

That was why,

"... Would Sion, as he is now..."

Meet with us?

Kiefer meant to ask that.

However, before Kiefer could finish, Ferris spoke.

Without hesitation,

"If we tell him about Ryner"s situation right now, he"ll help."


"He"ll help."

Ferris, in a tone that was entirely certain of herself, said that.

In response,


Kiefer stopped talking.

And thoughts began to arise.

A scene of the past.

Already in the past, it was a scene she yearned for.

Fahl, Toni, and Tyle were there. They were part of the same team in the academy, though they were friends who died because Kiefer betrayed them, they were smiling.

Amidst them, Kiefer was smiling as well.

Sion was also smiling.

And by Sion"s side, with a lethargic expression, Ryner loitered around boredly.


It was a happy scene.

Of course, back then, her younger sister was being held hostage by Roland"s n.o.bility, and so she"d always been betraying Sion and her friends, however.

But while looking at the smiling faces of her temporary friends.

While in the Roland Empire that was, for merely a moment, in a ceasefire with the Kingdom of Estabul.

She was happy.

She was at peace.

While her little sister was being held hostage, while Kiefer was faintly aware that she might"ve been killed—in spite of all that, she immersed herself in the springtime of her life and the happiness of being by Ryner"s side.

That was her worst memory.

Being all too aware of her own weakness, it was her worst, yet nevertheless missed, memory.

And she recalled that time.

Then, Sion was also smiling.

Even though, back then, he held absolutely nothing, he was dancing in the n.o.bles" hands, and he didn"t have nearly enough power to protect his allies, Sion was still smiling.

Follow me, he said.

I"ll change this world, he said.

And in truth, he did.

He became Roland"s king, and changed the country.

He changed the world.

Though what kind of face he was making, she no longer knew.

But, if it were the Sion from back then—



"So, the person that you thought of who could figure this out—who is it?"

Ferris asked such a thing.

Kiefer raised her head at that.

Away from the scene of her past, her consciousness returned to the world of reality.

And at that, Kiefer looked at Ferris and responded.

"I also..."

She replied.

"I also think it"s fine if we head over to Sion. If it"s Sion, then for sure... for sure, he"ll save Ryner,"

She replied.

At that, with just a slightly relieved expression, Ferris nodded with an mm-hmm, and then turned her back to her.

"All right, let"s head to Roland."

"Right. But, um, the journey"s preparations..."

"We"ll do them along the way."

"What about money?"

However, to that,

"We don"t need money."

To such outrageous words, Kiefer laughed, and,

"Well, if we need it, we can always steal it, but I don"t think we"re going to be able to leave this country so easily~"

She said, taking out the small purse she always carried in her chest. Inside, she had the currency of various countries and her identification papers.

Right now, in this place, Ryner, Kiefer, and Ferris had forged identification papers. Permits for the sake of crossing the borders of other countries, trader issues, permits that allowed them to go from country to country as traders, so that they could immediately enter the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet—she"d obtained them.

As she"d always gone around double-crossing everyone in the world, she wouldn"t make such an oversight.

She handed over some identification papers and trading permits to Ferris.

Taking them, Ferris looked her way, and,

"Hmm. Pretty good."

She said such things, to which Kiefer smiled sweetly.

"Hurray, I was praised."

At that, staring at her,

"Incidentally, woman, what"s your name?"

As she asked that, Kiefer shrugged.

"Eh, from now? Um, I..."

However, at that,

"Putting that joke aside—Kiefer, let"s go."

Saying that, Ferris resumed walking.

She, who up until now, had always said "red-haired woman" instead of using her actual name, called Kiefer by her name for the first time.

In response, Kiefer stared at Ferris"s back, and,

"... Ri~ght. Even though I"ve been acknowledged by my rival in love as an ally~"

She muttered.

"But it does make me just a bit happy,"

She said, smiling dimly.

Then she put her purse away. And regarding the rough outfit she was wearing at the moment, This isn"t suitable for a journey, huh? She thought. It was practically nightclothes. When it came to stealing clothes and shoes—no, but I can use the combat uniform Vois-kun gave me, right? After thinking about that and whatnot,

"Ah, ah, Ferris-san,"

Kiefer said.

However, Ferris didn"t stop.

After staring at her back with a troubled face, Kiefer smiled, and,


She said, seeing how it would go without honorifics.

The other party didn"t use honorifics either. Therefore, why not? she figured, and dropped them.



Ferris stopped.

Even though she easily called Kiefer"s name without any honorifics, for some reason she made a slightly unpleased face as she turned around, and,


She said, at which Kiefer smiled.

Then beckoning her with her finger,

"Come to my room. We can make preparations for the journey,"

She said.

Ferris shook her head.

"No. We don"t have ti..."

"Come on, come on. Come with me, Ferris,"

She said, as Ferris again stared at her, vaguely knitting her eyebrows.

However, Kiefer ignored that and simpy put on a smile. And like that, she began walking. Leaving Ferris"s side, she headed towards her room.

At that, without saying anything, Ferris obediently followed.

That reaction of hers was cute.

While brandishing that kind of stubborn att.i.tude, that she would ultimately follow along obediently was cute.


Kiefer thought.

Ah, so Ferris-san really is—she"s a tough rival in love, she thought.

But a conflict was about to start up again.

Right now, they had to search for Ryner.

In order to search for the missing Ryner, towards the Roland Empire—

Kiefer turned around once, and after looking at Ferris,


All right, she inwardly muttered, determined.