Dai Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu

Chapter 5: Reunion

Chapter 5: Reunion

The sun was going down.

Clouds that were dyed red from that evening sun slowly drifted in the sky.

While staring at those clouds that seemed determined to airily float by,

"Ah~, my a.s.s hurts,"

Ryner groaned.

Having continued to gallop on his horse since morning, changing once midway and then continuing to gallop, it was expected that his bottom would already reach its limit, and so he fell and was now, still straddling his horse, toppled over and staring up at the sky.

Nevertheless, the horse steadily continued to move forward, despite the shock on its back.

While staring up at the sky with exhausted eyes,

"... I wanna be that cloud."

Ryner said such an idiotic thing.

In response, riding the horse parallel to his,

"Which cloud?"

Ferris asked, to which Ryner replied,

"That cloud."

"Which one? That dango-shaped one?"


After searching for a dango-ish shaped cloud, Ryner said,

"Um, what? While I have no clue what dango-shaped cloud you"re thinking of—well, it"s that one."

"Mm-hmm. Somehow, it seems promising."

"Right? My dream is to be a cloud, floating around without a care in the world."

"And without any usefulness whatsoever."

"Is that what you think?"

At that, Ferris laughed with a fufu.

Though what kind of expression she was making as she laughed, Ryner, who was collapsed and staring up at the sky, didn"t know.

Then, riding on his opposite side,

"... Pretty."

Kiefer said.

At that, Ryner asked,

"The sunset?"


"Then, the clouds?"


"Then what"s pretty?"

He asked, to which she replied,

"Ryner"s eyes."


"The sun"s reflected in them."

Saying such things cheerfully, she leaned forward slightly and peered at his face.

Kiefer"s face took over Ryner"s entire line of sight. Her red hair was dyed further red by the sunset.

At that, Ryner said,



"If you lean forward like that, aren"t you gonna fall off?"

"If I fall, will you save me?"

"Saving you would be bothersome, so I"d just sit up properly."


She laughed cheerfully. Then she stared further into his eyes.


However, she said nothing.

But he knew what she was looking for.

The five-star pentacle.

Up until recently, it should"ve been a five-star pentacle.

She was looking for what had already disappeared from his eyes.

And her expression became slightly worried. Upon noticing that, she made such a face.

Nevertheless, she said nothing. Merely staring at him, she said nothing.

"I said I"d sit up."

As he said that, she again laughed, and,

"Even though your b.u.t.t hurts~"

"Yeah, so I"d stand?"

"Right, right. Like Ferris?"

She said, to which Ryner—


He said, looking her way again.

There, so that her bottom was raised above the horse, she was standing with one leg placed on the horse"s back, as ridiculous as it was.

Rather than say something about how she was going to fall like that, or how it was dangerous,

"Is that some kind of acrobatics training?"

Ryner quipped, to which she looked down at him, and then suddenly,

"It"s training to plant my heel against your face!"

She said, swinging a leg down at him.

At that,


Ryner said, sitting up to dodge. Ferris"s heel struck the rear end of the horse. Letting out a neigh, the horse vigorously galloped forward, the movement of which was causing its back to collide with Ryner"s rear end repeatedly.

"O-Ow, owww! Hey, just wait a bit~. It"s okay, so whoa, whoa,"

Ryner said, soothing the horse.

Then he turned his head.

At Kiefer, who was in a half-bent position, standing with the stirrup, and at the ridiculous-looking Ferris, who was unsurprisingly standing on her horse one-legged.

He wanted to say something like that, "I"m gonna send you flying~,"

"... But I don"t have the energy to cry out~,"

He said wearily.

And he looked.

He looked at the setting sun behind them.

By the way, they were currently on a large, considerably well-maintained road.

This road led to the fourth largest city of the ex-Geihlficlant Empire, so many people came through it.

Embarra.s.singly enough, already, numerous horses and carriages had noticed Ferris, standing on top of her horse.

"... It really is a big city, huh?"

He said.

Then he looked in front of him again. He looked towards the destination of the road. Kiefer had said that they should be able to arrive by evening, and that didn"t seem to be false.

Already, the entrance of Sph.e.l.lilans--no, the entrance of the city that had become the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet could be seen.

As they"d been told by Kiefer along the way, it seemed that this city, for a long time in the Geihlficlant Empire, had been a site of heavy trading between the north and south, and so to have it stolen was likely a significant blow to the Geihlficlant Empire.

And sure enough, right now, there were carriages stacked with large burdens constantly pa.s.sing by on this road.

Though he didn"t know where those carriages came from,

"... Even though it was just captured, trading can resume so easily, huh?"

He muttered.

Then, after closing his eyes for a moment, he re-opened them.

In the center of his eyes, a tear shape of iridescent light arose, and with those eyes, he gazed at the entire street.

With those eyes, he saw the deployed Magic Knights of the town and the locations of their Rhule Fragmei.

Of course, he couldn"t see what kind of power they had if they weren"t being activated; however, throughout the entire town, several magic traps had been concealed and offensive spells had been prepared.

"Ah, so we really are preparing for war... Well, that"s how it is. After all, we still don"t know when Geihlficlant"s gonna try and take back this place..."

Regarding the carriages that seemed to move back and forth in a hurry,

"... They"re carriages under Vois"s patronage, right? Transporting military goods?"

Ryner said, as the pattern in his eyes vanished, looking at the carriages with his sleepy expression once more.

Then, Kiefer and Ferris caught up with him.

Maybe because of their smaller bodies, their bottoms didn"t protest as much, but they were sitting upright on their horses.

Ferris asked,

"What are you looking at?"

Ryner answered,

"The carriages."

Then Kiefer said,

"Vois-kun"s... the Anti-Roland Coalition"s carriages?"

"Looks like it. But, well, I didn"t think that with this amount of carriages, they could investigate each one by one..."

He began, but Kiefer interrupted him, saying,

"Back when Sph.e.l.liyet was a town of Geihlficlant, there were three times as many carriages, and they properly examined each and everyone of them, it seems?"

