Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 4: Bewitching

Chapter 4: Bewitching

In this world, where was the most dangerous place?

If you were to ask someone that, then surely, this is how they would answer.

"... Right next to a hysterical girl holding a whip, right~?"

Vois Fiurelle muttered, smiling.

Pretty black hair, black eyes in which intelligence seemed to lurk. Donned in miko garb, he was a boy who seemed to be around thirteen, fourteen years old.

If it was him, he should"ve been surrounded by his guards as usual; however, right now, he stood there alone.

He was in a small country a bit to the west of the Geihlficlant Empire, at an abandoned building in Eidolwo"s outskirts.

Though it seemed to have been a fortress or some such before, it was now miserably in ruins and had become a mountain of rubble.

Staring at that rubble,

"... It"s good camoflauge, isn"t it? There"s a hallucination barrier stretched around it, right? Though there should certainly be Rhule Fragmei like that... I can"t dispel it. Now, what should I do?"

Vois said, taking a step forward.

He moved to touch the broken-down gates that already seemed as if they couldn"t open anymore.


"... Halt,"

A voice from beyond the gate spoke. To the voice that came from the ruins that shouldn"t have been in use any longer, Vois smiled and unsurprisingly continued to move forward as he said,

"Haha, I"m the sort of person who only wants to do something even more when told not to."

"If you don"t halt, then I"ll kill you."

"A cute child like me?"

"I really will kill you?"

"I would rather not be killed."

"Then halt..."

However, to the place that appeared to be seeing the broken gate, Vois pressed down on his head.

Somehow, in his head, the gate easily slipped away.

Completely like some sort of mist, the gate disappeared, and where that mist faded, a different sight spread out.

Though, with that said, there was, unsurprisingly, a gate there.

Where the mist was, there was a small, prison-like fortress. And keeping watch over that gate were soldiers, dressed in a red uniform.

There were four soldiers.

Even for Vois, who didn"t pride himself in combat, he could tell that each of them was overwhelmingly stronger than him just by looking.

"After all, I don"t have such charming abs~"

While saying that, he cheerfully moved towards the soldiers.

From within the soldiers, one person withdrew their sword. Pointing it towards him,

"Even though you were told to halt, why have you not?"

They asked.

In response, boldly sticking out his chest, Vois spoke.

"Because I"m a peeping tom."

"Enough with the jokes! Those who know of this place"s secret are not to return ali..."

Interrupting the soldier who was saying such nonsense, Vois said,

"There"s no point in killing me. All of my allies know that I"m here. This is the fortress of the Azure Princess Mercenaries, correct? I"ve come because I was called by the queen."

At that, the soldier"s expression changed slightly. Glaring down at him,

"... You were called by the Princess[1]?"

"Yes. In other words, I"m an important guest, an important guest. Pointing your sword at such an important guest..."

Vois began, but then the soldier spoke.

"We have not received any instructions on a guest arriving. At the very least, we weren"t told of a brat like you coming."

"Is that so?"

"It is."

"Well, that"s how it is. I wasn"t actually called."

"... You b.a.s.t.a.r.d—"

"But if you were to tell her that I"ve come, I believe Pia Varliere would like to meet with me, you know. If you were to kill me here, you would be punished?"


"Now, now, don"t make such a tense face, and please tell your boss that Vois Fiurelle is here. Then the situation will change somewhat..."

However, the soldier then swung their sword. They moved to swing it down at him. It seemed they didn"t want to listen to him at all.

Perhaps Pia Varliere had given the guards this order regarding anyone who tried to enter the fortress.

Kill any intruders.

The soldiers acted faithfully according to that order.

Regarding that.


Vois did nothing, however.

Or rather, if he tried to start a fight, he likely wouldn"t be able to meet with Pia Varliere any longer.

It would be simple to kill the soldiers and intrude.

It would be enough if he carried Rhule Fragmei that possessed the power for that.

But he did no such thing.

It was necessary to show that he was willing to put his life in danger in order to meet with the leader of Azure Princess face-to-face.

Though it was necessary to show his disposition to the fickle Princess—regarding that,

"... This is a risky gamble, isn"t it?"

Vois muttered, smiling in a troubled manner.

Then, the sword swung down.

If it hit him with the blade edge, he would die.

However, if by any chance Pia Varliere was watching the situation, if she was using an observation Rhule Fragmei—


Then, the sword hit Vois"s neck.

And his consciousness easily disappeared.

Some time later.

