Dark Blood Age

Chapter 728: Chapter 728: The Aura Of Death

Chapter 728: Chapter 728: The Aura Of Death

Whether the guardian’s words were reliable or not, for Chu Yunsheng, it was not important. He preferred to collect the evidence himself and then formed his own conclusion. Only that would be more reliable.

So, the first thing to do was to open his eyes and see the world.

Before there was an absolute advantage in strength, Chu Yunsheng did not want to provoke the guardian. From the current situation, he could tell that the guardian also couldn’t do anything to him; otherwise, it would’ve already done it. Although it always said that it was just an incomplete program, a program would not be influenced by any emotions, and it would only do things by following the rules and logic. So before collecting enough evidence, Chu Yunsheng didn’t want to have any conflict with it. What if his behavior really harmed the seventh era, then he would probably trigger some conditions and then cause the guardian to grant itself the temporary authority to kill him.

Of course, this was only his own guess. If such authority were to exist, the Guardian might have killed him long ago. Just for the sake of caution, Chu Yunsheng was not prepared to disclose any other information to Jacob Will for the time being.

Existing in the name of G.o.d of death was a bit absurd, but it was also the best way. Jacob believed it and it was easy for him to explain himself.

It was a pity Jacob had difficulty p.r.o.nouncing his name. In the beginning, he would often call him, “Che,” or “Chy”. It was just one word “Chu”, Chu Yunsheng had to correct his p.r.o.nunciation several times. In the end, Chu Yunsheng also gave up correcting him, and then his final name became “Chi”.

Chu Yunsheng used to be a law-abiding citizen in the past. Before the darkness, he never once thought that he would one day pick up a sword to kill people, not to mention that it was a lot of people. After the sixth era was gone, a lot of rules that he used to abide by were also gone.

So under his threats and inducements, the same law-abiding American high school student, Jacob Will, was about to break the law.

Spider Man did not exist in reality, and Jacob Will knew it very well. With the rigid legal system of the United States, even if a hero punished all the bad guys, he would seriously violate the dignity of the law and would be bound to be thrown into prison.

Therefore, Jacob Will did not want to do any illegal activities. In the small town of Haram, it was absolutely a crime to enter other people’s homes without the owner’s permission. Even though he was still a high school student, if he was taken to court, his parents would not be able to help him.

And Chu Yunsheng actually asked him to break into someone else’s house to find a puppy or kitten to kill. Of course, from the perspective of the G.o.d of death, there was nothing wrong with it. If he was scared of killing, would he still be called the G.o.d of death?

Although Jacob Will was not a staunch animal protectionist, he still felt that it was too b.l.o.o.d.y and cruel. With his insistence, Chu Yunsheng didn’t know why he would recall the little tiger all of a sudden. Since the body was Jacob’s, there was nothing he could do about it, so he decided to go to the farm and kill a pig or a cow or something

Anyway, it was the way to test the Guardian. As long as it was a life, killing everything was the same.

With the help of Chu Yunsheng’s black gas, Jacob’s injuries from a car accident were quickly healed, and in his mind, he believed that Chu Yunsheng was the G.o.d of death even more.

That night, Jacob changed his clothes and sneaked out of the hospital. He went home first, sneaked into his room and got the car key, and opened the garage while his parents were asleep.

“If I drive out like this, they will hear it.” Jacob “talked to himself” worriedly.

“It’s okay, you push it out first.” Although Chu Yunsheng couldn’t see it, he could imagine it.

“Push it out?” Jacob’s eyes were widened and he said in shock, “I am alone, and there is an uphill behind me.”

“I said you can do it, that means you can do it!” Chu Yunsheng said sternly with certainty.

Jacob was suspicious, but since it was the G.o.d of death, there was no need for him to lie to him, so he rolled up his sleeves, put his hands on the car, and pushed it hard.

Suddenly, the blue car’s wheels seemed to have been lubricated, and with a quiet noise, it rushed uphill lightly!

Jacob stared at his ordinary hands in shock. When did he have so much strength! ?

“Why are you just standing there? Get to work.” Chu Yunsheng felt that Jacob had stopped moving, so he urged: “Don’t worry, I will not cause you any trouble. Even if something happens, I will take you away at that time.”

Jacob shuddered all over uncontrollably. He had obviously misunderstood what Chu Yunsheng meant. He thought Chu Yunsheng was going to take him to h.e.l.l.