At such words, Ryner made an amazed face as he looked at her. And,

"Seriously? What a city, huh~?"

He said.

Kiefer laughed, and,

"You know, our previous home of Roland altogether is only a bit bigger than Sph.e.l.liyet—that"s how big this city is?"

"... Wait, what? This city is that huge?"


"And Vois managed to steal it?"

"Impressive, isn"t it?"

"No, calling it impressive..."

Well, in this situation, that wouldn"t have been possible without using Rhule Fragmei—thinking that, he again looked towards the city.

And he contemplated.

About how three times this many carriages would come through this city.

In other words,

"... Right now, in order to enter the city, there"s defnitely an inspection, right?"

Kiefer nodded.

"It seems so. Even though the soldiers and people of Sph.e.l.liyet surrendered, there"s still a chance that there might be a civil war."

"And if they could get in touch with Geihlficlant"s other cities, they"d come up with a plan to kill Vois?"

"Right, right,"

Kiefer said, nodding.

However, just then, Ferris looked towards Ryner and spoke.

"Perhaps it"d be a plan to kill you."

"Ah, right, I"m this country"s king, aren"t I? But then why would we be so sneaky about it?"

"Out of a guilty conscience?"

"Guilty about what?"

Again, she randomly blushed, and,

"Sneaking into a person"s tent in the middle of the night..."

To such things, Ryner asked,

"Even though you"ve mentioning that since this morning, what"s all this about a tent anyway?"

"This conversation."


"Anyhow, the point is that you"re a guilty person!"

While it made no sense, Ryner nodded at that.

"Well, there"s definitely something to feel guilty over. I mean, we"ve come to destroy all of the authority Vois"s built for himself all sneaky-like... Though Vois is definitely expecting us to do this... It"s gonna be tricky dealing with that guy"s pointlessly sharp head,"

He said, before looking once more at the town.

Already, he could begin to see the town"s large gate and several hundreds of armed soldiers.

The soldiers were dressed in a black uniform.

It was the uniform that Vois supplied to the Anti-Roland Coalition soldiers.

Looking at that,

"Ah, this really has become Vois"s country, huh?"

He muttered.

Furthermore, he could see that every carriage was being carefully inspected.

"Ahhh, it looks like it really won"t be easy getting into the town, doesn"t it?"


"Mm-hmm. But for someone who goes around sneaking into women"s rooms while in the nude, going uhuehue, isn"t this your strong suit?"

Ferris said such a thing.

In response, Ryner looked at Ferris with half-closed eyes.

"I"m too tired to even start with what"s wrong about tha..."

"Uhuehue~, by taking off my clothes, I"ve become invisible~"

"No, that"s why—"

"Kyaa, he"s suddenly become invisible, this perveeert!"


"That"s why you have to take off your clothes, Ryner. And then, like you"ve always done it, strike the town in the nude!"

Ferris said, raising both hands. She moved the horse in his direction.

Her eyes were earnest.

Though she was the sort of person who always acted serious about these things.

Like that, she moved to take off Ryner"s clothes.

"Haaaaaaaaa? Wait, you, this isn"t the time to screw around... Hey, Kiefer, tell her that now"s not the time for this..."

Ryner began, before suddenly stopping.

For some reason, Kiefer"s eyes were also cheerful as she raised both hands and moved to take off his clothes.


Ryner exclaimed.

At the same time he cried out, he noticed something strange.

It was a sign.

As they approached the city, he noticed several signs.

At that,

"Ah, wait, time out,"

Ryner said.

In response, while raising both hands,

"Uhuehuehue, miss, you can no longer escape—"

Though Ferris said that in her usual monotonous voice, Ryner pushed away her hands, and,

"No, no, look over there. At that sign."


"Yeah, yeah. Isn"t it about us?"

He said.

Ferris stopped her hands.

She looked at the sign.

After confirming that, Ryner also looked at the sign again.

On the first sign, this was what was written.

"In the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, everyone"s daily lives will not change. On the contrary, as such a significant merchant town, it"s been flourishing up until now. So relax, and please strive in your trading."

On the second sign, this was what was written.

""The People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet is a country where everyone works hard. Here, there is no such thing as social ident.i.ty. If you work hard, then the happiness of simply working hard is all that you need. Now, seize your own future with your own hands!"

The third—

"Presently, for those without work, the Fiurelle Group offers its services. The types of services vary. Depending on your talents, you can jump towards infinite possibilities."

There, Ryner grimaced.

"Hey, isn"t the Fiurelle Group the swindler group Vois had back in ex-Iyet? Well, when it comes to dubious things, that guy"s always been completely willi..."

He began to say, but stopped.

After all, when it came to dubious things, that guy wasn"t going to not do anything dubious again. In that case, he"d decide to go all out when it came to such things.

No, to begin with, the fact that this country was standing here now was dubious.


However, the signs continued.

Fourth sign.

"The People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet is protected by the Demon King that frightened even the Geihlficlant Empire and Gastark Empire into fleeing. So relax and spend each day of your life easily. As long as the Demon King protects us, no one will have to deal with war again."

Fifth sign.

"The Demon King is admired by both men and women, up until the Fiurelle Group. The Demon King Ryner Lute is peerless. He is able to respond to everyone"s requests, no matter how many. In bed, he is a challenge for everyone. Come on!"

"... I"m gonna kill him,"

Ryner said, groaning.

But at any rate, he also ignored this sign. After all, there was only one sign where it was clear from its cryptic message that it would mean nothing to anyone else.

Ryner looked at that sign.

There, this was what was written.

"This is a message for my underwear thief friend Ry~. Come to the official building of the central army. It"s our headquarters. As I"m a bit busy, I likely won"t be there when Ry-san arrives, so please wait there. As soon as I return, I"ll clear up various misunderstandings. Incidentally, I have no intention of fighting with you. The king is you. ♡ I am your manservant. ♡ Of course, though, if you wish to fight in bed, I accept your challenge! Aha. ♡ With that, back to bed~."