Vois Fiurelle awakened.

It seemed that water had been splashed on him to wake him up after he"d been forcibly rendered unconscious.

At that, he opened his eyes, and then felt a severe pain at his neck.

"Oh~, they didn"t cut my neck. It seems my gamble worked out, hmm?"

He said in a carefree voice.

Then he got up.

He looked around.

He was in a room with a red rug spread across the floor.

In the center was a throne of some sort, and there, donned in a beautiful blue dress, a women sat.

The queen of the Azure Princess Mercenaries, Pia Varliere.

A well-arranged face, unyielding red eyes.

Long, seemingly-impossible azure hair that marked her as a bearer of the Congenital Magic Abnormality.

Incidentally, those who possessed the Congenital Magic Abnormality, in order to wield an incredibly large amount of magic power, were unable to control their emotions—that was how it was supposed to be, but she gazed at him with alluring eyes with intelligence.

Staring at that Pia, Vois spoke.

"Ah, my lady. I"m a slave to those charming red eyes of yours."

As a beautiful smile arose in her face,

"Everyone says the same."

"Because it"s true."

"However, seeing as how you are the enemy, you aren"t exactly a slave~"

"That"s not true~"

"Or better said, I have no interest in a brat like you."

However, Vois smiled at that, and,

"Same as always. Truly, you wouldn"t kill me, with this young, desirable body..."

He began, but then his words stopped.

Because suddenly, an intense pain ran through his right shoulder.

In response, Vois looked at his right shoulder. There, from some point ago, a knife was buried deeply in it.

Though Pia, seated on the throne, hadn"t appeared to move, she"d thrown the knife at some point, with it now pierced through Vois"s shoulder.

While desperately trying to endure the pain, Vois smiled.

"... S-Suddenly going with the SM play, the Queen is quite a.s.sertive..."

He began, but then he stopped again.

This time, it was the top of his right foot through which pain erupted. The knife was sticking his foot to the floor.

As expected, Pia hadn"t appeared to move.


Vois became quiet at that.

Then, Pia spoke.

"I despise such vulgar words."

"... But that"s simply how I am."

"Your point is?"

Pia said.

Seated on the throne, she spoke with a bored expression.

He didn"t feel any killing intent.

He didn"t feel any indications of movement when she attacked.

Regarding that, Vois again thought.

In this world, where was the most dangerous place?

To that,

"... Right next to a hysterical girl holding a knife~"

He said quietly.

Pia tilted her head slightly to one side.

"What was that?"

Vois smiled at that and answered,

"No, just a bit of a personal joke."

"That"s enough of that. A child shouldn"t be thinking about such indecent things~"

"My apologies."

"Then, will you hurry up and talk?"

"... The knives?"

Pia cheerfully laughed with a fufufu at that.

"They"re staying in~. You have perhaps fifteen minutes before you die of blood loss. So, to keep this brief and concise, please answer my questions. Ah, incidentally, if I don"t like your response, I intend to throw the next knife at your heart."

She said such a thing.

Taking complete control of the situation, she said that.

At that, Vois made a troubled face, and,

"Though I was already aware of this before coming here, I really have to be prepared to risk my life, don"t I?"

He said, to which Pia spoke.

"So, why have you come to such a place? Have you come to be on good terms with us?"


"Then why have you come?"

"To negotiate with you."

Pia laughed at that.

"Don"t tell me you"ve come to have us partic.i.p.ate in that ban on Rhule Fragmei that"s currently causing a fuss all over the world?"

Vois shook his head at those words.


He said.

"In that case, what have you come for?"

To that, Vois anwered,

"To implore something of you."

"Of me?"

"If I were to be precise, I"ve come to scout the Azure Princess."

"Ehh. Is it your leader that wants to call for us?"

At the question, Vois became tense.

Pia had said that if she didn"t like his response, she would throw a knife through his heart.

And he didn"t believe that to be an empty threat. She"d calmly throw the knife and kill him.

In other words, if there was a breakdown in negotiations, his life would end.

While smiling wryly to the stinging sensation,


Vois said.

While thinking about the possibility of a knife flying in that instant, he said that.

At any rate, the other party was a Congenital Magic Abnormality bearer who was unable to control her emotions. If it was something she disliked, there was a chance she"d immediately become enraged and throw knives around.

Then, at that moment,

"Heh, you"re unexpectedly brave,"

She said such a thing.

Vois shrugged his shoulders that were hurting from the knife stuck in one.

