Dead's Requiem

Chapter 13

Ernst Haeckel prayed that the rocket would do its work. Although he did this, he was also a person who liked things to be certain. For another 50 Universal Coins, he loaded another rocket into the RPG-7.

The explosion caused by the RPG-7 caused the soil on the ground to rise, obscuring his view of the black bull.

"Merda, stop sleeping." Haeckel tapped the birthmark on his chest, then a black and blue neon cat materialized out of thin air and landed on his shoulders.

"Go and check that smoke over there."

"Why in h.e.l.l am I going over there, meow?"

"Just go." Haeckel pulled the cat from his shoulder and threw it towards the direction of the bull.

"Meow!" Merda hissed while in the middle of the air. Upon landing, the cat walked towards the smoke.


"It"s still alive!" Haeckel placed his finger on the trigger and aimed at the slowly disappearing smoke. The bull tried to stand up but found it hard to do so, until finally, the black bull that was as big as a van collapsed dead.

Haeckel relaxed and put his weapon down.

"Haeckel brother! My conscience is killing me. Where is that d.a.m.ned bull?" Chouji went back with his staff. The little girl was no longer with her.

Haeckel pointed at the black bull. On top of the bull"s head was a faint outline of a cat. It looked like it was jumping to and fro on top of the bull"s body.

"Oh, it"s already dead. Where"s Matsui and Akiyama by the way?"

"Akiyama"s over there and Matsui"s over there. We"ll bury them first before we leave." Haeckel said. He went towards Matsui"s body while Chouji went over to Akiyama"s.

Matsui"s body was a mess. Haeckel would rather not go over the nitty gritty details. He closed his eyes and bowed towards the old man. This man patched him up and gave him a hearty breakfast. One that which no stranger will no easily offer.

"Akiyama"s still breathing!"

Haeckel ran over to where Chouji was and checked Akiyama"s pulse. The man"s face was pale and he was bleeding from his lips. "The pulse is weak. He"s going to die soon but maybe we can get him back to life."

Haeckel opened the Shop and opened the Items Tab. The Items Tab were divided only into two parts - the Scrolls Menu and the Trade Menu. He opened the Scrolls Tab hoping that there could be an item that could heal the man.

Name: Scroll of Minor Healing

Price: 500 Universal Coins

Description: Have you ever tasted strawberries with orange? This mixture slightly can slightly heal your injuries. Place it on the place of the injury.

"I don"t have enough Universal Coins." Haeckel sighed.

"How much do you need?" Chouji asked.

"500 Universal Coins."

"That many!? Alright, I have enough with me."

Chouji bought the item from the Shop. A white scroll, which was tied with a ribbon, materialized out of thin air. He handed it over to Haeckel. Its texture was rough to the touch like it was made from beast skin.

Haeckel opened the parchment. On top of the parchment were the words "Scroll of Minor Healing" and in the middle, there was the image of a potion. At the bottom of the parchment, there was an instruction on how to use the scroll. "Tear the image within the parchment to unlock the item."

Haeckel quickly tore the parchment in half. A gla.s.s vial appeared in the middle of the air and floated for a second before it fell. He caught it with his right hand and examined its contents. The potion was viscous and red in color, only a bit lighter than blood. As he opened the cork, the smell of strawberries and oranges wafted in the air.

Chouji lifted Akiyama"s head just enough for the contents of the vial to enter through his mouth and down the throat. Haeckel slowly poured the contents onto the unconscious man"s mouth. While doing this, he was also checking for the man"s pulse.

Time pa.s.sed by slowly. "Puak!" Akiyama coughed out black blood and then fell unconscious once again.

"He should be alright now. Let"s bring him to the hut."

"Where"s grandpa?" This was the first question f.u.kushima asked upon seeing her father in an unconscious state.

Haeckel did not say a word but instead shook his head and patted the little girl"s head. The little girl cried but there was nothing else that he could do to appease her.

"Hey, Haeckel! Would you mind if you come with me for a second, meow?" Merda said while walking towards the hut. f.u.kushima turned her head around and tilted her head.

"A talking cat?"

"Do you have a problem with that, meow?."

f.u.kushima bent her knees and stared at the black cat. In j.a.pan, cats represent good fortune and prosperity because of their keen eyesight even during at night. The black cats were even considered to bring more luck because they were like talismans against bad luck.

"It"s my pet. Chouji, take care of f.u.kushima for a while please. Thank you."

"Follow me." Merda said. Haeckel followed the black cat towards the rice paddies. "There"s something that you have to see, meow."

"Would you mind telling me about what the thing I have to see is? Last time I followed you, you almost got us killed back at the hospital."

"It"s safe this time don"t worry, meow."

"Anyway, we"ve almost died a couple of times yet you"re still sleeping. Did you know about that?"

"You"re still alive right so what"s the problem, meow?"

"What were you doing?"

"I have sleep to recover my energy. For every hour that I spend outside your body, I have to rest for six hours, meow."

"I see."

Haeckel and Merda traversed through the rice paddies. They were making their way towards the corpse of the black bull. Looking at the surroundings, most of the crops were flattened by the hooves of the monster. The perfect grid shape of the paddies were now chaotic.

"I"m sensing an energy that is coming from the bull. It"s faint but I"m definitely sure that the energy would be useful to us, meow."

"What do we do?"
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"As your boss, I command you to dissect that bull, meow."

(What the h.e.l.l is this cat saying.)

"You"re the one who"s going to get dissected." Haeckel pulled his katanas out and glared at Merda. "Niten Itchi-ryu."