While staring at such a sign, Ryner scowled until he could scowl no further, before he spoke.

"... Geez, though what"s written there is a piece of s.h.i.t that makes a chill run down my spine... Ah, maybe it"s a message from Vois?"

As he said that, Ferris nodded with an unusually earnest face, and,

"... It can"t be that he"s introducing a tax system on dango... Ah, though it"s simple to see..."

"Wait, heeeey, are you looking at a different sign?"

"Hmm? Aren"t we talking about the sign to the left?"

"Huh? To the left?"

Ryner said, turning in that direction.

There, this sign was present.

"Ferris-saaaan, the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet will be adopting a tax system on dango. If you wish to overturn this, please convince Ry-san to join me."

Such a thing was written.

To that, Ferris spoke.

"Hey, Ryner. Become Vois"s ally."

"Haa? Geez, you"re so easily bribed... But whatever, none of this matters!"

Ryner said, again stopping that line of thought. Then he took in a deep breath, before letting out a sigh with a haa, and then,

"Y"know, lately we haven"t been having a lot of these stupid conversations, so it"s really wearing me out now."

As he said that, Ferris nodded in agreement.

"So then, you"ll become allies with Vois..."

"That"s not what I"m saying at all!"

"Mm. It couldn"t be that that place is the capital of dango, could it?"

"... Um..."

With exasperated eyes, Ryner looked at Ferris"s sparkling expression, and then looked at Kiefer to the side, who was smiling wryly.

She smiled his way, and,

"After fighting so many battles to get here, with so many dying, this is somehow really amusing,"

She said such a thing.

In response, Ryner spoke in a weary tone.

"But I"m tired."

"Are you?"


"But you look like you"re having fun?"

At such words, Ryner groaned, saying "Lieees."



Again, Ryner looked around at his surroundings.

He looked at the street where carriages, people, and horses pa.s.sed by in a hurry.

The faces of the people walking by weren"t dispirited.

Even though, as Vois conquered this place, he"d burned the neighbouring towns and villages to ash, the people"s faces weren"t dispirited.

At the very least, their faces were brighter than those of the people of the previous Roland, a long time ago.

Furthermore, due to the several idiotic signs standing, this place was strangely bright, giving the illusion of peace.

It was like, back when he and Ferris were travelling to various countries on Sion"s orders, the Iyet Republic.

Vois"s native country.

Operated by the Fiurelle Group, it"d been lacking in laws and rules, and yet was a strangely bright country full of idiots—this place gave off the same atmosphere.

No, it seemed that Vois had purposely made it that way.

A country untouched by the horrors of war, where working hard was your sole reward.

A country of commerce with no social cla.s.ses.

If that was the kind of country that Vois wanted to create, then there was no need to oppose him, but,

"But the path taken to get there was..."

Ryner murmured.

Though this country had been smoothed over with a bright surface, it was likely that within, flames of resentment and anger were smouldering.

At any rate, what with killing everyone in the surrounding towns and villages, Vois had forced this city to surrender.

Something like simply saying, "Yes, everyone, let"s work to create a bright future~" wasn"t going to happen in reality.

Well, right now, after an aggresive invasion, something like starting a revolt would be surprisingly gentle—though in spite of such things, the atmosphere was strangely bright...


However, Ryner then quit that line of thought.

And, he contemplated.

"... I really am naive, huh...?"

At the very least, the people and soldiers of Imperial Nelpha needed a place, and Vois had prepared that.

Though his means of doing so were forcible, Vois had said from the beginning that he would obtain the power to oppose Roland. And quickly, he"d established his foothold here.

And that"s the difference between him and me, Ryner thought.

All words and no talk, talking about how he"d save Sion, and if Sion had gone somewhere that his hand wouldn"t reach, then he"d stand beside him—that was difference between Vois and him, who said such things and yet still couldn"t move forward so easily.

"Well, though using my name to his heart"s content p.i.s.ses me off..."

While saying that, he looked around.

He looked at the faces of the people of the country that Vois had just established.

And regarding the slightly disappointed mood that came forth,

"... Well, if things are like this right now, then we don"t have to be in a rush. It seems like Vois isn"t here either,"

He said.

Of course, like this, there was no way they could do as Vois said.

"Now then, what should we do?"

At that, Kiefer spoke.

"Aren"t you going to do what was written on those giant signs that were there when we entered the city?"

However, with a suspicious face, Ryner said,

"No, let"s not. I don"t trust a single world that comes from Vois"s mouth. Right, Ferris?"

In response,

"Yeah. That"s correct. If the time comes when he won"t safeguard a tax system that favours dango..."

Saying such a thing, she withdrew part of her sword from its sheathe.

Ryner shrugged at that, and,

"No, dango"s not the point here... Seriously, there"s no guarantee that they"d just be, "Nothing"ll happen, go on through~" after we pa.s.s under the gates, right?"

He said, looking at the city gates.

Naturally, Vois knew of Ryner"s power. He knew of the power of Ryner"s eyes that, in the fight against Gastark, cancelled out Glouvil"s own.

And as it was likely that he wanted to make use of such power, he probably wasn"t going to openly a pick a fight with Ryner after witnessing it.

Then, as if she"d been thinking the same thing,


Kiefer called his name.

As he looked her way, she asked with some difficulty,

"That... power of yours."


"Is it okay if I ask a little about it?"

"Go ahead."

"That power of yours, um—Ryner, how many times..."

She began, but then Ryner shook his head.

"I won"t use it."

At that, Kiefer"s eyes widened. With a I don"t know how to ask this kind of face,

"Umm, do you not know how to use it?"

However, Ryner also shook his head at that.

"That"s not it."

"Then... Then, it"s because you don"t want to use a power that could kill so many..."

"That"s not it either,"

Ryner said, interrupting Kiefer.