"I"m honoured to be praised by you."

"So? Are you saying that you"ve become subordinate to me?"


"By your subordinates?"

However, Vois unsurprisingly shook his head at that.

"The organization of which I am a part of..."

He began, but then a shock hit his body. This time it was his left shoulder. Again, a knife had been pierced through it at some point, as it seemed that Vois had picked a fight.

At that, Pia spoke.

"I dislike lies. The People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet is your organization, is it not? Ryner is nothing more than your puppet king. Exactly what do you intend to do with my adorable Ryner-chan?"

Despite the question, Vois appeared to black out and thus couldn"t answer. To begin with, he wasn"t that strong against pain. As a member of a swindler family, his grandmother had told to never be in a situation where he would get injured...


"Are you listening?"

Vois shook his head at that. To clear his head that was hazy from the bleeding, he bit his tongue.

His tongue hurt.

Ah, honestly, I hate getting hurt, he thought.

Like that, he lifted his head and stared at Pia as he spoke.

"... It seems that I don"t have much time left..."

"My, but it hasn"t even been five minutes."

"... My const.i.tution... isn"t that good~"

"Ahaha, then you"ll die here, it seems."

Vois was about to make a light-hearted comment to that; however, his head wasn"t working very well. Strength steadily leaving his body, he understood that he really was nearly out of time.

And perhaps that was Pia"s aim. That she"d never intended to pointlessly bargain.

But Vois was the same as well.

That was why he desperately tried to open his eyes, which were constantly trying to close, as he stared at Pia and spoke.

"... Rather than send a subordinate, I personally came here and risked my life, as you are especially important to us."

To such words, Pia said,

"Even if you didn"t say so, I know better than anyone else how important I am. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you said something more truthful."

"... I"ve sent subordinates to Roland and to Gastark as well. However, for you, it was necessary that I myself come."

"Correct. And? Are you"re saying that because the almighty you personally came here, I should be proud?"

To the question, he tried to open his mouth to speak, but the strength left his foot. He fell to his knees.

Regarding that,

"Is it over already?"

Pia said, but he shook his head. As he desperately tried to stare intently at her, a smile broke out across his face.

"... Is there a man in this world who would stop speaking with such a beautiful woman before him?"

"Aha, so you can still talk like that. So?"

"... So... I have a question to ask you."

"What is it?"

"What is it that you"re fighting with?"

At that, Pia"s expression changed only slightly. Her face becoming a bit more serious, she looked at him.

"What about you?"

"... It"s rude to respond with a question."

"But it allows me to seize control of the situation."

"... Yes, that"s true."

"And I am beautiful, am I not?"

She said something like that with such self-confidence.

She said that with an expression that suggested that if you were beautiful, then it was fine no matter what you did.

And Vois, at some point, started thinking that it might be fun to surrender to her self-confident expression.

But, as that was impossible right now, he smiled weakly, and,

"... Ahaha, that"s certainly true... then, I"ll answer first."

After saying that, he stopped his words again.

As expected, his body was losing its strength, and his consciousness was leaving him. With his strength to speak also fading, the idea of speaking to Pia Varliere in such a tone made him slightly uneasy, but nevertheless he mustered up his strength, and,

"... I... am fighting with the fate of this world,"

He said.

At that, Pia"s eyes widened slightly.


She leaked out.

Then, as a somewhat sarcastic smile arose in her face,

"You, the G.o.ddesses" underling, are fighting with the fate of the world?"

"... Ah, as I thought, that much..."

"That"s why we wanted you dead, you see? After all, you are the enemy of humanity. But..."

Pia said.

And looking down at Vois"s feet, she—

"Why are those monsters not revealing themselves? Even when their underling is on the verge of death, they won"t come out? Even though I went through such pains to prepare Rhule Fragmei to kill the G.o.ddesses... could it be that you"re disliked by the G.o.ddesses?"

To the question, Vois responded with a laugh.

"To tell the truth, I tried to look under the G.o.ddesses" skirts, so they called me a pervert~ and got mad at me."

However, despite the pointless joke, Pia didn"t throw a knife.

She already knew that Vois couldn"t endure any more.

At that, he smiled, and,

"Ah, I"m glad. Are you allowing my jokes now?"

"Even if I leave you alone, you"ll die at any rate, won"t you?"

"I"m someone who"ll die if I"m not allowed to say perverted things."

"Aren"t you a fool?"

"Yes, that"s correct. You put it well,"

He said, smiling weakly.

