Dawn Traveler

Chapter 8

During the tender age of (Part 3)

There were signs showing that there were an increased number of monsters in the tomb.

Most dungeons and tombs had monsters living in them.

Robbers knew that information on the monsters themselves was very important.

Goblins were small, had considerable intelligence, and knew how to utilize tools or items.

If goblin corpses had several gold coins on them, there was likely treasure nearby.

Rendall had gone to the robbers guild in the backstreets for information about training areas and reasoned that the tomb was viable for teaching in.

It wasn’t easy to find a place to train in, but there were many goblins living in the cave-like dungeon.

The area, of course, was difficult to find, because the terrain nearby was chaotic and the paths were very narrow.

“c.r.a.p, intruders!”

The goblins were fierce, but their resistance wasn’t very intimidating for skilled robbers.

Rendall was wearing light leather armor, and stood in front with a sword.

Ned had an axe in his hands, which he eagerly sought to use.

Even if the goblins became overbearing, Herz had three spells prepared and Tess always had an arrow notched.

“Kill them all!”

Rendall didn’t spare any of the goblins.

The goblins were cowards that had a habit of fleeing during a battle.

If you rushed ahead when killing goblins the potential for treasure was higher, but more dangerous.

“Hmm, I only see 14 here.”

Ned looked at the map in his left hand, while he held an axe in his right hand.

There was always danger around when robbing a tomb.

Wizards usually placed complex traps they created as a sign of investment, so it wasn’t safe to walk around without avoiding pitfalls and magical traps everywhere.

There were often many difficult challenges to overcome.

However, there was a great amount of money to be made when digging up tombs.

It was recorded that the lab was where the wizard placed his treasures, and even his disciples chose it as his final resting place.

Records also indicated that there were magic items, research, and precious materials.

The lessons Jess was taught in the tomb was just the basics about dungeons, dangerous monsters, and goblins.

“Considering the reproductive performance of these guys, there seems to be less of them than normal.”

Herz counted them all as he looked around.

“IN such a large s.p.a.ce, after two year the could have risen to more than two hundred, at least.”

After searching the bodies they found a considerable amount of treasure, then went deeper into the tomb.

“We got a few gems, and found 634 gold coins.”

“This isn’t much if you consider that this area was owned by a Count. There must be a hiding place with more treasure in it.”

Dwarf Ned began searching.

He meticulously explored the floors and walls.

It can be said that dwaves drink too much beer, but when it comes to everything else they are perfectionists.

Ned stopped in front of a collapsed tunnel covered in rubble.

“This is the way forward. It’s different from other secret pa.s.sages.”

“Surely this cave has collapsed?”

“It’s been a long time since this place has seen use. While this may have been caused by the goblins, it also could have been a way to block people from accessing the treasure.”

“Do you think it will continue to collapse?”

Ned’s hands meticulously explored parts of the walls and ceiling.

“I don’t think so. It’s a bit difficult because the ceiling broke down sideways, but we can make a detour.”

Ned handed Rendall a pickaxe after taking two out of his backpack, and they started digging.

The group had prepared enough food to last them awhile.

And after a time of about four days later!

“Some wonderful treasures!”

In the next area of the tomb they found some hidden treasure.

There were several types of valuables including gold, jewels, expensive art, and antiques.

There were a significant amount of antiques from the Bien Kingdom, but when the ceiling collapsed half were broken or damaged.

Herz clicked his tongue.

“It’s unfortunate, but it isn’t so bad. The mages were careful with the way they handled things.”

He said all this as he counted the treasure.

“There is only about 1,000 gold coins, but if we sell the jewels on the black market we should be able to get 3,000 gold more.”

“Anyway, let’s return home.”

But went they got to the nearest city they witnessed soldiers marching, from the nearby crowds.

“Look somethings happening.”

Once they got a room at a nearby inn, Rendall left to gather information at a pub.

“They said there is a civil war happening. The current emperor collapsed after a major battle between the prince and his brother.”

For a long time the major cities of the Gras Empire has been attacked and invaded by other kingdoms.

But the point is that terrible civil wars can happen anywhere in the Empire, because of the current liege.

Herz lamented the coming years.

“The power of the prince and his third brother is strong enough that the civil war will likely take quite some time. Many cities will be devastated.”

“It’s also rumored that the fourth brother is trying to ally with the army of another kingdom.”

“However, from our standpoint it will mean more tombs of the n.o.bility to dig up.”

Now that the order the government gave disappeared, they may get attacked by Imperials when confronted on the plains.

Riga issued a comment.

“Judging from the civil wars in the past it may not end in just two years, so how about we go live in the forest of the elves for awhile?”

There was a large forest that elves lived in near the Gras Empire.

The elves were impervious to the fearsome laws and regulations of the Empire, thus was safe from the war.

Riga was friends with the elves in the past, and was able to visit any time.

“It’s a great idea, if we live there we won’t have to worry about the army.”

“Let’s go to the forest of the elves.”

The group decided to change their residence in the city to the elven forest.