"It"s simple: I won"t use it. I don"t have the strength left for that anymore,"

He said.

And that was the truth.

Already, he no longer had the strength needed to use that power.

Because he knew the truth.

Because he knew the price that he had to pay to use that power was too great.

It seemed that if he didn"t offer the life of someone important to him, he couldn"t use it.

And apparently that time, it"d been his mother.

That power had been born from giving up his mother"s life as a sacrifice.

And his mother died.

She would no longer come back again.

Though his father had told him that it wasn"t his fault,


Things that complicated weren"t solved so easily.

Though back then, he"d used his power without knowing, he knew now.

He knew that if he were to use his power, someone would lose their life.

He knew that furthermore, someone important to him would lose their life.

Knowing that, it wasn"t likely that he"d use this power again.

It was a power that slaughtered countless people to protect those he cared about.

At any rate, if he continued to use that power, the people around him would be no more...


Then, Ryner thought about the name of the monster within him.

Called the Solver of All Equations, he thought of the name of the demon.

That demon had introduced itself to Ryner.

It"d introduced itself as the Lonesome Demon.

Purely to save the Hero, a lonely demon that continously solved puzzles within the solit.i.tude of eternity—that was what it said.

Ryner narrowed his eyes at that, and,

"Lonely... huh? In other words, in order to save the Hero, it"d sacrifices the lives of all its friends?"

He thought about such a thing.

Though he still didn"t know about what kind of being the demon inside his head was or what it was thinking, he knew that he shouldn"t keep on using its power.

It was a power that was far too strong.

It was an aberrant power.

Furthermore, it was a power that would steal away the things important to Ryner.

It was fine if he died. It was fine if he were hurt. But if he couldn"t use his power without sacrificing others, then he wouldn"t use it.

That was why,

"... I won"t use that power anymore,"

Ryner said.

Kiefer seemed strangely happy at that, and,

"I"m glad,"

She said such a thing.

In response, Ryner looked at her face.

"You"re glad? But without that power..."

He began, but she interrupted him.

"It"s fine if you don"t use that kind of power. That kind of power will only bring about suffering."


"If you couldn"t live without using that power, then the reasons why you"d absolutely have to have it would increase. If it"s an unnecessary power, then it"s fine not to use it. That"s what I think,"

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She said such things.

In response, Ryner stared at Kiefer, and,

"... Are those the words of Glouvil"s wielder, Riphal Edea?"

He was about to ask, but he stopped.

After all, he already understand what was going on with Gastark"s king—Riphal Edea.

Rather, he saw with these eyes.

Gastark"s king offering up a part of his body as compensation for activating that power to a girl with peach-coloured hair, who"d appeared from the mouth of that serpent—Ryner saw.

Already, Riphal Edea had sacrificed his eye, leg, and sense of smell to that serpent monster that danced through the sky.

Despite that, he continued to offer up more sacrifices.

In that battle, he"d presented his sense of touch.

It"d truly been done so easily.

The serpent that danced in the sky devoured Riphal"s sense of touch, and in return, lent its power to him.

It lent its ma.s.sive power.

However, the price of that was that he would no longer be able to come into contact with others.

He would no longer be able to feel another person"s warmth.

Even if he were to be kindly embraced by another, he would no longer be able to feel anything.


That was a hefty price.

Like that, even if he were to rule over the world, there would be no meaning, Ryner thought.

So surely, his wish wasn"t to become king.

It couldn"t be about satisfying his own desires.

What his true wish was, Ryner didn"t know. However, at the very least, the king of that country was sacrificing himself in order to advance forward.

Without depending on others, offering his own body as compensation, and while crying, he advanced foward.

Ryner knew just that.

And it was likely that Sion was the same.

No, the reality was that Sion cried.

The day of last time they"d met.

Although rain was pouring heavily and so it could"ve been that streaming down his face, he was crying.

While crying, he tried to kill Ryner.

He said that he would end it all there.

He said that he was sorry for not keeping his promise.


Whatever it was that Riphal was burdened with, Ryner didn"t know.

Seeing as how Sion, the idiot, didn"t talk about his own problems at all either, Ryner knew absolutely nothing.



Ryner looked at his own palms.

He looked at his palms that"d killed over a million people.

Why he had such a power, he didn"t know.

Despite that, he"d obtained that power.

He"d obtained a power that could break the world at the cost of those he cared about.

To say it plainly, he"d obtained the worst sort of power where it would be better if nothing happened.

And the first time one gained such a power, surely they would use it.

Sion cried over it.

Riphal cried over it.

And me as well.


He unfolded the right arm he received from his father, and then refolded it. As he vowed never to use that power a second time, he clenched his hand into a tight fist.


"... Well, although I say that, I can"t trust Vois. At the very least, within the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, until I"m above Vois, I don"t have much of a say in things."

Kiefer nodded at that.

"Right. I understand."

Continuing from there, Ferris said,

"Hey, Ryner, if you"ve decided that, then hurry up and enter the city already."

To such a random thing that didn"t follow any chain of reasoning, as far as Ryner could tell,

"Haa? Decided what?"

Ryner asked, to which Ferris made the sort of expression that said that it should be obvious and spoke.

"Enforcing a tax system that favours dango in this country—your decision about that."

"Your point is?"

"Have there be a shop that produces delicious dango."


"How about a dango shop that closes late at night? If you have no complaints, then hurry it up,"

She said, and for some reason, withdrew part of her sword. Then, she slapped the bottom of Ryner"s horse. As a result, Ryner"s horse again let out a neigh before galloping forward.

"I told you, it hurts like h.e.l.l when it runs..."

Ryner groaned, but this time, he didn"t stop the horse.

After all, either way, he had to enter the city. Unless Vois"s message was a lie, it seemed that Vois wasn"t in the city right now.

In that case,

"If we get in quickly, then let"s do a bit of undercover work before Vois returns."

Then, following behind him,

"That"s my strong suit,"

Kiefer said such a thing.