However, he wasn"t sure if his face was capable of smiling properly anymore.

Already, he truly didn"t have any time left.

That was why he continued.

"... I had no intention of becoming the G.o.ddesses" underling from the beginning."

"It doesn"t look that way to me, though?"

"... Then if I say this, will you believe me? I despise being used by other people."

A smile spread across Pia"s face at that, and,

"And that"s why you"re becoming subordinate to me?"

"You and I are the same, aren"t we? To ourselves, the most..."


"That"s why I"ve come to ask you to lend your power. I want you to work together as a united front."

"With you?"

"No, with the Demon King Ryner Lute."

At that, Pia"s expression became slightly threatening.

"... Those rumours that you"re circulating—how much of it is the truth? Ryner is..."

However, interrupting her, Vois spoke.

"The strength to explain that..."

"I would appreciate it if you talked."

"... It"s true. Ryner-san, of his own will, killed countless people."

"Ha. Have you come here to tell lies? Ryner wouldn"t..."

"But right now, I didn"t come here to talk about..."

"Hold on, my topic..."

However, interrupting that, Vois continued.

Already, he was becoming unable to hear her voice. Thus, he continued. Though it was possible that he was getting on her nerves and would be killed, he didn"t have any time.

It wasn"t just him that had no time.

He wouldn"t allow where the time of the world was slowly headed.

That was why he knowingly put his life at risk and came here.

After all, the clock was already moving.

After all, the demon awakened, and in the instant the country was established, every cogwheel had begun to move.

That was why Vois spoke.

"... Already, several countries are approving of the ban on Rhule Fragmei. From now on, Rhule Fragmei won"t be used in wars, and instead people will kill one another directly in ordinary wars."


"... But your group isn"t a country. You aren"t partic.i.p.ating in the peace treaty. Therefore, for a while, even if you use Rhule Fragmei, no one will be able to criticize you."


"... And so, using that power, please steal as much as territory as you can. Afraid to violate the treaty, the other party won"t use any Rhule Fragmei."


"... Though before long, the world will join forces and rise up against your group..."

Then, his words stopped there.

Because he suddenly started regaining consciousness. What was happening, he understood. It was likely that Derunio was being used.

A Rhule Fragmei that, by absorbing blood, allowed wounds to regenerate.

Though it was being pressed against his face, he saw.

The one pressing it against him was Pia Varliere. Furthermore, for some reason, her face was drawing closer to Vois"s.

That pretty face of hers—

"Have you regained consciousness?"

She asked, to which he stuck his tongue out, and,

"With the lady"s kiss, my consciousness..."


She said, removing Derunio from him.

As the pain returned to his body,


He moaned.

And then, even as he collapsed onto the bright red rug, he noticed it.

"Even if it"s you, talking while collapsed alone, you can"t be heard."

"... Ohh, did I collapse?"

"With that degree of injuries after ten minutes—what a weakling."

"Haha, I did say that I have a weak const.i.tution, didn"t I? However, thanks to that, I became acquainted with you. The way Pia-san thinks, a good scent..."

Then his face was kicked.

"Kyaun! ♡"

He cried out, but his ability to joke around like that had yet to return to his body.

His shoulders and right foot weren"t yet healed. They continued to bleed. Rather, the knives were still lodged in them.

Left alone like this, he"d likely lose consciousness again.

At that,

"... Then, where was I?"

Vois asked, to which Pia replied,

"You can"t use Rhule Fragmei, and during the time in which you"ll deceive the world for a just cause, we are to attack other countries. So, as you claim to follow the fate of the world and such to the end, we are to merge the land we conquered, correct?"

At such words, a smile arose in Vois"s face as he spoke.

"Even though I didn"t say it myself, my message was delivered quite clearly... then, what do you think? Do you not believe it to be a good idea?"

He began, but then she shook her head.

"I don"t. Or rather, in the first place, I don"t believe that you established this peace treaty of yours well enough? Roland has already upset it."

To those words, he said,

"Ah, what Roland is desperately circulating—that our purpose for suggesting this peace treaty is to aim at Sion Astal"s life... those rumours?"

"Correct. Because of those rumours, the countries of this world have begun to doubt you."

She began, but Vois smiled at that.

"It"s not quite doubt. After all, they never had faith to begin with."

"At the very least, Roland already..."

However, interrupting that, Vois spoke.

