Dare ga Otome Geemu Dato Itta!

Chapter 53

Translator: OkubyouKun

Editor        : Fluffthoughts



Seeing him moving his hips while wanting me, I know that the side effect of the treatment has appeared.

Apart from being in bed, I wonder just where on earth is he getting all this power from because Rafael isn’t budging with just my strength.

[Please pardon me.]


Just when I thought heard Nicole’s voice, the pressure disappeared.

As soon as I got up, it’s Nicole who is now pinning Rafael down.

[Your Highness, please get yourself together.]

[What, was I…. doing….]

Have the symptoms receded a little? But his body should still be in a sore and painful state.

[Nicole, don’t use too much force….]

[I understand. What do you want to do? I think it’s hard for him not to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e.]

e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e, that word got stuck inside my thoughts for a moment.

Calm down, we’re still in the middle of the treatment.

[I’ll let him release it. Rafael, bear with it for a bit.]

[Sheryl? This is?]

His consciousness has probably cleared, Rafael seems to be confused about his situation.

I concentrate on controlling Mana.

I move the Mana from Rafael’s t.e.s.t.i.c.l.es to his rod….

[Ah, ah…. wha? Ugh, u….!]

Without taking much time, Rafael’s body under Nicole shuddered.

I talked to Bellom-sensei indifferently, trying to be as unconcerned as I can.

[Bellom-sensei, a change of clothes, please.]

[Y, yeah…. I will have it prepared.

With this, have we finished the first stage?

That’s what I thought my whole body suddenly lost its strength.


[So, sleepy….]

Since I’m already on top of the bed, there shouldn’t be any problem, right?

And I fell on my back just like that.


I’ve already seen this coming.

I’m currently in front of Rafael, being preached at by him.

[Please explain to me what’s happening.]

[Uhmm, I controlled the Mana..]

[You can skip that part, I already had Bellom-sensei explain it to me. The problem is the side effect. What would you do if you do such a thing and get attacked!?]

Well actually, Rafael ‘did’ attack me.

[I’m currently doing this treatment on Noe and no one else, and since Nicole is holding him, Noe won’t be able to attack me, you know?]

[ When you said {for now}, does that mean there’s a chance that it’s going to increase in the future?]

[I won’t allow such a thing!]

[I didn’t ask for it.]


I reflexively closed my eyes after getting shouted at, but there are just things I can’t back down from.

[Didn’t you say it before? That the me fighting against the Dreaming Illness is cool. If it leads to the cure of dreaming diseases, I will not stop the treatment and I will not mind having more new partners.]

Rafael furrowed his brows on my declaration.

I didn’t want to see him look like that, but I wish for Rafael to understand me more than anyone else so I continued talking.

[I have always thought that my existence is because of this ability. That’s why for the sake of the people who wanted to protect it, I had to conceal it, and in order to not repay grat.i.tude with enmity, I decided to give up on Samuel.]

It was a confession that can be said because it is the perfect time.

I actually wanted to tell him this a long time ago, though.

[But you…. Rafael, you saw that kind of me and called me {strong} and {cool}. With that, I finally noticed that the powerless me is also {Sheryl}. That’s why I thought that I would like to use this ability and live as {Sheryl}.]

I am not me because of my ability, but I have my ability because I am me.

Besides, I don’t think Rafael collapsing the same time as me is a coincidence.

The number of the illness’ patients have increased, and it can be called a situation that would require His Majesty to give out an imperial order.

[But honestly speaking, my hands are full with just Rafael alone so I can not add anyone else.]

Is it because his Mana capacity is originally high, the condition of Rafael’s illness improves rather quickly.

Rafael should be the most aware how the pain increases the more time pa.s.ses after the treatment. He frowned while listening to me.

[To think that a time will come when I need to live while enduring my s.e.xual desires.]

[You don’t have to restrain yourself, okay?]

[It’s alright?]

[Ah, e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. is fine, but you can’t attack me.]


I’m being stared at quietly.

I can’t help it, I’m not in a good condition originally, and I won’t be able to hold on if I get attacked every treatment session.

Apparently, the noise I heard in the drawing room before losing my consciousness was Rafael collapsing, and he had no idea that I also collapsed. I didn’t want to uselessly worry him so I kept it a secret from him.

[I will have Nicole restrain you during the treatment.]

[I refuse. If I’m going to go through such humiliation, I’d rather be tied with a rope.]

[Then should we do that?]


Again, I’m being stared at quietly.

Certainly, being seen by others while e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.n.g. is accompanied by emotional stress. Noe accepted it, though.

[I guess that’s the only option we got?]

[If you’re my partner then..]

