Dare ga Otome Geemu Dato Itta!

Chapter 15

This chapter is unedited.


[Ah! ….Kuh…tsk…. umn…]

At the next moment, the heat increases as it explodes before my eyes.

Pulling the undergarment lightly, the wet tip quickly emerges.

[Nicole, can you take off Noe"s underwear?]


Nicole wipes his mouth that"s been wet with saliva with his hand and moves over to my side to follow my request.

Nicoles skillfully folded the removed underwear and put it aside, then he moved on Noe"s side and moved his face closer to his chest.

[Haah……ha……ah, Nicole, wait……Don"t suck it.]

[*Chuu, chuu*] (TN: sucking noises)

Ignoring Noe"s protests, Nicole sucks on his chest.

Because I"ve been diffusing his Mana this whole time, his whole bpdy should be really sensitive right now.

Even if he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.es, he will not completely escape from the pleasure that has spread and will stay on his body for a while.

That"s why it did not take long for Noe"s center part to harden again.

[It has become totally sensitive, though it"s only during the treatment.]

[Nhaah…. haa… ah, aah![

Noe seems to want to say something as he opens his mouth but all that came out were moans and pants.

He occasionally shakes his head trying to gain back his reason.

[Hey, Noe? Can I try this here, too?]

I picked up the underwear and revealed it as I poke the hole with my finger.

[Eh……ahh……You can"t.]

[This part of you has been twitching a lot as if asking to be touched, you know?]

[Aah, then should I give it to you?]

Now that he mentions it, I do remember Nicole putting it in some day before.

I"ve become tolerant on such things because of that.

Since there"s something like a prostate gland, you"d end up wanting to use it, right?

First of all, it"s the fault of my previous life"s knowledge which is too rich. After living for so long, will this become a normal thing?

[How about trying to release the mana with my finger inside?]

[Yaah……Don"t, at this rate, I won"t be able to…… turn, back……!]

[You"re h.o.r.n.y enough as you are even now, though.]

Where are you going back to at this time?

I met eyes with Noe and slowly gave him a smile.


[……gh……Sheryl, -kungh……Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!]

I made the controlled mana explore his hole.

Is it around here? When I hit it with Mana, Noe opened his eyes widely.

His tears flowed and his saliva dripped down from his opened mouth.

[This… looks amazing, doesn"t it?]

[Should I also do the same to Nicole, then?]

Wondering if he"s hesitating, Nicole met my eyes full of reliance.

Whenever Noe"s operation is finished, I also give Nicole who has always helped by transferring Mana as a reward, but has Nicole never tried his experimenting with prostate before?

Noe rocked the chair with a creaking noise.

[No, no……Sheryl-kun, ngh, stop it! Please.]

[Why? Don"t you feel good?]

[My body……ugh……feels, good, because it feels too good.]

Noe shouts with his disordered hair.

[Then isn"t that good.]

[Sto! ……ack, aaaah!]

i kept the Mana moving with a smile.

The heat that has once again acted up without direct stimulation spilled in Noe"s stomach.

While watching at Noe convulsing continuously, I wondered just how many time will he be able c.u.m today. Is what I think.

Should I give him a little break.

[Nicole, should we give Noe a little rest?]

[….Yes, please.]

[Then Nicole, stand by the wall and turn your a.s.s to me.]

Nicole turned around just as I said and face his back against me.

I had a little thought, so I talked to Now who has cleared his mind.

[Noe, there"s something I want you to try if the symptoms flares up on the spot.]

[What is it?]

On Noe"s refreshed appearance, there are no traces of the tears and saliva dripping just a while ago.

Unnoticed, the both of them have their head on my lap while they"re sitting on the floor.

They look like  black and white dogs being stuck to me.

My hand reflexively moved to pat both of their heads.

[s.e.m.e.n contains a lot of mana originally, doesn"t it?]

[Is that true?]

[Oh, I see that you don"t know. It includes that but, I wondered whether it has an effect on the Dreaming Illness. I want you to not m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e for a week to see what happens and then m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.e for a week to see what the result is.]

[….and then I will finally be made to c.u.m by Sheryl-kun, huh.]

[I have no such intentions, you know.]

Even right now is like in the middle of treatment.

[That"s because I can not try this on my own.]

Is it because I"ve been fighting the illness for so long, my s.e.xual desires have fallen.

During the treatment, the tension also rises and it"s fun, but I myself feels bland or something…

Unlike Nicole, I do not get hard when I see Noe during treatment.

[Sheryl-kun, you know you"re well versed in it, right?]

[Aah, that"s… yeah.]

When I wake up sometimes, I"m having a wet dreams even though it"s just a little bit.

It"s not that I saw lewd scenes in my dream, it"s because I"ve pent up too much that it comes out on its own from time to time.

That"s why it would be better if he m.a.s.t.u.r.b.a.t.es, but it"s not gonna happen without the motivation.

[Should I help you?]


I was about to say the same to Nicole but, I"m slightly hesitant.

[I wonder if I should ask you again next time.]

[So you say but weren"t you being stretched just a while ago?]

[Well, the flow wouldn"t have continued if I stopped it after all. If you plan on going, I"ll give you a hand.]

[If that"s so then Sheryl-sama won"t be good at all.]

I understand it very well.

There"s also the talk of it being fine even if they do it separately.

[Then, at the time of the next treatment… No, after that?]

[Next time, is it? Then three days from now.]

Nicole spoke to the hesitant me with certainty.

[Isn"t it too early to decide?]

[Since I will serve him well, please don"t worry, Sheryl-sama.]

[You saying that means you"re also feeling good and having fun…]

[That is of course.]

[A direct answer without hesitation?!]

Besides, Nicole does not hold back at all when it comes to s.e.x.

[Ah, I"ll do my best, too!]

[Yes, please.]

A short while after that, I stroked both of their heads while thinking that I"ve earned an additional dog.

The school campus in the early morning is deserted so the air surrounding it is very quiet.

The cold air entering my lungs feels good, though…


[Huh, Sheryl-kun, you didn"t get enough sleep?]

[Yeah… I got too engrossed on my research…]

[Nicole-san did not stop you?]

[That"s because Nicole has been helping me out as well.]

[Now that you mention it, Nicole-san was a graduate from here? He looks smart after all.]

Yeah, well, there have been a lot of interesting things. In various ways.

But since it"s a topic definitely can"t tell Welmina, I mentally wipe my imaginary tears.

[When  .]

[Aah, you sure highly value my face, don"t you. Even my brother"s surroundings are like that.]

[You must mean Dustin-sama and Dennis-sama! In the high school division, they are called the strong trio in addition to Jule-sama.]

[Is that so?]

[That"s right. Didn"t you hear about the fighting tournament from Jule-sama?]

[It"s because I can"t talk about it at home.]

He was probably being careful towards me who was unable to use magic.