In the past few days, he and Chu Yunsheng had been getting along well, so the fear of the G.o.d of death had dropped greatly. After all, he was still a high school student who had just turned seventeen years old. He actually naively believed that the G.o.d of death was a kind G.o.d. If he knew how many people Chu Yunsheng had killed in the past, he probably wouldn’t have used the word kind to describe him.

A person who could wipe out the entire world with one sword, even the G.o.d of death may not be able to do something like this, right?

The “threat” at this moment reminded Jacob of the “profession” of the G.o.d of death again. He couldn’t help feeling nervous in his heart. Hurriedly rus.h.i.+ng forward, he pushed the car, and quietly left his home.

As a popular American high school student, Jacob’s family situation was not bad; a typical upper-middle-cla.s.s family. He had a driver’s license when he turned sixteen, which was a year ago, and bought a second hand Ford car with the help of his grandfather. The purpose of it was to take a hot junior or senior to go for a ride with a few buddies of his, or go to a party or something like that.

Of course, this was illegal. Before the age of eighteen, he was only given a temporary driver’s license, and he must be accompanied by a guardian when driving. However, almost all the high school students in the town who had cars were doing the same thing, no one was really following this law.

Under the constant urging of Chu Yunsheng, Jacob had no choice but to bite the bullet and drive to the outskirts at night.

Sadly, not long after they drove out of the town, it started to rain heavily. Jacob thought that by telling Chu Yunsheng what had happened, he would be able to give up the idea of going to the outskirts, but he did not realize how determined Chu Yunsheng was. Not to mention that it was just raining, even if it was falling knives, he would not change his mind.

Reluctantly, Jacob gradually drove into the uninhabited suburbs. Chu Yunsheng found a lot of green lights flas.h.i.+ng in the cube searching screen. According to Jacob’s “confession”, there was no one here, so those lights must be animals.

After stopping the car, Jacob braved the heavy rain and experienced what it felt like to be a superman with the help of Chu Yunsheng’s black gas.

He rushed clumsily into the bush to chase a hare. Although his action was clumsy, his movement was like lightning.

Jacob had never experienced such a speed. Although it was still too slow in Chu Yunsheng’s eyes, to him, it was as incredible as flying. As long as he exerted a little force with his tiptoe, he would immediately rise into the air, flew across a long distance, and landed in a place that was far beyond his imagination.

Due to the lack of balance, Jacob fell a lot and he was soaking wet, but he was never tired of it. This was the first time he experienced a magical moment in his life.

A lot of hares were caught, and there were also a few voles too. However, Jacob often only saw a mist of blood floating away, and then all the voles and hares were gone without a trace.

At this time, he somewhat understood why Chu Yunsheng said that he would not cause him trouble. The “victims” had disappeared completely. How could there be trouble?

But he also felt a trace of horror. Although he did not see the scythe, the hares and voles became blood mist in a blink of an eye.

Chu Yunsheng needed to continue experimenting, and Jacob was gradually lost in the thrill of flying in the rain after experiencing terror and fear. One person and two souls, gradually moving away from the road and heading deeper into the wilderness.

In the heavy rain at night, Jacob didn’t know how far he had run. Chu Yunsheng also gradually became silent. After killing a large number of wild animals, he gradually learned something and he was trying to fuse this knowledge into the zero-dimensional s.p.a.ce.

A flash of lightning broke through the sky, and thunder blasted above Jacob’s head. Jacob, who was soaked, felt a cool chill. After he sneezed, his mind became clear. Looking around in confusion, he suddenly shouted in his mind, “we got lost!”

“Don’t worry, I will protect your body, so you won’t get sick. We can leave tomorrow.” Chu Yunsheng said in a stern voice, his mind was immersed in the experience of fusion.

He fell completely silent after that. s.h.i.+vering, Jacob had no choice but to climb up a hill. After a lightning bolt flashed before his eyes, he said excitedly, “Dear G.o.d of Death, Chi, I almost forgot. Emily’s grandfather has a large farm in this area. I just saw it. Why don’t we go and stay there overnight? She is my G.o.ddess, she would definitely help a poor schoolmate in the heavy rain, don’t you think so? If I am not wrong, she should be in the farm with her grandfather now!”

