Dark Blood Age

Chapter 781: Chapter 781 The Advantage of Mankind

Chapter 781: Chapter 781 The Advantage of Mankind

Translator: Doggotranslation

Chu Yunsheng’s weird behavior had also attracted the Silhouette Being’s attention as well. Although it tried to pretend that it didn’t care about what Chu Yunsheng did, it would still secretly look at Chu Yunsheng from time to time vigilantly. Only after the native threw out a block of something did it finally let out a sigh of relief.

Seeing that there was finally a chance to mock Chu Yunsheng, it sneered and said, “It seems like you have a new master now. Hehe, you probably need to wag your tail more in the future.”

“What do you know?” Chu Yunsheng was not a fool. Seeing that the native threw a block of something to him, and it was making some gestures, he knew that the other party had misunderstood his intentions. It seemed like the other party didn’t understand what he said. So the possibility that this planet was Aphro’s planet was very small.

Noticing the Silhouette Being’s cold gaze, Chu Yunsheng looked at the native food in his hand and suddenly thought of an idea to test the Silhouette Being. He moved near the little boy and said in a low voice, “You’d better talk to me politely. Otherwise, you will regret it..”

The Silhouette Being snorted coldly and ignored his threat.

Chu Yunsheng threatened in a low voice again, “You are just a child now, don’t be too arrogant.”

The Silhouette Being immediately glanced at him condescendingly, showing that it was not scared of him at all.

Chu Yunsheng originally wanted to find a way to test the Silhouette Being’s strength, but seeing that it also looked at him provocatively, he suspected that probably the Silhouette Being was also trying to find out his strength. Thinking that his verbal threat probably wouldn’t work on it, he decided to use actions to threaten it, “If you look at me like that again, I’ll take off your pants and show your b.u.t.ts to everyone!”

The Silhouette Being shook suddenly and immediately glared at Chu Yunsheng murderously.

Chu Yunsheng believed that this kind of humiliation would be almost unbearable for the Silhouette Being. It always claimed that it was a higher being. If it was stripped naked in front of a group of lower beings, even if its current body belonged to a lower being, it was also an unbearable humiliation.

Chu Yunsheng ignored the little boy’s angry gaze and threw the food in his hand in front of him and said viciously, “Eat this thing. I want to see if it’s poisonous. If you don’t do it, I will really strip you naked!”

The little boy stared at Chu Yunsheng coldly, as if he wanted to see through what Chu Yunsheng was really thinking. After a while of silence, he picked up the food with a cold smile and then started to eat it.

Of course, this thing wouldn’t kill the Silhouette Being. It was just a tool that Chu Yunsheng and the Silhouette Being used to test each other. But they didn’t expect that a woman would suddenly reach out her hand and s.n.a.t.c.h the food from the little boy’s hands. “You are an adult, how can you do this to a little kid? If it’s poisonous, you are going to kill him!” The woman couldn’t help but scold angrily.

Chu Yunsheng was dazed for a second. And then before he could even speak, the surrounding people also started to criticize Chu Yunsheng’s actions.

“How can you do something like this?”

“Do you still have a heart and soul?”

“It was this kid who dragged you to find us. He almost died, but he still didn’t leave you behind!”

“Do you even know who saved your life?”

“He looks like a traitor to me. Did you see how he tried to curry favor with the natives earlier…”


The messy appearance of the little boy made the Silhouette Being look very pitiful, and his cold eyes made people think that he must have given up his hope after being abused. Because of this, he was sympathized with by all humans, especially the women. And Chu Yunsheng was naturally being isolated by all other people and pushed to a place that was far away from the kid.

Chu Yunsheng knew that the Silhouette Being did this deliberately. It actually used those humans around it to resolve this threat. However, there was nothing he could do except for gritting his teeth angrily.

As time pa.s.sed bit by bit, the night was getting deeper and deeper. A hungry young man who had probably lost his food backpack actually began to learn from Chu Yunsheng and started to “communicate” with the native, hoping that he would also be able to get some food.

The food Chu Yunsheng got had already been eaten by Chu Yunsheng himself after he made everyone in the group very angry. So far, he didn’t show any strange reactions, so everyone knew that the native’s food was also edible.

However, what startled everyone was that when the hungry young man tried to ‘talk’ to the other native, the native actually kicked him back to where he was. If it weren’t for the fact that the noise had attracted the attention of other natives, the native who kicked the hungry young man might’ve already killed him with the strange weapon in its hands.

However, on the other side, Chu Yunsheng continued to receive “good” treatment from the native who had given him food. In addition to giving Chu Yunsheng another bottle of liquid that almost no one dared to drink, it also tried to heal Chu Yunsheng’s wound.

They were both humans, and they were clearly doing the same thing, but their treatment was completely different. This made other humans regard Chu Yunsheng as a traitor even more.

But Chu Yunsheng didn’t care about what they thought. Now that the humans decided to protect the little boy from him, naturally, he needed to find another way to get rid of him.

He had a lot of experiences dealing with different kinds of aliens before. Plus the native who had given him food was also very cooperative, so it was not that difficult for him to communicate with the native.

Starting from “humans, mouths, hands”, in the contemptuous eyes of other humans, Chu Yunsheng “sold” a lot of human information to the native without feeling ashamed of himself, and of course, he also obtained a lot of information about the natives. But no one cared about what kind of information he had obtained. At the moment, what everyone cared about the most was what would happen to them and would they be safe.

After a night of exchanges, Chu Yunsheng finally became the “new friend” of the native who was very friendly toward him under the disdain and some envy of his fellow humans. Of course, in terms of how long this friends.h.i.+p could be sustained, no one really knew. But he had already gained the “freedom” that his fellow humans did not have. He could even at least bring back two tents for a few children.

In addition, he also brought back a piece of information that his fellow humans were most concerned about, and that was what would happen to them. Chu Yunsheng told them that the natives wanted to enter a forest, and all the humans must go with them as well.

The native who had given Chu Yunsheng food was actually very timid. In fact, Chu Yunsheng had never seen such a timid “enemy” before. No matter how Chu Yunsheng gestured or persuaded it, it still refused to take off its helmet. Moreover, it always let Chu Yunsheng squat on the ground, because the height of humans seemed to be able to create a great sense of oppression, and it was very afraid of it.

But the little native who was very friendly toward Chu Yunsheng seemed to have a very high status amongst natives. During the exchange with Chu Yunsheng, the other natives, including the most fierce one, all turned a blind eye to its action, no one dared to interrupt it.

However, it was very concerned about the origins of human beings and had mentioned more than once why there was no detection response in human beings. Regarding this response it mentioned, Chu Yunsheng suspected that it was a dark energy fluctuation response.

These humans were all ordinary people, without the five elemental races, Pre-Cambrian Beings, and other alien races’ interference, none of them would awaken any power. So it was natural that they wouldn’t be able to detect anything. In terms of him and the Silhouette Being, the Silhouette Being was once a deity, and he had the cultivation method left behind by the senior pract.i.tioner, so naturally, they would not be able to detect anything from them as well.

During the conversation with the timid native, Chu Yunsheng vaguely felt that their mission was very dangerous from its tone. However, the strange thing was that they insisted on bringing the humans with them. No matter how Chu Yunsheng looked at it, humans were clearly a burden to those natives, but why did they want to bring them with them?

After thinking for a very long time, Chu Yunsheng guessed that those natives probably wanted to use humans to do something.