Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 4: Inside of that Complication

Chapter 4: Inside of that Complication

Actually, she was not that patient.

To be more exact, all the children who had the Congenital Magic Abnormality were very impatient.


Thinking about this, Pia Varliere stroked her blue hair. Her blue hair was extremely soft.

With her pleasing features, she was a pretty sight.

She reached the capital of the Geihlficlant Empire, wearing a modest but attractive dress.

She had come to negotiate with the king of the Geihlficlant Empire, Gulafed Abuleld.

This was the first time that she had received permission to meet the king of the Geihlficlant Empire.

Up until today, Pia who was leading the Azure Princess had made three such requests, but she had been rejected by Geihlficlant. Lastly, through the pressure from other surrounding countries and by continuing their spy activities in the Republic of Ertolia, she had managed to get the chance to see the king of the Geihlficlant Empire and had been summoned to the capital.

“…How long does the stupid king of Geihlficlant want me to wait? Doesn’t he understand what kind of person I am?” She complained softly.

As she took note of not to step on the hem of her evening dress, she walked around the capital unhappily around the large capital.

If someone were to ask her what she had been doing for these few days, she would reply that she had been walking around the capital. Even if she had requested for a meeting with the king, but she was given the reason that the king was extremely busy now and he couldn’t see her. But they had specially prepared a guest room for her, even the two thousand subordinates she had brought along were treated well, so it did not look like they weren’t preparing to be reinforcements, so there was no reason to return.

Anyway, for many reasons, Pia had been extremely bored these few days.

“…Really, when am I going to walk until?”

She walked out of the courtyard. There were a few n.o.bles standing outside and smiling and talking leisurely.

Pia found that one of the men looked at her with a flattering expression.

“…Isn’t this Pia-san. You’re still as beautiful as ever.” He said something obvious.

Pia smiled her perfect smile and said, “Well, Baron Leist-sama. You are very flattering.”

That weak, unimpressive n.o.ble flushed and quickly replied, “I’m not worshipping you. I can fly to the sky if I see your face every day.”

“You really know how to joke, please don’t flatter me that much. I’ll be embarra.s.sed.” So I can say something idiotic… She thought as she bid farewell to the n.o.ble.

She was that different.

She was different from the other users of the Congenital Magic Abnormality who were so powerful that they lost the ability to coordinate with other people. She had a strong sense of self-discipline, and that was how she had managed to integrate into the higher-cla.s.s society in Geihficlant.

After that, she greeted a few n.o.bles who were in a stable position in life. Greeting, greeting, after going around the courtyard once, she came to the water fountain.

Then in front of the water fountain, she sighed ‘huuu…’ and her adorable brows creased.

“Tired~” she tried saying that, and then sat on the edge of the fountain before she raised her head to look at the capital that seemed to be built to look powerful.

“…Well, but that means that this country has the power to keep this palace going~” As she said, she touched the dress that was the exact same shade of blue as her hair, she touched the dress that was made of such high quality material that princesses from other countries could not wear, “The clothes that I bought are also very nice…”

Then a man’s voice spoke from behind her.

“Then you should just be the princess of this country and forget about everything?”

Pia turned around and looked in the direction where the voice was coming from.

A man stood there, he seemed to be around the same age as Pia.

He wore the red uniform that only the elite of the Azure Princess were allowed to wear and he had shoulder-length soft golden hair and steady eyes.

Looking at the insignia of the phoenix in flight on his chest, she smiled and replied, “I’m not any princess, I want to become the queen, Peria.”

Peria laughed, “I know. Because I’ve been watching you since young.”

Although he said that, but his eyes reflected nothing. No, actually, he was deaf. Because he was the experiment of the Roland b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, his sight, hearing and touch had been stolen away.

But although this was so, he had been tattooed with a special enchantment spell called “All Enchantment”. Through this enchantment, he could feel the wide surrounding world that his normal senses could not sense. He could touch this world through that enchantment.

So Pia said, only jokingly, “Aside from me, there is nothing else worth looking at in this world~”

Although he didn’t let out any sound, Peria knew that he had pa.s.sed on his message to Pia, he happily smiled, “But I really think so too.”

“Ah ha, I like Peria’s flattering.”

“It’s not flattering, you know?”

“Yes, I know that.”

“Is that so?”


“Then that’s good.” Peria said.

Peria nodded and then she turned her eyes back to the capital.