Ryner asked, to which she cheerfully replied,

"Undercover work comes with being a spy, doesn"t it?"

"Ah~, right, Kiefer, you"ve had experience with infiltration stuff, huh?"

"That"s right. On top of that, it"ll be for Ryner"s sake. Though, up until now, I"ve always been working hard for groups I didn"t care for, I"ll now be working for someone I do care for. Just from that alone, I feel like I can really do this."

For some reason, she spoke in a truly happy voice.

In response.


Ryner looked at her face.

Having received such courtesy from her in such a straightforward manner, he looked at her face.

She looked a bit embarra.s.sed. As if waiting for his reaction, she had that sort of expression.

And regarding that, what would be the appropriate reaction, he again didn"t know. He"d always adopted a manner in which he could pretend that he didn"t hear and that he didn"t notice.


But regarding what was the best thing to do right now, he thought a bit about his father—or whoever he was.


Love, was it?

Somehow, though he"d always felt lonely and that he couldn"t come into contact with others, even if now one said suddenly that he was making contact and whatnot,


Ryner said alone, at which Kiefer shook her head, and,


"No, kindly ignore me."

"What"s with the formality?"

"Ah, um? Ah~, just ignore me, okay?"

"Ahaha, you haven"t changed."

"Pretty much, right?"



Ryner said. Then, surpa.s.sing him from behind with great force, Ferris spoke.

"Mm-hmm. You never change."

In response, Ryner looked at her, and,

"I don"t wanna hear that from you."

"Perverts don"t change."

"Yes, yes."

"By the way, Ryner."

"Don"t change the topic."

"Do you have any money to buy dango with?"

"Why do you have to use my money?"

"It"s been decided by the law that the one who always goes into debt from buying dango is you, hasn"t it?"

To such words, Ryner reminisced.

Of when he went around to different countries with a certain blonde-haired woman.

Of when he returned to Roland afterwards.

Though, in this scene, she was always selfishly using his name to take out loans and he was forced to suffer for her dango habits—

Regarding that, Ryner spoke.

"Ah, but in this country, I"m the almighty king, so I can skip on my bills as much as I like, right?"

Ferris made a surprised face and then pointed at him.


At such a gesture,

"Don"t say that it"s perfect. Honestly, what do you think will happen to the reputation of a king who skips on his bills?"

While saying that, Kiefer took out a purse from her pocket. From inside her purse, she took out a number of slips of paper and held them out.

"Here you go. It"s Geihlficlant"s currency. As the country is still being established, I don"t think the currency has changed yet. So hold onto this."

As Ryner took the money, he spoke.

"For some reason, Kiefer, you"re really prepared for everything, aren"t you?"

She laughed cheerfully with a fufufu.

"I was praised by Ryner. ♡"

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He nodded in response, and,

"Y"know, Ferris. This is the difference between her and a woman addicted to dango like you, huh?"

He said, to which the aforementioned dango-addicted woman replied,

"It"s the difference between her and a man addicted to being a good-for-nothing, huh?"


"So, that money is mine."

"Don"t say that so easily with such a serious look."

"I look only as serious as my words."

"Heh—oh, is that so? Well, then, um, Kiefer, hey..."

Ryner said, but before he could ask, Kiefer laughed. Taking out some more money from her purse,

"I prepared enough for three people."

"Reall? Then here, Ferris,"

Ryner said, handing the notes over to Ferris.

Then again, he took some money from Kiefer.

"Somehow, it feels kinda like I"m receiving my allowance or something."

As he said that, Ferris pressed her hands against her cheeks in a troubled manner and spoke. For some reason, with a slightly languid expression,

"I"m just a son who doesn"t do any work at all, after all. Even though I"m already forty..."

"All right, so let"s hurry up and enter the city..."

"Don"t ignore me."

"Um, then let"s get on with finding the headquarters, or at an inn, regarding the city"s circ.u.mstances..."

"I said, don"t ignore me!"

Ferris again exclaimed. Furthermore, though he hadn"t heard it in a while, he then heard a familiar sound that he"d grown to hate, and,


Ryner said.

He felt something hit his head—the blunt edge of a sword, wasn"t it? It had to be the blunt edge of Ferris"s sword!

And as that sword struck his head with all its might,


He let out a cry, falling from his horse.

Like that, he tumbled down onto the ground, collapsing before the city gates.

The guards keeping a watch over the gate made shocked expressions, and though in that moment, he thought that he was going to be apprehended for certain,

"A-Are you all right!?"

For some reason, they sounded concerned.

At that, not moving an inch from where he was lying on the ground, Ryner replied.

"No, I"m not."

However, in response, Ferris, sitting on her horse, spoke.

"No, he"s a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t who enjoys this."

With surprised faces,

"I-Is that how it is?"

The soldiers said such a thing, to which she nodded.

"Just now, this pervert yelled, "If somebody doesn"t hit me right now, I"m gonna kill myself!" and so I grudgingly hit him."

"Uh, I see?"

Listening to such a conversation, Ryner looked up from the ground with half-closed eyes, and said,

"I swear I"m gonna kill you?"

"Then try it."

"Though how should I put it... this kind of thing really takes me way back."

At that, Ferris spoke.

Without looking at him, as if she were completely ignoring him,

"Mm-hmm. It"s a little fun, isn"t it?"

She said such a thing.

In response, Ryner looked up at Ferris.

Come to think of it, up until now, they"d been so preoccupied with the war, she"d been surprisingly docile; however, perhaps she"d been purposely holding herself back because of their situation.

He smiled wryly at that.

"It"s fun, huh?"

He retorted, to which she nodded with surprising honesty.


"But now I"m hurt, y"know."

"You"re the one who said that there would be problems if I didn"t hit you."

"Haa~? When did I ever... well, if you"re having fun, then I guess it"s fine,"

He said, getting to his feet.

And again, the soldiers asked,

"Are you really all right?"