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng didn’t speak, Jacob, who was excited, thought that he had agreed. He immediately rushed down the hillside through a sugarcane field. With the help of Chu Yunsheng’s black gas, he quickly came to the farm villa.

It was at this moment, he heard a gunshot, and then there was a girl’s scream!

Chu Yunsheng couldn’t hear it. But Jacob was shocked instantly. He subconsciously wanted to run back. At this moment, he had completely forgotten about the G.o.ddess or schoolmates. It was said that in the suburbs, there were often homeless tramps hara.s.sing the rich families’ farms and villas. Therefore, these rich people always had guns and ammunition at home.

It was just that he didn’t know if the gunshot just now was caused by the villa owner or by the tramp.

As soon as Jacob ran back two steps, he remembered that he still had the G.o.d of death with him. So he hurriedly called Chu Yunsheng. However, after he called him several times, he still didn’t get any response.

“I should call the police!”

Jacob took out his mobile phone and said to himself tremblingly: “But, this is a good opportunity. With my current skill, I am definitely a superman. There should be no problem with dealing with a homeless man, right?”

Immediately, he found that his pockets were empty. At this moment, he remembered that when he ran away from the hospital, he didn’t take the phone with him. “I should go back to my car and then go to the police station. They have guns…” Jacob told himself this again.

When he was hesitant, he heard someone screaming help in panic from the villa.

“It’s Emily, it must be her!” Jacob was startled. But he was still struggling to make a decision in his mind.

One second, two seconds… He stood up suddenly, clenched his hands into fists. Feeling that his power was still there, he gathered his courage and rushed out of the cane field again. In the heavy rain, he ran to the door of the villa at a very fast speed and kicked the door open!

Jacob, who had no combat experience, had forgotten all the movie clips he had watched. Not only did he not sneak in, he even roared at the door to encourage himself and rushed to the living room.

In the living room, he saw two scenes. The first scene was an old man lying in a pool of blood, a burly man pressing a struggling girl on the sofa. The other scene was a bullet that was flying toward him, and at the end of the bullet, another skinny man looked at him coldly…

“It’s over!” Facing the bullet, Jacob’s head was blank. He didn’t know what to do at all.

Rus.h.i.+ng into the living room was just him acting on impulse. He didn’t expect that a bullet would be shot toward him at the moment he rushed in. He moved his body hurriedly, instinctively trying to avoid the bullet.

But the skinny man had already locked him as soon as he entered the door. Moreover, his attention was attracted by the big man on the sofa, so how was he able to dodge the bullet?


Jacob was shot, but he was surprised that he didn’t notice any pain or splashes of blood. There was only a cloud of black gas that appeared on his chest, blooming like a flower.

He was stunned, the skinny man was also stunned, and the big man got up from the sofa and looked at Jacob fiercely, his eyes full of disbelief.

A bullet just disappeared out of thin air. It should have hit the young man. Why did it suddenly disappear before the strange black gas?

The girl on the sofa who was finally able to move, pulled up her clothes that had been torn in terror. Frightened, he quickly ran away from the big man and hid on the side. Although she did not recognize the ident.i.ty of Jacob who came to save her, she knew this young man must have heard her scream and came to save her.

But how would she know that Jacob was so scared that he almost peed himself that moment. At this moment, Jacob had already calmed down. He began to regret his decision of rus.h.i.+ng into the villa.

“Leave the body to me, don’t resist!”

At this time, Chu Yunsheng’s cold voice came from his mind, with a trace of irresistible majesty.

Jacob believed in the G.o.d of death. Otherwise, he would have died already. A strong sense of sleepiness suddenly came over him, but he didn’t resist. He simply followed his feelings and closed his eyes in front of two grim murders…

The cold and skinny man sneered, and recovered from the strange scene just now and pulled the trigger in his hand again!

With a “swish” of the bullet, the bullet burst out of the muzzle and shot at Jacob’s head. The girl screamed–

Suddenly, Jacob’s eyelids quivered and opened; a piercing glow shot from the depths of his eyes, it was cold and evil. An aura of death filled the room instantly, and the temperature in the entire villa seemed to have fallen below zero rapidly.

He stretched out his hand strangely, and “caught” the flying bullet. Then he took a step forward, showing a death-like gaze, and said, “Guardian, you can’t blame me for this. They came to my doorstep willingly.”