“Then…” she asked, “Have you checked on why the king of the Geihlficlant Empire does not want to see us?”

As if he were slightly ashamed, Peria replied, “There seems to be a slight problem.”



“Will I be angry after I know of this problem?”

“Who knows~~ Maybe.”

“Then try and tell me the problem in a manner where I will not get angry.”

Hearing this, Peria said, “Zohra, he…”

Hearing this, she turned to look at Peria, “Ah la la, he didn’t get rid of Vois Fiurelle?”

Peria nodded, “It seems he didn’t succeed.”

“Is that so.”

“If I had went, then this wouldn’t have happened.”

Hearing this, Pia laughed, “Here goes Peria, you’re thinking of raising your points when Zohra is not here~~”

He smiled calmly, “I’m saying the truth?” As he said, he moved his eyes to someone behind them. There, Zohra was walking towards them with a rebellious and unhappy face.

As a side note, even if it was Peria or Zohra, both of them had not gained the permission to enter the capital.

So the two of them had evaded a large number of soldiers and easily defeated the many magical enchantments surrounding the capital and entered illegally.

Looking at the figures of her two capable companions, Pia smiled lightly. Then she spoke to Zohra, “But you aren’t hurt, that’s good. Belis was far, was it?”

Zohra looked at her and suddenly blushed, his eyes wandered around, as if not sure where to look, and said, “Wear… You look extraordinarily cute wearing a dress…”

Hey, what was this, saying something when he just saw her? Although Pia thought of that, but she knew that Zohra was always very straightforward, he wouldn’t say anything insincere, so compared to the Geihlficlant n.o.bles, this sentence made her happy.

So Pia curtseyed, “Thank you. This is a very expensive dress, you know~~ Can Zohra give me this sort of present?”

He viciously nodded, “If the Princess wishes.”

“Then, give me that palace.”

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“I understand! I’ll go a.s.sa.s.sinate that king now!”

At this moment, Peria who was standing by their side said, “Again~ What is it what needs to be dealt with by a.s.sa.s.sination~ If it was using power to deal with the problem, Pia would have…” Zohra interrupted him and took out a small blade, he placed the blade on Peria’s neck and shouted, “I’m not talking to you!”

Then Peria stepped back and pushed away Zohra’s hand that was holding the blade, using a slightly distressed expression to say, “Really. Why does Zohra want to kill me?”

“I kill the enemies of love.”

“Ho ho~ Then, do you want me to give you a little information that would make you want to kill me more?”


“Just now, Pia said she liked my praising of her.”

In a moment, Zohra’s face changed, he yelled, “Haaaaaaaaaaaa?!” then he looked to Pia, “Then, then what about mine?”

Hearing something so childish, Pia laughed and said, “I like Zohra too.”

Then, this time it was Peria who let out “Ai~~” and appeared to be unhappy.

Seeing the two acting childishly, Pia laughed again. This kind of situation had recurred for many years. Although they had saved each other’s lives on the battle field many times, but once they had the time, they would act as if they had a bad relationship.

So she had given up on stopping their fights. Although they continued to argue loudly, but their relationship was surprisingly good.

And Pia liked watching the two of them quarrel.

She also liked beautiful clothes.

She liked beautiful ornaments.

She liked beautiful palaces.

She liked the beautiful world.

So she wanted to claim everything for her own.

She wished to rescue those beautiful things from those over-l.u.s.tful n.o.bles.

She wanted to rescue those beautiful things from Roland who had stole Peria’s sight and hearing.

Then she would rescue this world from the ugly, dreadfully ugly G.o.ddess.

In order to achieve my goal, I need power.

I need more power.

And Geihlficlant is that stepping stone.

But there is an annoying person who exists to make use of Geihlficlant’s power that I must get rid of.

That person is obviously a human, but he became the dog of the G.o.ddess, Vois Fiurelle. It seemed as if he wanted to s.n.a.t.c.h the power of Geihlficlant from the Azure Princess and had created a secret group. If she did not kill Vois, then the Azure Princess’s road would not be lit.

But it seemed as if the plan to a.s.sa.s.sinate Vois had failed.

So Pia asked, “The G.o.ddess that Vois is relying on is only Unsurpa.s.sed Vileness, right? It’s not any powerful monster. The Rhule Fragmei I gave you should have been enough to kill him…”

Zohra revealed an apologetic expression and said, “No, actually if I wanted to, I could have killed…”

“But you didn’t kill him?”



