Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 2: The Demon Who Established A Kingdom

Chapter 2: The Demon Who Established A Kingdom

The scene changed.

South from where Ryner and the others were, near to the center of the Geihlficlant Empire.



Vois Fiurelle groaned.

He was a thirteen-fourteen year old teen who had beautiful black hair, seemingly clever black eyes, wearing something that was like a witch’s outfit.

That boy used a tired expression to look to the side.

“I think we rode too much on the horses, my b.u.t.t hurts, Relca what about you?”

He asked.

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Then, Relca Redehna who was traveling on horseback with him blushed.

She had bright tea-colored hair, and black eyes that did not compliment them; her eyes wandered as if in distress.

“Even, even if you ask me how am I, I…”

“Your b.u.t.t, doesn"t hurt?”

“Th-that… because I practiced…”

“AH? I didn’t know that b.u.t.ts, could be trained.”

“It’s horse, horse riding!”

To Relca’s reaction, Vois sn.i.g.g.e.red evilly.

“I was joking~ I’m sorry, I was teasing you.”

“Were you teasing me just now ?”

“Yes, anyway, since I worked till now i’m so tired that I want to die~ So i felt frustrated and teased Relca.”

“…That’s, that’s it.”


“…If V-Vois-sama feels happy because of that, I’m happy too…”

But Vois ignored her, looking in the opposite direction.

Then said,

“Hey Harmit, doesn’t your b.u.t.t ache?”

A beautiful girl who was as beautiful as Relca was there.

Long black hair, indigo eyes, she wore a battle armor on her tall slim body.

Her name was Harmit Wolf.

Harmit looked over, smiling faintly.

“…After running for such a long distance, it is a little painful.”

She said.

To this answering style, Vois nodded.

“This answering method isn’t s.e.xy at all, so I’ll give you 20 points.”

“Ah? Not s.e.xy? Then, although I don’t understand, does that mean I’m not good?”

Vois shook his head.

“No, no, you only needs to stay this way.”

He smiled.

And his smile, also revealed his tiredness.

Many days after that battle with Gastark, he had been busy with various matters, he had not rested at all. Furthermore he had been on horseback moving, moving, moving.

“…If they make a growing child work like this, he wouldn’t grow tall~”

He smiled as he said that.

Of course, the actual owner of the Anti-Roland Coalition was him. That meant, the one who ordered him to work was himself, so there wasn’t anyone that he could complain about.

“…but, never mind, if I don’t work hard now, when will I work hard ? That’s the situation.”

So, he straightened his body that was slumping against the horse’s head, looking at the scenery unfolding in front of him.

Then that scenery gave off a light.

It was now two o"clock at the night, it was supposed to be dark where the sun rays could not be seen, but it was as bright as it was during the day in his eyes.

If it was asked why, it was because a battle was happening in front of him.

Magic and magic were colliding.

The large-scale magic from Geihlficlant, and the flames of the Rhule Fragmei, released from the Anti-Roland Coalition that had prepared first.

It was clear which side would win.

Under the pressurizing fire power of the Rhule Fragmei that magic scholars were unable to a.n.a.lyze, the Geihlficlant soldiers were unable to resist.

Furthermore, Geihlficlant was now in an utmost mess, because in the battle with Gastark Empire, they had lost their king.

And, it was rumored that the person who had killed their king, was the king of the Anti-Roland Coalition, that they had accepted.

And the king of the Anti-Roland Coalition Ryner Lute was not human, but the reincarnation of a demon, of course the one who had spread these rumors was Vois.


Anyway, it was said that Ryner Lute was a monster reincarnated as the demon, and just by opening his eyes, he could spread death, depression and disaster.

And, it was said that in the battle between Geihlficlant and Gastark, that demon had opened his eyes.

In the end the king of Geihlficlant, Gulafed Abuleld had died.

And, it was said that the hundreds of thousands of Geihlficlant soldiers had been cursed to become dust in a moment.

According to the people who had escaped from the battle ground due to luck, the demon king Ryner Lute could even control a large spider monster.

It was said that the spider monster spread a red five-pointed star to its surroundings, then the people who touched it; would have their blood boiling and dying exploding.

Then the spider would lay eggs on the corpses, and the corpses where the eggs hatched would become spider people, becoming Ryner Lute’s eternal slave—


Vois was spreading information like this all over the world.

Of course, no one believed this nonsense.


Spider monster?

These things couldn’t exist, anyone would scoff.

But quickly, people came to know, that the king of Geihlficlant had been killed.

They knew about the matter where hundreds of thousands of soldiers had been demolished to dust in a moment.

Of course they still didn’t believe in demons, spider monster and whatnot, but Ryner Lute the nameless king named so, had used some method to simply kill over hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and like so he suddenly became infamous in the central continent; this point had spread around.