"I didn"t expect that mad country to partic.i.p.ate in the treaty to begin with. No, from the start, I"ve been desperately stringing along a plot in order to oppose that country... Naturally, we will be a hindrance to them."

"In order to oppose Roland?"

Vois nodded at that.

"Your group should already be aware, correct? You should know of that country"s abnormality. Furthermore, as people from Roland, you"ve always been investigating it."


"The mad hero of the south. The cursed sword of the north. The G.o.ddesses of the west—and then the atypical G.o.d that"s descended upon the Remrus Empire. Each of them clearly isn"t human. That"s why, to this world..."

"Because it"s in the hand of these monsters, we should place it back in the hands of humanity?"

To those words,


Vois said, nodding.

At that, with an expression as if he were an idiot, Pia laughed, and,

"I would expect nothing else from a brat like you. What a knight in shining armour."

To such words, Vois spoke.

"Haha, knight... knight? Well, at the very least, when it comes to my own life, all that I do is just. Of course, though, once we slaughter all the monsters, I intend to reign over all of humanity..."

"Then, I shall reign over that."

"That"s fine. But when the time comes to ride on top of me, if you could ride from my chest to my bottom..."

However, interrupting that,

"I"ll ride by the heels,"

She said, as a bewitching smile spread across her face.

Vois nodded at that.

"That"s also fine~"

"Everyone says the same."

"Ahaha, then an alliance with us..."

In response, she nodded.

"Very well. The G.o.ddesses didn"t come to save you when you were on the brink of death. You"ve been discarded, it seems. In that case, if you"ve been discarded, then you can be used. Of course, you shall be a slave, and I, your master."

"That"s fine with me~. I like being used by a beauty,"

Vois replied, and mentally, added another thing.

That in the end, this beauty who thought she could use him would be the one to cry, and that would be the greatest excitement.

But at that, she suddenly stared at him with cold eyes.


However, she said nothing.

In response, Vois tilted his head to one side and stared back.

"What is it?"

A cold smile floated onto her face, as she said,

"But this plan—I can do it without you, can"t I? If, like this, I choose to kill you by not granting you treatment, I can simply form an alliance with Ryner, can"t I?"

Vois easily nodded at that.

"Yes, that"s possible."

"Then, what reason do I have to let you live?"

"If you kill me, you"ll be hated by Ryner-san?"

"Haha, then I"ll keep it a secret."

"My subordinates will tell him."

"If you"re talking about your subordinates outside the fortress, they"ve already been captured, though?"

"I didn"t bring along my messenger."

At those words, Pia laughed cheerfully.

"Aha, you"re desperate right now, aren"t you?"


"Because you"re desperate, you"re willing to risk your life. Then, by all means, for our help..."

However, Vois then spoke.

"All this time, I"ve successfully played the part of the G.o.ddesses" manservant. Because of that, I possess far more information than you. For example, the way to stop Sion Astal—the Fallen Mad Hero [Asruld Roland]..."

He began, but unsurprisingly, Pia smiled and spoke.

"We"ll get what you know out of you through torture."

"But you won"t do that. You can"t kill me, who"s still useful with my skill."

"Aha—useful? Skill?"

Vois nodded at that.

"Yes, and what"s more, I"m loveable and adorable."

"What a joke."

"So, you won"t kill the adorable me. After all, you"re someone who"ll use me if I can be used. Am I wrong?"

In response, Pia stared at him for a while, and then tossed Derunio at him.

Vois caught it.

Immediately, Derunio activated its power.

It absorbed the blood.

It absorbed the blood that had soaked into the rug at his feet. As Derunio wasn"t something that absorbed the other party"s blood, the blood currently being absorbed wasn"t the blood streaming from Vois.

It was someone else"s blood.

He didn"t know whether the source of the blood was still alive or had been killed; however, thanks to that blood, Vois"s injuries were rapidly mending. Confirming that, he took out the knives in his shoulders and foot. Then, those wounds healed. The pain also became no more.

Vois lifted his head at that, and,

"Has our alliance been established, then?"

He asked that.

She nodded, and said,

"Yes, but it"s not because you"re useful that I"m letting you live."

"Then why?"

At that, a smile broke out across her face, as she spoke.

"Because I can kill you at any time."


"And because I can kill you at any time, I won"t kill you now."

"How frighteniiing."

"Correct. I am frightening. Remember that."

"Haha. But I already knew that before I came here."

"My, is that so?"

She said, cackling.

Vois also smiled at that.

With this, the alliance was established.

Nevertheless, however, there was no time.