Ryner nodded at the question.

"I"ve gotten used to it."

"Eh, you"ve gotten used to it...? A-Ahhh~, i-is that how it is?"

"Huh? Wait, wait, wait, I think you guys are getting the wrong idea here..."

"No, no, don"t worry. There are all sorts of people here... so please relax. Here in the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, we"re open-minded..."

"You have the wrong ideaaaaaaaa! Um, uh, well, I guess there"s no point in trying to correct things, huh?"

Ryner groaned, at which point Kiefer, who"d apparently disembarked at some point, spoke in a quiet voice.

"What should we do? Do we give our names and enter? Or should we hide..."

She began, but then one of the soldiers—

"We"ve been waiting for you, Your Majesty."

They said such a thing.

Moreover, the voice was familiar.

It was a sharp, female voice.

The woman emerged before Ryner.

Long black hair, navy blue eyes. A tall, slender body dressed in a combat uniform.

If he recalled correctly, this woman was Vois"s close aide, named Harmit.

She spoke.

"Everyone, this is the one who drove away Gastark"s soldiers, Ryner Lute-sama. Please treat him with respect,"

She said.

From that alone, all of the soldiers tensed at once. And in a fitting voice, they asked,

"That"s him?"

"Certainly, the rumours said that he was a pervert."

"Though Vois-sama did call the Demon King the world"s number one pervert, that"s the genuine article."

Ignoring them, Ryner turned towards Harmit. And he spoke.

"Ryner Lute-sama? Even though you don"t mean that."

She replied,

"I was told by Vois-sama to treat you as a king."

"Heh. As a king, huh? Even though the true king is Vois?"

"The king is you."

"... Ha. Well, it"s fine. We"ve come here to talk with Vois."

Then he looked over his shoulder and spoke to Kiefer and Ferris.

"Seems like we"ve already been exposed."

While smiling wryly,

"It couldn"t be helped,"

Kiefer said.

Though the fact that it couldn"t be helped was entirely the fault of Ferris. .h.i.tting him,

"It"s all because of your stupidity that the plan failed,"

As usual, Ferris dared to utter such a thing.

In response, while making an astounded face,

"I guess so,"

Ryner said, letting out a sigh.

And again he turned towards Harmit.


He asked.

She smiled, and,

"Allow us to welcome Your Majesty to the throne room."

Saying that, she turned on her heel.

It seemed that she wanted him to follow.

Opening the city gates, she went inside.

At that, while following her, Ryner said,

"Throne room, huh? So is that where I"m gonna be confined?"

Without looking over her shoulder,

"How amusing,"

Harmit said.

In response, after looking behind him to make sure that Ferris and Kiefer were following as well, he questioned further.

"So, according to the signs that we read, Vois isn"t here right now?"


"Where is he?"


"You don"t know?"


"Or is it that you"re not allowed to tell me..."

He began, but Harmit shook her head.

"I simply don"t know. If you wish to know, then I shall investigate."

However, Ryner waved a hand at that.

"It"s fine. I mean, even if I asked, I"ve got no way of knowing whether or not you"re telling the truth. But it looks like Vois really isn"t here,"

Ryner said, while looking around at the city.

Again, the city"s situation was slightly different from Roland"s. Firstly, the roads here were wider than Roland"s. The liveliness of the number of people here was also different.

Furthermore, within the streets, there were a great deal of signs.

They seemed to be related to the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet"s trade, and then about political objectives.

"... All of them are political objectives that I, the mighty, so-called king, know nothing about, huh?"

He said sarcastically, to which Harmit looked over her shoulder with an apologetic expression, and,

"That"s on account of it being an abnormal period right now—from now on, I believe that Your Majesty shall also partic.i.p.ate in the politics."

"Is that what Vois said?"


"Did he give you orders along the lines of putting me in a good mood?"

Harmit smiled at that, and,


She said easily.

Ryner smiled back.

"Ah, just as I thought. Well, since you answered so honestly, I am in a good mood. Then, you can drop the formalities now, got it?"

"All right, though it doesn"t matter."

"Then, is there something else you wanna talk to me about that doesn"t involve sucking up to me?"

However, she shook her head.


"Nothing at all?"

"Nothing at all. Until Vois-sama returns, I was to act as Your Majesty"s a.s.sistance—as those were my only orders, I have nothing else to say to Your Majesty,"

She said.

And she pointed ahead. In front of them was a sole, still carriage.

"Now, head inside that carriage. It shall guide you to the headquarters."

Saying only that, she again began to silently move ahead.

Staring at her back,

"... Geez, you wouldn"t expect a subordinate Vois"s to be so diligent. Well, but that Relca girl was like that too,"

Ryner muttered.

Once more, he looked at his surroundings.

At the streets.

Where Ferris stood.

Where Kiefer stood.

And then, at the soldiers around them.

Looking at that,

"If it"s us, escaping would be easy, wouldn"t it?"

Ryner said, to which Ferris replied,

"Yeah. Are we going to?"

But Ryner shook his head.

"Even though Vois knows just how strong we are, he only put up this degree of defence around us. In other words, he"s not trying to keep us here using brute force. In that case, he might actually want to talk things over with us to decide how this country will be run."

Kiefer nodded at that.

"Vois-kun saw that power of yours, Ryner... maybe, right now, when it comes to leadership..."

"It"ll be in our hands?"


"Then, it looks like I can"t talk about not wanting to use that power anymore, if I wanna be able to get a hold of any authority in this country,"

Ryner said, again looking around him.

He looked at the soldiers who were obviously once part of the Anti-Roland Coalition who adored Vois.

He couldn"t think of a simple way to get those guys to direct their loyalty towards him instead.

It would be the same for the people dwelling here. Regarding the former people of Geihlficlant, if Ryner were to suddenly shout, "I"m the king!" then there was no way they would follow him, just like that.

"... I just don"t have the same charismatic aura as Sion. I mean, that"s how he became Roland"s precious king so easily, isn"t it?"