Hearing this, Zohra revealed an expression that said that he did not know how to explain this in words.

Pia looked at him and said, “I like that straightforward side of yours. So you only need to tell me the events as they happened. What happened? Did you fight with the G.o.ddess?”

But Zohra shook his head, “The G.o.ddess didn’t appear.”

“Oh? The G.o.ddess didn’t appear?”

Zohra nodded.

But this way, she still couldn’t understand the reason why Zohra didn’t kill Vois. Vois was a mad person who wanted to sell this world out, he wasn’t a human but a monster. If they didn’t deal with this, there would be a problem.

And Zohra should understand this.

So Pia continued to ask, “Then, why didn’t you kill Vois Fiurelle? If it was you, you could have easily…”

But he suddenly said, “No, if it’s about that, there was a more troublesome character who appeared.”

“More troublesome?”


“More troublesome than the G.o.ddes… what is it? The Mad Hero from the South?”

But Zohra still shook his head.

“Then, what is it?”

When he heard her asking that, he replied.

He only said a name.


“…” In that moment, Pia lost her ability to speak, when she suddenly heard Zohra say the name of a distant companion that she had been separated from a long time ago, her mind blanked out.

Then she couldn’t help but turn to look at Peria. She found that he was just as shocked.

It was expected, after all, Ryner and Peria had underwent the same training from the same instructor.

Timid Ryner Lute.

Ryner Lute who had always wished to die.

Why was that companion now with the subordinate of the G.o.ddess? As she started to ask Zohra about it, another subordinate approached them. It was a female subordinate who had received the permission to enter the capital with Pia, Tam. She wore the serving uniform and said, “…Princess-sama.”

“Eh?” Pia looked at her subordinate.

Tam said, “There was a courier. He says that Gehlficlant will see Princess-sama tomorrow night.”

Pia widened her eyes, Zohra and Peria looked at Tam.

“That means… The envoy from the Anti-Roland Coalition has reached?”

Tam nodded.

“Geihlficlant has specially allowed to give one side a.s.sistance…”

Pia smiled lightly, “Ha. Does he mean to say that we will have to fight with the Anti-Roland Coalition? Wait a moment, isn’t this different than what we talked about?”

Tam apologized, “I’m terribly sorry…”

“No, you don’t have to apologize.” After saying that, Pia looked at the seemingly impressive capital, “They’re treating us as fools. That’s fine. Let’s fight face-to-face. Oh yes, was the envoy from the Anti-Roland Coalition Vois himself? Do you mean that he is already in the capital? I want to go over and punch him and threaten him, so tell me his address.” Pia asked Tam.

She replied, “No, that, the envoy from the Anti-Roland Coalition does not seem to be Vois Fiurelle himself.”

Pia frowned tightly, “Ha? Then who is it? Does he mean to push everything to the messenger? Although he said he would fight with us, the Azure Princess, but the person himself did not appear? But this can’t continue. They say that the king of Geihlficlant is to be respected, but if it’s through the messenger, then he can’t talk to the king at all.”

Towards this, Tam said, “No, that… it seems that the envoy holds a position much higher than Vois Fiurelle, it is the king of the Anti-Roland Coalition.”



“Ai? Wait… wait a moment. But the leader of the Anti-Roland Coalitions is Vois Fiurelle, right?”

But Tam shook her head, denying this, “No. Recently, Vois Fiurelle gave the leadership position to the new king.”



“Then who did he give it to?”

Tam replied, “A man called Ryner Lute, he seems to be the king of the Anti-Roland Coalition.”


At this moment, Pia, even Zohra and Peria, did not know what to say. The enemy approaching from the south was actually Ryner. Because of this reality, everyone grew silent.

And that Ryner was about to reach. He was about to reach the capital of Geihlficlant.

Then Pia let out a “Oh~” and smiled. It was still that perfect smile. But it revealed a devil-like charisma.

It was a smile that could let everyone feel the kingly air around her.

She smiled like that and turned to the capital, muttering softly, “…Does that idiot Ryner want to fight with me? That is really… interesting.”

She licked her forefinger and lifted it to the wind.


“Hey, hey, what is this~~ I feel that the direction of the wind is suddenly changing. Let’s start to gather the information. Before Ryner reaches here, let’s gather all the information. What does Ryner and Vois want? How will this world change? We have to check this clearly first…”

Then she snapped her fingers.

“We still have to welcome our stupid childhood friend.”

She said.