Dead's Requiem

Chapter 10

Three women were running along a highway. The highway was filled with discarded vehicles whose owners had long been gone. Behind the women was a horde of zombies that numbered at the hundreds. They were slowly gaining distance and in a matter of half a minute, they would be at the throats of the women.

From time to time, the three would shoot down some zombies. One of them, a scarlet haired woman, was surprisingly a good shooter. Looking closely, her eyes looked like it belonged to an eagle.

"Go! I will cover you. We will all die here if I don"t stay behind."

"But- "

"Just go. The Imperial Hotel is a safe place. Tell them you are people of the Eagle and they will understand."

"Sister, I will stay with you."

"I will just lure them away so trust. When did I ever become unreliable?"

With that, the scarlet haired woman held a Glock 22 pistols on each hand. She also had two spares of P226 which she kept hidden underneath her pants. She checked the number of magazines she had left and looked calmly at the approaching horde.

In the next second, guns were blazing.

"Go!" Bullets flew and accurately hit each zombie"s heads, killing them on the spot. The two women quickly ran away.

"We will come back so stay alive." The other woman shouted.

"Come over here you mother******" The scarlet-haired woman changed her ammo clip while cursing. Then, she ran she looked around and ran away in the opposite direction of the other women. Upon turning at the corner of the street, she was met by another horde of zombies.


The hundred or so zombies were attracted by the gunshots earlier. The scarlet haired woman looked around but there was nowhere she could go to. Having no choice, she climbed up a delivery truck.
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As soon as she climbed the truck, the zombies began to climb the truck. She took out her pistols and started shooting the zombies. It was literally a sea of zombies in that place. The zombies climbed the truck but as soon as they step on the roof, their heads would burst.

At this moment, the scarlet haired woman had dropped the Glock 22"s and took the P226 beneath her pants. In less than half a minute, its ammo had also ran out.

"It"s do or die mother*******." She took out a combat knife and licked her lips.

Prior to the apocalypse she was an for hire and could be said to be one of the best in her field. After the apocalypse, she had become more powerful. If it was not because her sister was kidnapped and she had to save her, she would not have been in this predicament.

It was neither because she was an nor her ability "Eagle Eye" that made powerful. It was because her eyes had another ability which was called "Eyes of the Seer." She could predict any action within two seconds within a two meter radius. However, she could only use it for a limited time.

"Come on!"

The red haired woman stepped forward and stabbed the zombie in front of her. Her eyes were white but looked like it belonged to an angel. A minute pa.s.sed, then another and another. She was feeling fatigued and blood was seeping out of her eyes. Then, she heard the sound of a vehicle from behind.

"I told those guys to leave why did they not do so?" She sounded as if she was angry, but deep inside she was happy. It is natural for humans to not want to die after all.

When she turned her head, she was puzzled by what she saw. There were two vehicles that looked like they came straight out of a Sci-Fi movie.

The black vehicles were able to spew out plasma beams accurately. Not once did the beams miss nor hit a zombie"s part other than the head. Of course, the attack was orchestrated by Greta the smartest and the most advanced artificial intelligence created by the one and only Ernst Haeckel.

From the roof of the car, a European looking man with brown hair slowly emerged. He had a serious look on his face and his aura was that of an aloof person. He pulled out an M16EBR and started shooting. From time to time, he would take out a grenade and throw it at the zombies. Each time he did this, his smile grew wider.

From the roof of another car, another person emerged. This time, it was a Chinese looking man who had a plump body who came out. He held a wooden staff on his hand and was shouting at the other car.

"That"s cheating! Cheating I say! That"s not allowed."

Then the plump man jumped off the car towards the sea of zombies. The wooden staff suddenly emitted a green blazing light. Every time the man waved his staff, all zombies within two meters would be cut in half.

"Awakened! These guys are Awakened but who are they? Which group do they belong?"

"Niten Ichi Ryu." Haeckel whispered. The katanas in his hands blazed green. The man raised one katana over head while the other was pointed at the zombies.

"1st Sword Style: Sa.s.sen." Haeckel whispered.

This was the second zombie horde they had encountered for the day. Although they encountered a few hordes in the past hour, Haeckel and Chouji chose to ignore them.

The red haired woman was the first living person they had encountered after six days of isolation. If the satellites were still working, Haeckel would have let Greta hack it and search for people to make his search for his wife faster.

With one katana on each hand, Haeckel proceeded with his slaughter.

A few minutes later, the sea of zombies were all killed. The scarlet-haired woman climbed down of the truck. Her eyes had returned to its normal colour and she had wiped the blood of her face.

The woman offered her right hand to Haeckel for a handshake. Haeckel reciprocated and shook her hand and said in j.a.panese, "Nice to meet you."