Dave Darrin's Second Year at Annapolis

Chapter 21

"If any of my friends hinted at such a thing, it was done in the heat of the moment," replied Dave heartily. "Why, Mr. Pennington, such an act of dishonor is impossible to a man bred at Annapolis."

Darrin fully believed what he said. On the spur of the moment he held out his hand to his enemy.

Pennington flushed deeply, for a moment, then put out his own hand, giving Dave"s a hearty, straightforward grasp.

"I was the first to imply the charge," broke in Farley quickly. "I withdraw it, and apologize to both of you."

There was more handshaking.

During the next few days, while Darry and Pen did not become by any means intimate, they no longer made any effort to avoid each other, but spoke frankly when they met.

The remaining days of the voyage pa.s.sed uneventfully enough, except for a great amount of hard work that the middies performed as usual.

On the twenty-second of August they entered Chesapeake Bay. Once well inside, they came to anchor. There was considerable practice with the sub-caliber and other smaller guns. On the twenty-ninth of August the battleship fleet returned to the familiar waters around Annapolis. The day after that the young men disembarked.

Then came a hurried skeltering, for the first, second and third cla.s.smen were ent.i.tled to leave during the month of September.



Back in the old, well-known streets of their home town, Gridley!

Dave and Dan, enjoying every minute of their month"s leave, had already greeted their parents, and had told them much of their life as midshipmen.

What hurt was the fact that the skipper of the "Princess Irene" had already told the marine reporters in New York the thrilling story of how Dave and Dan had nearly come to their own deaths rescuing Midshipman Hallam.

Everyone in Gridley, it seemed, had read that newspaper story. Darrin and Dalzell, before they had been home twelve hours, were weary of hearing their praises sung.

"There go two of the smartest, finest boys that old Gridley ever turned out," citizens would say, pointing after Dave and Dan. "They"re midshipmen at Annapolis; going to be officers of the Navy one of these days."

"But what"s the matter with d.i.c.k Prescott and Greg Holmes? They"re at West Point."

"Oh, they"re all right, too, of course. But Darrin and Dalzell----"

It was the old circ.u.mstance of being "the lions of the minute" and of being on the spot.

On the first morning of his arrival home Dave Darrin went frankly and openly to call on his old schoolgirl sweetheart, Belle Meade.

Dan, having no particular a.s.sociations with the gentler s.e.x, took a stroll around town to meet any old friends who might care to see him again.

Dave was shown into the parlor at the Meade home. Soon after Belle came swiftly in, her face beaming with delight.

"Oh, but you"re not in uniform!" was her first disappointed comment.

"No," smiled Dave. "I"m allowed every possible chance, for one month, to forget every detail of the big grind which for a short time I"ve left behind."

"But you"re the same old Dave," cried Belle, "only bigger and manlier.

And that magnificent work you and Dan did in jumping over-bo----"

"Stop!" begged Dave. "You"re a friend of mine, aren"t you! Then don"t add to the pain that has been already inflicted on me. If I had had the newspapers in mind I wouldn"t have the nerve to---- But please let"s not talk about it anymore."

Then the two young people seated themselves and spent a delightful hour in talking over all that had befallen them both since they had last met.

Belle, too, through Laura Bentley, had some much later news of the old chums, d.i.c.k and Greg, now cadets at West Point.

This news, however, will be found in full in "d.i.c.k PRESCOTT"S SECOND YEAR AT WEST POINT."

"What are your plans for this afternoon?" Belle asked at last.

"That"s what I want your help in making," Dave answered.

"Can you get hold of Dan?"

"No trouble about that. But keeping hold of him may be more difficult,"

laughed Dave.

"I was going to propose that you get Dan, call here and then we"ll all go over to Laura Bentley"s. I know she"ll be anxious to see us."

"Nothing could be better in the way of a plan," a.s.sented Dave. "I"ll pin Danny boy down to that. It would really seem like a slight on good old d.i.c.k if we didn"t make Laura an early call."

"I"ll go to the telephone, now, and tell her that we"re coming," cried Belle, rising quickly.

"Laura is delighted," she reported, on her return to the room. "But Dave, didn"t you at least bring along a uniform, so that we could see what it looks like?"

"I didn"t," replied Dave, soberly, then added, quizzically:

"You"ve seen the district messenger boys on the street, haven"t you?"

"Yes, of course; but what--"

"Our uniforms look very much like theirs," declared Dave.

"I"m afraid I can"t undertake to believe you," Belle pouted.

"Well, anyway, you girls will soon have a chance to see our uniforms.

Just as soon as our hops start, this fall, you and Laura will come down and gladden our hearts by letting us drag you, won"t you!"

"Drag us?" repeated Belle, much mystified.

"Oh, that"s middies" slang for escorting a pretty girl to a midshipman hop."

"You have a lot of slang, then, I suppose."