Dark Blood Age

Chapter 750: Chapter 750 The Return of The Undead King

Chapter 750: Chapter 750 The Return of The Undead King

Murphy Clark was not dead. Some people were mentally prepared. That was why they needed to check the body, but no one expected that he still had such a strong combat power.

Although Ashe was an offering raised by the Murphy family, her own strength was not weak; not to mention that she had a lot of advantages over Murphy Clark. But at this moment, she still couldn’t block one sword swing of Murphy Clark when he just regained his consciousness? Then if he fully recovered, how powerful could he be?

Could it be that Murphy Clark had absorbed the power of the undead king!

As soon as this thought came out, there was a wave of panic commotions among the vampires brought by Buterne. In terms of the surviving women of the Murphy family, they stood there blankly, no longer holding any hope of survival. Their sire has always hated the betrayal the most. Today, they would definitely die. Moreover, they would suffer extremely cruel punishment before death.

“Don’t panic!” Buterne took the lead once again, drew out the dagger from her waist, and said in a deep voice, “Everyone, let’s attack him together! He just regained his consciousness, so he is still very weak!”

The vampires she brought were all steadfastly to their vows, and they knew that there was no way out at this time; it was either they killed him or Murphy Clark killed them. Under Buterne’s reminder, they immediately regained their fighting spirit and spread out. All of them took out their weapons to form an encirclement to Murphy Clark.

“It’s me.”

Murphy Clark shook his head, tried to remove the armor helmet with his left hand, and said vaguely: “The sire of the Murphy family is dead, I am Chi!”

Just now, when Chu Yunsheng finally killed the consciousness of that vampire and took over the control of his body using the technique of reversing the monster seal talisman, he felt that a sword was cutting towards his neck. Before he could see the person clearly, he instinctively knocked away the sword and kicked the person away, in order to remove all the dangers close at hand. This was a reflex that he developed through years of fighting.

When he took over the various visual and tactile sensations of this body a little bit, he quickly understood what was going on. He had not had time to tell anyone in advance that he would want to take this vampire’s body, so it was reasonable that people would want to attack him.

“My, my lord?” Buterne asked vigilantly in shock and uncertainty. Although she did not rush forward to attack him again, she still held the dagger in her hand.

Chu Yunsheng stretched out his left hand. A cloud of black gas immediately appeared on his palm. Using this to explain was much better than saying a thousand words.

But Buterne still couldn’t believe it completely. If Murphy Clark had gained the power of the Undead King, it would be possible to control the black gas. If she took a little wrong step at this moment and was deceived, she would lose her entire force, so she had to be cautious.

“He is dead, I have possessed his body.” Chu Yunsheng quickly said.

After failing to take off the heavy helmet again, Chu Yunsheng decided to leave it for the time being. Taking it off seemed to require some specific method, he would figure out later. At the moment, he had a much more important thing to do, so he began to walk out of the bas.e.m.e.nt.

Seeing him leaving, Buterne, who was still suspicious, frowned. She quickly gave other vampires an eye signal and followed Chu Yunsheng out of the bas.e.m.e.nt.

As soon as they got out of the exit of the bas.e.m.e.nt, they were surrounded by an overwhelming amount of death aura suddenly. In the heavy rain, Murphy Clark stood quietly amongst the debris. The heavy sword was stabbed to the ground next to him, and the death aura produced by those vampires after they were killed were gathered around him.

That was the purest death aura, only the undead king could exude it.

At this time, Chu Yunsheng no longer needed to explain anything. Buterne took the lead and knelt down on one knee behind Chu Yunsheng. In the pouring rain, those vampires who saw him for the first time were extremely excited. That was their lord, the meaning of their existence, and the reason why they were created.

Their lord!

The Undead King!

The legendary figure that they had been told to serve with their lives since their childhood was standing in front of them. It was as unreal as a dream. Being hunted down by humans, excluded from other vampires, and called the corrupted members by other vampire clans, those vampires who pledge loyalty to the undead king never once gave up their promises.

Now that their lord finally returned, there was meaning in their perseverance, there was meaning in their vows, and all the suffering was worth it.

Especially those old vampires who lived much longer than others. Tears were running down their faces, but they were not crying for their lord, but for themselves, for their hundreds of years of suffering, for their companions who died protecting the vows.