Vois said.

Perhaps it was because she had been ignored that Relca said "yes" with a slightly unhappy voice, nodding.

Then Vois while not even looking at Relca said,

“Then, what did the people of the city say? Are they surrendering to us?”

“Yes, although in the beginning they resisted, but now they have already…”

But Vois interrupted her,

“Ah~ No no, they"ve resisted. Then, kill them all. Our Demon King lord Ryner Lute has a very picky personality… As long as they resist we’ll kill them all~ He wants that done.”

“…Kill them all?”

“Yes, the women, the children, everyone.”


“But what? Although I don’t want to hear any boring suggestions, then, are there any opinions that can be used as suggestions?”


“No? Then shut up. No matter what, the soldiers on our side are just a few. We don’t have the luxury of having more. So when we need to threaten we have to threaten; This way Geihlficlant’s lands can be gained with the least damage… Although it is progressing successfully now it"s still impossible to gain all of it. No matter what we do, we can only gain four territories…?”

As he said that, Harmit said,

“Two have already…”

“Not enough and too slow. If we wait until Geihlficlant hands over the throne, rearranging their position, we will not be able to gain…”

Saying that, he turned his head to the sky as if he were thinking about something.

Looking to the night sky that was illuminated by the flames from the Rhule Fragmei.

“…No, but being engrossed in attacking it"s good… Gaining complete control over the territories we have needs a certain amount of time… If it’s forced too much, other countries will attack Geihlficlant…”

This way, should there be a need for Geihlficlant to be able to regroup itself?


He thought about these.

If other countries came in to feed on Geihlficlant, then the Anti-Roland Coalition that did not have enough manpower, would be unable to chase them away.

That meant, there was a need for Geihlficlant to combine forces with them to chase them away.


“…It would be enough if they reach an acceptable stage… Then, where should we stop…”

He said, as he continued to have his tired expression, knocking his head lightly.

There were always various dangers when faced with the road to success, his grandmother who had taught him cunning tactics often said this.

“…Then, what are the degree of the dangers.”

He said to himself.



“The name of that city is…?”


“Is it counted as a large city?”

“In Geihlficlant, it’s the fourth largest.”

“The fourth, the fourth huh… Then, if we obtain this, will we be able to separate Geihlficlant into two parts?”

“Perhaps… If Geihlficlant decides on a new king, attacking from both sides after reorganizing…”

But Vois shook his head.

“Not that. I don’t think Gastark will retreat just like that. The northern half of Geihlficlant has probably been taken over by Gastark already. And the northern country, Ertolia Republic. No matter which side moves; the northern side of Geihlficlant is done for.”


And the southern side will be attacked by Roland or Remrus Empire. If we separate it, Geihlficlant should be unable to trouble us.”

As he said that, a map unraveled in his mind.

The land of Geihlficlant Empire separated into two parts, and, in the middle, the map of a city called Sephilans.

Then he checked the position of other countries that had strong power.

In the north were Gastark Empire, Ertolia Republic.

In the south were Roland Empire, Remrus Empire.


It was probably, most suitable here.

If he had to build a country with Sephilans as the center, he had confidence that he would be able to defend it for a certain period of time.

And, where it would be more beneficial for the building of a country, he had already thought much about his movements. Actually long before he met Ryner Lute, he had started with these preparations.

And so that the front line soldiers would reach here, he had already positioned his soldiers before the fight with Gastark.

“…Well, although the Geihlficlant king was unexpectedly sharp, controlling a few teams…”

Vois said a little regretfully.

Actually he had prepared three times more soldiers than he had now, he had almost been able to gain much land, never mind, he had no choice since he had been found.

No matter what game, when all plans did not proceed perfectly, it was the place where it was most interesting.

So, firstly,

“This place, is the limit… If we can get Sephilans, then we can stop.”

He said to himself.

The south, had the three countries occupying it, the separated Geihlficlant Empire, Roland Empire, Remrus Empire, because they have to limit each other, they probably wouldn"t move to deal with us.

Then in the north, the northern part of Geihlficlant that has been separated, Ertolia Republic Gastark Empire will face each other.

Of course, because Geihlficlant has lost its king, maybe it would be broken up even more and swallowed by one of the countries, but, this needed some time.

In this time, we can think of plans to expand the country and its strength,

“…Ah~ But, I’m still thinking of gaining more land in a moment… I should let more talented people be in charge… Although it’s no use saying this now, well, there"s really no choice, let’s head to the next destination. Harmit, accept Sephilans’ surrender, Pa.s.s this intention on to the other party; we agree.”

Then Harmit nodded, riding swiftly towards the fight.

As he checked this, Vois looked at Relca.

“Then, are you still angry?”