He said, now surprised.

But that guy had worked as hard as he could.

And that was why, Ryner, who"d drifted by each day, had grown so far apart from him.

That"s how it"s ended up like this. From now on, it"s my turn to work hard.

"... But what should I be working hard on? Practice smiling like a seemingly good person?"

While saying such idiotic things, he stepped into the carriage.

Ferris and Kiefer followed suit.

Then Harmit gave the orders to the coachman.

"To the central army residence."

With that, the carriage began to move.

In a slightly different location.

Central continent, eastern edge.

n.o.body could discover that place, due to the barrier that stretched around it. However,

"Hey, I"ve come."

That man easily appeared.

At that, Ene raised her head.

But her eyes were unable to reflect reality.

Because she"d used too much of her power.

Because she"d used too much of her power to see the future, she lost her ability to see reality.

Nevertheless, she knew what kind of figure the man who"d appeared before her had.

She"d already seen it.

She"d seen the scenery of the future.

Beautiful golden hair, a seemingly sleepy face that closely resembled Ryner"s.

With eyes that reflected nothing and a tired voice, she turned towards him and spoke.


The man replied,

"Yes. You"re the Torch Curse bearer?"

She nodded.

"That"s right. Ene Lune."

"Ene... Ene-chan? My, I never expected the mastermind behind the Cursed Eye bearers to be a pretty little girl. I only knew that you were female."

At such words, Ene smiled.

"My appearance belies my age."

"Ah, if I remember correctly, with the Torch Curse, each time you use your power, your body dies, right? Your growth stops, and you become blind."


"With your ability to see the future, you can"t avoid the G.o.ddesses that are taboo, right? That backlash is amazing. Is it painful?"

He asked, to which Ene replied,

"Because the likes of you are not touched by such taboo."


"Isn"t it painful for you?"

"Perish the thought."

"Don"t lie. I see you, always crying..."

However, Lieral interrupted her.

"As long as I can save my son, it doesn"t matter what happens to me."

"Is that so?"


"You love him, don"t you?"

"Of course."

"Even at the cost of the world?"

"Is that a problem?"

At that, Ene shook her head.

"Though I am no longer able to conceive... Surely, if I had children, I would feel the same way as you."

"Thank you kindly for your understanding... but you"re my enemy, are"t you? You ordered that Iino Doue—Tiir-kun to kill me."

Ene nodded at that.

"Yes, that"s right."

"Why did you do that? Do you see me as a hindrance?"

At that question, though, she simply smiled sadly, and,

"... For whatever reason, the current plot of this world is terrible, isn"t it?"

In return, she asked that.

To that, Lieral easily replied,

"Because no one else sees us."


"We cry, we shout, but no one hears... The world"s cruelty knows no limits."

"Is that why you went against it?"


"You"re a celebrity now. Within the world, eyes are on you. Even the G.o.ddesses, Demon, and Priests fear you."

"Is that right?"

"It is."

"Well, that"s because I deceived them all. Then, do you fear me as well? Is that why you tried to kill me?"

Lieral asked; however, Ene shook her head at that as well.

"I pity you."

"Heh, and why is that?"

"Because you"ve been deceived."

In that instant, she felt the air of the man before her change. Though he"d been serene earlier, his air changed to that of a sharp blade.

Lieral spoke.





"... Where did I make a mistake...?"

"You were mistaken from the beginning. That..."

"That"s not what I"m asking."

Lieral raised his voice slightly.

At that, Ene"s expression saddened.

While pitying this man who desperately devoted his life for the sole purpose of protecting his son,

"I tried to protect Ryner from you. You"re hurting him."


"You shouldn"t have met with Ryner. You"re bound by a curse. One with the purpose of destroying him. Though should you die, the curse will be undone... that won"t be enough,"

She said.

Then she raised her face. As one who saw the future, she raised her face.

And she spoke.

"There exists a mastermind behind your back. They let you wander freely. They protected you. And they"ve obtained what they desired. You... you and your wife are pitiable, you know. Even though you did all you could, in the end you hurt your son."

Lieral didn"t respond to such words.

He seemed to be thinking hard over something.

"... Curse... a curse? A curse inside of me to hurt Ryner? But who in the world...?"

There, he asked her,

"The Hero?"


"The G.o.ddesses?"


"The Priests?"

He began, but Ene shook her head.

And she replied,

"A sole monster who wishes to kill them all. He"s the same as you, entirely. A sole being that touched the cogwheels of fate that Humans and G.o.ds should never touch, and is a screw that"s lost its place."


"Your son—Ryner, they let him be born as an Alpha Stigma bearer. From the beginning, they were making use of your superior ability..."

"Wha—impossible. That can"t... that can"t be—then Ryner and Iruna, because of me..."

"It"s not your fault—though even if I say that, you"ll surely blame yourself. That"s why I"ve been wondering. Why things are like this, why the world is so cruel—I"ve always been wondering."


"No one else sees us? Perhaps that"s true. If there was someone who was watching this, pulling at the strings, then we should head there immediately and kill them. After all, it"s too despicable of a hobby, isn"t it?"

Then, Lieral spoke.

"This person manipulating me—who in the world are they?"

"If I tell you their name, what will you do?"

"I"ll go and kill them."

"That"s impossible for you."

"How so?"

At that, Ene again smiled pityingly.

"Though I can"t see your expression right now... you shouldn"t make that kind of face. That"s why I tried to have you killed as soon as possible. To kill you while you didn"t know the truth."

"Hurry up and tell me..."

However, interrupting him, Ene spoke.

"I"ll tell you. But there"s nothing you can do on your own. Let"s work together. To you and to me, Ryner"s a very important person. That"s why..."

"Hurry up and tell me their name,"

Lieral said. And his hands grabbed Ene"s neck.

At this, she—

"If you go, you"ll die. I"ve already seen this outcome."

