Dark Blood Age

Chapter 726: Chapter 726 Sorry, you are just a supporting character

Chapter 726: Chapter 726 Sorry, you are just a supporting character

“I am Jacob Will, an American, so I speak English, this year…” The voice replied respectfully.

Chu Yunsheng was taken aback and said, “American? You say you are American! ? Where is this?”

The voice also revealed a hint of surprise, and then said with joy: “This is the small town called Haram, what’s wrong? Did you come to the wrong place? It is not the time for me to leave yet?”

Chu Yunsheng was a little confused, and said: “No, I mean why are you still alive? How does the USA still exist—”

He didn’t know how to say it, plus his p.r.o.nunciation was not accurate. The voice couldn’t fully understand it. “John Surrey Hospital is the only hospital in the town. Dr. Matthew is our best Doctor, as long as you don’t take me away, he will be able to heal me.”

Chu Yunsheng calmed down and asked sternly, “Wait, this is the hospital?”

The voice, “Yes, although it is a bit simpler than the hospitals in big cities, it is the best hospital here.”

Chu Yunsheng pondered, there were indeed many fading green light dots here. If it was really a hospital, then this could be explained, but how could it be a hospital? The USA should have been a scorched land long ago. How could there be a small town and a hospital? Could it be…

Chu Yunsheng immediately asked, “Is there a sun in the sky?”

The voice said: “Of course it is, it is very big, but the temperature is a bit low. Yesterday when I was awake, the nurse seemed to say that it was about to snow. I really hope I can get better soon. I have already missed the New Year’s party.”

Chu Yunsheng was silent. After a while, he calmly asked, “What year is it? Has 2012 pa.s.sed? Did the darkness fall?”

The voice asked in confusion, “No, you are talking about Mayan prophecy, right? It has already pa.s.sed and nothing happened… Are you really a G.o.d of death?”

Chu Yunsheng ignored its question and asked one after another:

“Who is your president?”

“Who is the President of France?”

The more he asked, the more scared he was, and the more questions he had. What happened, was he still in the simulation! ?

Or the Heavens had been mended, so the great darkness didn’t come? Or his suicide in the womb did not help him to escape the note, and he was still floating in s.p.a.ce?

But his consciousness that had broken through the first limit clearly told himself that this was inside the node, and this was his original and real world. Since he couldn’t unleash the Sword Creation Field, this should be the real world!

What the h.e.l.l was going on?

Where did the original earth go! ?

Just as he was puzzled and the thoughts in his mind became more and more chaotic, another nerve-like line that had never been lit up gradually emitted a flickering light. As he touched it, there was an ancient voice, seemingly coming from the center of the earth,

“Because it was a matter of the last era and it has nothing to do with them.”

Chu Yun frowned. The trap he had been worried about finally seemed to have appeared. He immediately stopped the chaotic thoughts in his consciousness and said coldly: “Who are you? It was you who lured me here?”

The ancient voice came slowly: “I don’t want to see you, but you leave me with no choice… My name is ‘Father’, and I was named this hastily by my creator at the last moment.”


Chu Yunsheng, who has experienced the painful reincarnation of the node, was, much more, calm and composed than before. When hearing this kind of words, he would no longer show a disgusted and disdained expression, nor would he sneer or want to mock him. Instead, he calmed thought about why the voice would say this, although he didn’t like this answer, “I already have a father, although he has already pa.s.sed away. Is there any other way to address you?”

The ancient voice was silent for a while and said: “You can call me the ‘Guardian’. An Era Leader once called me that.”

Chu Yunsheng calmly said: “Since you decided to lure me to this place and talk to me, it means that you are not sure that you can kill me. In that case, what do you want? You can just say it directly.”

The ancient voice said: “I was not made to kill people. Although I really want to kill you, I tried it, but it didn’t work.”

Chu Yunsheng said: “What do you mean? Tell me first, is this still the earth?”

The ancient voice slowly said, “Yes, this is the seventh and the last era of the earth. When this era ends, my mission will be completely completed.”

Chu Yunsheng’s heart skipped a beat, “What is my era?”

The ancient voice said: “You are from the Sixth Era. Every era will leave some sporadic residues in the next era, or even the era after the next era, such as fossils, buildings, metal artifacts, etc. This is caused by numerous loopholes left behind by my creator. In the extreme haste and urgency at the end of that mad war, my creator had no time to perfect the Deception Plan made to preserve the last glimmer of hope.

However, many unexpected events occurred in the Sixth Era, so that the number of residues left in this Era exceeded the sum of the previous five Eras. Tzolk’in beings is one of the unexpected events. Their ‘prophecy’ occurred in your era, and in this era. In terms of this era, it is just a remnant. The great darkness belonged to the previous era, it has nothing to do with them. ”

Chu Yunsheng had already guessed some clues from the inscription on the “earthlings” in the Great Pyramid and the words the third Baktun told him, but he was still confused, “I don’t really believe it. There are the USA and China here. If this is the new seventh era, it is too similar!”