“I’m…not… angry…”

“Your angry expression is cute, Relca.”

“This… that…”

Hearing this, Relca immediately turned red, then Vois laughed evilly.

“Then, I’ll play with Relca near here…”


“Spread this news. A war that uses the Rhule Fragmei is sad, immoral, if this power is continued to be used, one day the world would be destroyed and whatnot, spread it to the whole world. Then for peace, we as the starting country, will suggest the Rhule Fragmei be forbidden from being used in the boundaries of the world…”

Vois’ voice was drowned out by a rumbling sound.

That was the sound of the flames from the Rhule Fragmei that the Anti-Roland Coalition was using, burning the enemy.

This way, a larger number of soldiers died compared to those who were under a normal large-scale magic. Only one hit, changed the battle situation.

Then Vois looked at that strong light that could not have been done by humans.

“See~ The danger of using Rhule Fragmei in battle~? Ah, it’s lucky we are already used to it, it’s great.”

He smiled as he said that.

“So we have to forbid them from using it, so that there will be no countries other than us using Rhule Fragmei for our benefit.”

Hearing this, Relca asked uneasily.

“But will the other countries, listen to us?”

Vois shrugged, saying,

“Some countries will listen, some won’t. Those countries without Rhule Fragmei will listen to us. If we talk about large countries, like the Ertolia Republic that has just started collecting Rhule Fragmei, well... will they agree to our suggestion? Then for those small countries that don’t want to enter war, their opinion will probably be the same as us. Anyway, it’s for peace, right? For peace, give up on using weapons, anyway, the powerless countries wouldn’t disagree. Everyone will spout the word ‘peace’ like idiots.”

Saying that, Vois laughed, he laughed.

“And, we have the Demon King. That is the monster that killed hundreds of thousands of Geihlficlant soldiers and that destroyed the Rhule Fragmei weapon that Gastark was using. Seeing the death of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, it’s a bad and dangerous sight. Then, we will stop using weapons, because it’s too sad, we will stop using them. Although we have the strong power that can neutralize the Rhule Fragmei’s incredible power, we are very kind, and we won’t use it in our daily lives. This is a little… persuasive right? Don’t we seem to be looking forward to peace too?”

Relca had an uncomprehending expression, tilting her head as she looked over.

Then Vois said,

“Any questions?”

Relca replied.

“…Hearing those words, I feel that lord Vois doesn’t really wish for peace… you don’t want peace?”

To this, Vois tilted his head too.


He asked.

“Yes, you don’t wish for it?”

Vois said with a slightly troubled tone,

“Eh? Relca, you asked a confusing question? Humans hoping for peace and something like that, doesn’t exist.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, or we should say, perhaps. Imagine now, that you are about to die of starvation.”

“…Going, to die of starvation?”

“Yes, dying of starvation. You’ll die of starvation if you don’t eat in five minutes, that kind of borderline situation.”


“Then there is someone in the same situation as you beside you, from children to old people there are in total twenty people queuing there, do you understand so far?”


Confirming that Relca had nodded, Vois continued. He happily opened his arms,

“Then, then, the gentle G.o.d comes to stage. Because the G.o.d is very kind, he has prepared a delicious soup in front of you. Then come drink, you’re hungry? Till today you have been suffering? But, the G.o.d who was supposed to be kind, why did he only prepare one cup of soup? There are clearly twenty who are about to starve to death, but he only prepared one cup of soup. Is the G.o.d silly, or is he bullying you for a laugh? I don’t know too, anyway he only prepared one cup. Then, what to do? Then, what would you do?”


“Will you say, because I love peace, so I’ll let others drink the soup? Of course you can say that. But what about the people beside you? The people beside them? Or would all of you shout that you love peace, die together?”

“…” “The world turns like that. Of course, I’m not saying there’s no love. Parents exit the stage for their children. They exit the stage for lovers. There is a possibility of these kind of cases. But, there is no peace. In the end someone will drink the soup, and everyone doesn’t think that there is a possibility of increasing the soup. Only thinking of sharing the soup with the people that they see. They will think, if I can prepare Relca’s share, something like that—”

Then, the flames of the Rhule Fragmei shone again.

And people died again.

People died.

The people who weren’t able to drink the soup, died.

As he was illuminated by the flames, Vois said.

“But they never thought of the people who they didn’t see. So, as long as a person has drunk one mouthful of soup, they do not have the right to say ‘peace’, this point is understood by anyone. Understand it, cry over it, proceed onwards.”

Saying that, Vois looked to the south.

Then he thought about the Hero King Sion Astal coming up from the south, and Riphal Edea who was aiming for the south from the north.

No matter what any of them were enlightened rulers.

They were said to be kind kings, who were much loved by their people.