"Heh, is that right? But you also saw the outcome where Tiir killed me, didn"t you? Surprisingly, your eyes were off."

"... They weren"t. As long as I tamper with it as little as possible, the future I see doesn"t change."

"Well then, you tampered this time? As it seems that I wasn"t killed by Tiir-kun..."

"No. I didn"t nothing. And as for being killed by Tiir, that will happen afterwards. I want to change that. If you leave now by yourself, you will be killed."

"By Tiir-kun?"

"Tiir is also being manipulated. But I want to prevent that. Just a bit, just a bit more of my time… "

"... Useless,"

Lieral said. Now, though, he sounded as if he were about to cry.

"Honestly, as I don"t believe in anyone, I refuse to listen to your words. That I was manipulated... because of me... because of me, Iruna was... what happened to Ryner, and whatnot? In that case, in that case, I..."

"... That"s enough. I"ll tell you their name. But don"t go alone. Together..."


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"In that case, please kill me. I’ll die soon either way. If I"m killed here by your hands, then that was to be my fate. If my life can save you, then…"


"Now, please kill me."


However, Lieral"s hands didn"t tighten around Ene"s neck.

He merely shook feebly.

Ene smiled sadly at that. Her hand reached out and touched his hair. Stroking that soft hair,

"… It’s all right. We’ll do something about this,"

She said.

"Even though Ryner has ended up like this, even in his solitude, he has your blood flowing through him."

At that, with a parched voice, Lieral let out a laugh.


"… My bad, I lost control of myself. Now, what was that? Because of me, my son is cursed?"

Ene smiled at that.

Because she could feel the future in her sight change in that moment.

Because she felt the future that she saw before being effortlessly changed, as it began to fade.

But nevertheless, the curse on Ryner didn"t disappear.

The plot drawn by the monster whose thirst for endless despair didn"t change.

The curse laid on Ryner—

The curse wasn"t considerable.

It wasn"t something that needed to be worried about on an everyday basis—it was trivial.

Lieral asked,

"What in the world did I do to Ryner?"

And to that, Ene responded,

"Only an instant. In only an instant, Ryner’s eyes were cursed…"

However, then, she opened her eyes wide. In her sight was the scenery of the future, as it began to unfold.

Lieral"s future changed, and a new one was laid in its place.

To turn towards that future, she opened her eyes.

She opened them wide.

In their center, a strange pattern arose. Like a bird about to take flight, a vermillion design.

And as she offered more of her life as payment, she saw the future.

In return for sacrificing her own, she was able to see the future.

And reflected in her eyes was—

Three days after Ryner and co. had entered the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, Vois still hadn"t returned.

During that entire time, Ryner had been lying in bed in the room prepared specifically for him, clutching his pillow and reading over doc.u.ments.

In them, talk of which direction this country was going to head in and things about politics and laws were written down, as immediately after Vois returned, Ryner wanted to be able to partic.i.p.ate in guiding this country—so this was preparation for that.

While reading those papers,

"... Some~how, it"s like the work I did with Sion,"

Ryner muttered such a thing.

Reorganizing the Roland Empire that had always been toyed around by the n.o.bles, the two of them frantically worked on paperwork day after day.

Day after day of "There"s way too much paperwork—are you trying to kill me!?"

Reminiscing slightly over that,

"... Don"t tell me that once we get this country up and running, I"m gonna have to go through that all over again? That"s a joke, right?"

He said, grimacing.

Of course, that wasn"t a joke, since as a new country being established, there were several things to be decided on.

He continued reading the doc.u.ments with an exasperated air.

The country that Vois and co. had established was better than he thought.

At the very least, it couldn"t compare to the previous Roland. If it were possible, it"d be nice if it could become the place that he and Sion had dreamed of creating.

"Well, you can pursue as many ideals as you want if they"re only on paper... but—"

Nevertheless, if he tried, then it"d be fine even if he could help Vois, he thought.

Of course, if it was Vois, then what was written on these papers was mostly a bunch of lies to Ryner.

"... But still, it seems Geihlficlant is famous for its decent politics, so there"s no way the people would follow under a half-a.s.sed reign, huh? Geez, things are gonna get pretty busy from here..."

While muttering such things, Ryner turned over the doc.u.ments.

Furthermore, this country had ama.s.sed more than just the people and soldiers of Geihlficlant, with the people and soldiers of Nelpha, and on top of that, the soldiers of the Anti-Roland Coalition, which was formed of people from various countries.

With that kind of diverse collection, treating everyone equally, flourishing—those sorts of things would likely be difficult work.

That alone would take several years.

However, they didn"t have the time to develop so slowly.

Right now, the Geihlficlant Empire had been divided into the north and south, which were expanding at a greater rate than the People"s Republic of Sph.e.l.liyet, and on top of that, Gastark and Roland were also likely to invade.

Out of the three countries in the west side, there was the Ertolia Republic and Remrus Empire.

There was the possibility that those two countries would send in troops to attack the territory of the fallen Geihlficlant Empire.

That must be why Vois was currently skipping around, desperately trying to control the flow of information.

"So, we"re seriously doing this? This is gonna suck so much, isn"t it?"

He said, again groaning as he read through the doc.u.ments detailing those kinds of complicated matters. Then he tossed those papers to the side. He buried his face into the pillow. At that point, his stomach began to growl.

"Whoa, I"m starving... but the bed is so comfy, I don"t wanna get up,"

He said such idiotic things.

Incidentally, during these last three days that he"d spent in his room, he"d been reading doc.u.ments and books this entire time.

If he were to fight with Vois for leadership, he couldn"t afford to know nothing about this city and country, and so he"d been frantically gathering information.

First were the texts on region investigations, politics, and the situation of the people that Kiefer had borrowed from the library.

Next were the textbooks on Geihlficlant"s magic compendium.

Last was the pile of papers Vois had prepared.

"... I"m so tiiiiiiiired—geez, even though I don"t have Sion here, forcing me to pull all-nighters, I"m still doing th