Dark Blood Age

Chapter 655: Chapter 655 Unsheathed In The Darkness

Chapter 655: Chapter 655 Unsheathed In The Darkness

“Remember what I said to you!”

This was the only sentence that Chu Yunsheng said to Feng Yingxi and other people before separating from them.

Someone wanted to kill him, or something wanted to kill him, and Dark definitely knew about it, that was why there appeared to be two different kinds of insects.

Actually, there were more than two parties. It could be easily figured out as long as he thought about it carefully. According to his memory, the insects should appear twenty days after the darkness fell. This was something that he could remember clearly, and he absolutely would not be wrong. However, the reality was that many insects appeared in the first 20 days, so these early insects definitely did not come from his memory, and should belong to the first two parties.

There was no need to mention the two meatball-like creatures that popped up in Shanghai’s urban area, so far he still didn’t know what kind of monster it was. But what happened to Nanjing was definitely worth paying extra attention to. Firstly Nanjing was not supposed to have any s.p.a.ce tunnels. Secondly, it was blocked by the huge water drop just a few days after the darkness fell and nothing could go in or leave, but the insects still appeared, and he even killed three of them personally, which meant that these insects had entered Nanjing before it was sealed from the outside world. Moreover, they all had one thing in common: They don’t attack humans, and one big difference: one would not attack him, and the other one would.

In this way, it was clear that the insects that Feng Yingxi fought against should be the insects that appeared twenty days after the darkness fell.

Although there were still many questions, such as how did the mysterious two parties appear? Why didn’t they attack humans? Who was the person that wanted to kill him? Etc., Chu Yunsheng felt like there was too little information, and he didn’t have much time to think that much now.

If the black-ridged insect was on his side, then the swarm that was charging towards him was definitely the side that wanted to kill him.

It was because of this he made the decision to leave the crowd lest they would be affected by the incoming battle. According to the inference, those insects should have no interest in ordinary human beings. Furthermore, it was always easier when he was alone, he could also run away much faster.

In a situation where his injury hasn’t fully recovered, although Chu Yunsheng felt sad that the black-ridged red-sh.e.l.led insect was going to die for him, his mind was very clear that he could not defeat the whole swarm of insects. In this kind of situation, being impulsive could only get himself killed.

So after he separated from the main crowd, he simply took out the off-road vehicle that Fang Baixiao sent him and tried to recover his strength while driving the vehicle.

But the strange thing was that as he was driving the vehicle, the noise that was caused by the swarm became quieter and quieter behind him.

Until the end, there was only the deadly silence behind him. The ground also stopped shaking and there were no energy fluctuations. It was as if all the insects had completely disappeared.

“Did I just escape like that?”

Chu Yunsheng couldn’t believe it himself. He turned off the vehicle and then stored it in the storage talisman. He even boldly went back for a short distance to check what happened. However, there was still no movement.

This was so bizarre.

What he didn’t know was that, not long after he ran away, another swarm of insects with black-ridged back charged out of the darkness like a sword unsheathed from the darkness, and desperately collided with the first swarm. A b.l.o.o.d.y battle that no one was aware of instantly broke out and lasted several days and nights in the darkness until the last insect crawled on top of the mountain that was made of countless insects’ bodies and screeched loudly and sadly at the sky.

What he also didn’t know was that in an icy field that was snow heavily, a young man with dark hair in ragged clothes was running desperately in panic and fear. His both feet were red and swollen with cold, and he had already lost his shoes, but that was not important, because he couldn’t slow down. He needed to run as fast as he could. Because behind him, six wolf-like white-haired creatures were chasing him non-stop.

He looked up at the sky in despair and wept: “The great and only supreme G.o.d, where are you?”


According to the time on the watch, it was night time now, and Chu Yunsheng broke into a ghost town.

Saying it was a ghost town was because there was no one here, except for occasional night cats uttering a few tingling screams from some dark corners, there was no sign of the existence of other living creatures at all.

Judging from the roadside storefronts and unit numbers, this was a small town under the jurisdiction of Jurong, a county-level city. It was about 30 kilometers away from the place he split up with Feng Yingxi.