As to what was that, it was probably because they could move onward while crying. Crying, shouting, but even so, they had no right to say something as good as peace.

Because they knew that was a fantasy.

Because they knew that was only a false kindness.

They stained their hands with fresh blood, but even so they desperately progressed.

“…Well, how unlucky, someone like our kind, is an innocent person who gives false kindness.”

Vois said, smiling slightly.

So Relca smiled too.

“Then lord Vois, you like that innocent person?”


“Lord Vois really doesn’t wish for peace?”


“Even though you know it’s a false kindness, it’s a fantasy, but does lord Vois really not wish for peace?”

Vois smiled, laughing like he usually did, using a serious expression that couldn’t be felt to look at Relca.

“Why, do you think so?”

He asked.

Relca said,

“Even though lord Vois is not king, then it’s not bad being Sion Astal’s subordinate, or Riphal Edea’s subordinate. But, why did you come up with a new king, I have some suspicions. If it’s only using war to gain money, then you can use any country. But lord Vois went through the risks, choosing lord Ryner. I am thinking, why is that so…”

“Then, do you have an answer?”

Relca shook her head.

“No, someone like me, is unable to keep up with such deep thoughts like lord Vois’s.”

“Oh, is that so? It’s actually surprisingly easy~”

“Is that so?”


“Then, can you tell me?”

Being asked that, Vois smiled.


But he didn’t reply.

He moved his eyes away from Relca,

“Then, we were talking about boring things earlier. We should start work. Relca, spread out the information that I prepared.”


“Send out a special emissary to the main countries, suggesting that the whole world be prohibited from using Rhule Fragmei.”

So she nodded, saying “I understand”.

As she prepared to leave, she was called by Vois.

“Ah, Relca!”

Relca stopped, turning around.

“Is there something you need?”

Vois added an order.

“You don’t need to go to Roland Empire and Remrus Empire, because those two countries are already mad… Send useless people, it doesn’t matter if they’re killed.”


“You can go to Gastark Empire or Ertolia Republic, the people there are still rational.”

“Then I’ll go to Gastark.”

“Is that so? Gastark… Gastark is probably, I think, fine…”

Vois was slightly troubled, the rumours and information about Gastark spun in his mind.

“…Ma, if we want to improve our relationship with Gastark, it’ll be better if you went. Then, you can go there, anyway don’t die.”

Hearing Vois’ concern for her, Relca smiled happily.


Then she rode away.

When Relca left, many of Vois’ subordinates appeared behind him to protect him.

“From here let us…”

“Ah, thank you for protecting me~ I’ll count on you.”

He didn’t even look at his subordinates’ faces, saying that. Then he looked to the sky absentmindedly, feeling because he had not slept enough, his head ached when he moved it. Then, he carried a tired expression.

“…Ah~ I’m tired. I want to be surrounded by cute children on a soft bed, sleep after having meat and wine… But I can’t sleep… After separation the south and north Geihlficlant will have their own kings, I can’t give a bad impression on the neighbor above and below me… Otherwise…’

Vois moved his gaze back to the land.

He lowered his head to look at his shadow, that was stretched out on the ground clearly although it was night.


“…If I don’t put an end to this before the G.o.ddeses get angry…prohibiting the usage of Rhule Fragmei is already useless to those people. Here, we still have lord Ryner…”

At this moment, Vois’ voice disappeared again.

Because the Rhule Fragmei was starting up again.

A light was released in the sky and world, the rumbling sounded.

Then, the mad killing power was released.

Vois opened his sleepy eyes to look at that light that would destroy everything.

“…Alright, let’s enter Sephilans, settle our base.”

He said.

Then he looked at his surrounding subordinates’ faces for the first time.

“Spread the order to the whole army. It’s about time we rest, work harder.

“This will be our base… Let us welcome our king… the Demon King who killed hundreds of thousands of Geihlficlant soldiers here.”

He ordered.

Then Vois kicked the horse’s stomach,

“Let’s go!”

And the horse ran out.

It ran to the dark night that was as bright as day.

As he held on to the horse tightly, he used a tired expression,

“…Then, after we have the land, there’s no need to use the name Anti-Roland Coalition all the time… Then”

The name of the country.

He had to come up with a name for the new country.

Vois thought in his mind.

Suddenly he thought of a good name.

“...How about the Love Woman’s Underwear Kingdom?”

Saying that, his surrounding subordinates did not complain at all.

Then he smiled humorlessly,

“…Or use the name of the Iyet Republic where I was born… Call it the Iyet Kingdom…”

He muttered to himself as the horse ran.

The fire became larger.

The fire, in the city became larger.

Looking in the direction of the strong light,

“…Then, what name should it be?”

He murmured.

Their destination was the city of Geihlficlant, Sephilans.