They bowed their heads and chanted an ancient legend–

“The creators said that when the dark night comes, the undead king will walk out of the black fog. He will hold a blood sword that once flattened the world in his right hand, and a long spear that once pierced the chest of the G.o.d in his left hand. He will have a longbow that once shot through the sky on his waist. He will step on the rainbow to lead us toward G.o.d’s Kingdom…”

“The creators said that we are the people that have been abandoned. G.o.d will curse us, the devil will laugh at us, and humans will fear and loathe us. Only the undead king is the meaning of our existence.”

“The creators say that we should keep our oath and keep our covenant, even if we are displaced, even if we are scattered everywhere, even if we lost everything, we must not violate our oath. When our Lord returns, those who betrayed him will be punished, and we will be saved…”

“The creators say they are in G.o.d’s kingdom…”

They chanted loudly and powerfully in the heavy rain one after another–

“My lord, your most loyal servant, Ben Chopin, who keeps his oath, will follow you to the end of his life!”

“My lord, your most loyal servant, Sarah Fayle, who keeps her oath, will follow you to the end of her life!”

“My lord, your most loyal servant, Salma Haye, who keeps her oath, will follow you to the end of her life!”

“My lord, …”

In the heavy rain, Wuzi Sword was flying quickly around a pile of bodies, turning the bodies, blood, and rain into particles.

Ashe was supported by the two remaining women of the Murphy family and knelt on one knee behind Buterne and other vampires. After that, the women and children all knelt down one by one from the exit of the villa to the entrance of the bas.e.m.e.nt.

They used to be betrayers of the oath, so they felt that they were not qualified to say the things like, “My lord, your most loyal servant…” They could only lower their heads, praying tremblingly for forgiveness.

“Sinner, Ashe, accepts any punishment to cease my lord’s wrath.”

“Sinner, Catherine, accepts any punishment to cease my lord’s wrath.”

“Sinner, Sali, accepts any punishment to cease my lord’s wrath.”

At this moment, at this time, and at this place, the vampires here seemed to be performing an ancient ritual to welcome the return of their lord.

Therefore, whether it was Ashe or Buterne who had already met with Chu Yunsheng before, they must restate their names and oath, as well as Ashe’s request for forgiveness again.

That was to say, in this formal ceremony, they would accept the rearrangement of their fate from their lord, whether it was life or death, they could only accept it.

In the torrential rain, a large number of wild beast-like roars came to the periphery of the Murphy family’s villa. Seeing this scene, the leader Ba Yi, whose body was covered with wounds, suddenly waved his hand to stop his men from advancing.

However, Chu Yunsheng didn’t hear a word they said. After gathering all the death aura of the dead vampires, he was finally able to stop the cells in this vampire’s body from dying.

After this, he had more important things to do. He must restore the connection to the archaeome in the green armor and its number. Since entering the armor, he found that as long as the armor was worn on his body, these archaeal organisms inside the armor would be consumed at a rapid pace, and their number was reducing quickly.

Therefore, he must first take it off and then ask anyone in the Murphy family if they know any method to preserve the armor. Although they did not understand the principle behind this armor, there must be a method to preserve it, otherwise, the armor would not be able to live until now.

Chu Yunsheng turned around and looked at the vampires that were kneeling on the ground. He walked through them in the heavy armor and said, “Since you all recognize me as your lord, then I will set a few rules. First, from now on, don’t ever kneel before me for no reason.”

“Come in with me now, I have something to instruct you all.”

When he walked to Ashe, he stopped, and said, “I’m sorry, I can’t let you kill him at the moment. I need his body.”

Ashe was just about to get up. Hearing Chu Yunsheng’s words, she immediately kneeled down again. The surviving women of the Murphy family looked at each other in confusion. Weren’t they just begging for forgiveness earlier? But why did their lord apologize to Ashe? What exactly was going on?

However, only Ashe and Buterne knew what was going on. So all the people behind Buterne were surprised.

Ashe did not avoid the rain and the muddy ground, prostrating on the ground, and said nervously, “Ashe is willing to obey all the arrangements of my lord.”

Chu Yunsheng glanced at Ba Yi and the others outside the villa, then glanced at Ashe and other people behind her. He pointed to the armor on his body and asked, “This armor belongs to your Murphy family. So does anyone know how to take it off?”

At this time, there was no need for Ashe to speak. In order to show loyalty to their “new sire”, the women behind her immediately rushed to say, “my lord, we are willing to remove the armor for you.”

Hearing that someone knew how to remove it, Chu Yunsheng was relieved. He pointed at Ba Yi and others and said to Buterne, “Take them inside the villa and tell them to wait. I haven’t recovered my sight completely. I can’t see things very clearly.” .