In order to avoid attracting insects and causing unnecessary troubles, Chu Yunsheng abandoned light sources such as flashlights and only wore night vision devices to quietly enter the center of the ghost town. At this moment, he seemed to have become the sole owner of the town. The door of any house was open to him, as long as he wanted, he could enter any store, commercial building, and private house.

The world after the darkness fell was pitch black. Even with a torch or a flashlight, the light was only limited to a small range. If it was slightly further away, Chu Yunsheng would not be able to see anything. Therefore, it was very hard to tell which he was going.

If he didn’t want to get lost, he must find a clear reference. Undoubtedly, railways and highways were the best navigators. As long as he took those paths, he would be able to travel like a blind man, and he didn’t need to see the places that were further away to determine his location.

Three days later, a group of refugees appeared on the G312 National Highway that was not far from Chang Zhou city, with nervous and cautious expressions. With m.u.f.fled breathing, they moved cautiously through the gaps between the cars jammed on the highway. Occasionally, a cooing sound came from a distance, then they would turn off the small flashlight and squat down vigilantly, hiding between the doors of the abandoned cars, holding their breath, and not daring to make any sounds.

When the surroundings returned to silence, they would follow the ropes that connected to each other and slowly grope forward while leaning against the cars. If they encounter some unlocked cars, they would also go in and search for food, water, and clothes.

No one knew where they came from and where they were going. They were like a group of weak fireflies moving in the darkness, and their faint lights may be swallowed by the boundless darkness at any time.

At the front of the group, a nimble guy who was responsible for scouting the road ahead accidentally stepped on a hard thing. He hurriedly stopped, carefully shone the flashlight light at the object he had stepped on. What he saw made him gasp in horror.

They once again discovered a pile of bodies, scattering on the highway, on the roofs of cars, and on both sides of the highway. The death was terrifying. There were no complete bodies, like broken dolls that had been torn apart.

Since it was not the first time they discovered something like this, they were not too scared, but it made them even more vigilant.

But when they tried to pa.s.s through a body, a baby’s cry appeared from under a half body, causing great panic in the group.

“Block its mouth. Otherwise, we will all die!”

“It’s useless. Even if you block its mouth, it will still move and cause some other noises. It is better to kill…”

“Are you crazy, it is still a child!”

“Crazy? Do you want to take it away? Otherwise, it will still die here, sooner or later. ”

“Even then…”

“Which one is more important? A kid that doesn’t know anything, or our lives?”

Several people argued quietly and fiercely.

In front of the group, there was also a beautiful girl. Her eyes looked confused as if she had just woken up from her sleep. The cold wind blew a b.l.o.o.d.y smell toward her delicate face, disheveling her beautiful hair.

“They are coming!”

This was the only sentence she said. The voice was not loud, but it was very cold, like the ice that has not changed for thousands of years, making people feel chills.

The group panicked suddenly, but it was not chaotic. Most people quickly gathered and hid in a place that seemed safer. A small number of people, only about four or five, stood together with the beautiful girl. They all looked coldly into the depth of the darkness.

Some people were praying, hoping that the things that were going to appear were not other creatures, but insects. Because there were good and bad insects, if they encountered insects, at least, they had a fifty percent chance of survival.

Tiny needles of ice were quickly gathered in the delicate fingers of the beautiful girl. She looked at the needles that were emitting the cold gleams in confusion as if she didn’t know why she could do something like this.

Several other people were also ready to go. They could clearly feel that the ground started to move, and the fluctuation of energy was even more clear. There were at least five creatures, all of their speed were very fast. They definitely would not be able to runway from those creatures.

Ten seconds or eleven seconds? In the sound of heartbeats, time pa.s.sed so slowly, yet so quickly, and a ferocious attack began to emerge from the darkness. A man quickly cast out several fireb.a.l.l.s, burning dead trees and vehicles on both sides of the highway, and lighting up the battlefield so that the human beings that had worse vision could fight better.

But at the moment when the light dispelled the darkness, this group of people was startled. Because there was another person in front of them, less than ten meters away!

No one knew how he appeared, nor did they know when he stood there. When they cast their “inquiring gazes” at the beautiful girl, who was the strongest amongst them, they noticed that the beautiful girl’s face was also filled with surprise.