[Understood, there might be marks remaining from the rope, so I will ask Bellom-sensei for a restraining method.]

Rafael looks at me with resentful eyes, but I wish he’d give up since it’s for the treatment.

Thus, Rafael was dressed in a sewn clothing so he couldn’t move and has turned into a bagworm.

It’s a type of restraining wear Bellom-sensei ordered to be tailored after I consulted him.

It’s shaped like a sleeping bag,  but it’s made with a stiffer cloth and was made to closely stick to the body. In addition to the back being designed to open for taking it off, the crotch area can also be opened with b.u.t.tons.

[This is such a humiliation….]

[It’s better than being held down by Nicole, right?]

There is currently only me and Rafael in the bedroom.

Rafael is firmly fixed to the bed by a belt that pa.s.ses through the restraining wear so he won’t roll out of the bed.

I admire the craftsmen who managed to finish this within a few hours.

[If something bothers you or if there’s a painful part, tell me during the procedure because I will fix it.]

[I want to move freely.]

[Then, I will begin the treatment.]

It might be unavoidably cramped, but it’s better than nothing.

I ignored all of Rafael’s complaints and held out my hands.

[Are you going to manipulate Mana with your hands?]

[There’s actually no need to use my hands, but it’s easier to conduct an image with this.]

While answering the thrown questions from time to time, I start manipulating Mana.


The amount of words Rafael spoke has also decreased.


[Tell me if you feel any pain.]

Or so I said, but it seems like Rafael has already recovered to the point where he no longer feels pain during the treatment.

I got caught in his unsteady and misty eyes.

[Sheryl…. uwaah….]

[I think your whole body will become very sensitive, but it will only be during the treatment.

Rafael tried to escape from the pleasure that’s attacking him by twisting his body, but ended up stopping with only half his body floating halfway because of the restraining wear.

[Haa…. haa….]

Sweat about the size of a bead dropped, and his bangs are sticking to his face.

With his head pushed against the bed, I think that Rafael’s blonde hair swimming in the bed sheets looks sensational.

[Haa…. ah…. Sheryll]


[Below, it hurts…. ugh]

Hearing Rafael’s complaint, I rushed to undo the b.u.t.tons in the front.

I placed a towel on Rafael’s center so he can freely spill it out.

I also started manipulating the Mana so he can release that heat reasonably.

[Ah, ah…..! Ngh…. kuh, uuuugh!]

The towel gets heavier, and Rafael who momentarily rounded his back and released himself, entrusted his body to the bed.

Unlike Noe’s case, because I had a strong image while ejecting the Mana from the body, there was no need to increase the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n by force.

Thinking that this should be enough for today, I slowly put my face  closer to Rafael"s middle body.

The smell of sweat and s.e.m.e.n reached my nose.

There’s no disgust. Rather, when I thought about touching Rafael’s sensitive part, my heart beats faster.

When I slowly extended my tongue, Rafael vigorously raised his head.

[SHERYL!? What are you doing…]

[It’s only Rafael. That, the only one I’m going to do this with.]

Of course I’ve never done a b.l.o.w.j.o.b before, I’m only copying what Nicole did.

While feeling saltiness on the tip of my tongue, I pinch the glans with my lips and suck up the residual fluid left in the urethra at once.

[Chuuu, chuu]

[Kuh…. Sheryl, aahhh]

I felt a bitter bitterness on my tongue and wiped it off with a towel I had in a hurry.

I can’t swallow s.e.m.e.n that’s full of Mana.

I heard a ripping sound and lifted  my head up.

Rafael’s hand is approaching me.

[You shouldn’t break that, Rafael.]

[They can just sew it again. Sheryl, I want to kiss.]

Still, reaching out his hand is probably his limit as Rafael isn’t approaching me anymore.

It looks like the ripping sound I heard was from his arm breaking through the restraining wear.

I straddled over Rafael’s body and brought my face close to his.

[Looking down on Rafael like this feels weird.]

[I also feel strange looking up at you.]

Having our points of view reversed caused a bitter smile to escape from us.

I moved the hair sticking on Rafael’s face because of sweat using my fingers.

Being exposed to such a burning gaze, I can also feel body growing hot.



Calling each other’s names, our lips meet.

The kiss I initiated for the first time ended quickly, and I buried my face in his chest.

[I’m, so glad, you’re alive…. ugh]

My tears just naturally flowed.

The truth is regardless of the imperial command, I was already desperate to save him.

When I looked at Rafael’s suffering face, my reason just flew away.

You can call it my selfishness. But I wanted Rafael to live.

No matter if his feelings for me has faded.

I’ve always wanted Rafael to always laugh with a confident att.i.tude.

[Rafael, I, I like you.]