And Pia seemed to understand that as well, as she spoke.

"Then, let"s hear about why you"re in such a hurry. It"s only been ten days since the war with Gastark. Even though you recently established the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, what"s your reason for coming here in such a rush? Of course, if it"s expanding dominion in one move through Rhule Fragmei, I believe that now is the only time... but if it"s about that, then it seems a bit too forcible. Why were you willing to risk your life to come to us? For what reason are you in such a hurry?"

In response to such a question, Vois contemplated. Where should I start? he asked himself as thoughts whirled around in his head.

As for why he had to move in such a rush, there were numerous reasons.

He could think of many reasons.

But one reason was especially urgent and so came to mind.

Staring at Pia Varliere,

"You hail from Roland, correct?"


"Have you ever met the present king—Sion Astal?"

"I haven"t. But Zohra... my subordinate seems to have met him."

"Then, what did that subordinate say?"

He asked, to which Pia made a slightly thoughtful expression, and then,

"That he"s gone completely mad."

"Haha, that"s true. After all, he"s no longer human. And out of all the monsters running rampant in the Menoris continent, he"s the worst of them. He"s to the point where the G.o.ddesses fear him. The G.o.ddesses say that as he expands his territory, his power grows."

At that, Pia made a puzzled expression as she looked his way and spoke.

"Haa? Of course, if he expands his territory, his country becomes stronger..."

She began, but interrupting that, Vois spoke.

"That isn"t what I mean. What I meant was that Sion Astal"s individual power increases. The humans that dwell in the lands he reigns over will be rewritten into a separate existence, from Human to Human α. Furthermore, he does it unconsciously. As every human who looks up to Sion Astal as their king is recomposed into a separate existence, the source of Sion Astal"s power will be transfigured."

"... Now, hold on for a moment. Saying that..."

However, without letting Pia finish, Vois said,

"Even if you wish to hear the detailed version, I can"t tell you anything beyond the hearsay from the G.o.ddesses... However, the G.o.ddesses are very impatient. I understand that the Hero"s power, having already taken control of the southern continent and entered the central continent, has grown to the point where it seems the G.o.ddesses won"t extend a hand. That is to say, if we wish to kill him..."

"... It"ll have to be while he"s within the southern continent, is what you"re saying?"

Vois nodded at that, and,

"Well, I can"t say how strong the power of the Demon King is either~. As the G.o.ddesses also fear the power of the Demon, even if the Hero comes to the central continent, there might still be a way. But..."

Vois said.

Then he turned around.

He looked towards the entrance of the room. If that direction was the south, he wasn"t entirely sure, but at any rate he figured it was, and so looked that way.

He looked towards where the Fallen Mad Hero was.

And then, thinking of the face of the eternally sleepy-looking, afternoon naps-loving man who had become his tentative ally, if one could call it that,

"... But because the Demon can"t help but like the Hero, Ryner-san might not lend a hand. Therefore, I"d like it if we could deal with it ourselves as much as possible,"

He said.

Regarding that, if they didn"t need to rely on the power of a monster, then, as much as possible, he didn"t want to depend on it.

The G.o.ddesses are too arrogant—Humans are nothing more than magic created by them merely for the purpose of sealing away the Hero? Don"t make me laugh, he thought.

The ones filling this continent now are us humans, he thought.

Well, saying that they walk a hundred steps but give in[2], truly the G.o.ddesses were the founders of humans, so what should they do?

Saying that they were born for nothing, that they were sc.r.a.p who were forced to have no reason to live.

At any time, in a person"s life, the outcome of the dice they cast could change with just one thing.

One word.

One lie.

With one smile in a day, everything could suddenly change.

And surely, that was the same for the lives of those monsters as well.

That was why they cast the dice.

They"ll fall to my feet, and until the roll in which they cry out appears, I"ll continue to cast the dice.

For that sake,

"Now, Pia-san, please lend me your a.s.sistance. Together, we"ll take back the future of humanity from those monsters,"

He said.

Pia replied,

"For the sake of the world in which I shall rule over?"

If only I could vomit at those words—while thinking that,

"Yes, for the sake of the world in which you shall rule over,"

Vois smiled with an innocent face.

Translator"s NotesJump up↑ The kanji used here is 女王, which means "queen", but the reading (i.e. what is actually being said) is "princess". Essentially, she"s queen in authority but her exact t.i.tle is Princess.Jump up↑ This is a saying that essentially means, "they act unwilling but ultimately give in."