The ancient voice responded: “The most terrifying and vicious strike in the universe is not the lockdown of three-dimensional s.p.a.ce you know but the limitation of imagination! They create almost the same environment and process for the lives born in each era. Looking up at the starry sky, it will always be the same star map; observing the surroundings, it will always be the same solar system, mountains, rivers… the environment faced by each era is exactly the same. The consciousness of life was originally born from external stimuli and observational memory. The same environment gave the same stimulus to the first batch of intelligent consciousness, then injected the information virus into their life force, and then sealed and suppressed the id of consciousness eternally. Just like planting wheat seeds every year, the harvest in the coming year will always be wheat.

Even if life consciousness has the randomness of self-selection, it would only choose within a restriction. Just like at an intersection, in order to reach the diagonally opposite side, choosing to go from the left or the right, the result will always be the same. Every action of each person is actually determined by all the information of the world before the person has the idea of action. The world in the last second determines the world in the next second. Killing all imaginations, killing all difference, this was the method left by the great enemy of my creator. You can think of it as a divine strike.

But even then, there will still be some differences, such as names of people and places, which you can check later.”

Chu Yunsheng was a little stunned. This was so unbelievable. How powerful was this kind of existence? But he couldn’t deny the authenticity of the environment he was in. The consciousness that broke through the first limit kept telling himself clearly that this was the world before he entered the node. As for the names of people and places, he also felt slightly strange about it.

The ancient voice continued at this moment: “Therefore, as the Deception Plan, not only must it keep the hope alive, but the more important task is to wait for the seven Era Leaders to appear. In each era, one person will break the seal of eternal suppression and unloose the id of consciousness. They will lead all the living beings of their era and escape from here. When all seven era leaders appear, the incomplete plan will be considered as completing its task. In terms of what will happen in the future, it will no longer be part of my duty.”

The white-dressed swordsman had once said that he had broken loose some kind of seal, he couldn’t help but ask with hesitation, “are you telling me that I am the leader of the sixth era? ?”

The ancient voice was silent for a while before it said strangely: “I’m sorry, you are not. If the Era leader is the protagonist of every era, and everyone else is a supporting character, you are one of those supporting characters… but this is precisely why I wanted to kill you…”

Chu Yunsheng’s expression dropped slightly and said, “Why?”

The ancient voice sighed: “You are only a supporting character, but you are too dazzling. The battle of the yellow mountain, the attack of Shu Du city, and the attack of G.o.d above the arctic base, every battle of yours had shocked the entire world. You were called the most powerful man in the world, taking away the glory that was supposed to belong to the era leader! He worked very hard, trying everything possible to surpa.s.s you, but you were always one step ahead of him. He could only watch you pulling away further and further away from him helplessly.

Every time human beings in the sixth era encountered a desperate situation, the first person they thought of was not the era leader but you. In their mind, you were the most powerful man in the world and the legend of the era.

As long as you were alive, the leader of the sixth era would never be recognized by the human beings of the sixth era. Even the leader of the era himself also thought that he would never be able to surpa.s.s you.

I couldn’t allow something like this to happen. You can’t be an era leader, you don’t have the qualities that an era leader should have, and the era leader of the sixth era was the best era leader I have ever seen. Only he could lead the sixth era, not you.

So, you were just a supporting character. No matter how strong you were, you must make way for the protagonist. It was really a pity, I once thought that if you could a.s.sist the sixth era leader. It would be great if it could work out. But you were too dazzling. Moreover, you are always a troublemaker, so I must help the era leader to suppress you secretly, and clear a way for him.

But I’m just a deity program that can only protect and can’t kill anyone. I couldn’t even interfere. So I can only use your enemies to destroy you.

For example, on the island in the Pacific. Without my a.s.sistance, the human-shaped shadow in the seven nails wouldn’t have been able to wake up so quickly and trap you for more than 20 years. I bought more than 20 years of time for the Era Leader. With the era leader’s ability, he would’ve been able to rise up quickly and make people forget about you. However, I didn’t expect that an insect created by you would have that kind of power. With it, not only did people not forget about you, but your position in people’s hearts rose to another height!

Just because of the relations.h.i.+p the black man had with you, he could negotiate with that insect. It caused everyone to know that that powerful insect was actually working for you and treating you as his master.

So, I got rid of the black man first, although I could not kill him, I could shut him up, and then I took advantage of the internal conflict of the insects and sent it away completely. But I didn’t expect that you would be able to wake up that fast. All my effort was in vain.

At the critical moment of the Arctic battle, if it weren’t for me to expose the coordinates of the earth and let the heir of the seven nails find it, you would’ve almost won. You have to know that even if there was a connection with the seven nails, she wouldn’t have been able to find the earth so quickly. But you escaped again and entered the node.

However, although you did not die, you ‘disappeared’ completely, so the era leader was finally able to get recognition from the people of the sixth era and take them away.

When you broke out the node, although your zero-dimensional s.p.a.ce was barely able to survive, I was still worried that you would cause trouble. So I used the remaining energy that was supposed to be used for this era to send you away. Zero-dimensional s.p.a.ce was my specialty, and you only left with zero-dimensional consciousness, so I locked you up for the entire era. Of course, for you, it is a very short amount of time.

You can hate me or curse me, but this is my task, and you are only a supporting character, and I must do this.

But you still miraculously broke through the first limit of eternal suppression and came back. I was trying to think of anything I could, and trying my best to disrupt your flight path, but you still came. In order not to let you destroy the seventh era, I can only come out to see you and make a deal with you.”