Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis

Chapter 13

"I don"t vote for it," replied Darrin. "We have only five dollars apiece for each of the two days we"re to be ash.o.r.e. I move that we put in the forenoon, anyway, in prowling about the town for ourselves. We"ll learn more than we would by riding."

"Come on, then," approved Dan.

Plymouth is an old-fashioned English seaport that has been rather famous ever since the thirteenth century. Many parts of the town, including whole streets, look as though the houses had been built since that time.

This is especially true of many of the streets near the water front.

For two hours the three middies roamed through the streets, often meeting fellow cla.s.smen. Wherever the young midshipmen went many of the English workmen and shopkeepers raised their hats in friendly salute of the American uniform.

"We don"t seem to run across Pen"s gang anywhere," remarked Farley at last.

"Oh, no," smiled Dave. "That"s a capitalistic crowd. They"ll hit only the high spots."

Nevertheless, these three poor-in-purse midshipmen enjoyed themselves hugely in seeing the quaint old town. At noon they found a real old English chop house, where they enjoyed a famous meal.

"I wish we could slip some of these little mutton pies back with us!"

sighed Dan wistfully.

In the afternoon the three chums saw the newer market place, where all three bought small souvenirs for their mothers at home. Darrin also secured a little remembrance present for his sweetheart, Belle Meade.

The guild hall and some of the other famous buildings were visited.

Later in the afternoon Dave began to inspect his watch every two or three minutes.

"No need for us to worry, with Dave"s eye glued to his watch," laughed Dan.

"Come on, fellows," summoned Darrin finally. "We haven"t more than time now to make the dock and get back to supper formation."

"Take a cab?" asked Farley. "You know, we"ve found that they"re vastly cheaper than American cabs."

"No-o-o, not for me," decided Dave. "We"ll need the rest of our sh.o.r.e money to-morrow, and our legs are good and st.u.r.dy."

Yet even careful Dave, as it turned out, had allowed no more than time.

The chums reached the dock in time to see the launches half way between the fleet and sh.o.r.e. Some forty other midshipmen stood waiting on the dock.

Among these were Pennington and his party, all looking highly satisfied with their day"s sport, as indeed they were.

Pennington"s eyes gleamed when he caught sight of Darrin, Dalzell and Farley--for Pen had a scheme of his own in mind.

Not far from Pennington stood a little Englishman with keen eyes and a jovial face. Pen stepped over to him.

"There are the three midshipmen I was telling you about," whispered Pennington, slipping a half sovereign into the Englishman"s hand. "You thoroughly understand your part in the joke, don"t you?"

"Don"t h"I, though--just, sir!" laughed the undersized Englishman, and strolled away.

Darrin and his friends were soon informed by cla.s.smates that the launches now making sh.o.r.e-ward were coming in on their last trip for midshipmen.

"Well, we"re here in plenty of time," sighed Dave contentedly.

"Oh, I knew we"d be, with you holding the watch," laughed Dan in his satisfied way.

As the three stood apart they were joined by the undersized Englishman, who touched his hat to them with a show of great respect.

"Young gentlemen," he inquired, "h"I suppose, h"of course, you"ve "ad a look h"at the anchor h"of Sir Francis Drake"s flagship, the time "e went h"out h"and sank the great Spanish h"Armada?"

"Why, no, my friend," replied Dave, looking at the man with interest.

"Is that here at Plymouth?"

"H"a.s.suredly, sir. H"and h"only a minute"s walk h"over to that shed yonder, sir. H"if you"ll come with me, young gentlemen, h"I"ll show h"it to you. H"it"s one of h"our biggest sights, h"and it"s in me own custody, at present. Come this way, young gentlemen."

"That sounds like something worth seeing," declared Dave to his comrades. "Come along. It"ll take the launches at least six minutes to get in, and then they"ll stay tied up here for another five minutes."

With only a single backward glance at the young midshipmen, the undersized Englishman was already leading the way.

At quickened pace the young midshipmen reached the shed that had been indicated. Their guide had already drawn a key from a pocket, and had unsnapped the heavy padlock.

"Step right in, young gentlemen, h"and h"I"ll follow h"and show h"it to you."

Unsuspecting, the three middies stepped inside the darkened shed.

Suddenly the door banged, and a padlock clicked outside.

"Here, stop that, you rascally joker!" roared Dalzell, wheeling about.

"What does this mean?"

"Big trouble!" spoke Dave Darrin seriously and with a face from which the color was fast receding.



"The scoundrel!" gasped Farley, his face whiter than any of the others.

Dave was already at the door, trying to force it open. But he might almost as well have tried to lift one of the twelve-inch guns of the battleship "Ma.s.sachusetts."

"We"re locked in--that"s sure!" gasped Dalzell, almost dazed by the catastrophe.

"And what"s more, we won"t get out in a hurry, unless we can make some of our cla.s.smates hear," declared Dave.

For the next half minute they yelled themselves nearly hoa.r.s.e, but no response came.

"What could have been that little c.o.c.kney"s purpose in playing this shabby trick on us?" demanded Farley.

"Perhaps the c.o.c.kney thinks we"re admirals, with our pockets lined with gold. Perhaps he and some of his pals intend to rob us, later in the evening," proposed Dan, with a ghastly grin.

"Any gang would find something of a fight on their hands, then,"