The exchange of their looks was momentary. They couldn’t tell the gender or the expression of the man. All they knew was that the man was wearing a red cloak, an ice crystal-like armor, and a silver mask, and at the moment, he was facing the six red-sh.e.l.led insects that were charging toward them with his back to them.

He stood there motionlessly with his left hand holding onto a sword scabbard. Both of his hands were covered by a pair of ice crystal hand armors that seemed to hold infinite power. When the six red-sh.e.l.led insects arrived at a distance that was around twenty meters away from him, the man reached for the sword hilt with his right hand, slowly drawing the sword. In the next second, he disappeared. When he appeared again, he was already between the insects.

The people in this group have never seen such a fight. It was not the power of ice energy, nor was it the power of fire energy, it was a fight with sheer physical force against physical force.

The bewildered pupils of the beautiful girl gradually contracted. The red cloak and the sword flas.h.i.+ng between the insects seemed to wake up some kind of memory for her, maybe only a few fragments, but, at last, there was a clear light in her bewildered eyes.

The battle started ten seconds ago and ended three minutes later, during which only a few people could clearly see how he killed the six red-sh.e.l.led insects one by one. Most of the people only saw the lights reflecting by the sword flas.h.i.+ng constantly and the corrosive liquid that the insects were sitting everywhere, and from time to time, the broken limbs of the insects would fly out of the battle circle. Because it was too fast and too brutal, people couldn’t help but wonder if the man was fighting with a group of humans, what flew out would definitely be people’s legs or hands.

When the last sword slash finished, announcing the end of the battle, the scared audiences were shocked by the bodies of the insects that were scattered around the ground again. There were six insects in total, but all of them were cut up using pure physical force.

Then the sword flashed back into the scabbard, and in the next second, the sword and the scabbard disappeared from everyone’s eyes with the six bodies of the insects. Everyone was shocked again, including the beautiful girl. She looked at the man with a frown, seemingly wanting to find out something from the man in the armor.

The man looked around, seemingly wanting to check something. But he didn’t look at them. They also didn’t dare to ask him anything.

It was at this moment, the baby cried again. A slightly older woman took the baby, wanting to check why it was crying.

Then the armored man, who was originally about to leave, suddenly said lightly, “You should thank the kid.”

After the man finished speaking, he disappeared into the darkness, without any trances nor energy fluctuations.

Then the group realized that this person was attracted by the baby’s voice when pa.s.sing by! However, not only did they not feel relieved, but they were even more terrified. None of them had noticed anything when the man approached them. If the man had the slightest malice, then…

The consequences would be very obvious. No one’s bones were harder than the insects’ sh.e.l.ls. That cold sword the man was holding could even cut through the insects’ sh.e.l.ls like citing tofu, so cutting them would definitely be very easy.

Only the beautiful girl’s brows were pressed closer and closer, and her bewildered eyes gradually began to settle, revealing a burst of cold light.

The same and similar things happened frequently on the G213 highway.

When a group of villagers shouted and then charged toward a peculiar six-legged creature, a cold red shadow suddenly appeared from the darkness, and in a few flashes of light, that creature was cut up into pieces and died on the spot.

After a refugees group that was organized by some college girls b.u.mped into a group of “sleeping” red-sh.e.l.led insects in the dark, and when they were running around in panic and screaming loudly, a cold red shadow flew past those little girls’ heads and in a few flashes of light, several insects were slaughtered instantly.

Seeing that they were about to arrive in Shanghai, a family let out a long sigh of relief, but it was too early to be happy. Several green fluorescent monsters that deviated from their original flight path descended from the sky, quickly surrounded the minivan that had a family trembling inside. Then a cold red shadow shot out from the darkness and blasted all those monsters into pieces.

A few days later, before Chu Yunsheng even arrived at Shanghai, there was already a crazy rumor that a cold red shadow had appeared outside the city. No one knew who he was and where he came from, he always appeared from the darkness and disappeared in the darkness, attacking the smaller group of monsters. Because it was always very mysterious, and the way he appeared and disappeared was like a ghost, people couldn’t help but relate him to the Phantom Sect Leader. In the end, even the government and the military also sent people to the Phantom Skysc.r.a.per to find out more information.